Your English Enemy Is...

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today we’re going to talk

about your enemy let’s get started

first let’s talk about what is an enemy

an enemy is the opposite of a friend

someone who hates you someone who is

really mean to you rude to you the enemy

not a friend so as I said in the

beginning of this video today we’re

talking about your enemy who is your

enemy well as an English Learner I think

that your enemy is perfectionism

perfectionism being perfect will never

happen even for me as a native English

speaker I’m going to make mistakes to

perfectionism is the enemy of the

English Learner English learner or any

other kind of learner I want to give you

some positive examples today of some of

my students who have overcome

perfectionism they have realized that

even though they aren’t perfect English

speakers it doesn’t matter

they’re going to try anyway the first

example is one of my Japanese students

he told me that he’s a little shy maybe

he feels uncomfortable meeting new

people but he said I don’t care I feel

good when I go out and meet new people

and try to speak English with them he

recognized that it’s difficult for him

it’s not something that comes naturally

that’s easy but he decided you know what

I’m going to do this anyway and he said

that when he does it you feel so proud

of himself

so great that he went out and talked to

other people if he said I’m not sure if

I’m going to go out and speak English

today it’s not going to be perfect

maybe he would feel unmotivated

depressed upset about his decision so he

decided I’m going to go out and do it

I’m just going to go on skype and speak

English or I’m going to find a group in

my city who’s speaking English he went

out and he conquered his fear

another example is one of my students

who is from France now one of my

students from France she said that it’s

difficult for her to go and speak

English because she’s worried about her

accent that when she says things other

people might not understand her so after

talking with me about this and how she

felt like her accent isn’t perfect and

that this is holding her back we decided

to have a little challenge and I told

her I want her to go and try to speak

English with someone every single day

she lives in the u.s. so I said hey go

to the grocery store and try to speak

English every day even if it’s just a

little bit if they can’t understand you

just repeat yourself don’t feel upset

don’t feel depressed about it just do it

and you know what she did this for a

whole week every day she went to some

store to someone and tried to speak

English a little bit and by the end of

the week she wasn’t scared about making

mistakes because a few times someone

asked her to repeat herself but it

didn’t matter she just repeated herself

and the next time she learned and she

wasn’t afraid of being asked to repeat

herself she wasn’t afraid that her

accent wasn’t perfect because she just

tried and I think this is the kind of

thing that gives you confidence it gives

you motivation to continue and to really

be a confident English speaker because

perfectionism it’s the enemy it’s the

enemy of English learners of learning

anything you are not going to be perfect

I’m not going to be perfect so you have

to realize it’s okay it’s okay to not be

perfect it’s okay if someone asks me to

repeat myself because I’m practicing I’m

trying and the next time maybe they

won’t ask you to repeat themselves to

repeat yourself so thanks so much for

watching this video and I hope that you

realize that perfectionism don’t think

about it put

it away it is the enemy I encourage you

to just try so leave me a comment below

and let me know do you feel like it’s

difficult for you to speak English

because you want to be perfect do you

feel like ah I need to be perfect before

I can have conversations in English let

me know in the comments below and please

join me on my website where I’m going to

be talking a little bit more about

perfectionism and how you can overcome


thanks so much and talk to you later

good bye

