THINK AND SPEAK IN ENGLISH How To Talk About Your Relationships Fluently In English

hey welcome to today’s english lesson

today i am going to teach you how to

think and speak in english about any

relationship remember as an english

learner your goal is to speak english

fluently but this lesson will help you

understand that fluency first starts in

your mind i’m going to help you organize

your thoughts and then actually say what

you want to say are you ready

well then i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump

right in so the first relationship we’re

going to learn about and think about is

the relationship between friends now i’m

going to tell you a little bit about my

friends by organizing my thoughts using

the five w’s

for who i said

my friends from college

for what

acted together in a drama group


my sophomore junior and senior year


at churches high schools colleges and

other local events

now why

we all had a passion for spreading god’s

word in a way that was fun

engaging and impactful now you see what

just happened i want to tell you about

the relationship i have with my friends

but i first

organized my thoughts using the five w’s

and you need to do the same thing

so the thought process is done

now let’s speak about the relationship i

have with my friends so we’re gonna take

that information that we had from right

here with the five w’s and now we’re

gonna go to speaking here we go

my college friends and i used to act

together in a drama group

we were in the drama group during our


junior and senior years

our drama group was pretty popular so we

would do plays at churches high schools

colleges and other local events

we all enjoyed acting in the drama group

because we had a passion for spreading

god’s word in a way that was fun

engaging and impactful now that is a

great english response

that is a fluent english answer and i

want you to be able to do the same again

thinking first about the relationship

using the five w’s and then speaking now

within my answer there were two new

vocabulary words that i really want to

explain to you very quickly the first

one is

engaging so repeat after me engaging

excellent last time


very good now this word just means

tending to draw favorable attention or

interest think about your favorite tv

show or your favorite movie when you

push play

you get really into it

someone may talk to you say yeah yeah

okay that’s fine i’m watching this movie

because it’s engaging

hopefully this english lesson is


all right this means holding your

attention and our drama group had very

very engaging plays they were very

interesting so again


excellent all right now the next word is

impactful after me


excellent last time


good job now this word just means having

a major impact or effect it means

affecting you in a way that is powerful


think about the words your mother or

your father say to you or said to you

when you were younger those words really

had an impact on you they affected you


we say impactful and the plays that i

did with my friends when i was in

college were very impactful makes sense


think about it i just organized my

thoughts using the five w’s and now you

have a good understanding of the

relationship i had with my friends when

i was in college make sense all right

now let’s move on to the next

relationship i mentioned parents i

mentioned how your parents speak to you

and the impact of their words so using

the five w’s thinking about the

relationship first we have who

my friend and his six-year-old son


he spends time reading to him


every evening after work


in their family room


he wants to develop a strong bond with

his son and teach him the importance of

reading every single day now again we’re

still on step one we’re just thinking

and organizing our thoughts

but you can already start to see that we

have enough information to properly

speak about the relationship

this guy has with his six-year-old son

so using the information again the five

w’s from right here

let’s see how we can speak about this

relationship here we go

my friend

and his six-year-old son have a great


even though my friend has a ton of

responsibility at work he always makes a

point to spend time

reading to his son

he usually reads to him every evening

after he gets off from work

their favorite reading spot is the

living room my friend told me that he

wants to develop a strong bond with his

son and teach him the importance of

reading every single day

what happened because we did step one

think organizing our thoughts with the

five w’s we were able to provide a good

and fluent english answer describing the


this guy has with his son a parent-child

relationship now you will see that there

are a few words and expressions that i

want to explain to you so very quickly

a ton of after me

a ton of

good again last time a ton of

excellent now a ton of just means a lot

of something a large amount of something

so for example i have some cords with me

in my office and these cords help me

connect some of my devices whether it be

my cell phone or my computer or another

electronic device to my computer or to a

power source so i have a ton

of chords in my office

again a lot of chords makes sense right

okay good now let’s go over the next one


a point to in the answer i said he

always makes a point to spend time

reading to his son well makes a point to

just means to give one’s attention to

doing something to make sure that it

happens for example once a week on

sundays i have a video english lesson

for you so i make a point to

record organize my ideas and my thoughts

and produce a lesson that will help you

speak english fluently i make a point to

record a video every week

makes sense right alright good now the

last one i want to explain is right here


in the answer the response i said their

favorite reading spot is the living room

spot just means a particular place or

point so my favorite food spot my

favorite reading spot again just a place

or point real simple right so again spot

excellent very good now we’ve went over

the relationship between friends and the

relationship between a parent and a

child using the five w’s for step one to

think using the five w’s and then we

were able to do step two speak fluently

about the relationship but what about

the relationship you have with your

co-workers think about it you see them

every day how can you talk about this

relationship well first we have to start

with the five w’s who

my co-workers and i

what discussed the new semester

schedule now i’ll pause real quick i’m

speaking about my co-workers when i used

to work at a language institute so we

had different semesters different

periods of time where we would teach the

students different subjects still

english but different sub topics under

english so again for me

what discussed the new semester schedule


every two months where in the staff room

at our institute and why

we had to decide who was going to teach

which levels and what classes worked

best with our personal responsibilities

so again

step one we’ve thought about it using

the five w’s who what when where why we

thought about the relationship i had

with my co-workers you can do the exact

same thing five w’s now using the

information from the five w’s again

who what when where and why

i can now do step two and speak about

the relationship i had with my

co-workers here we go

every two months

my co-workers and i would come together

to discuss the new semester schedule

our meetings were usually held in the

staff room at our institute it was

important for us to get together every

two months because we had to decide who

was going to teach which levels and what

classes worked best with our personal


i literally just provided you with the

information that came from step one

where i thought about the relationship

using the five w’s you see how simple it

is to think and then speak in english

i’m telling you this formula will change

your life and help you sound more like a

native english speaker now there is

one expression that i want to explain to

you it’s

worked best let’s see real quick worked


all right now work best this just means

it’s the better option between two

options so there are two options you

have but this one

this seems to work the best so like i

said what classes worked best with our

personal responsibilities did one

teacher work better with children while

another teacher worked better with

adults we discussed those things so

again in english we say work


excellent very good so again the only

thing you have to remember when you want

to speak fluently

in english about a relationship is to

first think using the five w’s to

organize your thoughts and then step two

speak that’s right use the information

you organized and then speak about that

relationship i really hope you enjoyed

today’s lesson don’t forget to keep

studying and i want to remind you also

to get the app if you have not got the

english with tiffany app i need you to

download it now because we’re constantly

updating it we recently added something

very very special just for you so you

want to download the app right now in

the app store and you can see all the

brand new content we have just for you

improve your pronunciation improve your

fluency and oh so much more click the

link right in the description to

download the app i hope you enjoyed

today’s lesson and i will see you

next time talk to you later

you still there

you know what time it is it’s

story time

hey i said it’s story time

all right

today’s story you know in the lesson i

was teaching you how to speak about

relationships right so i want to tell

you about one of my closest friends i

mean she is going to be in my wedding

her and her husband

now the first time i met her we were in

south korea and we were both missionary

english teachers

and we had started living together this

is before she got married her husband

was there too but they were engaged at

the time so he lived in a separate

apartment and she stayed in the

apartment that i was assigned to so she

had her room and i had my room now we

didn’t know each other well

as you all know though

first i enjoy cooking second i am an

early bird maybe you don’t know that i

am an early bird i will wake up at 4am

with no problem at all 4am wide-eyed

ready to get started with the day

however at 8 o’clock at night no

i’m tired i am tired

my whole family is actually like that

we’re early birds so anyways

when we first moved in together

we didn’t know

our styles we didn’t know i didn’t know

if she was an early bird or if she was a

night owl

so we had to kind of get used to each

other again she’s one of my closest

friends right now so

we first moved in with each other and at

this time i was working and studying at

the same time so i would normally get up

very early in the morning to study and

spend the whole day on sunday at a

starbucks but again we were living

together so we had our separate duties

one week i’d clean the kitchen the next

week she’d do the kitchen and we kind of

alternated kitchen and bathroom so this

just happened to be my week to clean the

kitchen but remember i told you i was

working and studying so i had to be gone

all day but again we had just met it had

only been maybe a week or two that we’ve

been living together so i did not want

to leave the apartment without cleaning

the kitchen i didn’t want her to think

that i wasn’t doing my part


i went into the kitchen i think it was

about six or seven a.m it was early but

i was trying to wash the dishes quietly

and then in the midst of washing i heard

her in her room so i assumed oh she’s an

early bird like me because i thought she

was awake and moving around in her room

so i started cleaning the kitchen

normally i mean pots were hitting each

other again i thought she was awake i

thought she was also an early bird so

i’m washing the dishes happy that i’m

doing my part before i had to leave to

go study so i’m washing the dishes

and the door opens so i’m thinking she’s

like yes tiffany is an early bird too

let’s have a conversation so i’m wiping

one of the dishes and i turn around to

look to her and say good morning

and when i turned around it was like

a a breeze a cool breeze that was not


hit me like a cold wind

it was like ice and i looked at her

and she just glared at me now i again

i’m happy all the time so i said hey

good morning

she didn’t say anything

she just looked at me


flaring i said this is not what i

expected again i’m holding the dish

looking at her the situation is really


she is wrapped up in a blanket i said

okay maybe she’s cold it was the summer

time though

she just glared at me remember i said

good morning and she did not respond

and she proceeded to shut her door she

was still in the kitchen with me though

she shut her bedroom door

and she walked towards our front door

the entire time she’s staring at me

glaring i said maybe

this is not what i expected and she

opened the front door and slammed it

i said okay

not sure what just happened there fast

forward several months now we are super

close again we got we never talked about

what happened

several months later we had gotten close

there was another co-worker and we were

having i think a movie night and

my roommate had stepped out for a second

and this co-worker and i were talking

and she was like girl

i’m glad y’all are close friends i said

yeah you know really cool she said i’m

not sure what happened in the beginning

though i said what do you mean and she


our friend is not an early bird and that

our friend the one that was my roommate

actually told her

i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to

live with tiffany she wakes up too early

it’s too loud and i can’t believe she

woke me up i had no idea that she had

complained to the other co-worker now

again this is months later so all of us

are super close and we laughed about it

but i never will forget that situation

because i honestly honestly thought that

she was in her room awake and moving

around and so yes the other co-workers

said no tiff she was pretty mad so again

when she came back in the room i looked

at her and i said uh-huh so you were mad

at me you didn’t tell me and she burst

out laughing because again we’re super

close now but in the very beginning she

didn’t tell me how she really felt about

that day so it’s kind of an ongoing joke

we have now

they all know i’m an early bird and at

night they stay up and i go to sleep so

we’re all very close again but i will

never forget that situation so maybe you

have a friend like that that maybe at

the beginning of your friendship it was

a little bit rocky it was you weren’t


if you were gonna make it

let us know in the comment section all

right guys i really hope you enjoyed

today’s lesson don’t forget to think and

then speak english fluently i’ll catch

you next time have an awesome week