What if someone laughs when I speak English How to overcome embarrassment

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

what if someone laughs at me when I

speak English let’s talk about it let’s

just say it if someone laughs at you

because you made a mistake in English

they are pure rude

just completely rude for laughing at you

because you’re learning another language

so there’s a couple ways to deal with

this or to respond just to your fear

that it might happen let’s say that

someone is super rude and for some

reason they laugh because you make a

mistake in English first of all this is

not going to happen often but I know a

lot of my students are worried about

this because you don’t want to be

embarrassed well we have two choices the

first one is to be sarcastic so you

could say something like well how many

foreign languages do you speak and

probably the answer will be zero because

most people who laugh at other people

who are learning another language it’s

because they’ve never tried to learn a

language themselves they don’t know what

it’s like to speak another language this

is just maybe in your head I wouldn’t

really say that but it’s a funny idea

just to think to yourself the next

option is a little more realistic if

someone laughs because you make a

mistake you can just tell them oh I’m

learning so what should I say and maybe

they’ll give you a suggestion or maybe

they’ll say oh I don’t know maybe they

don’t really know what you should say

but probably they are not an expert

because experts don’t laugh at people

who are learning because they also are

life learners are constantly learning so

we have kind of two methods sarcastic

method and more realistic method but

reality not many people are going to

laugh at you for making a mistake so how

can we deal with the fear that maybe

someone will laugh at me what can we do

about that fear when I was living in

France I sometimes felt worried that

maybe people would treat me differently

because I don’t have a perfect French

accent they know that I’m not from

France but when I thought about this

fear I tried to picture this situation

realistically actually I talked with a

lot of people throughout the day at the

school at store that Parkes and 99.9% of

people had no problem with my speaking

style they knew that I wasn’t French but

it wasn’t a problem they didn’t laugh

they didn’t make fun of me in fact most

people were pretty surprised oh I didn’t

know that you could speak French or oh

that’s great that you’re learning French

they were really happy that I was

interested in their language so I think

it’s important to think about this

realistically most people are not going

to laugh or make fun in fact most people

are going to be pretty happy that you’re

speaking another language especially if

it’s their own language it touches

something important inside of us when we

hear our native language so try to

remember this idea most people are going

to be glad that you’re speaking their

language even if your accent isn’t

perfect even if you make some grammar

mistakes or vocabulary isn’t super high

try to relax take it easy on yourself

and realize that you are a learner we

are all life learners this is a process

a journey we’re always going to be

learning in life so try to take it easy

now I have a question for you do you

have any advice for someone who feels

worried about

being embarrassed when they speak

English what would you say if your

friend told you I’m worried that people

are going to laugh at me I’m worried

that I’ll be embarrassed what kind of

advice would you give them and let’s

read in the comments together to see

what each other has to say because this

is really important for confidence

gaining confidence in our English

speaking skills thanks so much for

learning with me and I’ll see you the

next time bye the next step is to

download my free ebook five steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye