THINK SPEAK IN ENGLISH About Relationships Episode 2

some students think that speaking

english fluently

means that a person is able to speak for

a long time in english

but that’s not true instead english

fluency is

all about your ability to organize your


like a native english speaker that’s

right no matter what the topic is

you should be able to organize your

thoughts in an easy and

clear way so that the person listening

to you can understand

and also follow along so what about


when you want to speak about

relationships this topic

in english and you want to speak

fluently you need to talk about three

specific things so we’re going to talk

about these three things in today’s


i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right in

alright so let’s get started step number


you need to describe the people or


again remember the topic is


in order to speak fluently about


you must first start by describing the


or the person so let’s say you want to

talk about

your best friend you need to give some

background information

some background information that will

give the listener

a better understanding of who your best

friend is

so for example my best friend i can tell

you a little bit about her

my best friend and i have been friends

since we were in elementary school

but if i were to describe her to you

i would say she’s a shy person but she


people she also loves sports she

loves spending time with her family and

she also loves god

so what happened now you’re getting a

better picture

in your mind of my friend

that’s what you need to do start off the


start talking about the relationship by

giving the listener the ability to

create a mental picture

that’s what happens when you do step one

describe the person

tell a little bit more about the person

some details about them right

now you can do the same thing about a

group of people

let’s say for example you want to talk

about your

classmates or your co-workers right so


some details about your classmates or

your co-workers now

i’ll pick coworkers right at your job

maybe there are a lot of people but you

work with a specific

group maybe they’re all hard workers

maybe they love to laugh and maybe they


are very dedicated to their job so again

you’re giving background information to

describe those

people that’s step one now step two is

also very important

you need to give three characteristics

of your

current relationship now we’re

connecting you to those people

or that person so you start talking


your relationship with those individuals

so for example

i mentioned my best friend right so now

i need to tell you about

our connection right about our


currently so i can say we are really

uh focused on trust we’re focused on

dedication and we’re also focused on

having fun

like we’re very honest with each other

and we enjoy

having fun so i’m giving you some more

details about our relationship

and i can go into more detail by telling

you some stories about

how we laugh so hard we start crying or

how we spend time together playing

basketball even as

adults again what you want to do in step


is give some more information about your


with this individual or with those

people and let’s say for example you

want to talk about your coworkers

now give three characteristics of your

relationship with your co-workers

so i can say ah my co-workers and i we

really get along well

we enjoy going out to lunch together and

the third thing we enjoy is spending

time together on the weekends so you can


oh even though they’re your co-workers


very close to them they have become your


friends and you can see that as a

listener because i’ve given you

three characteristics of our current

relationship right now step three is

also very important

in step three in order to speak fluently

about relationships

you need to talk about the future of

your relationship

how you think this relationship will


as time goes on as time goes by

will you get closer will you kind of

stray away or drift apart

so for example i can talk about my best

friend now we’ve been friends since we

were in elementary school

but we’re still friends now and for the

future i can say

oh when i get married she’s going to be

in my wedding

she is so close to me i know that i want

her to be a part of that special day

so what’s happening by me telling you

about the future about

the wedding that i’m going to have and

how my best friend is going to be in the


you’re able to understand the level of

my relationship with my best friend

makes sense right so again the third

step is so important

now with your colleagues again i told

you in the middle that

we hang out after work we have lunch

together we’re very diligent and

dedicated to our assignments

i can say in the future even if we

work at different companies and we leave

our current company

we will still stay in contact and what

am i showing you

i’m showing you that i want to keep this


strong with my coworkers it makes sense


so again speaking english fluently about

a relationship

it’s not about the length of time that

you’re speaking for instead it’s about


these three parts first describe the

people or the person

second describe your current

relationship by giving

three characteristics and third talk

about the future of your relationship

now again when you do these three things

the person listening to you

will feel that you are fluent in english

because you were able to

explain and describe the relationship

in such a very clear and concise way

the person the people describing them


your current relationship and finally

the future of your relationship

this is what you need to do to speak

english fluently

and confidently about your relationships


everything i taught you today came from

my ebook how to pass the ielts speaking

exam so

if you want to learn more you can also

check out the ebook

how to pass the ielts speaking exam

thank you so much for joining me i’m so

honored to be your teacher

i will talk to you next time but as

always remember to speak


you still there you know what time it is

it’s story time

hey i said a story time

all right guys so today i want to tell

you about one of my most

treasured relationships that’s right one

of my closest friends i met her when i

was living

in south korea now she and i have been

friends for a long time but

let me kind of tell you about her

personality let me describe her

you got that right so her name is

catherine uh her english name is

katherine and catherine

is an extremely hard worker she’s very


and she also loves her students so when

we were at the same

institute i always heard about how much

her students loved her they would follow

her no matter what class she taught

they would register because they wanted

to study with her she was such an

amazing teacher and she’s still

a really good teacher now for us

we became friends during a teacher’s


and she and i we had been working

together prior to the retreat

but i say we became friends at the

retreat because something happened

during that time so

prior to that again we were co-workers

you know we’d have a good time together

go out to eat with other coworkers

but we didn’t necessarily have a close

like one-on-one relationship

during the retreat though um it was


catherine and another one of my friends

named rebecca she’s also korean

and we were all staying in the same room

so it was a saturday night and we were

just talking about

live and different things and it was a

great conversation

but i just remember us talking about

something and then

we both started laughing at the same

thing now

i’m a very fun person i love to laugh i

love to spend time with my friends and

my family

but when we started laughing it’s like i

saw the the what is the word not the

real side but i saw a different side of

her that’s what happened

it went from being co-worker to hey

you’re a cool person like i could see

myself hanging out with you

and honestly we laughed so much that

night now me and rebecca were already

close and we’re still close to this day

like i was i helped her in her wedding

like i was the translator in rebecca’s

wedding so

me and rebecca were already close but

then at this point in time

me and catherine suddenly started to get

closer and

fast forward literally catherine is one

of my closest friends and when i get

married i’d like her to be in my wedding

too and of course rebecca you know

so here’s the thing that one situation

we went on that retreat

where i actually saw hey she’s not just

a co-worker

she’s a good friend like we can have a

good time together

that was kind of the start of our

friendship because we were able to


to each other and since that time

literally i spent time with her husband

her daughter i went to their house when

i was in korea

and even when i failed my exam you guys

remember i told you about failing my

korean exam for my master’s degree

two times in a row how difficult that

was and the second time

i failed i it was very

i was distraught i didn’t know what to

do i felt bad but

i didn’t show my emotions when i went to

work i just kind of kept teaching

and she approached me and she said hey

tiff how are you so i’m fine

everything’s okay

and i remember i literally remember this

like it was yesterday sitting at the

desk and i was typing in some grades for

my students

and she said tiff what happened with the


and it was like a floodgate open tears

just streamed down my face

and i was telling her how bad i felt and

she just listened put a hand on my she

put her hand on my shoulder and she said

it’s okay it’s okay

and i really needed that at that moment

because i was in korea

away from my family i had a lot of close


but i didn’t necessarily want to cry and

say hey

i can’t believe i didn’t pass and i felt

bad but i was able to open up to her

when she asked me what happened and i


how special she was to me that i was

able to

release that showed me that oh this

person is super super important to me so

yes catherine and i developed our

friendship over time and

right now our current relationship um we

both live in different

countries of course and we talk to each

other every once in a while because

she’s busy and i’m busy but our

relationship is still very close so

when she messages me she’ll send me

maybe a nice

um piece of art to look at that she

likes art as well or

i’ll call her on the phone and we’ll

talk about her family and what’s going

on and

we talk also about um you know god too

because we both love god so

our relationship is really good and in

the future again i told you i do want

her to be in my wedding

i really love her and her family and i’m

really blessed to have her as a friend


again i hope you guys enjoy this story

about how our relationship developed

i’m sure you guys have stories about

your own friends and how you guys became


please feel free to share your stories

with us in the comment

section guys thank you so much for

watching again if you want to join my


our family and become a part of the

speak english with tiffany academy

all you have to do is go to let’s jump


in dot com i’ll see you all next time

have an amazing

day all right