Checking Your Study Progress in English and Setting New Goals

i think it’s rolling hi everybody and

welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s live lesson we are going to

talk about

how to check steady progress and set new

goals at the beginning of this year i

talked about how to make a study plan

for yourself so here at about the

halfway point of the year we’re getting

to about halfway through the year

i thought it would be a good chance to

talk about how to check your own

progress with your studies

and set some new goals for yourself so

that will be the topic for today’s


so please as you join please please

please make sure to hit the like button

and of course

share this video so that other people

can find today’s lesson that would be

super super cool

we appreciate it as always and while we

wait for other people to join us live

a couple of very quick announcements for

you real quick the first thing

is of course about this banner at the

bottom of the screen

free pdf cheat sheets if you want to


with our lesson materials you can find

from the link in the description of this

video on youtube

below the video or above the video on


this page you can scroll down to find

all of these pdfs i often show you uh in

this live stream

you can choose whichever you like uh i

show you these

all the time but there are a lot of new

ones i was looking today

there are some really good topics in

here especially

about a goal setting and time planning

so check these out you can download all

of these

for free so please check the link uh

below the video or above the video

and if you want step-by-step help to get

these you can find it

scroll down scroll down right here one

two three four so to download these you

need your name

and email address and you can get

everything so check it out if you want


that’s announcement number one

announcement number two as always

if you have questions for me if you have

questions for me

about anything really you can send them

to me

for the ask alicia series the weekly


and answer series where you send me your


and i maybe answer them i will read your

question i can promise you that

uh so check this out this is at

ask hyphen alicia the submission page i

will put a link in the youtube


also okay so check that out this is a


from the series uh and if you want to

find me on social media

this is where to find me there’s a link

in the youtube description

also doki everything is good i think hi

i see facebook and youtube hello youtube

akira good morning augustine hello uh

surya hi oh convaljit hello gila

hello sorry gilda hi facebook hi


sam and sammy and soy ratha hello

showbiz carlos cagnette hello cowley


welcome everyone is here everything is


okay let’s go to the the lesson topic

for today

also if you haven’t please make sure to

like and share the video i’m gonna share

the video now

okay i’ve shared it okay let’s get to

the topic for today

today’s topic is uh how to check your

study progress and share your goals so

today i made a flow chart ooh long time

no flow chart check it out

so today we’re going to talk about first

how to review your goals

did i reach my goal or not and what to

do if you have questions

second we’re going to talk about how to

know when you reach your goal

so a few different ways to understand

and finally

what do i do next okay

so today’s lesson sorry let me get rid

of this today’s lesson

will be about uh giving you some tools

you can use to

check yourself yeah uh so this will not

be a what like a perfect plan designed

for you but

rather like some ideas you can use to

check your own level and check your own


and find your own plan forward so let’s

begin all right first thing

first the flow chart okay i made this

flow chart

to try to help you um make the decision

making process

easier to understand what you need to do

and why maybe you failed and failing is


failure is fine if you mess up that’s

fine you can always recover right

so let’s talk about it what do we do


the first thing i want to talk about is


your goals review your goals so if you

joined the lesson

at the beginning of 2020 cool maybe you

set a goal

uh at 20 at the beginning of 2020 if you

have no goal that’s okay you can set a

new goal

uh whatever it is did you reach your

goal oh thanks very

much uh fcoj on youtube for supporting

our channel that’s awesome

much appreciated so let’s see first did

you reach

your goal did you reach your goal yes or

no simple question right

if you set the right goals we’ll talk

about this later

so did you reach your goal yes or no

there’s no a little bit or almost here

if your answer is almost i almost

reached my goal it’s no

the answer is no okay and that’s okay

like don’t freak out it’s okay to fail

okay so let’s talk about no

first so let’s say you study for six

months or

three months or whatever and you didn’t

reach your goal

okay next question why not

why didn’t you reach your goal so here

are some possible answers

you might have a slightly different

answer but i think these uh

cover most things so maybe the goal was

too hard the goal was too hard so you

picked a goal

that was too difficult like the grammar

you needed was too much or maybe

the number of vocabulary words you

wanted to study

was just way too much in like a month

so your goal was maybe too hard okay

that’s a good reason

or maybe you didn’t follow your study


so maybe you created a study plan

and it was too much like you had to wake

up an hour early every day and study or

you had an intensive study course or

something maybe it was too much

or maybe you were just kind of

not motivated okay anyway you didn’t

follow your study plan

that’s another reason or maybe

you don’t have study materials maybe

there’s a

book you need or some video or a


and you don’t have that okay so here are

some reasons you might

not be able to reach your goal or maybe

why you failed

that’s all fine again failing is fine

this is totally fine so what next okay

so my goal was too hard

if you think oh this goal was too hard

now i know this was way too difficult

for me

ugh that was not good fine great okay

now you know that

so make the same goal easier that’s it

so if your goal for example was to learn

300 vocabulary words in one month and

you learned like

that’s okay it’s progress so you know

your pace so for the next month say okay

my goal is to learn 150 vocabulary words

or maybe 175.

so make the goal a little easier think

about how you can

remake the goal just easier right

you’re you want to achieve it right so

set yourself up for that kind of success

okay all right um okay i don’t see

questions if you have some questions

about this please send them i will try

to talk about them live

okay so now let’s talk about this one

what if you didn’t follow your study

plan so you didn’t follow the plan you

created for yourself

and you failed your goal what do i do

okay so

next question why didn’t you follow your

study plan what’s your deal

what happened so why didn’t you follow

your study plan you’re busy so you have

work you have school you have your

personal life whatever

you’re busy okay fine you didn’t follow

your study plan because you’re busy

same way to resolve it make the same


just easier okay so maybe you said i’m

going to study one

hour every day that was too much okay

so maybe say okay i’m going to study 30

minutes three times a week

baby that works for you so create

another steady plan

make the same goal but easier just make

it easier for yourself

make a new goal okay what if

it was just too much it was too much you

were overwhelmed

like you said okay my study plan is to


three textbooks this month and you

finished one

and then you didn’t finish the other two

and you feel horrible and you’re like oh

gosh i’m a failure

it’s fine okay it was too much that’s


okay so just take a step back and think


that was too much i know that now let’s

just remake the goal

right same goal but easier next month

we’re gonna do

one textbook maybe okay so these are


of redefining your goal so set your goal

again but just make it a little bit


on yourself okay make sure you can


make sure you can succeed okay thanks

ahmed on youtube that’s cool

much appreciate the support okay yeah


uh says i’m not used to setting goals

i’ll try to

yeah a key with this a key with uh

moving like moving forward and making

good progress is this goal setting yeah

if you don’t have a goal

how do you know what to work towards

right so

that’s what we’re focusing on here okay

one more then one more this happens to

all of us

we feel lazy or we feel unmotivated

right like i really just don’t feel like

studying today i

really don’t feel like doing this thing

today that’s

fine that’s fine it happens to us all

right so just when you feel that that

lack of motivation like i really don’t

want to study i am so tired or i just

want to watch

netflix i just want to watch tv that’s

fine like

give yourself that space that’s okay but

don’t let yourself like get stuck there


remember why are you studying so you

wanted to study this thing for a reason

right so think about why you’re studying


and then again make another goal for


just easier so if you know that you can


this goal like if you know it’s super

easy you’ll be like all right cool

i’ve got it i finished my goal for the

week or the day or whatever

so think of why you’re studying to give

yourself that motivation

why do i want to do this and then make

another easier goal for yourself

and then the end here set a new goal

yeah let’s see that’s the end here

this is also what happens if your first

answer is yes so when you reach your


if you answer yes here great set a new


okay so uh this is

a quick uh very simple flow chart i hope

you can use

if you are trying to check your own


yeah okay some of questions i saw some

questions what was it

uh what’s the correct phrase i set a

goal or i set myself a goal both can be

correct it depends on the situation

in which you want to use them okay

javier says you can learn watching

netflix haha that’s true you can pick up

some language watching netflix for sure

it’s fun

facebook do you have any questions uh

nope i do not see your questions

everyone is saying hello

what kind of goals can we set says dante

oh my gosh dante

we are going to talk about that in part

two so please

stick around please wait for that that’s

my next

topic okay so this is part one how to

review your goals how to understand

did i meet my goal or not and why okay

cool all right um let’s take a break

so if you missed it earlier there are

free pdf cheat sheets from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube and above the video if you’re


on facebook you can find a bunch of

different topics like planning your time

how to talk about making plans making a

schedule like a study schedule

if you want and there are a lot of

different topics i don’t have printed

out the team made a bunch

there are some conversation uh cheat

sheets too so you can practice

some everyday conversations to the

dialogue so check this out from the link


or above the video okay

um let’s see i’m looking at your

comments some comments are coming in on

youtube uh do you have a review plan on

your web page um

i think uh if you are signed up for

lessons with us

if you’re signed up for lessons with us

you can review your past

content to see it all there so maybe

that’s kind of what you mean

i hope that answers your question

alaratam what if there’s no motivation

to continue that’s tough

right when you feel like i just really

don’t want to do this anymore if you

need a break that’s okay

but maybe give yourself like a week

something like that like say okay

i will wait a week and see how i feel

because for sure like sometimes life

just comes at you and you’re like

uh like i don’t have time for this right


that’s fine so just maybe set a deadline

maybe is a good thing to do

i know sometimes if i don’t set a

deadline in those cases i’ll just let


go and then i’m like oh i really wanted

to do that

so maybe try giving yourself a deadline

that could help okay um

i don’t see others how do i organize a

party um

maybe i have some videos about parties

on the channel that’s different from

today’s topic though you could send that


an ask alicia question if you want okay

um all right how to set the right goal

yes people are talking about that

so let’s go to setting goals now

if you uh i’m not going to talk a lot

about smart goals which is i’ve talked

about it

many many times on this channel you can

find this

in let’s see if you search on the

youtube and probably the facebook pages

you can find some videos i have there

about study plans

and goal setting so i really recommend

you check those i will put a link

in the youtube description after this

lesson so if you want to check my videos

about goal setting

please check this video after the live


i’ll add some reference links for you

there okay um

so let’s talk now about reaching your


and checking your past goals so if you

want to know about goal setting

you will cover it a little bit here and

in part three

so first when you ask yourself

have i reached my goal here are a couple

of ways

to check so first you can check

your previous goal as we did with the

flowchart earlier

for example maybe your goal was learn

300 new vocabulary words did i do it yes

or no

simple answer be able to speak

for one minute maybe you have a speaking

goal for yourself

did i do it yes or no or maybe

learn to write a request email learn to

write a request email did i do it can i

do it yes

or no so check your previous goals did i

do it

okay this is one way to check yourself

to check your progress another one i

strongly i really really recommend you


this type of check-in maybe like

once every three months or so to check


language learning progress is check your


to can i questions i’ve talked about


many many times on this channel

so the idea is you have a list

of questions about things you can and

cannot do

in the language you’re studying for


can i introduce myself or

can i explain my hobbies or

can i write a paragraph about a news


or can i order food on the phone

these very um like

many different topics about things you

can or maybe cannot do

in the language you’re studying these

types of questions these are called can

do questions

if you don’t have a list of these for

yourself you can do a quick

google search just write like can do

questions english you will find

a lot of sample lists so check that

and answer these questions for yourself

if you started this at the beginning of

2020 or if you have a list

already for yourself check your answers

so we can answer yes

a little bit or it’s it’s kind of hard

or it’s challenging

or no okay so

if you set some goals at the beginning

of the year

and you chose a goal for example can i

explain my hobbies

and you said at the beginning of the


a little it’s kind of hard but now

you go to this question again can i

explain my hobbies

and if your answer is yes to the

question that was

difficult before that’s great

that means you made progress so now you

can do

something that was difficult for you in

the past

so this type of like self-check this way

of checking yourself

is really helpful because every day it’s

hard to measure

our progress right it’s really hard to

feel like we’re moving forward

but if you can go back to these


to these um kind of achievements

you can see oh my gosh now i can do that

that’s amazing

so go back to these questions and answer


again for yourself okay cool

all right then what if the answer is


it’s difficult what if you said okay can

i explain my hobbies

it’s hard at the beginning of the year

and now

you ask the same question oh it’s still


what do you do you can check your study


what did you do to try to make progress

so that’s when

you have to be honest you have to be

very honest with yourself

and think okay what did i do what what

did i do

to work on my goal did i study did i

forget a lot

what happened so you need to be honest

with yourself

there okay cool uh

all right um okay so

here is uh these are two ways to look at

your goals and

this goal up here like setting a goal

for vocabulary words

or speaking whatever this these these


right here these goals right here are to

become able to do these things that’s

the relationship here

you set this goal to be able to do this

so in the last part in part three of

today’s lesson

we’re going to talk about specifically

how to choose

this next thing for yourself so if you

finish this

great so in part three we’re going to

talk about how to go to the next

question that’s difficult

and choose another goal for yourself


can you read the second paragraph sure

so down here i wrote if you can say

yes to a question that was difficult


great you made progress if your answer

is still

it’s difficult to your question check

your study plan

what did you do to try to make progress

so that’s where you need to be honest

with yourself what did i really do

to try to make progress and how can i

change it in the future

okay so let’s finish part two there and

we’ll go to part three

how to go on to your next set of

challenges yeah

all right okie dokie let’s go to

another great so uh real quick if you

are just joining us there’s free stuff

for you from the link below the video

if you’re watching on youtube above the

video if you’re watching on facebook

if you have a vocabulary goal this could

be helpful for you if you have a

vocabulary goal or maybe a speaking goal

this one’s for school

there are some conversations on the

backs of these

and there are some conversation pdfs now

too that you can check out there’s a lot

so check it out check it out check it

all out

okay uh let’s go to part three then yeah

let’s go to part three what do i do next


everybody wants to know like what do i

do next okay

so here is a suggestion this is my


uh following uh

so after you check your answers to your

can i questions uh here is

a guide for what you can do next

okay so check your answers

to your can i questions yes a little or

it’s difficult

and no so next find

questions that you answer it’s difficult

or i can do it a little bit i think i

can do it

for example let’s say i ask myself this


i say can i write a paragraph

about a news article can i write a

paragraph about a news article

and i think okay maybe i can

i feel like maybe a little bit but it’s


next why do you think it’s hard

so in this case this goal or this

question is a writing question

right so i need to read a news article

and i need to write something about the

news article

so why is this hard is it

grammar is it vocabulary

is it my reading skills so next i need

to think

what is hard about it maybe for you it’s

everything that’s okay too

that’s fine so break it down break it

down into smaller pieces

if it’s grammar okay so your next goal


to study grammar lessons okay i’m going

to study

two grammar lessons every week so two

grammar lessons

new grammar lessons i’m going to review

each lesson so this is my goal so make

your goal to study grammar lessons

okay if the problem is vocabulary

make a vocabulary word goal i’m going to

study 100 vocabulary words

about this topic this month for example

or reading skills make a reading goal

for yourself

i’m going to read three articles a week

in the language i’m studying in english

in this case

so break this down for yourself yeah so

okay this is hard for me now this this

or this these things

are the problem okay i make a goal

to solve this problem then i go back and

ask myself again

can i do this if no okay what do i need

to do next

so break it down into these small parts

and work on the small parts themselves


so this is one example of how to set a

goal how to

find your next like level how to find

the next

level for you and find the next

thing to focus on yeah because

everybody’s going to be different right

everybody is different everybody has a

different level different goals

different strong points different weak

points yeah

okay all right um byron says how long do

i need to set a goal it depends on you

right it depends on you everyone has a

different schedule

maybe i think oh i can study one hour a


no problem but maybe a super busy person

can’t do that

so you need to create goals that fit

your life so again i’ll put

some i have quite a few i have a few

videos about goal setting

i will put in the youtube description

after this live stream

okay okay other questions other


i don’t see other questions from you so

uh i think that i will finish up here


i’m on time today look at me usually i

talk too much

okay uh good so i hope that this helps


to set your goals and to understand how

to check your progress

and keep moving forward yeah okay so

let’s uh i’ll show you today’s lesson

boards one more time so you can take a


if you want to here you go all right

so we talked about this this kind of

flow of

did you reach your goal yes or no so

this is the overview the base

for today some ways to check if you

reached your goal

and what to do next okay

so i hope that this helps you uh in your

goal setting

okay lupe lara what happens if i go

crazy because my study is too hard oh my


i covered this in part one if your study

is too hard

make the same goal but easier make it

easier for yourself

if you pick something too hard no

problem it’s too hard take it down

a level perfect okay so slow it down

something like that there’s always an

answer you don’t have to go crazy

so just chill just keep it chill okay

all right so i have to finish up there

again i will put some links after this


has finished in the description if you

want to see my videos about

other goals setting there so let’s let’s

let’s call it a day uh i will show you


what am i doing next week’s lesson where

is it next week’s lesson i’ll be back

next week of course as always if you

want to join me

it’s already june can you believe it

this year just poof

next week’s lesson will be june 2nd june

2nd wednesday june 2nd 10 pm eastern

standard time that is new york city time

if you don’t know your local time

please google it you can set a

notification on youtube

or on facebook or if you follow me on

instagram i always share

a reminder and a link in my story so

check it out there

next week i’m going to talk about how to

explain your condition so your mental

condition and your physical condition so

if you feel

sick like in your body or if you are

like really stressed

or just like oh you’re upset about

something how do you express

that so that’s going to be the topic for

next week

we’ll also talk about positive things

too like how to explain that you feel


and how to explain that you feel happy

or cheerful

as well okay so this will be next week’s

lesson uh i’m going to wrap it up and

put some links in the description

so check that in a couple minutes and

i’ll say goodbye for now so thanks very

much as always for joining me this week

that was super super cool i liked this

topic a lot that was fun

um and yeah check out the free

pdfs if you haven’t already from the

link below the video or above the video

and you can find me

on instagram and on twitter from the

links in the youtube

description always thanks so much for

liking and sharing too

i will say goodbye now so enjoy the rest

of your week have a good weekend and i

will see you again

next time