Why Its So Hard To Be Consistent With Your English Studies Why Its So Hard To Study English

hey everyone i am teacher tiffany and i


so excited to be with you all this

morning and for some of you

this afternoon to study english now

the focus of our class today today’s

lesson is

to understand why english is so hard and


you can finally be consistent now

whenever i do a live i like

asking you all to let me know where you

are watching from

and to let you say hello so i’m going to

look in the comment section we have

students already with us

good morning good morning everyone yes

wind beats what’s going on good to see

you hello redline

abraham hello good to see you satcha yes

you are ready for class and i’m so

excited to have

you here all right yes here we go here

we go

hedar you are excited and i’m excited

that you’re here too

yes snake i’m glad you’re able to join

us this morning i decided hey you know


let’s do a live english class today

again for all of my youtube

students so i’m glad you’re here good

morning tony good to see you

george s good to see you here we go

aus i think it’s alex good to see you

good to see you

samanga good morning good morning here

we go

imran drew 5 says teacher tiffany it’s

my first time for a live video

welcome i’ve been following you for some

months now and you motivated me to study


it’s incredible greetings from argentina

well i am so happy that you are here

joining us alright guys so again as

you’re coming in

say hello and tell us where you’re

watching from and today

we’re gonna learn a lot i’m so excited

about our lesson

for today here we go here we go iraq

good to see you

elam good to see you thank you so much


your kind words novita from indonesia


anderson good to see you nells columbia

hello hello

mawa good to see you marsh

from germany good to see you hello merv

all the way from turkey hello ezra hi

aya from morocco good to see you

raymond hi teacher tiff it’s been a long

time i didn’t have a chance to see you

live i’m glad and happy to see you live

well i’m so glad you’re here too as well

raymond etta hello

south africa cape town hello kimbo good

to see you

welton from brazil yes my life turkey

hello christian v zola good to see you

good to see you

everyone again as you’re coming in say

hello and let us know where you’re

watching from

hello christine good to see you let’s

see let’s see i’m going to scroll down a

little bit more and get some more

students in here again

as you’re coming in do me a favor say

hello and also like the video because

that’ll show youtube

hey this video is going to be good a

great lesson so

do me a favor everyone right now hit the

like button and also

comment thank you so much all right we


kazakhstan poland the dominican republic

india hello hello we have spain

armenia brazil russia so

many of you have joined this morning and

we have

swaziland very nice now everyone i am so

excited to see each and every one of you

here this morning

today the focus of our lesson is to

figure out

why it’s so hard to study english and

what tips i can give you to help you

stay consistent

now are you guys ready to study

i think you said yes if you’re ready to

jump into the lesson

just type yes in the comment section and

we’re gonna

jump right in all right today’s lesson

guys again if you’re ready type yes

we’re going to get right into it and i

have a question to start off

my first question for you all is tell me

why did you decide to start

studying english this is a question that

many english students

think about why am i studying english

you all know that i studied korean right

but i want to know tell me

in the comment section why are you

studying english

why did you start studying english what

is it about

english that made you want to study so i

want to know in the comments section

why you personally started studying

english let’s see i see a lot of

comments coming through yes you

all are ready to learn good so tell me

you all

in the comment section why did you start

studying english i like this nickname my

sweet chocolate best teacher ever

good morning thank you so much all right

tell me

why did you start studying english there

are so many reasons why

you could have started studying english

here we go

learn english said for school okay to


studying in school yasu says to study


all right um ian says hey i want to

leave brazil

all right so you’re studying english

japanese girl hello good morning says

to improve my self yes this is a very

common reason

why people start studying english aya

says because i want to study

in the usa i hope you achieve that goal


here we go it’s a beautiful and

international language well yes i agree

thank you so much for saying that but


mina says i’m preparing for an ielts


to continue my education yes that’s a

very important reason

why you would start studying english

indology says i want to be

fluent yes all right um archive

says because we are lazy and maybe this

is about motivation too

well actually today’s lesson is going to

help you as well

if you’ve ever felt lazy or unmotivated

i have some tips that will help you

overcome that feeling that feeling of

not being motivated here we go next we

have let’s see let’s see

i study english to get more money and


yes good reasons uh condemn says

i want to be an english motivator yes


a bug free mind says many years ago i

really wanted to understand the music

i was listening to yes that is really a

good motivation as well

let me see some more examples okay

nguyen says i want to study

abroad very good let’s see ismail says

i love to speak english that’s why i

want to learn all right so you all have

many different reasons

why you started learning english now i

want to show you three

of the main reasons three of the most

common reasons

why individuals start studying english

you all know my goal is to help

1 billion students around the world

speak english with confidence

so i have literally taught thousands

upon thousands of students

and many of them had similar reasons for


they started studying english so let me

show you what those

reasons actually were the first reason

because they truly got inspired

you know think about it maybe someone

inspired you

maybe you saw another non-native english


on a television program or youtube

channel and you saw how fluently they

spoke and you said

i can do the same thing maybe someone

inspired you

another reason that is very common is

right here because you have

a clear goal a few moments ago

a student mentioned that she’s studying

for the ielts exam

that’s a very clear goal and you need

english in order

to accomplish that goal or maybe

you want to improve yourself

again another student a few moments ago

said hey

i want to improve myself these are some

of the main reasons

why you start studying english but now


i have another question why do you

stop studying english sometimes now not


i want you to think about your personal


many of you have been studying english

for months

and even for years and sometimes you get

a little bit

bored you lose your motivation so

tell me when you feel like you can’t be


when you feel like english is a little

bit hard

why do you stop studying maybe again

it’s hard or

it’s boring sometimes tell me some

reasons why you

feel yourself not studying as

consistently sometimes

because i’ve had this conversation with

many students as well

i had one student again as you’re

writing your answer tell me in the

comments section

why you stop studying english sometimes

because today’s focus is to help you

learn how to stop

stopping how to be more consistent

i’ll tell you a story again as you’re

telling me some reasons why it’s hard to

study english

one of my students when i was in south

korea one of my favorite students

she was in my 6 a.m class very early in

the morning

she used to come to class before she

went to work

and she was very smart very intelligent


but i started noticing that she was

coming to class a little later

she wasn’t preparing for the exams and

it seemed

like she was losing her motivation so

one day while we were sitting in class

i said hey you know i’ll say her name

was sally it wasn’t sally but just to

check protect her i said sally let me

talk to you she said hey

what’s going on tiff we were close so

she called me tiff

um i said i’ve noticed that you’re not


excited or passionate about studying

english like you were in the past i said

what’s going on

and she said tiff i’ll be honest with

you i love

english and i want to learn but i’ve

been studying for so

long i i don’t feel like i’m getting

where i need to get

i get a little bit bored and i’m losing

my motivation

so i’m not being as consistent as i was

in the past

and we talked for a long time and i kind

of helped her figure out hey

how to be consistent even when you have

these up and down moments

and this may be the same thing you are

looking for in today’s lesson as well i

want to help

you at the same time for example someone


tyle says because sometimes i don’t know

what to study

this is another reason why sometimes it

seems hard to be consistent

uh dog food says i guess a little bit

overwhelmed by all

the vocabs that i had to learn good


condon says because i have no

environment so

i could not speak english well these are

reasons why it’s hard to be consistent

nell says sometimes i get tired

and i struggle with the idioms and i

lose my motivation

uh condon uh also said again i got you


uh tariq says not making a schedule

these are reasons why it’s hard to

remain consistent

annie delhi says because i don’t know

how to memorize

vocabulary hassan says i understand but

it’s hard for me to speak let’s see

memory says

just like me feeling the same way um

ciao says hi teacher hey dao i’m from

brazil i love your unique way to learn

english for us

this is my passion definitely oh this is


thank you so much i appreciate those

kind words let me get one more again

something that’s difficult why is it so

hard to keep studying english sometimes

here we go

ah because i don’t have

time to practice

this is another one i think russian

student good to see you when i read the


i can’t get it mina says my biggest

problem is that i can’t find an


native english speaker mental exhaustion

you guys are bringing out some very

good points yes it gets very difficult

to be consistent

here are some other reasons why you may

stop you get tired

your goal feels too big you get too busy

to study you don’t see results

you don’t have a plan you don’t see the

real life connection

uh earlier someone mentioned that you

you don’t have somebody to practice with

this is a big one you don’t have a

partner you get bored

and you get easily distracted these

are real issues but today

i want to give you guys three tips that

will help you overcome

all of these issues and finally stay

focused and be consistent you don’t have

to worry about being

bored all the time i’m gonna help you so

here we go guys

tip number one here’s the first

tip understand that your energy


tip two declutter the english currently

in your brain

and tip number three designate a


study location someone in the comments


actually mentioned that it’s hard to

find the right environment

to study in right so tip number

one understanding that your energy

fluctuates the body goes through a


ebb and flow sometimes we have lots of

energy and can accomplish

many tasks however sometimes we lack the


needed to even start certain

tasks now let me explain it like this

night owls

versus early birds versus early birds so

in the morning early birds have lots

of energy they think clearer

and they are more productive now

if you all have been watching my video

lessons for a while you’ll know for a

fact that i

am an early bird it’s actually 7

15 in the morning here in america where

i live

and i’ve already been up for two hours

why because i am an early bird as you

all can tell i have

lots of energy i’m not tired in the


i feel very very energized

because i am an early bird now it’s very

important for you to

understand your energy levels because

when you understand them

it will affect how you study english now

night owls are the opposite night owls

feel the most productive have lots of


and process things better at night

so let me ask you all a question real

quick i’m an early bird but i want to

know is anyone else an early bird

in the comment section you can write say

i’m an early bird

or you can write i’m a night owl so

again i want to know

those that are watching right now hold

on one second

ismaraldo hello hello

all right so in the comment section let

me know say

i’m a night owl or i’m an early bird i

want to see

how many of you all are early birds and

how many of you all are night owls here

we go

all right some people came through learn

english i’m a night owl okay a night owl

let’s see uh so says i’m a night out so

are you korean i’m wondering your name

looks like it may be korean let me know

all right here we go here we go um let

me see again tell me if you’re a night

owl or

an early bird an early bird here we go

let me scroll down here we go all right

ah let’s see let’s see again type it in

the comment section

let’s see let’s see all right japanese

girl says

i’m a night owl okay got you carmella a

night owl okay

allison says i’m both i have energy in

the morning and energy at night okay

allison i like that

all right kagari says a night out all

right here we go

let’s see let’s see arcana and early

bird another early bird hello

all right let’s see susie is also an

early bird all right here we go let’s

see let’s see

aya an early bird here we go let’s see

let’s see

some more early birds are they coming

through okay no we have

memory a night owl remember o-w-l

uh sabine says i’m a night owl here we


uh youtube’s an early human not bird

remember this is an expression

so you’re not a bird but we say early


all right lowly says i’m an early bird

all right

allen is an early bird we have a lot of

early birds hidar

lala is a night owl here we go don’t


story time will come at the end so stay


all right uh let’s see uh bond says he’s

an early

bird uh let’s see sulestia

i like that name celestia says i’m an

early bird

alam hey alam good to see you early bird

michael says i’m a night owl buy a night


archive night out we have a lot of night

owls you know a lot of my

closest friends are night owls i’m the

early bird amongst my friends

um here we go muhammad early bird maria

early bird

soul night owl okay alan for sure

early bird thank you merv i appreciate

that all right

let’s see so we have a lot of early

birds and a lot of

night owls now again think about

how you feel if you’re an early bird

think about the morning like me right


full of energy i haven’t eaten breakfast

yet but i still

feel full of energy because it’s the


now at night again the opposite happens


energy levels understanding your energy

levels it’s important

even as it relates to english now what

about the days of the week this is also

very interesting

so on monday you may get lots of

projects to work on

for the week but it’s monday you have

enough energy however by friday because


all the projects and work you have

throughout the week

you don’t have a lot of energy so again

we’re still talking about this idea of


fluctuating we understand now the

morning versus the night right

but the days of the week for me actually


saturday so on friday evenings my body

suddenly starts to get really relaxed

and i get tired earlier on friday


and on saturday so i go to church on

saturdays of course because of the


we’re having church at home you know

virtually but on saturdays you know i

attend church

and then i usually rest for saturday so

my body knows

hey on saturdays relax

rest day right but on monday and even on


i am full of energy today is sunday so i


okay wait a minute on friday afternoon

i shouldn’t start any big projects why

because i know that friday evening my

energy levels will start going down

however on sunday morning this morning

when my energy levels come back up i can

start big

projects so let me ask you all this


think about your energy level do you

have more energy on monday

or on friday for me i have more energy

on monday

what about you do you have more energy


mondays or on friday some people say

friday because hey

they’re ready for the weekend they’re

excited they’re ready to go out

but what about you do you have more

energy on monday

or on friday let me go to the comment

section tell me do you have more energy

on monday or friday uh thank you so much

hesty i’m glad you’re able to

understand all right so again i would

look in the comment section

we see some more night owls coming

through um

no i’m actually from the east coast from

maryland uh when i speak

with my friends i may sound a little bit

different i use a lot of slang with my


all right shahad says monday monday

shahad has

more energy on mondays all right

here we go let’s see let’s see okay

lowly has

more energy on mondays let’s see let’s


yes yo chocolate teacher

all right good morning beatrice good to

see you all right

anna says i have more energy on monday


rafaela says i have more energy actually

on thursday okay

all right now this is going to be very

important as we continue moving through

the lesson

think about again the time of day you

have the most energy

and the day of the week all right lala


monday carmela says i have more energy


friday very interesting all right

kristen v

says full energy and good thinking clear

mind on monday all right cake music

on friday you have more energy all right

says come on

on friday yes all right sadia says

monday all right uh urilo says he takes

classes or she takes classes

on thursday night so maybe is when you

have the most

energy malek says friday mirandu

miran drew five says monday

swa says friday aaliyah monday all right

arri i like your name

friday alright carolina on monday always

shivanshu on monday all right welton i

have more energy

on friday all right alan on mondays

maya on mondays all right so again we’re

answering the question

when do you have the most energy

we all understand our bodies right so

you know yourself

when do you have the most energy i do a

few more here we go

let’s see tema says monday saul says i

have energy more

on sundays all right today floor

says monday and ogzu

osgoo says on monday i’m most energetic

but i’m the opposite on sunday so on


monday right okay so you

understand your energy level now why is


so important as it relates to your

english studies let me show you what’s

going on

so again we talked about in the very

beginning sometimes you get tired

sometimes you feel like your goal is too


and sometimes you get too busy to study

all of these things relate to your

energy level

remember guys i speak korean i studied

korean i lived in south korea for almost

10 years so i understand exactly what

you’re feeling

there were moments when i got bored

i got frustrated didn’t want to keep

studying but that was because i didn’t


this tip i didn’t understand that my


fluctuates that my energy was

fluctuating back then as well so

this totally eliminates these issues the


first figure out what days of the week

you have the most energy

what we just went over some of you said

sunday some of you said monday

some of you said thursday or friday

figure out for yourself

what day or days of the week you have

the most energy

i selected sunday and thursday

today is sunday and as you see early in

the morning

i have tons of energy i also have energy

on thursdays

let me explain why again this is helping

you understand

when to study on what days to study

you want to study when you have the most


so for me on thursdays i have the most

energy why

because monday tuesday and wednesday i


hard i have a lot of meetings and a lot

of projects

so i don’t have any mental space or

energy to do anything else

but when thursday comes whoo

i feel like i accomplished a lot during


past three days monday tuesday wednesday

so i have enough energy to move forward

the same needs to go for you figure out

what day or days of the week you have

the most

energy and use those days to study

english and you’ll be more consistent

and secondly figure out what time of day

you have the most

energy we talked about night owls versus

early birds

i’m an early bird so i circled 7am

now again for you all real quick in the

comments section everyone

we talked about the day of the week that

you have the most energy

what time of day now i know you may be a

night owl but what time of night

what time is it 7 p.m or is it 11 p.m

i have some friends literally that

they’ll start studying at 11 pm

at night and they’re fine me i can’t do

that because i

am an early bird so tell me the exact

time when you have the most energy

all right in the comments section tell

me the exact

time of day when you have the most

energy hold on one second let’s see

let’s see

what time of day all right japanese girl

says when it’s getting darker so you

mean like when it’s sunset so if sun

sets at

5 pm you have energy then or if sunsets

at 9 pm you have energy then all right

tell me the exact time of day here we go

some are coming through right now all

right anna says i have the most energy

at 10 am all right let’s see

thor says 8 p.m all right give me the


time think about when you feel your best


i have energy what time do you feel like


all right abdul aziz says 8 p.m all


isadora says 6 p.m archive says 9

a.m let’s see let’s see uh learn english


how can i know what time of day i have

the most energy all right

great question think about

how you feel when you wake up in the

morning you go throughout your day

you take a shower you eat breakfast you

start working

and you’re going throughout your day

there are periods in your day when

you don’t feel stressed you feel like

you can

conquer the world that’s the time of day

when you have the most energy

for me that happens at 7 00 am i can

have 13 different things to do but i

feel like everything is organized in my

mind at 7 00 am

but at 7 00 p.m no because my brain is

starting to shut down a little bit

my energy is dropping so think about the

time of day when you feel the most

productive that’s when you have the most


all right katera says 10 a.m all right

rafaela says

uh this is 6 p.m military time i like


all right ian says 5 40 a.m uh mahwah

says 8 am

jana says 5 pm maya 9 am

vladislav 9 am we’re getting a lot of 9


all right aaliyah 6 a.m someone else

around 9 00 am tala 9 a.m

so 8 p.m rafaela 6 p.m

all right alam says from about seven to

nine that’s good

you recognize the time period that’s

great two hours all right

in english we say a block of time all


mawa 8 a.m all right let me scroll down

here we go

tama says 5 a.m hamad

10 p.m mawa again 8 a.m uh

sebta says at night so all throughout

the night okay

all right then we have let’s see let’s

see some more coming through

all right more coming through here we go

7 30 a.m

dog food says 8 a.m sharp i like how you

use that expression good job

gianya says 7 a.m we have 3

p.m all right 5 30 a.m from adam so


you all are seeing that everyone has a


time this is so important for you to

understand again this is the first

tip understand that your energy


recognize you as an individual

when do you feel the most energized what

time of day

use that time to study english

when you study at different times of the

day when you don’t have energy

that’s when you start to feel tired you


overwhelmed you feel like ah i don’t

have time to study english

simply because you don’t have enough

energy so again

tip number one everyone figure out

how to keep your energy up remembering

that your energy fluctuates so

find the day of the week that works best

for you high energy levels

and the time of day that works best for

you high energy levels all right

tip number one again understand that

your energy

fluctuates all right let’s move on to

tip number two i think you all

understand tip number one

here’s tip number two you have to

declutter the english currently

in your brain now this word declutter

let’s practice the pronunciation after


declutter good again

declutter excellent now

faster declutter good job good job

kind of sounds like a d sound in the

middle right when you say it fast

declutter excellent now clutter

just refers to mess now as an individual

i’m very organized

but there are moments in time where my

office will get a little bit messy there

will be papers

strewn everywhere maybe cups or

different books

that’s clutter again it’s kind of a mess

so declutter means to remove the clutter

and organize things and step two is to


the english that is currently in

your brain let me explain a little bit

more clutter refers to a collection of

things that are put

together but end up being a mess

when something is cluttered it is hard

to distinguish

what is important and what is not

important you see

think about this family when you’re


english someone mentioned earlier at the

very beginning that you get overwhelmed

because you have to learn so many

vocabulary words

so basically what’s happening in your

brain you learned

10 words today 13 words uh last week and

they’re all coming in right but they’re

not organized

they’re not based on a topic they’re not

based on a certain

time period so they get cluttered and

mixed up

and that’s when you start to get


start feeling like english is so hard

because they’re cluttered in your brain

now i want to help you understand how to

fix this

so clutter and the brain think about a

desk again i mentioned earlier

if a desk is cluttered and has things

scattered everywhere

it will make your brain also feel


and you will be overwhelmed the same is

true for the way that

english is stored in your brain if it’s

cluttered you won’t be able

to focus now i see that somebody has a


harsh uh you can type your question

again there are a lot of people watching

live right now

so i’m trying to get to everyone’s

comment but if you can type your

question i’ll be more than happy to


it alright so again we’re talking about


you have to declutter the english that

is in your brain

now organization and the brain you see a

space that is

tidy clean and organized

helps you to think clearer and grasp

new concepts or ideas faster

i’ma say that again when things

are organized you’re able to

grasp ideas faster think about right now

i’m speaking to you about how to be


and focus when you’re studying english

because i understand how frustrated it


when you get overwhelmed well i broke my

lesson down

into three simple tips why because

you can grasp information that is


the same is true again for your brain


are amazing you’re learning another

language english is not your first


so you’re already awesome let me again

help you

organize all the information that you’ve

put into your brain

related to english now continuing the

same is true

for the english you have stored in your

brain if it’s organized

you will feel more focused and

productive listen this happened to me

as it related to korean so again i told

you while i speak korean

for those of the korean watching and

yeah uh i was studying a lot

right i had to study a lot in order to

understand korean words

concepts idioms and ideas but i got to

this point where i was getting confused

because i had so much information and i

realized you know what

let me stop let me organize what i’ve

learned so i had notebooks

hey this is this topic from learning

about food these are the words related

to food if i’m learning about

slang these are the slang terms i’m

learning and what happened was

in my brain everything started to be


so i was able to understand more and use

it and

access what i was learning faster

because i started

to declutter the korean that was in my


this is what you have to do as well when

you do this

english will get easier you’ll stop

being so

overwhelmed let me see a question came

through carmela says

how can i organize an answer to any

question in english

i actually have a video on that so if

you go to my

video page you’ll see how to answer any

question in english but i explained that

as well

with that real quick five w’s who what

when where and why

no matter what the question is if you

include who what when where and why in

your answer

the person listening will feel that you

are fluent another way you can answer

any question in english

giving three reasons three details or

three examples

so again i’ve broken things down into

systems why

because i understand when things are

organized you’re able to grasp

things faster and this is what you have

to remember as you study

english so let me show you in more

detail how you can apply

this tip here we go again issue you

don’t see results

you don’t have a plan and you don’t see

the real life

connection this is something oh real

quick guys i want to explain this

this is something that i focus on with

my students seeing the real-life

connection again

some of you are already in my academy

again speak english with


the link is right in the description and

i teach a class every single week live

for my academy students

but we go over new words and expressions

and i teach them how to connect

what they learned to their actual life

this is so important when you do that

you feel like you’ve accomplished


and you don’t feel as overwhelmed

here we go so how do you do this right

here again

this will eliminate all these issues

first you must

take an inventory of what you

already know in english get a notebook

and create

pages in the notebook with this layout


word or expression the meaning an

example sentence

the source where you heard the word or

saw someone use it

and then how you shared it very

important again

this is going to take time but this is

the way you organize

all of the things in your brain related

to english you can declutter

the english in your brain alright so

again write the date you see for the

example i have right here

i wrote march 4th 2021

learn the word live it which means


angry example sentence she was livid


i learned it on youtube so again

organize what you’re learning you’ll be

amazed how quickly you’ll remember what

you learned

when you start organizing why because

your brain is literally a computer

the more you organize it the easier it

will be for you to access what’s in your

brain alright

so this is what you need to do again tip

number two declutter

the english that is already in your


a comment came through um m

ron drew says your answers tiffany are

very clear and consistent thank you so

much hey

my pleasure my pleasure it’s my goal to

help you all

uh let’s see let’s see um another


if someone asks questions it’s difficult

to answer

immediately to form english sentences

all right the reason it’s difficult

is because you’re not able to access the


already in your brain remember i tell

you all all the time

you are amazing you’re learning another


which means your brain is already

awesome right it’s not your mother


what you have to do is organize

declutter the english

that is in your brain so that when

somebody asks you a question

you’ll know how to access it okay have

it in this category let me access this

piece of information

for example if i asked you hello what’s

your name

immediately you can say it in english if

i ask you hey

where do you live immediately you can

answer that question why

because in your brain you already have a

section introductions

in english if i asked you hey where do

you work you have a section

workplace or job-related english this

happens in your brain

and you need to help your brain by

organizing the extra information you’ve

put into it

your brain is amazing so again

tip number two declutter the english

that is already

in your brain all right now let’s move

on everyone to tip

number three designate a specific

study location now someone sent me a

virtual hug

i’ll hug you back thank you so much all

right so

you have to designate a specific

study location it’s very very important

environments encourage specific tasks

in other words they serve as a trigger

to let your brain know that it is

time to do one specific task so here we

go guys

i want you to think about this kitchen

if i walk into the kitchen what does my

body naturally think

oh it’s time to eat oh it’s time to cook

some food

why because the environment triggers

that in my brain

for example basketball you all know i

love basketball it’s one of my main

hobbies right i love playing basketball

so when i walk into a gym where there’s

a basketball on the floor if i pick up

the basketball

i’m in the environment i see basketball

hoops everywhere

immediately my mind is like okay it’s

time for tiff to play basketball

and i go into basketball mode let’s say


now for me starbucks is where i like to

get a lot of work done

i organize things related to my business

when i go to starbucks

i’ll order um a chai latte with soy milk

whoa it’s so good y’all

and i’ll sit down for hours organizing

things related to my business

why because the environment starbucks as


environment makes me want to go into

work mode

this is what you have to do as it

relates to english

you have to find an environment that

when you go to that environment

it triggers your brain it’s study time

these are things that if you understand

your english will go to the next

level so let me break it down a little

bit more here we go guys

benefit number one having a specific


eliminates unnecessary distractions

and interruptions you see when you know

exactly what you’re doing in an area

you will focus only on that one thing

when i go to starbucks

i don’t get on the phone and talk to my

friends i don’t watch movies

no i have my notebook for my business

and i get on my computer and i do

business related tasks i don’t get

distracted because

starbucks is for business for me

now someone asked the question uh

shayani says

what is the meaning of trigger okay

great question

trigger means um something that causes

something else to happen

for example um when you are cooking food

in a microwave right you put your food

into the microwave right you hit the

start button

and for a full minute the food is

cooking and

then you hear bing what does that bing


that bing triggers you to walk to the


open it and take your food out until you

hear that ding

you don’t move because the food is not

ready so a trigger is something that

when it

happens it causes you to do something it


another reaction so when i walk into


my brain my body literally goes into

focus mode it literally happens

every single time which is why i really

miss starbucks being open because the


they’re closed but they’re open to take

food out or drinks out

but it’s a trigger it causes something

else to happen we say trigger so

great question all right now the other

benefit again of designating a specific

place is right

here designating a specific

location for an activity will also

help you concentrate more on

what you are doing as i mentioned before


how do you use this with english now


some of the issues are you don’t have a

partner you get bored

you get easily distracted now again

these things cause you to

not focus but these things are totally


when you have a designated study

location because you go into

focus mode so here we go relating to


right here what can you do find a

location that you can study in

with no distractions so important

you have to go somewhere where there are

no distractions

you need to focus this is how your brain

will create a trigger oh

we’re here that means nothing else can

bother her

nothing else can bother him all right

now you need to make sure

it is comfortable and convenient

next also pay attention to the sounds

you hear for example for me when i go to


the sounds of um coffee being made the


the door being open people on their


the sound of someone tapping on their

desk these sounds are part of the


but they actually help me focus it’s

very interesting

again maybe you’re someone that likes

silence and that’s okay

figure out in the environment you go to

what do you need to hear do you need to


music do you need to hear silent or not

not hear silence but

maybe music or people moving around

figure out what matches

your environment um let me see

yanga says i like to ask how to deal

with pressure that’s

put by people already speaking english

perfectly for example you stay with them

but they always gossip that your english

is horrible

well here’s what i’ll say i’m a native

english speaker

my english is perfect because i’m an

american right i mean of course we all

make mistakes

i don’t put any of my students down and

i’m saying

i don’t make fun of any of my students i

encourage you all so if anyone is making

fun of you

you don’t need to be around them stay

with people who motivate you

don’t let anyone else’s opinion of you

when it’s negative

affect you focus on yourself you are

amazing you’re learning another language

push through so don’t worry about those

people honestly don’t worry about

them at all now the three tips again

that we focused on everyone the three


that will help you finally stay focused

and consistent again

understand that energy your energy

fluctuates to declutter

the english currently in your

brain and three designate

specific study locations one or

more it’s okay a question came through


please explain what is silence oh this

is i’ll show you what silence is

silence means no sound at all so just

right now i was silent not speaking at


complete and total silence

all right good question good question

all right now

these are the three tips that i wanted

to give you again

understand that your energy fluctuates

to declutter the english that is

currently in your brain and three

designate a specific study location when

you do these three things

you will start to enjoy english more

english won’t seem as

hard these things are very very


um another question came through uh

declutter uh remember declutter just


um to take away mess to organize things

all right

uh thank you so much someone said your

illustrations are amazing

thank you very much thank you very much

now everyone

that’s all i have for you today the

lesson is over but again

it’s gonna be on youtube continually so

you can watch over again but

these three tips again i’ve taught

thousands upon thousands upon thousands

of students

so i’ve talked to students just like you

who feel like ah

english is so difficult or feeling like

i can’t be consistent when you follow

these three tips

you’ll remain consistent and you’ll


enjoying english now class is over


but i want to know do you all know what

time it is though what

let me see if anyone knows what class is


but what time is it let’s see let’s see

if anybody knows what time it is thank

you so much you guys are very kind i

appreciate all of you

what what time is it right now uh i can

give a hint

da da

anybody know what time it is oh come on

i see you guys coming through i’m glad

you enjoyed the lesson

all right i don’t see anybody giving the

answer yet so i get yes

there you go annyeong it is

story time hey i said it story

time all right now some of you

this may be your first time watching one

of my video lessons but

for those of you that have been with me

for a long time you know at the end of a

lesson i like to tell you all

a story so i’m going to give you today’s

story and you know i talked to you about


understanding that your energy

fluctuates so i’m going to give you a

story about

me and my energy i told you all that i’m

a morning person right

so i want to tell you this story that

happened when i was in south korea now i

lived there for almost 10 years right

many friends made many friends and i

want to talk about one of my friends

she’s not korean she was a fellow


her and her husband we were all hanging

out and her husband decided to play some

video games and she and i decided to

watch a movie

now it was about 9 15 9 30 p.m at night

remember i told you all i’m a morning

person but you know it was saturday

night i wanted to stay up late and hang

out with my friends

so my friend and i we were talking she

said hey tiff okay let’s watch a movie i


yes let’s do it and we actually were

gonna watch a movie that was talking


the relationship between south koreans

and the black community

it was a an indie film i n d i e you all

can look that up

so she picked the movie and i said oh

man i’ve really been

meaning to watch this movie so i

remember it like it was yesterday this


so we’re sitting in we were in their

spare bedroom her husband was in the

other room playing video games

so we’re sitting on the sofa in their

spare bedroom and she said tiff

now it’s late are you ready i said hey i

am wide awake girl let’s do it

i thought i was wide awake so we found

the movie

we got the popcorn we had our little

juicer soda and we were sitting down

ready to watch the movie

she said tiff are you ready i said girl

i am ready i am so looking forward to

this movie

so i remember her getting the remote and

she hit

play and i remember how the movie

started it was a black and white film

even though it was

a very new film it was black and white

that was part of the

aesthetic part of the visual appeal so

we’re sitting and we’re watching the

movie and i’m seeing

the main characters and they’re talking

to each other and all

for some reason things started getting

really hazy right so i’m just sitting

and i’m watching and then i feel my

friend looking at me and she said tiff

i said what was wrong she said you’ve

been sleep for the last 30 minutes i

said no i haven’t

listen i fell asleep as soon as the

movie started

and my friend said tiff you know you

can’t hang oh

to hang means to last for a long time

she said as soon as the movie started

prior to the movie starting i was awake

alive had lots of energy

but as soon as she hit play i dozed off

i didn’t even realize it

so we laughed she said tiff come on now

come on tip so

we laughed or whatever clearly i went to

sleep now the next morning i woke up at

six am

six am the next morning and i was ready

my friend got up eventually and she said

oh now

now you’re ready to watch the tv huh so

anyways it was our break that weekend so

we watched like four or five episodes oh

here’s an example guys

and with an e it’s a great program on

netflix if you guys want to practice

your english

uh listening skills and with an e so we

got up the next morning again

i told you all energy fluctuates that

night i thought i was ready

as soon as the play button got hit i was


but the next morning i was ready and we

watched about six episodes

because my energy was back up so

i just wanted to give you guys that

quick story

because i understood uh i was trying to

act like i wasn’t tired but

i understand that my energy fluctuates

so just like with you all studying


recognize that your energy fluctuates

and learn yourself

for me when i study korean i don’t study

at night because i fall asleep

so i don’t know if anybody else has ever

had that experience

um i see some comments coming through

hold on here we go

yes my friends always always say hey

tiff she can’t hang at night but she’ll

be there in the morning that’s right i’m


in the morning for my friends

oh come on all right

let’s see uh let’s see let’s see yes i

see everybody’s commenting um

here’s a question from harsh it’s my

first time

on your channel but now i will see you

always at what time tomorrow do you come

on live

actually i haven’t done a live in a long

time so i have a video every sunday but

today i said you know what i wanted to

interact with you all so i did it live

today but harsh if you want to


i have a weekly live english class but

it’s only for

my students so if you want to become a

member of my academy

go to let’s jump right in calm and you

can become a member

monthly membership and you can join so

many other students and we have class

once a week live for those students so

you can join

click the link in the description i’m

glad you were able to join yes monique

and with an e thank you so much for

writing that it’s a great

great series i see that all right

psychic likes it as well

thank you so much thank you this is one

of my favorite shirts too thank you so


all right guys that is all that i have

for you all today again thank you so

much for joining me for this spontaneous

live class i love teaching you all


um again do me a favor share the video

like the video and lets youtube know

that this video is valuable

remember my goal is to help 1 billion


around the world speak english with

confidence but i need

your help and you can help me reach that

goal by liking the video

sharing the video and telling somebody

else about

this video lesson if it helped you at


do me a favor and share it with two

people if you are willing to share this

with two people

just type i will in the comment section

and then we’ll

end our class for today if you are


to help me achieve my goal of spreading


confidence that students need to speak

english to 1 billion

students just type i will in the

comments section

and i truly truly appreciate each and

every one of you again if you’re willing

to help me out

and tell somebody about this lesson just

type i

will in the comment section all right

let’s see let’s see

let’s see oh thank you so much um yes i


actually american thank you so much

let’s see let’s see

leno says i like your energy thanks have

a wonderful day thank you so much i

appreciate that

all right abdel shakur whoo i love your

name says i will thank you so much

joseph thank you so much for sharing

thank you so much

thank you very much i’m so glad you

enjoyed the lesson

and it is my pleasure to inspire you

all i will see you all next week

remember every week there’s a lesson

this week just happened to be live

because i wanted to spend time with you

all have a great day everyone and if

it’s night time where you are

have a great night i’ll see you later

bye everybody