TIP 3 6 Tips For Speaking Natural English

hi I’m Vanessa from the website speak

English with Vanessa comm how can you

stop sounding like a textbook and start

sounding like a native speaker let’s

talk about it

welcome to tip number three in the

series six tips for speaking natural

English tip number three is to listen to

a story and try to repeat it this tip

might take a little bit of time 15

minutes may be 30 minutes but if you do

it it can be really effective for

helping you use natural English there

are two parts to this tip the first part

is after you listen to a short story

maybe 2 minutes long write down in the

notebook that we talked about for tip

number 2 write down in your notebook the

story in your own words write it down in

your own words what happened what do you

remember what words can you remember

just try to write down anything that you

remember then listen back to the story

and compare your written version to the

version that you listen to to the

version the story the original version

the second part is the speaking exercise

listen to the story one more time and

try to speak out loud using your own

words try to repeat the story using your

own words out loud and if you would like

to compare it with the original version

I recommend using your phone to record

your voice so that you can have a record

of what you said it’s easier to compare

if you have this record record your

voice and compare it to the original see

which words you missed which words were

different which words you could add

maybe there were some expressions in the

video that you would like to use

yourself and then you can see I’m not

using the natural expression from the


I should try to use that so you can

refine your English you can make your

English sound more natural through this

storytelling method and now I have a

present for you

I want to give you a free guide these

six tips for speaking natural English

you can download this guide the PDF

guide below the video if you’re on my

website you can click on the button

below the video if you’re on youtube

click on the link below the video you

can download the free guide and get

these six tips as well as some resources

I give you some of my favorite websites

podcasts YouTube channels that you can

use to start improving your English and

stop sounding like a textbook so that

you can sound much more natural I look

forward to helping you in the future

with tip number four I’ll see you later

good bye