What Do Exercise And English Have In Common

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today i’m here in one of my

exercise korean t-shirts to talk about

what exercise and language have in

common let’s get started first I have a

question for you how many of you like to

exercise how many of you say oh I can’t

wait to go to the gym today I can’t wait

to play basketball oh I’m going to lift

weights it’s going to be great hmm maybe

not to many people some people really

enjoy going for a run or going for a

walk or playing a sport that’s

understandable but a lot of people don’t

like to exercise it’s something that’s

difficult to find time for because you

don’t have much motivation to do it but

if you do exercise afterwards oh you

feel so good you feel proud of yourself

that first of all you took the time to

exercise and your body will feel much

healthier and active and ready to think

and do because you exercise so what does

exercise and language have in common

first of all it is very difficult to

make the first step it is difficult to

put on your running shoes put on your

running t-shirt and go out the door the

first step of putting on your shoes

making that decision it’s difficult same

with English it might be difficult after

your long day of work to go and watch an

english movie or to listen to an english

podcast or to sit down and have an

english lesson on skype it might be

difficult after your long day to have

motivation to do it but if you do it you

will feel proud of yourself

hey I did it yes I spoke English for 30

minutes I spoke English for an hour I

listen to an English podcast for 15

minutes you’ll feel really proud of


doing it and your English skills will

only get better so same with your body

your body will get stronger the more you

exercise your mind and your English

skills will get stronger the more that

you practice the second thing that

exercise and language English learning

have in common is that if you stop

exercising your body will go back to

what it used to be maybe you worked

really hard you lifted weights for six

months and now your muscles are really

strong like mine oh no your muscles are

really strong your abs are really strong

and you feel healthy and fit but for one

month you have to work really hard at

your job or maybe you go on vacation and

you don’t have a chance to continue

working out well your body is not going

to maintain its healthiness its fitness

it’s going to go back to what you used

to have maybe you were you were heavier

you weren’t as strong it’s going to go

back to that and the same as English if

you work really hard you have some

English lessons you watch English videos

you enjoy studying English and then you

stop it’s very difficult to maintain

your level of English if you don’t keep

it up if you don’t continue doing it

this is the same phrasal verb that we

used in the last video keep up you need

to keep up your English you need to keep

it up just like you need to keep up your

health and your exercise so what is my

recommendation for you how can you keep

up your exercise for your mind how can

you keep up your English ability I

recommend trying to have just a little

English every day or when you can maybe

on the weekends for 20 minutes you have

an English lesson great I recommend that

you buy six months of English lessons

every weekend you have

English lesson and you already bought it

this way you have no choice to back out

you can’t get away from it because you

already paid for it or you could make

some plan like I am going to have a

meeting at my job in English in three

months what can I do to prepare for it

if you have a goal it will be much

easier to feel motivated if you’re going

to run a marathon it will be very easy

to feel motivated to run and to go out

the door and put your shoes on and get

ready so I recommend having a goal

setting a goal for English and it will

help you feel motivated and excited and

proud of yourself when you actually do

it thanks so much for watching this

video and I have a question for you now

what are some other ways that exercise

and English learning are similar today I

mentioned to that it’s difficult to

start and that if you don’t continue you

will lose what you learned you will lose

your physical fitness but let me know in

the comments below what are some other

ways that you think exercise and

language learning are similar thanks so

much for watching and I’ll talk to you

later good bye
