Top 20 English Vocabulary Words About Food

hey when I was growing up my dad had a

special thing that he liked to do for us

on Sundays I’ll tell you more about it

at the end I’m teacher Tiffany let’s

jump right in alright today we are gonna

talk about the top English vocabulary

words specifically about food now we’re

going to use this equation right here L

plus M plus F now the L stands for learn

the word in context by reviewing

sentences so again the first thing we’re

gonna do is I want to show you the words

in context you can actually see them how

they are used in real life now you can

do this on your own by looking at

pictures and seeing different sentences

that describe the pictures or even by

looking in books now the next step is

the letter M memorize the dictionary

definition so after we see the words

used in context based on images we’re

gonna look at the dictionary definition

of each word so that we can know how to

properly use it and we’re gonna memorize

the definition now the last part of the

formula is the letter F now the letter F

stands for find three synonyms or

similar words for the word we’re looking

at okay now it’s so important to find

three synonyms because you will have

triggers or connections that will help

you remember each and every word so

let’s get started and see what our first

vocabulary word is by looking at the

picture okay now our first picture is

right here hey this looks good now

remember guys in America we have kind of

a typical breakfast now it depends on

where you go of course but pancakes are

a very big part of an American breakfast

and I love

of Pancakes so when I look at this

picture my mouth is starting to water

now let’s see a sentence let’s read a

sentence that describes this image this

picture of these pancakes we have right

here the pancakes on the plate look

scrumptious now one more time that word

may be a little bit tricky this is our

first vocabulary word after me


very good remember that P sound in the

middle scrumptious excellent now again

for the letter and we’re gonna memorize

the definition but for now let’s look at

the sentence and how it uses that

vocabulary word to describe the picture

the pancakes on the plate look

scrumptious alright now we see some

blueberries as well so here’s another

sentence those blueberries look juicy

and ready to eat

so again for pronunciation juicy very

good juicy excellent I’ll get look at

these blueberries it looks like you can

just squeeze them and they’ll be so

sweet in your mouth so once again

looking at the picture those blueberries

look juicy and ready to eat so this is

the first part of the equation the

letter L for learn now what we’re gonna

do is move on to the letter M memorize

so again isn’t it is the pancakes on the

plate look scrumptious

now the word scrumptious means when

you’re speaking about food extremely

tasty delicious or tasting extremely

good so growing up I can remember my

mother cooking all the time and one of

my favorite things that she made when I

was very young was banana nut bread it

was so delicious it was so tasty

it was scrumptious you got it okay so

again delicious or extremely tasty now

let’s look at some example sentences

that use the word scrumptious than you

can remember okay here we go

I ate a scrum

just breakfast very good next she made a

scrumptious cake and finally that looks

like a scrumptious apple pie okay so now

it’s making sense now remember in the

comment section I want you to try to

make your own sentence using the

vocabulary words that you learn in

today’s lesson okay all right so let’s

move on to the next vocabulary word

remember we have the next one which was

right here

juicy here’s the sentence again those

blueberries look juicy and ready to eat

so the word juicy when speaking about

food means full of juice succulent full

of juice or juices and therefore

enjoyable to eat I think I’ve told you

before that my favorite fruit is apple

all right I love apples my favorite

fruit is an apple I love apples and

they’re very juicy right so I love to

eat apples so why because they’re full

of juice when you bite into an apple

sometimes you have juice on your face or

it spurts out of your mouth right

because they are full of juice so the

blueberries looked very juicy right all

right now let’s look at three other

sentences that use this vocabulary word

okay here we go I love to eat juicy

apples I just told you that was my

favorite fruit didn’t I

all right next here we go that pear

looks really juicy and finally he likes

to eat a juicy steak every night so you

see in this last sentence we used juicy

even though we weren’t speaking about

fruit think about steak now you know I’m

a vegetarian but I have many friends

that like to eat meat and he likes steak

and when you put your fork and you’re

trying to cut it with a knife you can

see things losing out of the steak

sometimes it’s oil and other things

using out so juicy nice and plump okay

all right great job now we finished the

memorize phase now we go into the letter


find we’re going to once again look at

three synonyms for each of the

vocabulary words okay so the first

vocabulary word again was scrumptious on

the left side of our screen extremely

tasty delicious or tasting extremely

good so the three synonyms again on the

far left are delicious mouth-watering

and tasty

once again delicious mouth-watering and

tasty so we have the main vocabulary

word is scrumptious the three synonyms

again we have delicious mouth-watering

and finally tasty now what I’m gonna do

is show you how we can replace the word

scrumptious which each of these with

each of these words and still have a

good sentence so here we go

remember the original sentence we had

was the pancakes on the plate look

scrumptious but now we can say again on

the left side the pancakes on the plate

look delicious or the pancakes on the

plate look mouth-watering and finally

the pancakes on the plate look tasty so

now instead of one vocabulary word

you’ve learned for now let’s move to the

right side of our screen looking at the

word juicy which again means full of

juice the juicy blueberries juicy apples

okay what are three synonyms for this

word again looking at the right side of

your screen here we go moist ripe and

luscious one more time moist ripe and

that final one luscious very good one

more time

after me luscious very good now let’s

see how we can literally have the same

sentence and only replace one word with

these new words we looked at okay here

we go those blueberries look moist and

ready to eat those blueberries look ripe

and ready to eat

and finally those blueberries look very

good luscious and ready to eat

so again instead

just juicy now we know four new

vocabulary words so we have a total of

eight already okay excellent job now

let’s move on to the next group of words

so let’s go back we need to go to letter

L which is learn wait guys okay there’s

one other thing you have to know about

me I love salads my friends call me the

salad Queen because I can make a good

salad and the south in this picture man

oh man I want to eat this salad so

looking at the picture again we have

this great looking salad okay so now we

have lettuce at the top we have onions

we have olives all of these things I

love so here’s the sentence I am on a

special diet so I use a lot of raw

ingredients in my salads so the key

vocabulary word is raw one more time raw

now when I was a teacher in South Korea

many times my students would have a kind

of a hard time or difficulty using or

pronouncing the letter R okay so again

after me raw you want your tongue to

kind of be on the bottom of your mouth

raw excellent job so again the sentence

I am on a special diet so I use a lot of

raw ingredients in my salads okay

remember we’re going to find out the

definition when we go to the next part

of our formula then letter in okay so we

have one more sentence here here we go

the salad at the restaurant looked very

appetizing one more time after me this

is a long one appetizing

excellent last time appetizing very good

so again remember I was talking about oh

just how good the salad looks I can also

say the salad at the restaurant looked

I’m going to show it to you again very

appetizing okay so let’s move on to the

next part of our formula the letter M

memorize so here’s the sentence one more

time the first one I am on a special


so I use a lot of raw ingredients in my

salads now the word raw speaking about

food just means uncooked not cooked or

not diluted or blended with anything so

for example I mentioned that I love

apples if I get an apple and immediately

eat it I’m eating a raw Apple I haven’t

done anything to it it’s uncooked

undiluted I haven’t done anything to it

we say it’s raw okay so let’s see three

examples and it says using this

vocabulary word here we go first one

that restaurant sells raw fish so again

think about it if you like sushi a lot

of sushi places use raw fish they finely

sliced and put on top of rice and that

is called raw fish because it’s not

cooked okay alright so again that

restaurant sells raw fish next I love

eating raw food in the morning and

finally he can’t eat raw vegetables

okay so again raw very good all right

now our next word again our next

vocabulary word was appetizing here we

go the salad at the restaurant looked

very appetizing now this word just means

stimulating ones appetite appealing to

or stimulating the appetite so again

remember I said wait the salad looks so

good mmm man I really want to eat this

salad why because it’s stimulating it’s

making me hungry looking at the picture

of the salad right

stimulating my appetite why because it

looks appetizing okay so we’re gonna

look at three examples sentences using

this vocabulary word okay so here we go

that plate of food looks appetizing next

this food looks so appetizing and

finally your food looks so appetizing

now I want to remind you don’t worry

as you’re studying you don’t have to

worry about writing notes or anything

because you can download the free PDF

that goes along with this lesson all you

have to do is click the link in the

description again all of the examples

and insists all of the definitions I

want to help you so I made a free pdf

you can download it by clicking the link

in the description ok alright so let’s

keep going learning more vocabulary

words here we go alright now we’re going

on to the find remember we’re looking

for three synonyms for each word so

we’re gonna start off on the left side

of the screen okay so here we go

raw again meaning uncooked or not cooked

so we have three synonyms uncooked

unprocessed and unrefined one more time

for pronunciation uncooked very good

unprocessed good job and finally

unrefined yeah that’s a tricky one

okay so again unrefined very good

shooting for me too that F you gotta put

your front teeth on your bottom lip so

one more time

unrefined there you go very good alright

so again those are the three synonyms

for raw so let’s see how the sentence

would change if we used each of these

words here we go I am on a special diet

so I use a lot of uncooked ingredients

in my salads next again on the left side

of your screen I’m on a special diet so

I use a lot of unprocessed ingredients

in my salads and finally I am on a

special diet so I use a lot of unrefined

ingredients in my salads okay all right

now moving on to the right side we have

appetizing again stimulating one’s

appetite now we have three synonyms

inviting tempting and heavenly yeah

interesting right again inviting

tempting and heavenly remember I’m

teaching you 20 of the most useful words

when you’re speaking about food in

English okay so we understand appetizing

inviting has the same meaning like oh I

really want to eat that

then tempting ooh mmm maybe I shouldn’t

do it but I really want to do it and

heavenly oh man I just can’t wait to eat

that salad okay so let’s see how the

sentence has changed when we use these

words here we go

first the salad at the restaurant looked

very inviting

next the salad at the restaurant looked

very tempting and finally the salad at

the restaurant looked very heavenly

alright so you see how we were able to

get three extra synonyms for each of

these words okay

now let’s continue and learn some more

we got to go back now to the first part

of the formula the letter L so we need

to see our next picture oh it’s time for

some dessert alright we started off with

pancakes for breakfast then we had a

salad for lunch

and now we’re doing kind of the desert

the desert phase alright so looking at

the picture we see this delightful piece

of cheesecake alright so here’s the

sentence the miniature cheesecakes look

so yummy on the plate again for

renunciation yummy very good alright so

again the miniature cheesecakes look so

yummy on the plate now what does this

word actually mean so again a sentence

the miniature cheesecakes looks so yummy

on the plate now the word yummy just

means when speaking about food delicious

or tasting extremely good remember I

said my mom she can cook really well and

she used to make really good banana nut

bread so the banana nut bread was very


or very yummy okay so let’s see three

examples and it says using this word

yummy here we go first the chocolate

cake was yummy next that ice cream looks

so yummy and finally these desserts look


excellent now what we want to do

is look at three different synonyms here

we go

delish enticing and flavorful one more

time pronunciation okay first delish

again delish now this is actually kind

of a slang term it’s the shortened form

of delicious like oh that looks delish

I’m just saying it looks delicious

but we use this slang term ok so delish

next enticing very good last time

enticing excellent and finally flavorful

very good flavorful excellent now let’s

see how the sentence is changed when we

add in these words okay so here we go

now we have the first one the miniature

cheesecakes look so delish on the plate

next the miniature cheesecakes look so

enticing on the plate and finally the

miniature cheesecakes look so flavorful

on the plate all right excellent job I

really hope you enjoyed this lesson I

hope you were able to understand all of

the vocabulary words and I hope you are

able to use them just like a native

English speaker the next time you talk

about the food you are eating now

remember as I told you before you can

always click the link in the description

to download the free pdf but if you want

to continue studying with me and have me

as your teacher your English teacher to

help you accomplish all of your English

goals join the speak English with

Tiffany Academy now the link is also in

the description and you can see it right

here on your screen and I will talk to

you next week

but as always remember to speak English


still there it’s story time

okay all right so remember at the

beginning of the video I told you that

my dad had this really good habit that

would he would do something special for

us on Sunday so now during our lesson I

told you that my mom is actually a great

cook an amazing cook so throughout my

life my mom was the one who would cook

for us when we had meals for the

holidays my mom was always the go-to she

was the one that cooked all of the meals

but on Sundays

growing up I can remember waking up

early in the morning and my nose would

be greeted by an amazing smell I mean

the kitchen smelled heavenly the food

that was being made downstairs woof I

could not wait to get out of my bed now

again I would still be in my bed just

waking up and then suddenly I’d hear

someone call my name TIFF TIFF it was my

dad say yes Daddy yes it’s time to come

down and eat and I would run down the

stairs and there would be fried potatoes

eggs pancakes

grits biscuits veggie meat remember

we’re vegetarian all of it was prepared

by my dad you see my dad loved to make

big meals on Sunday mornings so some of

my greatest memories are from Sunday

mornings eating the breakfast that my

dad would make so even though my mom is

an excellent cook my dad loved to do

Sunday morning breakfast and he still

does them to this day few weeks ago my

uncle’s came in town and my dad made

breakfast and we loved it

we sat at the table and we talked to

each other and it was really nice to

have family time so I hope you also have

a tradition where you and your family

can get together and talk and just laugh

and have a wonderful time I hope

you enjoyed this story and I’ll see you

next week