What Drives You Crazy

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today i’d like to tell you

a story about something that drives me

crazy let’s get started as many of you

know during the month of May 2015 I was

working really hard creating the course

30 days of English several days in a row

I was filming the videos the 30 videos

for the course with my husband or by

myself and sometimes when I was filming

videos something happened that drove me

crazy what is this well I have two cats

one cat is a Siamese and you’ve already

seen him in my video about April Fool’s

Day he’s 15 years old he’s he’s not too

old or frail but he loves to meow

Siamese cats are really famous for being

really vocal and loud some people think

that they sound like a baby because

they’re so loud and can you guess his

favorite time to meow loudly in the

middle of my videos oh how wonderful hmm

it’s not wonderful so one time when I

was trying to film a video it was a day

when I decided I was going to film

several videos at one time so I was

really motivated I was ready to film

every time that I had filmed about one

minute of the video the cat his name is

Dodger he started to meow really loudly


so I had to stop the video and start

again so many times it drove me crazy I

felt like I was going crazy so I wanted

to share this story with you because the

expression drive me crazy

is a great expression to use if you want

to talk about something that’s annoying

or frustrating but it’s not too serious

maybe it’s a little funny or like a

little joke so you can use this

expression drives me crazy in a

situation like this my cat was driving

me crazy

his meow was driving me crazy I couldn’t

get him to stop meowing in the middle of

my filming of the videos so my question

for you is what is something that drives

you crazy

when was a time that something was

driving you crazy leave a comment below

and head on over to my website here

where you can see some more examples of

this expression drive me crazy and I’ll

help you use this in your daily

conversation thanks so much for watching

and I’ll talk to you later
