hey have you ever struggled to

think of the right english words or the

right english sentences

during an english conversation you have


well today’s lesson is for you because

i’m going to give you

three proven techniques that will help


finally start thinking in english like a

native english

speaker are you ready well then i’m

teacher tiffany

let’s jump right in alright so let’s get

started with

the first technique now this first

technique is called

the word image association technique

it focuses on building your ability

to think of english vocabulary words

now this technique will help you think

of english vocabulary words

quickly when you are having


it will also help you access and finally


the english vocabulary words that are

stored in your brain

now i have had thousands upon thousands

of students

tell me teacher i know so many english

vocabulary words i’ve studied so many


but when i get into a conversation

my mind goes blank that’s happened to

you before right

it’s like you put the information in but

it’s hard to

access the information it’s hard to

access those vocabulary words

well this technique will help you

exactly with

that issue so here is step one of this


select five images they can be personal


google images from a book or from

anywhere else

you’re going to set a timer for 60

seconds and then you’re going to look at


picture and try to come up with five

different words to describe each

picture within 60 seconds

now i do want you to remember your goal

is to think of words in

english so don’t worry about thinking of

the most

difficult words here’s the thing i want

you to remember

when you’re trying to think in english

you have to practice

quick thinking quick thinking on your


always ready so this actual technique


help you with that think about it if i

show this to you

what is this you got it a cell phone

why because you’ve seen it very often

you’ve said that word

very often so it came very quickly to


so it’s not about the most difficult

words it’s about

quickly thinking of a vocabulary word

now continuing

this technique is to help you think of

words in

english first if there is a word that

pops in your head in your own language


you can translate it into english and

write it down

but you must use it the next time you

time yourself

so as you’re going through this

technique and i’m going to show you an

actual example

remember if you’re having a hard time

thinking of a word in english it’s okay

because you’re practicing

when that word pops in your head in your

own language

stop look up the word in an english


and then write down that word in english

so that the next time you practice you

can use that word so

let’s see what this actually look like

looks like here we go

step one i’ve selected five images we

see an

image of a mountain a couple some

beautiful colors

a car a city line then i’m going to

set a timer for 60 seconds

and finally i’m going to look at each


and try to come up with five different

words to describe

each picture within the 60 seconds so

you see i have

breathtaking fascinating alone desert

evening and remember you’re trying to do


within 60 seconds for each

picture so the picture pops up and i say

uh breathtaking

um ah fascinating

give yourself 60 seconds per picture

so for me just to show you my words very


i have this image with the couple i said


meal love scrumptious and dinner

now for pronunciation practice after me

scrumptious good

last time scrumptious

excellent it just means very delicious

all right

so going back i go through the remaining

images and i give my five

words vibrant colorful purple

festive joy next one being

fast amazing beautiful sleek

rims and finally this one city

urban buildings downtown and playground

so again

for this first technique in order to

think in english to think of english

vocabulary words

you must get five images then time

yourself give yourself 60 seconds

to come up with five vocabulary words

that describe

each picture all right now technique

number two is also

very useful technique number two is

the sentence pattern life connection

this technique focuses on building your


to think of correct english

sentences now with this technique it’ll

help you formulate your thoughts and


quickly into proper english sentences

when you are having conversations it

will also help you access

and finally use the english grammar

patterns that are stored in your brain

this is a technique that i have used for

years i developed this technique when i

was in south

korea working with my students trying to

help my intermediate and advanced


students actually improve and speak with

more fluency

i noticed they were struggling to make

longer sentences

i noticed they were having trouble with

their grammar now you all know i don’t

teach grammar

but i still can teach you how to master

grammar and this technique will help you

do that so

let me show you how this technique works

in making sentences

first you’re going to find an english


article or website that interests

you then within that blog

article or website you’re going to

select one

english sentence and write it down step

three divide your day into five

parts based on your activities that’s

right you’re going to divide

your day remember this is the sentence


life connection stay with me step number


you’re going to use the same sentence


and write a sentence about each part of

your day

now i want you to remember your goal is

to mimic

or copy the exact same pattern so

you should only change a few words

in order to do this you must think

creatively about each part of your day

so let’s see how i would do this again

finding an english

blog or article or website now remember

i always encourage you

to find something that you’re interested


find something that already brings you

joy in your own language

now you all know i love to cook i love

to eat i love

food so i found an article

a blog post about food one of my

favorite actual websites is

the minimalist baker and the minimalist

baker has a recipe for strawberry

cheesecake bars

so i went to the blog and i selected

this article for step one now

step two within the blog article or


select one english sentence so i

selected one english sentence and wrote

it down

the classic flavors of tangy cheesecake

and fresh ripe strawberries

marry together perfectly in these

10 ingredient vegan gluten-free

bars now that’s an advanced english

sentence again the important part of

this technique is selecting

an actual a real english sentence

now in the sentence you saw that it said

marry together

it just means they blend

together they really balance each other


they go well together we say marry

together in english so i have my example

sentence directly from a real article

now step three i have to divide my day

into five

parts so for me i exercise in the


then i have virtual meetings then i

record videos

like i’m recording right now and then

after that i’ll teach a class and then

i’ll relax

in the evening this is my day so

step four is using the same pattern

write a

sentence about each part of your day so


exercise in the morning using the same

pattern i can say

the background music and the lighting


together perfectly at the gym i go

to every morning you see what happened


i used the same pattern but i applied it


the first part of my day and it’s true

the music and the lighting at the gym i

go to really do

blend or marry together well

makes sense right okay now what about

the second part of my day

my morning meetings the microphone and


marry together perfectly during my


continuing recording videos

the sony camera and aperture lights

marry together perfectly during my


sessions next teaching

class the keynote slides and video clips

marry together perfectly during my


and finally relaxing and winding down

the jazz music and hot tea merry


perfectly during my evening relaxation

time so you see what happened right

with this technique we start off with a

blog or an

article that interests us something that

you are already interested in

then finding one sentence from that


you then connect it to your life

and then you make a sentence based on

that pattern

this will help you start thinking more


english and also having sentences

pop up in your brain in your mind

while you’re going throughout your day

makes sense right

all right now this third technique is

really good again

to help you start thinking in english

here’s the third technique this

technique is called

image description creation

the third technique focuses on building

your ability to organize your opinions

in english so this technique will help

you break

down your ideas and organize them into


thoughts when you are having


it will also help you access and finally

use the lessons you have learned

related to english fluency so let’s

break this down real quick

you’re going to select five images now

these images need to be

different from the images you chose in

the previous

technique okay the one we talked about

with the vocabulary words

different images then you’re going to

write one beginner sentence to describe

each image now a beginner sentence has

between four to six

words then you’re going to write an

intermediate sentence to describe each


between 7 and 10 words and finally

you’re going to write an advanced

sentence with about 11 to 15 or more


now i used this technique when i was in

south korea

teaching some soldiers on a military


i had to teach individuals that were


different levels beginner intermediate

and advanced

and what i would do is i would show them

an image

on the screen on the projector and i’d

have each student

make a sentence to describe the pictures

and this was an amazing technique

that helped so many of them start

thinking in english

and it’s going to help you as well so

let’s test it out here we go

i’ve selected five images five different

images you see that cute baby right

there with those headphones

he is whoa adorable alright so

here we go now step two i need to write

a beginner sentence

so for the first image there are many

paint brushes second image

the woman is sitting down third image

the woman is explaining the project

fourth image his outfit was cute

and finally she loves her husband

now remember this is the part of this

technique that is easy

teacher tiffany i can write a simple


that’s great trust me it gets


more difficult but it’s a great way to

practice speaking in english and

thinking in

english now step three is an

intermediate sentence it’s going to get

a little bit longer

there are many paint brushes on top of


table you see now we’re expanding the


again helping you organize your thoughts

in your brain

to extend your ideas and to explain them


next we have this one right here the

woman is sitting down

and watching a video third picture the


is explaining the project to the man

fourth picture

the little boy’s outfit was extremely


and finally the fourth picture in the

fifth picture

the young woman truly loves her

husband so we have our intermediate

sentences now what about the advanced


they seem so long when i first told you

between 11

to 15 words but now that we’re building

up it’s really not that difficult so

let’s see how i would

give advanced sentences to describe

these images

there are many paint brushes on top of

the table

in the artist’s studio next

the woman is sitting down and watching a

video about the amazing painting on the


beside her now some of you that have

studied with me for a long time

know what i’m using i’m using the five

w’s principle

who what when where why in my advanced


to make it longer you can use the same

thing along with this technique

here we go continuing the woman is

explaining the project to the man

because he needs excuse me she needs him

to make some changes next the little


outfit was cute so his parents decided

to take a picture

and finally the young woman truly loves

her husband

because he always makes her

feel special so you see what happened


with this technique you were able to

make longer sentences

you were able to organize your thoughts

about the images

now these three techniques will help you

finally think in english and sound like

a native english speaker

i hope you enjoyed today’s lesson

remember to practice what you’ve learned

i can’t wait to see you next time don’t

forget to also get my app

that’s right the english with tiffany

app is available

right now in all of the app stores

and you can download it totally for free

it’s for you and it’ll help you speak

english more fluently and it’ll help you

sound more like a native english speaker

all right i will see you all next time

have an awesome

week and remember to speak in english

you still there you know what time it is

here we go it’s story

time hey i said it’s story time

you like that last part i added a little

story time

all right guys so for today’s story i’m

going to tell you a little bit more

about my

parents so my parents are honestly the

best example of

love and a loving relationship that i


ever watched ever seen or ever

experienced for myself meaning

seeing it happen so my parents have been

married for

over 45 years and

yeah i think it’s been 45 years it’s

crazy how time flies so

anyways i want to tell you so growing up

you know my parents our family is really

close we talk

all the time so um i’ll

talk to my parents three or four times a

day on the phone when i’m not home

i talk to my sister we all talk to each

other a lot

so this is something that my parents

kind of instilled in my sister and i

staying in contact

making sure family is okay so again

growing up

you know we didn’t have cell phones back

then but we had pagers and we would

always stay in contact with each other

so i am the youngest in my family and i

was the last one

of course to go to college so when i

left basically there was an

empty nest now in english we say empty

nest now empty nest just means

your children are gone and now husband

and wife they are living alone there’s

no more children to take care of

so anyways i was the last one so i went

off to college my parents dropped me off


i was enjoying my college life as a


and one day i called my parents

at this time you know cell phones had

just come out basically

and i called my parents at

home and i figured they should have been

home it was in the evening

and no one answered the phone i said

okay maybe they’re out so i

tried my dad’s cell phone no answer

try my mom’s cell phone no answer

now remember we talk all the time our

family’s very close

so i called my sister i said uh simona

her name is simona

simona um so

have you talked to mommy and daddy she

was like no

so she tried to call them and we could

not get in contact with either of our


so we were getting a little bit worried

he said this is not like our parents so

finally after several hours my dad calls

me back

and my dad calls me baby girl he said

hey baby girl

and i said daddy like

it’s funny as you get older you there’s

kind of this role reversal where you

feel like you are now your parents


i think you guys understand so i said

where are you

and my dad chuckled and i could hear my

mom in the background kind of chuckling


chuckling means kind of laughing a

little bit

and it sounds like they were outside i

said daddy where are you

we couldn’t get in contact with you and

i proceeded to kind of reprimand him in

a fun way

he said oh baby girl we’re not home i

said what

he said no your mom and i decided to go

on vacation

i said what you didn’t tell me and


my dad said why do i have to tell you or

your sister i said daddy now you know


you have to let us know where you go he

said tiff we’re

empty nesters baby we ain’t gotta tell

nobody so my parents

remember i’m the youngest when i left

the house now all of their other friends

their other couple friends told them hey

when tiff leaves

to go off to college you’re going to

have an empty nest and you guys aren’t

going to know what to do you’re going to

be so bored

you’re not going to know how to relate

to each other anymore because you’ve

been raising your kids for so long

remember i told you though my parents

have a great relationship

so when other couples used to tell them

this they would be like

what are they talking about they were

actually looking forward to being able

to spend time together so my dad

proceeded to say your mom and i decided

to go on vacation and we just didn’t

tell you guys

now we got a good laugh out of it and i

told them

don’t do that you need to let us know

where you are we have to make sure

you’re safe so

they laughed and again they had a

wonderful vacation but

after i got off the phone and i thought

about what happened

i said you know what i want to

experience a marriage like that

where i enjoy my spouse my husband so


that even when my kids are grown and

gone off to college

we still will love each other and want

to hang around each other

so that’s why i say my parents are the

greatest example of love that i have


of course there are good days and bad

days but they’ve taught my sister and i

what it means to love unconditionally

what it means to

enjoy being around the person you love


also what it means to appreciate


they appreciate each other and my sister

and i will never forget the first time

they decided to go somewhere without

telling us

we were shocked so let me know maybe

your parents uh

tell me about your parents uh what

you’ve learned from them

hopefully you guys enjoyed today’s story

i hope you all get to

meet my parents one day they are great

individuals they are very fun

and they’re very happy and i think you

guys would like them

all right guys again i hope you enjoyed

today’s lesson

don’t forget to get the app again

totally for free click the link in the

description to download it right now

i will see you all next time have an

awesome week

and i love you all bye