How to Talk About Media in English Basic Conversation Phrases

yeah great all right hi everybody and

welcome back to our weekly live stream

my name is Alisha and today we are going

to talk about how to talk about media in

English today I’ve made again three

parts to our lesson I’m going to talk

about past media so how to talk about

past media what you saw what you heard

what you listened to how to share your

opinion about it and then we’re going to

move to future media the things you have

planned again how to talk about that and

then finally we’re going to end with

talking about predictions so making a

guest and talking about rumors so the

things you’ve heard from places so we’re

going to begin in just a moment great I

see YouTube and Facebook are both up hi

everyone thanks very much send a message

and be sure to like the video as you

join so other people can find it hi Nair

on YouTube hello Cesar and Enrique and

Hana and Joseph and Sergio and Andre and

gear Mei and barroom Florence yeah hi

everybody and on Facebook oh wait is

that Facebook where’s Facebook I see two

youtubes I see two youtubes I’ll check

Facebook in just a second where’s

facebook facebook facebook I’ll Facebook

hi I don’t see messages I just see

people waving so I’ll wave at all of you

hi there okay okay good it looks like

Facebook and YouTube are both fantastic

so we’ll give everybody a couple of

minutes to join the lesson live we’ll

give everyone maybe two minutes in the

meantime as always a quick announcement

I shared this in last week’s live lesson

but if you did not see it I talked about

this a little bit this is from a video

we made last week two weeks ago if you

have not seen this yet this is the new

ish monthly review series where we share

some tips about learning languages and

then you also have a chance to

participate so people have sent from

around the world video and

do messages to be part of this series so

if you’re interested in this series of

course you can watch or you can

participate that would be awesome you

can find the monthly review series on

the YouTube channel please check the

English class 101 youtube channel to

find this and to find the details about

how you can participate in the video

that would be awesome so we’ve had

people join from like France and other

by John and Brazil and Pakistan

Indonesia I think to Mexico it’s been

great so please check that out if you

are interested alright with that then as

I said today’s lesson is how to talk

about media in English so again three

parts to today’s lesson please send your

your example sentences in the chat and I

will try to check them I’ll try to check

them as always I’m checking YouTube and

Facebook at the same time so I can’t

always catch all your questions

someone says 2 million subscribers

special video please I don’t know if

we’ll do it two million one but soon it

might be today it might be today that we

get to you excluding but I don’t know if

we’re gonna do a video we’ll just say

yeah that’s our plan that’s our plan

anyway let’s get started let’s get

started on today’s topic then so I want

to begin today’s lesson with past let’s

talk about past media to begin today if

you join our lesson our live lesson two

weeks ago I talked about this grammar

point I want to start with is just

grammar point so for today’s lesson I

want to give you some patterns you can

use for different types of media

so that’s movies TV books and so on oh

is it okay alright so I want to begin

with a simple pattern like this let’s

use just for now so I just plus one of

your media related verbs so I just saw I

just watched I just listened

  • and I just read so keep in mind these

are all simple past tense verbs simple

past tense so one point that lots of

people have questions about is what’s

the difference between saw and watched


the basic difference if you’ve seen the

video we have on the channel I talked a

lot about the differences between these

two words if you watch something at home

if you’re if you’re like um if you’re

watching TV or if you’re watching a

movie at home I’m already using it use

watch here so it’s something at home use

watch so we use that a lot for TV if you

go to a movie theater use saw so this is

not a perfect rule for all situations

but it’s kind of a good guideline so if

you watch something outside your house

you can use C or past tense saw if you

watch it at home use the verb watch so

here’s a past tense verb for the media

you want to talk about and again this

just is used to describe a very recently

finished action so I have this timeline

I always use these if this star is now

the present and back here is the past

when we used a simple past tense without

just I saw that I watched that I heard I

listened to that it’s just some time in

the past you can add something to make

it a specific point in time if however

you want to explain that something

happened very recently very recently you

can use just so I just saw that so I

just saw that movie I just watched that

movie or I just watched that episode or

I just listened to that album I just

read that book also another note here

this read re ad your pronunciation in

past tense

red is the correct pronunciation okay

and then finally I mentioned if you want

to include a specific point in time like

maybe back here somewhere maybe it

wasn’t a super recent action but you

want to be specific you can include this

at the end of your statement it’s a

little maybe hard to read but for

example I saw that last night or I

watched that last weekend I listened to

that yesterday or I read that this

morning on the way to work so these are

kind of how we can build some simple

past tense patterns about the media you

have experienced so if you have some

like examples you can send them in in

the chat and I will try to check it out

so like I saw the new I saw a new

episode of like a youtuber that I liked

maybe last week and UEFA that she made

it yeah so that was last week I don’t

really watch that much media I guess

yeah okay so try it if you like send in

a few examples of things so yeah simple

is good I watched that last night nice

okay um then when you want to talk about

your opinions when you want to talk

about your opinions how do you do that

so simple past tense these are a few

expressions you can use or a few

patterns you can use to share your

opinion so for example again past tense

I liked I loved or I hated it I liked it

I loved it or I hated it so like and

love both positive love is just stronger

I liked it I loved it I hated it so uh

my new Star Wars movie henryka on

YouTube says the new Star Wars movie

what did you think I liked the new Star

Wars movie actually that was good I

liked it

so you can use these past tense verbs I

liked it I loved it I hated it if you

want to use an adjective to describe

something that you saw use one of these

so I thought it was

adjectives so the new Star Wars movie I

thought it was good I thought it was

interesting I thought it was exciting I

thought it was dramatic I thought it was

boring maybe you can choose a negative

adjectives to use here I thought it was


so choose an adjective to end this with

if you want you can use this one this

sounds a little bit more negative

because we’re adding this negative

didn’t at the beginning of the statement

I didn’t think it was something so I

didn’t think it was very good I didn’t

think it was very interesting I didn’t

think it was very exciting so if you

want to make kind of a more negative

comment you can use this pattern to do

that I didn’t think it was I didn’t

think it was something so there are

these small points that many learners

miss I’ve noticed I didn’t think it was

this is a great example of something

that many learners miss okay so this is

a quick review of some simple past tense

grammar points so I’ll refer to the same

verbs and some of this some similar

ideas in today’s lesson in example

someone said I just listened to one of

maroon 5 songs a couple of minutes ago

how was it I don’t listen to maroon 5

they’re still around huh Wow good okay

I saw a newly released movie at the

cinema with my wife nice great great

good ones

um I II don’t see any others I just

watched a new series last night oh

that’s an interesting point actually

series is a word we use in British

English series and a season this is a

good bonus vocabulary word series and

season I think in British English they

use series to mean like one group of

episodes of something so there are like

eight episodes in a series I think the

British TV uses this

in the US for US TV we say season like

the first season there’s 8 episodes in

one season so that’s a 1 vocabulary word

that maybe is used a little differently

British English series and then American

English season season we use the words a

little bit differently like to talk

about a type of show this is a new

series in American English okay all

right I’m going to what time is it ah

we’re 10 minutes in oh my gosh let’s

take a quick break then and then we’ll

go on to a future media after that so

let’s take a look I chose a few media

related words the first media related

three things

uh the first one I want to share with

you guys is this one it says singing

here but it’s not just about singing on

it actually this is this is about music

actually so I’ll show you the back for

those of you who are interested in music

these are some great music related

vocabulary words and questions that you

can use to talk about music so your


genre means type of something so the

genre of music you like like yeah pop I

know hip-hop my I love house music maybe

funk is good too I like that so how to

talk about your favorite types and some

good questions you can use so I like

this song that’s a present tense example

we just talked about past examples so if

you’re interested in music and you want

to talk more about this you can check

this free pdf it is from available from

the link below the video on youtube and

above the video on Facebook please check

the description box knock the chat box

if you’re watching on Instagram go

download this via YouTube or Facebook so

check this one out if you like music

this is a great one for you and there

are other things too I’ll show a couple

more of it

oh hey with that let’s continue on so if

you’re just joining today we’re talking

about how to talk about media in English

so I started with this past tense point

how to like we kind of reviewed some

simple past tense and sharing opinions

now let’s move on to future tense so um

by this future media

I mean how to talk about your plans the

things you want to see or the things you

want to read concerts you want to go to

or you’re planning to go to so same

timeline if the star point is now then

this kind of checkmark in the future

represents your plan your upcoming plan

so here I’ve used this contracted this

reduced gonna which is going to just a

quick reminder I’m going to so keep in

mind too that we don’t use will to talk

about these kinds of plans we use will

for like quick decisions we make in

conversations so for this to talk about

your plans that you’ve decided

please use going to or gonna get out

also native speakers we don’t say I’m

gonna we say I’m gonna I’m gonna so I’m

gonna watch I’m gonna see I’m gonna

listen to I’m gonna read something note

also these verbs are present tense over

here we used past tense and both has

tips so I’m gonna watch that show or I’m

gonna see that movie I’m gonna listen to

that album I’m gonna read that book

again if you want to be specific about

the time that you’re going to do this

plan you can use something like this at

the end of your sentence I’m gonna watch

that tonight I’m gonna listen to that

next week I’m gonna read that next month

I’m gonna see that tomorrow for example

so these are some simple ways you can

talk about your upcoming media plans

okay now I want to focus in on kind of a

smaller point right here sharing

excitement so if there’s something you

are really really excited about a

concert or like a new

album coming out from your favorite

artist you can use one of these two

patterns they look really similar but

the grammar is different so it’s I can’t

wait to verb and I can’t wait for noun

so I hear a lot of mistakes here because

of these different prepositions actually

so I can’t wait to see that movie I

can’t wait to watch that show I can’t

wait to listen to that I can’t wait to

read this book you can use these two

expressions for things other than media

as well any kind of excitement that you

want to express you can use these

patterns to do that I can’t wait to do

something like that so if there’s

something you’re looking forward to send

it in the chat is there something that

you’re looking forward to I’m looking

forward to oh I’m looking forward to

tomorrow not two going out tomorrow


like yeah yeah that’s gonna be fun we

have a we have celebrations planned for

tomorrow night that should be fun

I’m not gonna read that on the air

control desk is typing things I

shouldn’t be reading on the air okay uh

I don’t see anything I’m gonna watch a

new spoken English class okay someone

says I can’t wait to meet you oh I

wonder if I will meet any of you someday

that would be exciting I have met a few

people actually surprisingly it’s very

nice I can’t wait for the new god of war

game Oh is there a new god of war I

loved playing that game it’s so like

intense and kind of grotesque it’s

awesome great other ones I’m going to

see a star is born tonight I heard that

was really good

oh I’m gonna talk about that later um

good so if there’s something else you’re

looking forward to send that along in

the chat so I can’t wait to Ferb for

noun phrases some of you are already

saying this I can’t wait for a noun


I can’t wait for dinner I can’t wait for

lunch I can’t wait for a coffee later

I can’t wait for sleep

I like sleep good okay um you support me

for editing my own book

I have never edited my own book I don’t

know okay great thank you for the

support um let’s see I can’t wait to

Facebook Thomas says I can’t wait to go

to the concert ah be careful

Thomas you have double O’s on your twos

I can’t wait to one OTO

not two below - um am I really live

right now Anderson yes I am haha I can’t

wait to eat my cocoa cookies chocolate

cookies maybe crystal that sounds good I

would be excited about that too um what


I’m gonna watch horror movies tonight oh

that’s right it’s Halloween still in

many parts of the world yeah great okay

nice examples I can’t wait to buy a car

hey Marley I haven’t seen you in the

chat in a while like Live sorry Hey

I can’t wait to buy a card nice one I

cannot wait to have dinner I can’t wait

to eat my fish taco that’s very specific

very specific I would be excited about

that - excellent excellent someone says

I can’t understand how to use past

perfect past perfect I think there’s a

lesson coming out on the YouTube channel

soon about past perfect I can’t wait to

go to the city I can’t wait to watch

Star Wars Episode nine yeah great great

I can’t wait to go to church on Sunday

nice good very positive example

sentences nice work everybody

okay then oh my gosh we’re almost 20

minutes in I will take one more break

and then we’ll go to the most exciting

part of today’s lesson I think so we’ll

take one more break and then we’ll begin

again if you missed it I showed this um

music related I can’t get close enough

to the camera here but I showed this

music related PDF a little bit earlier

for talking about like music music

related words there was one other one

that I wanted

share with you guys so maybe we’ll look

at the music one again

there’s food as well some of you are

talking about this actually food I

suppose some of you said you’re looking

forward to eating food you’re looking

forward to eating fish tacos I think

someone said that’s my favorite comment

today if you want to up your food

vocabulary it’s not so much media

related but talking about things you’re

excited about you can freshen up your

food vocabulary and your opinions your

opinion sharing expressions with these

so we talked about this a couple weeks

ago actually food but I mentioned at the

beginning of this lesson how to share

your opinions so these are some not

media but food related things you can

use this for example it’s very good to

talk about media too so this is another

thing since so many of you are talking

about looking forward to eating

something which is totally jet you can

maybe check that out you can find the

link for that and for tons of other

things I’m not showing you right now but

there’s like 13 17 I don’t even know

there’s a lot now of these on the on the

website at English class so

please find this you can please go

download these from the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

facebook please check the description

box alright

good lots of example sentences now I

can’t wait to watch you yay thanks for

watching okay what else I can’t wait to

see my family next week says Mariana

great League ayah says I can’t wait to

be fluent with your help cool thanks for

watching I hope we’re helping you that’s

great lots of good things I can’t wait

to share English knowledge says hafiz'

on Facebook nice Anthony says Alicia who

is your favorite singer and which song

do you play all the time my favorite

singer since I was a little kid as

Michael Jackson I loved him he was just

so like magical singing and dancing and

I don’t have a song I play all the time

it changes a lot

okay I can’t wait to play the piano like

Alicia Oh someone’s been watching my

Instagram okay alright good let’s move

along to the last part of today’s lesson

the last part of today’s lesson is

making discussion about rumors and

predictions rumors and predictions so

this prediction prediction is a good

vocabulary word for this lesson

prediction in this case it’s plural but

prediction means guess a guess

so what do you think is going to happen

this is really useful when you’re

talking with friends about TV shows so

something that maybe you watch every

week or you’re watching together on


oh there’s one more word I do want to

talk about in just a moment to being

watching I’ll come back to that okay so

when you’re making predictions when

you’re making a guess how do you how do

you explain that how do you explain that

idea first here this is really good for

TV shows or maybe for like movies like

Star Wars is a great example many of you

mentioned Star Wars so I think character

is gonna again going to is gonna verb so

I think character this can be any

character it could be a group of

characters some examples could be I

think spider-man is gonna die in the

next spider-man movie no I think uh-oh I

can’t say anything about Star Wars

without potentially spoiling or someone

can die I don’t want to spoil oh great

one more vocabulary word to spoil so I

just used this word to spoil I don’t

know if you can see it to spoil SP o IL

to spoil something to spoil something

means to destroy the story to tell

secrets about a story so I just said I

don’t want to spoil the story for you it

means I don’t want to share details


the story so I just thought of an

example sentence that use Star Wars but

if you have not seen it yet I might like

to spoil the story so to spoil a story

is to ruin the story for someone else

you will also hear this as a noun a

spoiler a spoiler is a piece of

information that has like it’s like key

information to the story if someone does

not know the story this piece of

information will like ruin the story for

them so to spoil something okay so when

you make predictions

I think character is gonna do something

I said I think spider-man is gonna die

in the next movie but that’s probably

not true I don’t think because you know

franchise anyway let’s move on then to

another kind of prediction this one I

think he’s or she’s gonna verb and

character so this is sort of a strange

example sentence it might seem but this

is something that you can use for books

actually so if you have like an author

that writes like a whole series of books

so the same characters continue over

many different books you can talk about

the upcoming book with something like


I think he’s or she’s so in this case

the heat or the she here means the

author the writer the person writing the

book so like for example what’s such a

game of Thrones that’s a really popular

series a really popular TV series that’s

also a book series so you could make a

prediction about that in the books like

I think he’s where the he here is what’s

his name george RR martin i think yeah

so i think he’s gonna like kill that

character or i think he’s gonna do

something to that character so you can

use this pattern to make predictions

about books specifically alright someone

says I think Lady Gaga is going to be

great in a star is born yeah I’ve heard

really good things about that

nice nice prediction um what else

I think Iron Man is gonna die in the

next Avengers of infinity war oh I

haven’t seen it I haven’t seen it I

don’t know good ones good ones

I think Afridi is gonna complete 506 it

says comrade on Facebook I don’t know

what that means

please enlighten us please share ok

let’s go to this next one then the next

one is very open this is they’re gonna

they’re gonna so this is open because

we’re using this there they just means

anyone in control of media so this could

be like the director like the crew this

could be the company that’s making the

media so like they’re gonna cancel the

show or they’re gonna make new episodes

or they’re gonna change the story a lot

so they just means anyone they’re gonna

do something this is really useful when

you don’t know exactly who is in control

or you just want to speak really

generally about like a piece of media of

work so please use name and another

small point don’t forget this earth

sound this is the reduced form of they

and are there there so they are they’re

gonna they’re gonna alright good then

let’s go on to the last part I want to

mention over here I said rumors rumors I

gotta come back to this to rumors oh

these are the last kind of two main

points I want to talk about today these

two they are past tense statements yes

but they’re going they’re talking about

kind of predictions or things that might

sorry might happen first is I heard I

heard this is a pronunciation point for

many people not heared but I heard I

heard something so you can use this for

information you get with your ears yes I

heard that I heard something you can

also use it for something you read

that’s fine if you want to be specific

about something that you learned about

by reading you can use I read somewhere

that Lavoie so I heard or I read

somewhere like I heard the band is

breaking up for your favorite artists

maybe I don’t know who’s broken up

recently I don’t know ok or I heard the

author is working on a new series or I

heard that Christopher Nolan is making a

new Batman movie I would like that

I liked Christopher Nolan’s Batman

movies they’re good good ok so that’s

one way to express rumors other things I

read somewhere like I read somewhere

that the lead actor is getting fired or

I read somewhere that the series is

going to be cancelled so these are ways

you can talk about rumors

specifically okay I heard that you are

gonna stop working with our company nice

one yeah so that’s a great example from

Mariana on YouTube thanks for that so

you can use these two to talk about

rumors outside of media so like

something at your workplace for example

you can use this to talk about any sort

of rumor got it so this is a really good

expression I think both of these are I

will use this for my last point today I

mentioned this word and I will finish

here the last word a vocabulary word I

want to mention is binge watching binge

watching this is the kind of recent

vocabulary word from the last why this

years or so maybe bent to binge watch so

we can use it as a verb as well to binge

watch means to watch a lot of select TV

at one time so this is possible because

of like Netflix or Hulu those kinds of

streaming like

like TV providers where we don’t have to

wait for a new episode each week now we

can watch like all of a TV show in one


maybe so when we just sit on the couch

for like hours and hours and hours and

just watch everything we can

that’s called binge watching to binge

so binge actually comes from like just

kind of losing control and like for

example eating a lot like binge eating

or maybe binge drinking like drinking

like excessively so when we want to talk

about watching too much TV we use binge

watching to describe that

so I binge watched a Sherlock two weeks

ago all right so I have to finish there

because I’m officially a minute late so

we’ll we’ll end there but I will check

your comments as always if you have

questions or comments whatever please

feel free to send them in the chat on

YouTube or Facebook I will check them

after this live stream and I will try to

answer them somehow maybe in a

whiteboard lesson someone says how can i

chat with you teacher you could chat

with me right here this is you just did

all right um so let’s end today’s lesson

there what are we talking about next

week we are talking about yes next week

next week we will be back with talking

about responsibility


City time but if you don’t want to worry

about it or like don’t want don’t think

you’ll remember just get a notification

so on Facebook you can mark a

notification when we start the

livestream there’s an event page on

Facebook if you’re watching perfect

yeah-oh audio went out Oh interesting

okay so again I think that there’s a

daylight savings time from next week in

the US so I think that means we’ll start

at New York City 9:00 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time New York City time so

sorry about that the sound the sound did

something mysterious but it’s fixed now

thank you

so if you can’t remember or if you’re

worried you will miss it just if you’re

on Facebook or YouTube you can get a

notification when we start the

livestream so on Facebook you can mark

it on the event page there’s an event

page for each week on YouTube you can

get a notification when we post

something new so please do that and you

won’t miss us for sure okay so next week

talking about responsibilities I’m going

to focus on like have to and don’t have

to and I want to practice using these in

past tense because that’s something I’ve

noticed people struggle with sometimes

so please join us next week to talk

about responsibilities we’ll end there

all right

and don’t forget I’ll end today don’t

forget to grab your free stuff as always

this week you can find all of these

things from the link below the video on

youtube or above the video on Facebook

alright I will go now it’s time so thank

you as always for watching us this week

enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the

rest of your night have a nice weekend

and I will see you again next week

bye bye