Wuzzy WAS HE MinuteEnglish

It’s another minute or less English lesson.

One of you asked me about the word “he”. 

Did you know it’s really common in conversational 
English to reduce that word, we drop the h sound  

and it’s just e. Now if we do that, we have to 
link. Let’s take the phrase “Was he there?” 

Was he becomes wuzy. Zyzyzy. 
Linking the zy into the e vowel. 

I’ll say it then you repeat. 

And when he meant by institutions 
were really just formal rules. 

What he meant.
What he meant. 

The t in what becomes a flap linking the 
words together and the h is gone.

What he– 

If you keep your ear out for this reduction,  

you’ll notice it more and more 
dropping the h in the word “he”.