Welcome to mmmEnglish

hi do you wish you had more chances to

practice English conversations do you

want to feel more confident speaking to

native English speakers I can help you

practice and coach you to get the

confidence to use English in the real

world I’m Emma and I started an online

community of students who learn and

practice English together and we all

really love food that’s why we call it

mmm English you know the happiest and

most comfortable times in our lives

always involve food isn’t food just the

best way to celebrate and to share

stories and meet new people right here

English is about good friends great food

and confidence I’m always here to help

you but saw your English friends we

practice in groups we chat together

sometimes we even have dinner together

if you need the confidence to practice

and some great friends to practice with

then mmm in lish is perfect for you and

you’re so welcome to join us just write

your email in the box below I’ll send

you a quick message then come and

practice with us
