How to talk about your English goals for 2022

stream happy new year in this week’s

live lesson i’m going to talk about how

to talk about your study goals for the

year so in this week’s live lesson i’m

going to talk mostly about your language

related study goals but i’m also going

to talk about some other things you can


for other goals in your life this year

so i hope that you can find a couple of

tips that will help you to have a

productive and efficient year

as you join live as always please please

please make sure to hit the like button

and of course share this video so that

other people can find today’s lesson

that would be super super cool

uh while we wait for people to join us

live a couple of super super quick

announcements as always the team has put



for you to check out if you haven’t

already if you check this banner right

here at the bottom of the screen this

test your level banner you see this

right here you will find

uh if you check the link below the video

if you’re watching it on youtube or

above the video if you’re watching it on

facebook you will find this page which

i’m pulling up right now you will find

uh oh maybe you won’t find this page you

will find a page where you can check

your level you’ll find a page where you

can test your english level there it is

you’ll find this page where you can take

a quick test

or rather there’s a link to take the

test so that you can take a look at the

types of lessons that our website will

recommend for you so if you scroll down

on this page you will find

this one two three four step process if

you have trouble and then after the test

you’ll find a score so you can take a

look at the recommended learning

pathways so check this out if you’re not

sure about your level and you want to

get some ideas for your studies this

year that is announcement number one

announcement number two is as always if

you have questions for me if you have

questions after today’s live stream if

you think of just some small thing when

you’re studying please send it to me

please send it to me for our weekly q

and a series called ask alicia this is

an old screenshot from the series uh you

can send me your questions from the link

in the youtube description if you’re

watching on youtube uh if you are

watching on facebook you’ll find uh oh

you have to go to youtube it’s at

ask hyphen alicia that is the official

question submission page do not send me

your questions and youtube comments or

facebook comments or instagram direct

messages there are way too many way too

many i will not see it so please send it

to the official question submission page

that would be super i will definitely

read your question if you send it to me

there okay so send them to me and i will

maybe answer them in the regular q and a

video session uh okay so

that’s all i think everything is live

everything is going good yeah hi

everybody on youtube welcome back happy

new year to you all martin and roushire

hi hugo hi from boston welcome assad

vicente i hope from mexico hey jonathan

hey how’s life been treating you super

good yeah okay

gerardo hello miguel great everyone is

here on youtube facebook what’s up

facebook hi bantawa from nepal welcome

hi abdullahi hello ismail from libya

welcome pierre hello your name is coles

okay all right everything is rolling

good so let’s go to

uh our

lesson topic for the day let’s talk

about our lesson topic for the day if

you missed it earlier today we’re

talking about how to talk about your

study goals for the year so uh i’m going

to do this lesson in three parts uh i

designed this i hope so that it’s easy

for you to answer three key questions uh

to work on your goals for the year so

this is what we’re going to do today i’m

going to speak a little more slowly

we’re going to cover three main

questions first what is your goal and

we’re going to talk about good goals

two what steps are you going to take to

achieve your goal and three what are

your study resources so i have these

three kind of key questions to

help you make a plan for yourself

this is just a different way that you

can approach your study goals for the

year or your other life goals for the

year so um if you have other questions

or want some other ideas you can check

my past videos about making study goals

especially at the beginning of the year

so have a search on facebook or youtube

okay let’s get started if you haven’t oh

i haven’t please make sure to like and

share the video so other people can find

it i’m gonna do that right now i almost


out of practice after a week okay

shared good all right let’s get started

so first let’s begin with the first

question here

very important one to think about it’s

okay to take some time to think about it

first what is your goal what is your

goal so i have talked about goal setting

a lot on this channel setting a good

goal is very important so what is a good

goal how do you know if you chose a good

goal or not a good goal your goal should

be specific it should be measurable so

that means you know when you achieved it

or if you failed that’s okay

you should know that it’s realistic

something you can actually do

and you have a timeline yeah you have a

deadline for it so if you have seen this

channel maybe you’ve seen me talk about

smart goals before that’s the concept

behind our goal setting good goal


okay so let’s look at some examples of

really nice goals very straightforward

goals they’re not easy but they’re very

straightforward yeah these are good

goals so i’m going to pass test so this

test is your test a language proficiency

test or some other kind of certification

test whatever so i’m going to pass this

test yeah this is a good goal because

it’s very specific it’s very clear right

pass or fail so we can measure did i

achieve the goal or not that’s a good

goal right and

if this is your goal for the year you

have a timeline right in one year i’m

going to pass this test okay

so this is an example of a nice clear


okay here’s another one my goal is to

learn 2 000 new vocabulary words my goal

is to learn 2 000 new vocabulary words

so again this is a good goal because

it’s very specific right 2 000 new

vocabulary words is very clear and we

know if we reached the goal or didn’t

reach the goal did i learn only one

thousand then i didn’t reach my goal


this also these goals i created are for

one year but of course you can make

smaller goals we’re going to talk about

that in part two okay

so this is another example

of a specific goal okay one more i’m

going to take one year of language

courses i’m going to take one year of

language courses so again this is one

that’s very easy to measure so did i

take language courses for one year or

not right this is one action we want to

measure for one year



we’re going to cover

how to break these down in part two the

steps to reach your goal in part two so

you can send your goals in the chat a

lot of you i’ve seen already a lot of

you are just writing my goal is to learn

english this year this is not a good

goal right i understand your point but

think about it in a different way this

is a very common request people say how

do i get fluent how do i learn how do i

do this my goal is to speak like a

native speaker those are really

difficult to measure

so this example goal this is a very

common goal i see this year i’m finally

going to be fluent it’s like what does

that mean

like how do you measure that so why is

this not a good goal it’s not specific

what is fluent how do you know when you

reached fluency it’s not measurable you

can’t measure your fluency like you can

take a test yeah but a test is not

like a measurement of communication

skills right

and it maybe isn’t realistic like if you

are a super super super beginner in a

language you’re studying it’s probably

not realistic to go oh i’m gonna be

super fluent in one year

so try to avoid try not to use this kind

of goal instead choose these specific

goals give yourself a target to aim at


okay so keep this in mind don’t say to

yourself i’m going to be fluent this

year i’m going to be fluent it’s really

hard to measure and you don’t know it’s

hard for you to have a target if you do

that so we’ll talk about some more small

goals later

okay i want to finish with one more

point here i read this in a book

recently and i really really like this

if you’re not sure

exactly what target you want for

yourself not just for language but if

you’re not 100 sure like um what do i

want to study this year or what’s my

what’s my focus thing this year this is

something i liked i’m going to learn

about x

y and z this year i’m going to learn

about x y and z this year so for example

maybe you have three topics that are

interesting to you and you don’t know

yet like which one should i study like

which one should i focus on a lot maybe

you can say i’m going to read a book

about x

y and z three different topics this year

that can be another really good goal if

you’re not sure

about what to do okay so this is when i

i realized i’ve i found in a book

recently i thought it was a nice one to



phew okay some people are sending some

examples many of you are still writing

this goal i just said this is not a good

example of this is not a good example of

a goal i’m going to be fluent is not a

good goal why it’s not specific it’s not

measurable not realistic think of a

different way to write your goal my goal

is to learn new vocabulary words my goal

is to pass a test

my goal is to take a language lesson

every week right

some of you are still writing this goal

in the chat

try to think of a different way

ana what’s up ana says one of my goals

this year is to watch 10 movies in

english without subtitles yeah anna you

crushed it

one of our team members she’s the best

awesome goal anna great one great one


uh all right so this is part one what is

your goal make it specific you are

helping yourself by making a more

specific goal this helps you to have a

target right if you have no target where

are you aiming right so give yourself a

target okay cool that is part one uh if

you want to know more about this goal

setting search for smart goals oh it’s

snowing oh how nice okay let’s go to a

quick break and then we’ll go to part

two okay uh if you missed it earlier the

team has a free level check that you can

take a look at from the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

facebook i showed this earlier but if

you click the link you will find a page

where you can access this

so you put your name and your email

address in and you can take this level

check test it will check your your

english level according to your answers

on the test it’s totally free you don’t

have to worry about anything and then at

the end you will get a recommendation a

recommendation for the lessons for the

course path to take so check this out

you don’t have to take the course just

to get an idea of some different things

you can do to work on your study so

maybe you will find something that

matches your goal for the year yeah so

check this out the link is below the

video on youtube and above the video on

facebook okay all right so let’s get to

part two now on part two if you haven’t

already please make sure to like and

share this video so other people can

find today’s lesson



oh there’s a good goal in the youtube

chat aida i hope i said your name right

aida aioman my goal is to learn 3 000

new vocabulary words this year super

that sounds like a challenge good luck

with that that’s a good goal


andre says i’m going to watch all of

alicia’s videos that is huge i think i

think there’s probably like at least a

thousand like good luck

okay all right let’s go to part two part

two extremely important so part one what

is your goal right it’s very important

to have a goal part two the next thing

to ask yourself


steps are you going to take to achieve

your goal

what steps are you going to take to

achieve your goal so if you’re like uh i

i i i

sorry i forgot your name to study three

thousand vocabulary words in a year how

do you do that or if you’re anna how do

you watch 10 videos without subtitles

how do you break down those goals and

give yourself small targets every week

to hit

here are some examples okay so for

example i’m going to take lessons three

times a week i’m going to take lessons

three times a week so for example maybe

your goal is to give a business

presentation this year that’s a great


how so i’m going to take lessons three

times a week


so this is just one example of something

to do

if your goal is to pass a test this year

i’m going to take a practice test once a


so this could help you to prepare for

the test so once a month taking a

practice test or maybe once every three

months taking a practice test so these

are ways that you can make small steps

or bigger steps toward your goal

here’s another one for vocabulary

studiers some of you i know this is

always pumped something for me

i’m going to study vocabulary for 20

minutes a day i’m going to study

vocabulary for 20 minutes a day so like

10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes in

the evening for example okay so these

are your small goals your daily goals

your monthly goals or your weekly goals



i want to talk about these two now so i

know of course this is a language

learning channel this is a language

learning uh focused lesson but i know

lots of people i see your comments and i

see your questions and messages

sometimes a lot of people ask about

building confidence right so confidence

in your communication skills

and feeling

a lot of you i think feel very nervous

when using your second language of

course i completely understand i did and

i do sometimes so think about some

things you can do to build your

confidence have a confidence goal as


for example i’m going to do things i

enjoy to build my confidence so maybe if

you feel like

i don’t do much that makes me happy work

on building your confidence too or give

yourself other small things to achieve

in your life to build your confidence so

don’t forget to build your confidence

your mental skills too


for uh another personal development

point i’m going to look at my weak


and learn about how to improve them i’m

going to look at my weak points and

learn about how to improve them so if

you’re like i need to study vocabulary

but it’s so hard for me to make a

schedule maybe you can say okay i’m

going to look at time management skills

i’ll take like three months and really

focus on time management skills maybe

i’m bad at that i’m mad at that

so time management skills so i’m going

to work on improving these skills right

so these aren’t directly language skills

but they’re very closely related yeah so

build take time to build your confidence

take time to build your other skills and

work on those weak points if you know

you have a weak point take some time and

think about how to improve it yeah


oh good some some goals are coming in

alaradam says listen to a podcast in

english every week yeah nice nice nice


colo says i’m going to watch one video

each day from alicia nice that’s cool

okay uh pookie zesa says my goal for

this year is to build my own business uh

an online shopping page super okay great

great that sounds awesome

uh edvin says what is your goal alicia

oh my goal this year i’m uh i’m working

on building my interview skills so i’m

taking lessons

with a teacher about once a week

to talk about uh recent news topics and

other topics related to my work so

that’s what i’m going to work on to

build my vocabulary and my interviewing

skills in japanese yeah okay

uh one more the last one

this is one i also do i started doing

this years and years ago and it’s been

good and challenging here’s another

small step you can take i’m going to

write social media posts in the language

i’m studying i’m going to write social

media posts in the language i’m studying

so for example sometimes i see some of

you have like a twitter feed that’s just

in the language you’re studying that’s

great in my case i try to write like

when i post on instagram usually i use

instagram i always write it in english

and in japanese i try to like 95 of the

time right english and japanese i

challenge myself to always use

my second language uh to yeah it helps

me to find new vocabulary words and i

have to think in a different way about

how to communicate the idea

so these are just a few examples of

steps you can take to work towards your

goal of course building language skills

but also working on your personal skills




all right

i don’t see any other questions so i

think we’ll stop here for part two then

so think about this for yourself what

steps are you going to take to achieve

your goal what do you want to achieve

how do you need to get there break it

down and you can do this for any goal

right not just your language goals okay

cool we’ll take one more quick break and

then we’ll go to part three where we

cover study resources okay so if you

missed it earlier there is a banner at

the bottom of the screen that says test

your level now if you want to do our

team’s level check you can find it from

the link below the video on youtube or

above the video on facebook you will

find this page so if you scroll down

this part is at the bottom of the page

but when you click on the link you will

find this so you can log in here if you

have an account at you can log in here

if you do not you can make a free one

here and then scroll down you can find

the one two three four steps to take the

test and then check this information to

see the recommended pathways the

recommended courses yeah

uh some people say where is the link the

link is if you’re watching on youtube in

the youtube description if you’re

watching on facebook it’s in the

information part if if you’re watching

on the facebook feed it’s above this

video or maybe to the right of this

video if you’re watching it really big

so check that okay all right let’s go

to part three for today if you haven’t

already please make sure to hit the like

button yeah and share this video so

other people can find today’s lesson

all right

let’s go to the last part part three

what are your study resources what are

your study resources so this means what

are you going to use to study so this is

important because maybe you have your

goal maybe you have many steps to

achieve your goal but some people go

okay what should i even use to study i

know what i want to do i know how i need

to get there so

if you know your study resources

you can sit down at your desk or at the

tv or whatever you already know

everything you already have everything

you need to succeed for that study

session right so let’s review some

things you can use for your study

resources if you have other ideas send

them in the chat if you have

recommendations for youtube channels or

podcasts or books or whatever send them

in the chat and you can share them with

your digital classmates yeah so some

examples for vocabulary studiers like me

flash cards especially spaced repetition

flash cards i talk about these a lot we

have spaced repetition flashcards at you can use those

there are some other services on the

internet where you can find spaced

repetition flashcards spaced repetition

if you don’t know this repetition right

means repeating something yeah every day

or every week right when you when you

study with flash cards you repeat the

vocabulary words right


spaced repetition means there’s a little

break in between

when you see

the new flashcards when you review the

flashcards so these help you to study

because they give you a break between

the words that are easy for you yeah if

a word is easy for you you see it less

often if a word is hard for you you see

it more often so you can find these at

english class or wherever you

like to use spaced repetition flashcards

so i love flashcards for um

vocabulary study helped me a lot

uh okay next of course a textbook if you

have a textbook that you use great maybe

you do one chapter each week or like one

grammar point every three days or

something so if you have a textbook

that’s great

your teacher is also a resource your

teacher is also a resource of course uh

your teacher when i say your teacher i

mean the teacher in your classroom or in

your community lots of you send me

messages every day there are millions of

you so i can’t get to all of your


live ones sometimes yeah but talk to

your teacher ask your teacher questions

that’s what they’re there to do right

they’re there to help you ask your

teacher questions make mistakes in front

of your teacher so they fix you you know

so don’t be afraid of your teacher

don’t be afraid ask those questions in

your lessons that’s the point that’s the

purpose yeah so don’t forget your

teacher don’t forget your teacher

uh also youtube channels are definitely

a resource so of course

there are language learning channels

like ours english class 101

and of course many other super super

great language learning channels too

also don’t forget check out content

check out youtube channels that are

english speaking but not language

learning right so look for a youtube

channel that’s about your hobby in

english yeah so this can be a really

good way to pick up vocabulary words

that you already want or sorry

vocabulary words that are about your

hobbies about the things you’re

interested in

okay so youtube channels uh can be

definitely super helpful also you have

the person’s face and you have captions

sometimes or subtitles sometimes so this

is a really good resource

next resource language learning apps or

language learning websites so i know

many of you use our app on our website

thanks so much for that but make sure if

you have a subscription somewhere make

sure you use it every day or maybe you

have some email service thing or some

kind of language practice website make

sure you use that resource okay

and then conversation partner

conversation partners of course super

popular uh if you have an online one

yeah just make a weekly weekly

arrangement or something like that so

you both can practice

others of course tv

movies and social media these are great

resources however just make sure

that when you use these

you don’t just do passive study so

passive study means for example you turn

on a movie in english in the background

and you clean your house but you don’t

pay attention so make sure if you use tv

and movies social media or even youtube

channels make sure you also

actively participate you listen actively

or you find new vocabulary words in that

media yeah so don’t be passive always

about your studies okay

uh next one for some people for some

people if your family and friends are

native speakers use them as a resource

practice with them you know practice

your new language skills with your

family and friends with the people you

already know


all right and then the last ones of

course are books and podcasts and

journals so when i say journals i mean

you write something every day you know

so make sure that you are creating

something with the language you’re

learning okay so take notes

write little interesting vocabulary

words you find there are so many things

that you can do to improve your language

skills there are so many good uh study


omen says if you’re a native speaker and

you see a new word written that you have

never seen in your life how do you know

how to pronounce it i always had that

question oh yeah uh in my case i’ve i

see a new word this happens all yeah all

the time you see a new word in an

article or book somewhere i

take that word and i type it into

merriam-webster’s dictionary so search

for english dictionary and google

merriam-webster will come up in the

search results they have that’s the

standard american english dictionary

they have a pronunciation button next to

each word you can click the audio icon

and it will play the pronunciation of

that vocabulary word that’s how i check

the pronunciation of new words or if you

read a ipa you can also check uh the

pronunciation that way


phew all right so these are some

resources to use but basically i want to

i want to give you i hope a very simple

three-step process for your goals this

year so one what is your goal don’t make

this your goal what is your goal make a

specific goal for yourself part two ask

yourself what steps

are you going to take to achieve your

goal and three what are your resources

okay so break those things down to make

yourself uh your goals for the year all

right cool phew it is time to wrap up

for today so i hope that you found

something helpful i hope that you got

some information

about good goal setting especially as i

said before i’ve made a lot of videos

about goal setting in the past so do a

quick youtube search on the english

class 101 youtube channel and you can

find the past lessons about this i

talked about smart goal setting in many

videos in the past so you can search for

that too

okay all right so i have to finish up

for today but if you want to take a

screenshot of today’s lesson boards get

ready here you go so today we talked

about uh your goal how to set your goal

the steps you take to achieve your goal

and your study resources so i hope that

you got some good ideas all right

i will be back next week here is next

week’s lesson information next week’s

lesson next week will be wednesday

january 12th at 10 p.m eastern standard

time that is new york city time if you

don’t know your local time please use

your google skills or you can set a

notification on youtube or on facebook

or if you follow me on instagram i

always share a topic reminder and a link

in my instagram stories so you can find

my social media my instagram and twitter

in the youtube description

next week i’m gonna talk about how to

use conditionals with future tense so if

a then i’ll be for example so a little

conditional review in next week’s live

lesson okay so join me again next time

alrighty i have to wrap up i have to say

goodbye for this week so thank you so

much for joining me for the first live

stream of 2022 i hope you had a great

holiday uh and you have a great day and

or a great weekend

and i will see you again next time

thanks very much for liking and sharing

the video and don’t forget to check out

the level check okay uh i’ll say goodbye

so thanks again everybody see