YouTube LIVE Whats It Really Like being a Youtube English Teacher

all right

hello we are live super exciting

we’re live on english channel

super super excited a little nervous

because of all the tech and

all the potential things that can go

wrong here um

but really really excited to have so

many of you

being able to join live be part of

the conversation with me today

um i’m really excited to be introducing

the other half of english

other half of my life shah

lots of you might recognize shah if you


seen any of the imitation courses

that we’ve put out um maybe you’ve

popped up in a few videos on the channel

yeah and you’ve been roped into being


on a live video with me well the topic’s

very relevant

relevant to something i know lots about

which is all the behind the scenes stuff

that happens with

emma being a youtube teacher yes exactly

and that’s

totally what we are hoping to talk about


the main reason why we want to be here

and to be chatting with all of you

is because there are so many of you who

tune in every week

weekend week out watching the lessons


and you know we just wanted a way to be

able to

reach out connect with you say hi answer


um share a little bit more about what

happens behind the scenes

with um with english absolutely

yeah yeah so the idea today

is um that we’re gonna do a couple of

different segments

in this video today lots and lots and

lots and lots of questions

so we’ve got three different ways we’re

going to be getting emma to answer a

bunch of questions so

part one is called rapid fire rapid fire

is like a machine gun like

lots and lots of questions very very

quickly um that we’ll be firing at emma

she doesn’t have a lot of time to answer

and we’ll see

what she says um and then in this second

part we’ve got some more

maybe more thoughtful or longer

questions to ask her we’ll be pulling

some questions out of this here um mug

and we have a whole bunch of questions

inside here we should be excited to pull

those out and

see what is inside there a lot of those

questions are also from our community

and then of course we will be and

throughout this we’ll also be

going over to you guys to answer your

questions so please if you do have any

questions please drop them in the

comments emma would love to know

all of the things you’d like to ask of

her and what we’re doing to all of them

i have just got all of the comments up i

was just

panicking for a minute thinking how am i

gonna see everyone who’s here but i can

see manuel

olga from the ukraine um kevin

nice to see you nico as well um

awesome to see so many of you joining in

the comments let us know

where you’re watching from um so

many of you from all over actually we’ve

got iraq

india poland indonesia

uh quebec canada portugal

oh wow so some of you up early in the


some of you watching in the middle of

the day and for us

it is eight o’clock in the evening

here in perth in australia so that’s


um we live that’s where i’m always


lessons from perth is on the west

coast of australia it is um

on the opposite side of the country to

melbourne and sydney

and we’re actually in the same time zone

as singapore which um so we’re

sort of in the same time zone as a lot

of asia which is

super cool hopefully it’s convenient for

you guys to be watching

right now yes yeah absolutely

um great to have so many of you joining

in the comments

really really appreciate you giving us a

shout out and saying hi

like i said this live video is really

just a chance for us to hang out and

to um answer some of your questions as

shah said we’ve got um

a couple of little uh activities

to keep our conversation going today but

feel free

free to drop any comments into the the

chat box any questions that you have

um before we get started

this is obviously quite a new format

um video format for english and we’re

trying something new

like i said i’m a little bit nervous

about how this is all going to go down


um it’s going to be fine it’s going to

be fine

you know we’re at we’re you know we’re

in the home studio oops

that may be a question we’re going to

ask you no we’re going to be fine

we did one practice run kind of yeah

anyway we’ll get this first one done but

the idea being that maybe

once a month we’re gonna host live um

events on our youtube channel

and i’m really curious to hear from each

of you

if you’ve got some ideas or some

types of videos that you would like us

to do in

a live video format some questions or


different types of things that we could

chat about and share with you

let us know gosh we’ve got argentina


turkey india taiwan lebanon france

philippines jordan italy oh gosh

how awesome libya yes of course i know

it patrick

welcome to so many people here from

so many countries it is amazing thank

you so much that’s where our story


in vietnam so good to have you watching

thank you so much for showing up

um why don’t we get started char are you


maybe we’ll just go over what the plan

is one more time before okay

i have a whole page of questions right


all written down rapid fire questions

meaning that we’re going to ask them

rapidly to emma

i don’t want you to think too much and i

don’t want you to give

really long answers for this one just

kind of whatever comes to mind

and some of these questions um you don’t

even know that i’m going to be asking

you which will make it really exciting

for everybody who’s watching i’m sure so

let’s see

everyone in the english team knows that

the request you just made is

really difficult for me to answer


don’t waffle on which is

a really good a really good expression

to know

yes um to waffle on is to

continue to talk without really getting

to the point

just saying lots of different things but

it’s not really useful information

unfortunately that’s a bad habit of mine


tend to say emma tends to waffle on and

tends to waffle on

cheap tents yes okay are we ready

question number one

how long have you had your channel

2016 was when i started the channel i

think so that’s

almost yeah five years coming up to five

years emma do you like being called a


oh that’s an interesting question i

would always call myself

a youtube teacher rather than a youtuber


i don’t think i’m cool enough to be a


all right then what’s your favorite part

about being a youtube teacher then

i love that every week i get to

check in with a whole bunch of students


of course the channel’s channel’s grown

and it’s quite big but there are always

familiar faces in the comments popping


asking great questions um all of these


and for me that is the part that i love

after i release a video jumping in the

comments and getting to

say hi to everyone awesome yeah is it

true that you’re

actually scared of public speaking i

hope i’m horrendously

i’m tremendously

every week but if we put you in a room

live with people what happens

i completely seize up and

can’t speak and sweat and

choke on my words it’s very different

being in a studio with a camera

and recording on your own i don’t record

with anyone else in the room

at all not even you not even me um

so it’s only me and my viewers

it’s your little safe space it’s super

safe and on a stage

is not a safe space for me you have made

about 200 videos now which is a

lot when you think about it was any any

of them your which was your favorite one

that you made

oh uh there’s lots of favorites for lots

of different reasons

okay which i want

to hold this but maybe two

i i loved making last year i made

an imitation lesson

that we posted for the entire community

to practice with and then

submit their videos and

super cool that was super cool because i

got to actually

see so many of you

practicing the same imitation lesson

that you’ve been learning with me

and then submitting it and recording it

and i put together a video

and um shared it on the channel i might

try and link it up

so that anyone you guys haven’t seen it

i mean it’s not so much an english

lesson it’s more just watching the


of people imitating emma from around the

world even her

hand gestures the way she smiles you

know emma smiles so much

and it was just lovely to see um older

people younger people

and we put it all together in a video

and it was great yeah yeah that was

probably cool

um and you know i was you worked so hard

on your lessons too

um you put a lot of effort into them is

there another one that you actually wish

that more people watched because you

can’t always tell

on youtuber is everybody gonna see this

did some people miss out

did you have one that you that you made

and was like you know what that was like

the best lesson i ever made

i wish more people actually saw this one

because now’s your chance the people are


because they’re listening there’s been

there has been a couple

where um you know they’re really useful

grammar lessons

but you know grammar tends not to be


so fun it’s

yeah yeah so um i think

that it’s interesting on my channel um

sometimes the videos that

i think they’re so fantastic and they’re

so useful

there’s one on the passive voice that

i’m thinking about now

that when it first went out

not a lot of people saw it but over time

it’s definitely been

building up because the passive voice we

will link to that

link to that where do you make your

videos emma do you have a film crew

um i make them do you have like a food

truck waiting for you outside after

you’ve filmed the lessons and you can go

on people make food for you when you

someone does your makeup

for you snacks do help yes sometimes

you make a little snack plate which is

really really nice

but actually it’s just uh you’re looking

at the

english film crew so shah will often

help by setting

up lights in the studio and things like

that but i film it right here in this


um which is one of the bedrooms in my


luckily we recently moved into a house


we have a whole room that we can just

permanently leave set up as a studio so

for the first time in my life

i’m not setting up packing down the

studio setting up

backing down settings up backing down

now it’s just

always here and ready to film which is


good i’m just going to warn you that

from now on my questions are going to

come a little bit

faster okay sorry and i’ve been talking

too much

i’ve been walking on uh that’s

absolutely what did you eat for

breakfast today

did i eat breakfast i think i i think i


a piece of peanut butter toast and is

that what you would normally eat um

it’s not far from it question number ten

what would you rather have eaten



i would have loved i love a poached egg

on avocado with a big piece of

your homemade sourdough bread no well i

was gonna say so

anyone does feel like making breakfast

for emma she absolutely loves to have

poached eggs on toast

don’t forget uh so what’s it like where

you live

do you live in the mountains what is it

like where do you live i

live by the ocean actually and

i love it every day i get to go

for a walk in summer i go for swims at


it is so lovely to live by the beach

and i’ve always lived by the beach um

so not doing so would be kind of weird

for me i feel like i’m just

attached to the coast and to the ocean

right next year and do you like um

this next question is do you live in a

big house with

other youtubers no good answer

what kind of car do you drive

i drive a really old car

i drive a 1994

lexus which used to be my dad’s

it’s a classic it is a classic i

inherited it

it’s a lovely car um it’s got a lot of

sentimental value

so i will continue driving it until it

can drive

no more i try to make these questions


emman have you had cobia no no

which do you think is faster a tiger or

a shark

a shark who’s your favorite english

teacher on youtube

oh i would have to say it’s either

lucy or vanessa which teachers don’t you


none do you get all your clothes free


sponsors no none

if you were able to if you were able to

get any brand to sponsor you and send

you all their clothes for free

which one would it be

oh you know the answer to this just in

case they’re listening

i’m completely obsessed with gorman in

australia any of you who are in

australia and you know gorman and their

bold bright colors and beautiful fabrics

um i could shop there until

two more questions to go so gorman is

your favorite your sponsor of choice

um do you have any pets

i did just get a pet today

what kind of pet did you i got a puppy


today um so

she’s literally just arrived she’s very

very new

she’s actually asleep right down

there and so far

she’s not really disrupted the youtube

live but

if she does wake up i’ll definitely

bring her up and

introduce you to her um so yes she is

now the apple of my

eye um everything we don’t even have a

name for her yet do we don’t have a name

um we’ve got two choices

that we’re trying to toss up between

frankie or daisy

and we’re trying to work out we’re

trying to now that she’s arrived we’re


doing our final decision is it going to

be frankie is it going to be daisy

if you’ve got an opinion on that let me

know in the comments i would love to


um what you think i should call her

i’ll show you her when she wakes up i

promise all right well i’m happy to

um that was good we got through those in

in in a good amount of time i thought

and um

we have a bunch of comments coming in

yeah so thanks for

for joining us emma for that first part

of the rapid fire question oh man

manuel’s saying he’s listening to our

conversation and got about

70 80 percent of it which is

awesome and we’re speaking quite quickly

you’ll notice that char and i talking


is much faster than my

videos that i’m usually putting out my

lessons that i film

so this type of conversation is


a little different and so it’s great

training extra practice for you to be

listening to me in a different context

probably in a more

natural context like a regular


or being asked questions that she

doesn’t really want to answer

um we do have some questions from

our viewers anna is asking why isn’t

your accent

really strong most australians have a

really strong accent you kind of talk

like this how come you don’t have that

accent you don’t have a really strong

australian accent do you emma

that’s a that’s a really good impression

yeah um

i have always put it down to

the fact that i’ve lived overseas in

other countries and i think that that

forces you for any native english


i think it forces you to speak more


and articulate sounds more clearly

i also think that being an english

teacher plays a big part in that

um and i spend a lot of time trying to

speak clearly articulate sounds and um

you know regular everyday australians

they don’t have to

and you know we speak to each other

and understand each other and can get a

little lazy with our speech

and you know you might be thinking

what on earth is going on here or so

what if you have

a really thick accent you help people

with thick

accents often we don’t we often don’t


people to try to change their accent but

maybe to

improve their pronunciation we did have

a question from murray ewan that says hi


how can i work on my thick accent so

if you don’t have a thick australian

accent and you did that you achieved

that through

teaching english maybe from a lot of

travel speaking to lots of other people

with different accents and you have to

kind of

change the way you speak how it’s

something i think that that’s

you’ve just touched on a couple of

really key things so there’s obviously

um you know the regular pronunciation


watching your favorite youtube teachers

practicing out loud with them

focusing on drilling those sounds in a

lot of the

the videos that focus on the individual

sounds but one of the things

that really does help to shape

the way that you express yourself and

forces you to do it

clearly is by speaking to

other types of english speakers not just

native english speakers but other

is never going to be the case for me

with all of my students the

sooner that you can get out into

real situations real conversations and


speaking with other people the better

because there are so many different

types of skills

that you are practicing in a real live

conversation yes you’re practicing

grammar but you’re also

practicing vocabulary you’re practicing

non-verbal communication you’re


you’re watching other people as they’re

communicating and all of these things

are what make speaking and communicating


really hard so even if you have perfect

grammar on paper

it doesn’t mean that you’re going to

step out into the world and be able to

interact with people in a

in a really positive engaging way and

um and so the sooner you start

breaking down those barriers

and you start building confidence with

your speaking skills

you start connecting with other people


in english there’s motivation

there’s little wins and success that

you’re having

at every point and for me that is

much more important than perfect english

grammar great answer

now before we move on i’m just going to

let you know that someone people have

been writing to us to say that the

connection has cut out

is anyone been experiencing that we

haven’t noticed we’ve been here

answering questions and things like that

technical stuff i have no idea

um it seems to be that we’re back um can

everybody see us

i’m not sure i’m hoping that my face

wasn’t super embarrassing while i was on

pause for a while

maybe we’re all used to that kind of

thing um but it seems like we’re back on

i can see myself moving on the screen

and i’m so sorry guys for those of you

who we dropped out um i don’t know how

long for

um but potentially yeah we are back

um and so let’s just carry on

um the last question that everybody

heard was about how to change

strong accents and so we missed the last

question that’s quite

all right i’m hoping that we’ll still

have that in a recording somehow

um we’ll find that out later so are you

happy to

move along for the moment em or um would

you like to go back

i’m just watching all of the comments

fly through and

big hello to daddy dave as well familiar

face out there

um lots of you are saying it’s my

connection that sucks

uh it would appear that perhaps it’s

al’s um

anyway thank you javier for your


on and to the team of um

reaching four million subscribers really

appreciate that

we absolutely love showing up at in


week in and week out and sharing lessons


and getting to hang out with all of you

that’s why today is so special we um i

mean this is actually the second

live youtube video that i’ve ever done

the first one

was must have been in 2017

it was a few years ago um i’m not sure

if any of you were

also present at that live video but it

would be quite funny to know there were

people who watched live then as well

um i’ve never done a live video by the


don’t understand how you could do this

on your own i would have to have a

friend with me

to do you’ve got a friend with you

you’ve got a friend

right well we have some more questions i

mean guys keep saying

there’s been some great questions coming

in we love questions because

it just helps us to understand what do

you want to know how can emma help she’s


you can see she just turns her teacher

on just like that but then in between

we can switch between to try and find


more about emma that goes on because of

course there’s so much more to her than

what you see on screen and i’m hoping

that some of the questions in that mug

are gonna help us to unpack a little bit

of that so

are you ready to move on to some of

these questions and we’ll come back to

some more of our audience questions in


a moment okay

so i’m picking the first one out here so

we have a bunch of questions inside here

this is quite a cool mug actually this

is the

mug which yeah do you like

do you guys like these mugs i mean we

could make some

merchandise if you like the look of this

mug i just made this for emma because

we’ve got our new logo that you guys

will have seen now and i thought it was

really cool

um if you guys like this maybe we can

sell them in a shop or something like

that i’m not really sure how all that

works but maybe we could give them out

as prizes

i’ve just become aware that i’m probably

speaking really fast

for you guys so let me slow down a

little the first question we have

is what was the moment that you had the

idea to start a youtube channel

at all oh that’s a great question

that um that would be when i was

teaching in vietnam

and that’s actually answering

christian’s question as well he said did

you ever work as a teacher

before starting the youtube channel so

i worked in australia at

um a couple of language schools and also


monash university english bridging


so some of you if you’re watching from

melbourne australia

you might even be familiar or maybe went

to monash university um but

then we moved to vietnam which

we absolutely loved we were there for a

year and i was working at a language

school there

but one of my classes was this classroom

full of adults

who worked really long hours

until seven o’clock at night they would

grab some dinner on the way from work

to my classroom and sit there and we’d

have to use these textbooks

and practice silly conversations about

nothing that was relevant to them in

their lives

and i thought i’ve got to find a way

to get them to really love learning and


english with me because this isn’t


and um does anyone else feel like that

is the textbook

is the textbook way of learning english

or learning english in language schools

is it

boring to you is that because that’s

emma was thinking that weren’t you

it was like i’ve got to do something

about this well i think it’s like

you know it can depend if the class and

the group of people are really great if

the teacher is awesome then that’s great

then you know it also depends on

your situation if you are trying to

squeeze in a class you know between

the time that you finish working the

time that you go to bed and

you know you’re trying to do that three

times a week you know you’ve got to keep

doing it

to keep up your practice and your skills

then it starts to feel

like a chore and it’s hard and it’s hard

to stay motivated

so that was really how i started the

youtube channel i wanted to

just film incidental um

moments in my day that um particularly

around food many of you who’ve been

watching the channel for a long time

will remember that

a lot of my early videos were about

cooking and about eating with loves

yeah yes so i really wanted to just you


create these really relaxed

conversational kind of videos

around food and so at that time i was

sharing it with about

20 of my students and

i think it took maybe a couple of months

and i looked at the channel and there

was like 3 000 people watching

watching you eat noodles and take away

right but it was a little bit odd

at the time um i remember feeling

i don’t know whether i feel okay about

this but i guess it’s cool

and maybe i’ll keep making these videos

because obviously people are enjoying


um and yeah so that was that’s how it

started it started in vietnam

um and inspired by the classroom

um and the students that i had at the


yes and for those people who have been

asking how do you start a youtube

channel i guess

watching emma you just kind of start one

i mean you just get your phone and then

you make a video and then you upload it

i don’t know

i should have pulled out that camera

that i was using for like the first

three years of the channel and at the

time it was one of those little

um flip handicam

things that you know you can record

video on but you could walk around with

your hand slipped in the side

yeah yeah that was the cheapest one that

they had because you didn’t have much


it was the cheapest and it worked fine

for like three years yeah we didn’t even

get we’ve got a nice one now

so what i always always tell anybody

who is starting out on youtube and is

thinking about

creating a channel is not to go out and


all of the different cameras and

lights and bits and pieces you can do so

much with just

natural light a really simple camera

a phone now you know get into the habit

the hardest part about starting a

youtube channel is

getting into the habit of showing up

consistently and regularly and

you know coming up with new ideas even


you know it feels like you’re not

getting very far and you’re not

um making any money and or you’re not

reaching anyone or you’re tired or

you’re trying to like have a holiday

all of that that’s the hard part all of

the important things you are amazing

i mean i just don’t know anyone who just

keeps turning

up every time the next question

how’s our little puppy going she is

shh stirring

her eyes are open but she’s still lying


how did your family react when you quit

your job to focus

on your channel because not everybody

says mom i’m gonna quit my job now i’m

just gonna make youtube videos

what does your family do when you

families are so

sometimes families get involved in the

in the decision making in your life


what does your family like that what

happened my family

was quietly supportive

so what i mean what i mean

is i think that they were thinking

uh what on earth are they doing

right uh what am i what are you

wondering what we were doing

i was wondering what you were doing i

was wondering what you were doing why

would i yeah

shah was also um starting his own


and we were both working on the internet

on the internet

which yeah back then was kind of an odd

thing to do

not so much now but um yeah i never

i never felt i never had any questions


concerns or doubts coming from my


but i did definitely feel

it a little your mom may have said your

mom may have said

uh i found a newspaper advertisement for

you emma there is a job here for a

teacher in the university

yeah um yeah yeah why don’t you go and

take them no

that’s like um uh it’s just sort of

we call it passive aggressive

like just subtly hinting at i think

they’re just people just

unsure they’re just not sure and they

want the best for you

yeah and sometimes they’re not so sure

how to say that

yeah and also um

it is like you know taking a little

risk like starting a youtube channel

and moving away from traditional sort of

teaching i think is um

there is a little risk there and it’s

not the kind of thing that everyone

is willing or able to do so lots of lots

of people from the outside might be

thinking oh i don’t know about that but

you know it’s been proven time and time


as we say onwards and upwards okay

next one just trying to pick out another


okay can you walk us through a day

in your life how does each of your days

start and end

and tell the truth you don’t go into a

meditation retreat on top of a morning

in the morning uh under a waterfall on

top of a mountain

oh ask me the question again because i

was looking at all these comments coming

actually i did notice that somebody from

azerbaijan is cheering us on today thank

you so much

did you know that the video editor for

english is actually from azerbaijan yes

she is very intelligent

can you walk us through a day in your

life walk us through a day in your life

how does each day start and end please

tell the truth

um okay so please tell me please tell

the truth

that’s really exciting or interesting i

usually get up in the morning

and the first thing that i like to do

is um have a cup of

tea or a glass of water i like to

move my body a little if i’m

feeling like it that means going to the

gym i go to f45

i don’t know if any of you go to f45

gyms but i really love going to the gym


a lot of the time i said i live by the

beach um i just

love going for a big long walk in the


um just to get my body moving and ready

to go

because then i come back i make myself a


and i sit right here and

work work work work work

to check in with all of our team

work on different projects so it might

be creating

um lessons or

courses and content for english

but i also have another

business that we both work in um

and that is a like a tech startup in the

language learning space so we are


building a web platform for our


called the ladies project soon to be hey


um which is really exciting but that is

a huge epic

project that takes a lot of time by the

time i get to the end of the day

i either we go out to eat dinner because

it gets to seven o’clock at night and no

one has done anything

you look after most of the cooking in

our house right do you look after our i

love cooking

our health cooking is my thing yeah yeah

and you love eating i got a match made

in heaven

it is perfect i cook she eats yeah yeah

and breakfast is simple poached eggs on

toast guys it’s true

all right um


oh this is a juicy question what

don’t people get to see about you in

your videos

do you ever make mistakes do you ever

get nervous

yeah of course um in this video you will

see all of my mistakes

and pauses and hesitations and

i’ve already choked on my words twice

and that happens when i um

feel nervous and uncomfortable and when

i’m making lessons

uh on for youtube i just edit that stuff


but that’s not what happens in reality


um yeah one more question yep we’ve got

another question here

yeah and then we should probably answer

a couple more questions and

and start to wrap up okay um you touched

on this a second ago

this question says you devote a lot of

your time to helping women

actually who are learning english what

exactly do you do

so that um relates to the

startup that i just mentioned so i

do a lot of work from english and we

both spend a lot of time

um on our startup which is

in the space language learning space

it’s for women

who are learning english helping them to

build the confidence

to speak and to communicate effectively

in english

so yeah in that community

we have an amazing

group of teachers who create awesome

content and

host lessons and classes and create

speaking events and opportunities for

our community to connect

we of course have this incredible

network of women

all over the world who are learning

english and

when they come to us they feel um

doubt uncertainty a little uncomfortable


nervous about speaking in english and

you know

through the incredible community that we


they build confidence they practice with


the tools and the lessons that we


and create incredible friendships that

connect them across the planet which is

pretty special i was like is that all um

that sounds amazing

yeah um definitely um we are keeping up

the great work on all of that

let’s move on to my goodness the number

of questions that are flying in

um victor says i can’t see nothing i’m

hoping that’s not still the same

everyone else seems to be okay there

we have um someone whose name has


in i think russian who was asking what

breed is your dog yeah mandratha is

saying show us the puppy show show us

the dog

dog dog um

oh she’s okay we’ll pick her up in a

second she’s too cute

one more question one more question um


well we’ve got a different two-part one

here um

okay we’ve got what are your favorite

sports you could just this could be

rapid fire what are your favorite sports

like watching sport to watch sport i

really like watching australian football


i’m sure that most of you have not even

ever heard of it it’s different

to american football different to soccer

different to rugby um in australia we

have our

our own game and that’s probably the

sport that i love to watch most okay

australian rules football the next one

we’ve got is we may just go over this

for people who have not watched the


or didn’t know or have come along and

seen this channel it’s called

mmm english why

did you call the channel um english

instead of just like

english with emma or emma’s english or

excellent english or any other

variation what’s with the um thing is

the question from

charlotte great question charlotte and i

love answering this because it’s

so random i always think like

how did google end up being called

google um

um english is uh the name

was actually you came up with the name

did i

yeah yes when we were on holidays in


yeah um it was because

it’s because of food food is this

connector it brings

everyone together in social situations

no matter what language you’re speaking

you know it helps to break down barriers

and to put everyone at ease and so when

i first started the channel i was really


on using food as a tool to help

us connect through english we love food

language you love

food who doesn’t love it


is all about being

delicious and

then of course over time as people kept

asking this question i was like well

this is cool because

you know you can also say hmm

english or

um so

it’s like um a little expression that

you can use

with lots of different tones and i i

think it’s interesting how it applies to

english it’s used in lots of different


all all right i’m gonna go get the puppy

yeah you can start talking about

why what made you decide to do a live

video today oh good one of the reasons

you can’t do this

on a recorded video

um yeah and i was talking a little bit

about that at the start

um because for five years now i’ve been


videos and putting lessons out on the


but the the version of me that you get


meet and see through those videos is a

little different

than you know the real me and me being

able to sit here and respond to all of


questions hello

sleepy sleepy puppy sleepy

little puppy that could be called


or she might be does she look like

frankie or daddy

oh oh look she’s yawning

look how fat her tummy is

oh this is a 10 no 8 week old puppy

yes she’s a full mastiff puppy she’s

going to get

quite big quite big and we’re

super super excited if you were here at

the start of the live stream

go put it back on them okay say bye

everyone say

bye bye bye bye bye

bye so we just got her

and she arrived today so we haven’t even


our first night sleeping with her i

don’t imagine

we’re gonna get a lot of sleep tonight


so um there’s

yeah a little bit of a little bit of

work to be done i think we need to run

her around before we go to bed but

um thank you so much for everyone who

has joined and jumped into the comments

we will be going back through and so

will the english

team going back through the comments to

see if there’s any suggestions or


for other types of live videos that

you’d like

us to do well we are listening we are

really listening yeah and we’re thinking

of doing

these live videos once a month so

um we’re super happy to continue doing

them if

you guys are into them and are excited

to be watching

and and being part of the videos with us

we have our

team we have a couple of members from

our team yeah comments in the chat

right now so if you are posting your

ideas there we will definitely

yes definitely be talking about i want

to give a huge shout out to brooke

and to kaelin who are um in the comments

mentioning commenting to

everyone that is um writing questions

they’re also sending us the juicy

questions the ones that we can’t miss

as well so thank you for both being

there and for helping out today

and to all of you who have joined us it

has been such a pleasure

to see lots of you and um

and hang out for a little while thank


was it okay do you think you could do

this again will you come back

maybe yeah

if they say no but if they say

yes then absolutely

i’ve had fun all right see you soon

everyone thanks for watching and um bye

for now