How to use HAVE TO DONT HAVE TO Basic English Verb Conjugation

sorry wait just a minute

uno momento well there’s no sound there

sound no there’s sound no yeah there’s

sound now sorry there wasn’t any sound I

will do the introduction to the video

again thank you thank you for sending

all of that sorry about that everybody

there was no sound okay I’ll do the

whole introduction again thanks guys as

I said but you couldn’t hear before

today’s a livestream lesson is all about

how to explain your responsibilities

your responsibilities so for today I’m

going to talk about using have to have

to so I’m gonna talk about half to you

and using it in some basic patterns yes

but I’m also going to talk about some

more advanced grammar points that you

can use in past tense and in future

tense as well I’m also going to talk

about using this with the third

conditional that’s something that a lot

of you have asked about so I hope that

we can cover actually quite a lot of

grammar topics today - good okay someone

yeah thank you to everyone who said that

there was a sound problem I think we

have it fixed now

sorry about that we’re trying out a

couple of new things today but I think

everything’s working great ty I see you

on Facebook hi everybody on Facebook

great it looks like we’re up there and

it looks like YouTube is fixed so thank

you all very much for your feedback now

that we have everything fixed please

don’t forget to like and share the video

I think everything is working great now

okay good so as we get started here

um I want to I guess now that everything

is kind of fixed I think everything’s

okay alright so a quick announcement

will give maybe like one more minute for

everyone to join um excuse me one quick

thing I wanted to announce and say thank

you for I shared this on my Instagram

account a little bit earlier this week

like what on Friday on Friday but if

you’ve been following our YouTube

channel we had a

big milestone on Friday we finally

reached two million subscribers so thank

you so so so much to everybody watching

and sharing and participating in our

videos that was really really cool and

we really appreciate all the support so

we’re going to of course continue making

videos but just thank you all very very

much for watching that was really

exciting and so we’re excited to

continue so this was huge

ok is Wirecast freaking out I can see I

can see all right we’re having a couple

technical issues today but hopefully

it’ll be ok if you see anything wrong

just send us a message in the chat yes

Henry Kay I do have a cold I found a

very bad yesterday ok let’s get going

then for today’s lesson so we’re having

a couple little technical hiccups today

but hopefully it won’t be a problem

let’s get into the first part of today’s

lesson so I mentioned that I’m gonna

focus on using half two for today’s

lesson great so I want to focus with

some review first so let’s start with

using half two in the positive and the

negative for present tense so when we

use have two and don’t have to or he or

she has to or doesn’t have to we’re

using it to explain a responsibility yes

and we typically use this for something

we can reasonably be expected to do so a

couple of common examples like this is a

true one for me like I have to edit a

Q&A video this week so that’s like

that’s a real responsibility for me I

have to edit a Q&A video this week

another example like she has to sit and

listen to me talk for example or she has

to try to fix any technical problems on

the live stream so we use these to talk

about our actual like things it’s

required of us to do some of you will

ask about using something like need to

or I’ve got to yes you can use those as

well here another question

many students have is about using must

in a pattern like this in conversation

we do not use must here we use must for

like official rules or for really

serious advice so I don’t recommend

using must in conversations I would

focus on using have to okay another

point here when you use doesn’t have to

or don’t have to a mistake that I often

hear from learners is they’ll use it to

describe kind of like a crazy activity

so a really common example I hear is

students who say like I don’t have to

drink alcohol at work most of us don’t

yes but we use this we use the negative

form for something we can reasonably be

expected to do so this has to be a

reasonable expectation if you don’t use

it for a reasonable expectation it

sounds strange so use this for something

you can reasonably be expected to do not

for like some kind of crazy activity so

that’s a point to think about with the

negative here all right um I want to

then move on to maybe a couple of things

that are a little more maybe

intermediate level these are two

patterns that native speakers use for

like repetitive or frequent annoyances

so repetitive means something that

repeats frequent means often and an

annoyance is an annoying thing something

that bothers us something that’s kind of

troublesome for us so the first one this

first pattern is I keep having to I keep

having to we use I keep having to for

something that’s usually very small and

that we have to do many times in a short

period of time so we use this a lot

excuse me we use this a lot for computer

troubles so a great example of this is I

keep having to restart my computer so

you’ll notice here with the grammar we

use this

grammar this have to followed by a verb

that we use for a regular half -

sentence but we use the progressive form

of having to I keep having to hear so

this expresses that we are annoyed this

is something like that we’re doing over

a short period of time continuously I

keep having to yes I do have a cold

everybody is realized I’m cold okay the

next one I’m gonna continue unless

something happens

okay the next example here is I keep

having to plug in my iPhone or I keep

having to plug in my phone so anytime

you want to talk about some kind of

small problem this keep in mind that

this is for a very like a tiny tiny

everyday thing that bothers you that you

do many times in a very short period

okay then this next one I always have to

has this same feeling as I keep having

to couple differences though so here

first you’ll notice we use the regular

present tense half here have two I

always have two we’re not using having

two I always have two is also used yes

for like repetitive or frequent

annoyances something that bothers us a

lot but we use this over a longer time

span so I’ll write that here a longer

time span time span means time period

over like a longer longer length of time

so over a longer time span so for

example like every time you visit a

location or every time you do a certain

activity there’s this annoying thing you

have to do so this is a pattern we use

to express that some examples of this

are I always have to clean the mess when

my roommate cooks so in this pattern I’m

sorry in this example sentence I’ve used

this when when so this is showing us the

point in time or this situation

where the annoying behavior like or the

annoying responsibilities happens so

when my roommate cooks so every time in

other words every time my roommate cooks

I have to clean the mess so you can

express that with I always have to clean

the mess when my roommate cooks so these

are two very similar expressions but

they have slightly different uses

so keep having two is more used for a

very short period small annoyance I

always have two is used for like a

regular situational annoyance okay yes I

do have a cold that’s gonna be the top

question for today seems just happy to

put that in the banner here yes it has a

cold okay let’s continue on if you have

any questions yes please feel free to

send them in the chat and I will try to

check them someone wrote I always have

to go to the gym um so remember we use

have to for unpleasant things usually

something we don’t always want to do

like I have to go to the bank today or I

have to get up early today so if yours

if you enjoy going to the gym it sounds

strange so I would use it for something

some responsibility not something that

you choose to do so we’re talking about

responsibilities here do I speak Spanish

okay okay great Henrique a nice one on

YouTube I always have to wash the dishes

when my mom finishes my mom finishes

cooking nice one good I will try to

check your other ones I keep having to

practice typing on the computer nice

whining is hard on Facebook good good

good I keep having to practice typing

great so that’s like a small thing and

everyday thing that we want to complain

about okay good

times going quick so a quick break

riki time today we’re talking about

responsibilities so I want to choose a

free thing as always this week

I know which one I want I want to dig it

out I’m a little slow today oh man

not that one there it is we have oh

that’s right no camera I want to show

you this this is from the business

English PDF are you there we go I won’t

move okay this is from the business

English PDF the free one I don’t think

you can see it you’re gonna zoom not

gonna zoom it crashed

oh no we’re having a crash problem so oh

there it is ha ha I wanted to show you

guys the back of this the back of this

has some expressions that you can use at

work I know you can’t see this but I

will read them to you it says for

example excuse me

like there are some like business

meeting expressions at the top of this

so I was thinking like today’s lesson

and next week’s lesson actually could be

really good to explain your business

responsibilities so these talk about

meetings like I’d like to start with

something or like what are your views on

this these are examples of things you

can talk about in a business meeting but

I was thinking that for today’s lesson

um there are a lot of points that you

can use for talking about your work as

well so I thought this might be a nice

one a nice thing you can use for this

week’s lesson and for next week’s lesson

so this is the business English PDF you

can get this PO you can get this from

the link below the video on YouTube or

above the video on Facebook so please

check this one out

um there are some other things too but I

thought this was perfect for this week

and for next week um good you guys have

some other example sentences in here too

I keep having to listen to my boss every

day Oh careful careful thing you say

that to you okay um so as I said this is

a little bit of review present tense I

want to go now to part 2 for today’s

lesson um part 2 excuse me if you’re

just joining us yes I do have a cold we

are talking about how to explain

your responsibilities today so the next

part of the lesson here in the middle

I’m going to focus on using the same

point the same grammar point have to but

in past tense in past tense so first

let’s look at kind of just a simple

straightforward simple past tense

expression this one I had to or I didn’t

have to I had to and I didn’t have to

these are good simple expression simple

statements you can use to give reasons

for things and to make excuses for

things like this one classic I had to

work you use this with an apology sorry

I couldn’t come to your party I had to

work or like sorry I couldn’t help you I

had to work I couldn’t help you move I’m

really sorry so I had to plus your

regular verb notice yes it is past tense

but this verb does not change we’re

using past tense had here but this verb

should not should not change I had to

work so this is how we expressed simply

our past tense responsibilities if your

subject is like he or she you want to

talk about someone else’s

responsibilities like sorry he couldn’t

come to the meeting he had to go to a

doctor’s appointment so again we’re

using past tense had and then a simple

present tense work he had to go to a

doctor’s appointment here so simple past

tense expressions with these two okay

the more advanced grammar point probably

today’s most advanced grammar point I

want to talk about though is this one so

I want to talk about using this sort of

grammar or like a responsibility

statement with the third conditional so

a quick refresher or a quick

introduction the third conditional is

used to talk about unreal situations so

these are unreal pass

situations that means this did not

happen in the past or it’s something

that we’re like kind of regretful

regretful means we’re sad about

something we wish it had not happened so

we quite often use half to in the third

and third conditional sentences like

this so as simple a couple of simple

examples if you want to make a negative

statement to begin with a negative part

you can say if subject hadn’t had to so

right here this is a point of some

confusion for learners hadn’t had to in

the negative and when you’re making a

positive statement if you’re using the

positive for if subject had had to so

yes it is correct to use two hats in a

row and up here and negative hadn’t had

to this is correct yes so the some

learners worried like is this is this

okay I’m using the same word twice yes

it is okay because they are taking

different grammatical functions they do

have different roles in the sentence

okay so how do we use this a great


so I mentioned working like having to

work a responsibilities of work in the

past if I hadn’t had to work I would

have come to your party so here my if

Clause shows that the speaker had to

work so remember when you’re using the

negative hadn’t in your if clause here

this means the speaker did do that thing

so this means the speaker worked the

speaker had the responsibility of

working here but if the speaker had not

had that responsibility they would have

come to the party so we use would here

to express an unreal future desire kind

of so if this had been different this

would have been my choice I don’t have

time to explain all of this again this


more of like an advanced grammar point

but there are some videos coming up on

the channel about this this is called

the third conditional if you want to

know more about this topic try it

looking for the third conditional so I

say that this is the most advanced

grammar point for today if you don’t

know about this that’s okay this is a

little bit tougher I think for sure

okay sorry so yes many of you are saying

is had had to is so confusing so let me

break it down so this part this had had

two so right here I talked about past

tense have two yeah so if I want to make

a simple past tense statement about my

responsibilities I can say I had to work

right so simply I had to work yesterday

this is my simple past tense but in this

sentence when we make this this third

conditional unreal statement this part

right here is the basic grammar we need

to make that statement

so we’re pairing this we’re putting this

part and our half to grammar together

here so that’s why we have two hats in

this sentence so there’s like a like

kind of two grammar points that are

being combined here and they make had

had someone says in a hypothetical

situation if I hadn’t had to study I

would have watched TV yes that is

correct that is correct if I hadn’t had

to work I hadn’t had to work I would be

more healthy good good yeah exactly

nice if I hadn’t had to work I would

have watched all your classes Wow

thanks that’s great so yes these are

unreal situations so here I talked about

a negative form let’s look at a positive

for them so here if you had had and when

native speakers say this we contract to

this part we make it you’d if you’d you

you’d have to finish that huge so that’s

how I would read this so slowly if you

had had to finish that huge project by

yourself here so this is my if Clause

here’s my main Clause you would have

been in trouble so again this is a more

advanced grammar point but this is

expressing an unreal situation so here

the speaker did not have to finish a

huge project by himself or by herself

but if that had been the case if that

were the situation the speaker would

have been in trouble so this in trouble

means it would have been challenging it

would have been difficult

so yes had had as I said this is an

unreal situation an unreal past

responsibility that’s what this is

expressing unreal past responsibility

right here that’s what this is unreal

past responsibility so again this is a

more advanced grammar point you will

find some lessons soon on the channel

and in the video loop talking about

would have and soon also this grammar

point as well I made a video yesterday

about this grammar point so please keep

an eye out for that so again advanced

grammar point if it’s difficult that’s

okay it’s called the third conditional

okay so that was a tough part that’s the

toughest part of today’s lesson I wanted

to share something a little bit more

challenging just to try something a

little more challenging today great I

will check and see any other examples as

they come in but for now I’ll take one

more very short break and then we’ll

finish with some easier grammar about

the future tense so as I said excuse me

as I said today as we’re talking about

responsibilities I thought the business

English PDF cheat sheet can’t really see


would be good for today this would be

good for today and all sorry and for and

for next week’s lesson and for next

week’s lesson this is good for today if

you are not working of course if you are

as students what did I do with that you

can check out this one this is the

school it says back to school but you

can just use it for school that’s fine

because here there’s some like classroom

you can’t see it but yeah there’s some

classroom expressions that you can use

with this half to grammar point so like

for example with your classes I have to

do my chemistry homework or I have to do

my geography homework for example so

these are some nice ones that you can

use with today’s grammar point okay then

let’s continue to the last part of

today’s lesson sorry have a cold let’s

finish up today’s lesson with some

future tense expressions over here so

future tense expressions I’ve got two I

want to talk about and these are sort of

um I would say their everyday

expressions yes but we use them as kind

of softeners especially this first one

so the first one I’ve used I’m here just

to make it a little easier but I’m gonna

have to and I’m not gonna have to so

reminder I’ve used gonna here gonna is

the reduced form of going to yeah going

to do so I’m going to have to or I’m not

going to have to so we use these yes to

express responsibilities upcoming

responsibilities in the future um but

this part actually I’ve got a one and

it’s just off screen now but this

there’s a number two here there are two

uses that I

to talk about here so um first one is

this softener so by softener I mean if

you use half - sometimes it sounds

direct for example this this sentence

I’m gonna have to leave soon sounds a

little bit softer then I have to leave

soon so we can use gonna as a way to

soften a responsibility expression so I

have to leave soon becomes softer if we

say I’m gonna have to leave soon another

way did we use this is it an expression

like this which is I’m gonna have to go

with I’m gonna have to go with this is

something we used when making choices

especially at like a restaurant so

you’re looking at the menu and you say

mmm I’m gonna have to go with the steak

I’m gonna have to go with a salad and

that’s the pronunciation that we use so

not I’m gonna have to go with but I’m

gonna I’m gonna have to go with

something I’m gonna have to so this is

the first use I want to talk about with

gonna gonna okay the second use though

the second use this connects to the last

point for today’s lesson

the second use is with again and if

conditional so here I have this if

clause and then going to or gonna again

with have to in the main clause so we

use this to mean if this thing happens

there will be this results this

responsibility this future

responsibility so in this example it

says if I get a new job I’m gonna have

to open a new bank account so if I get a

new job

if this happens only if this happens if

I get a new job I’m gonna have to open

new bank account so we can use gonna

have to going to have to to express a

future responsibility in this way to

pair with an if conditional excuse me

okay good all right so I’ll finish up

then with a related point this I’ll have

to or I won’t have to another future

point so here we use this in the same

way as I just talked about with point

two of going to so we use it with an S

clause and then we include our will or

our won’t in our main clause so my

example sentence here is if you do a

little extra work now you won’t have to

stay late on Friday night

so this expresses again a future lack of

responsibility you won’t have to so this

means on Friday night you will have no

responsibility to stay late if you do a

little extra work now you won’t have to

stay late on Friday night and you can

here too with my intonation it usually

sounds like that the if Clause has that

higher sound if you do a little extra

work now it sounds like that then the

second half of the sentence sounds lower

you won’t have to stay late on Friday

night that’s how we would say this

sentence okay some examples good yeah

I’m gonna have to close my windows yeah

nice one so that’s a very soft sentence

that you can use nice ones okay I’m

gonna have to take this item yes you

could use that doll Mart on Facebook

said I’m gonna have to take this item

you can use that in a store so like for

example if you find something in the

store that you like and you want to kind

of casually say that you really want to

get it you can say yeah I’m gonna have

to get this so that’s actually a very

natural and very commonly you

‘we a very common way of using this I’m

gonna have to take this so it’s a really

like friendly and good expression to use

when you want something jana says if I

get into an accident I’m gonna have to

go to the hospital

perfect perfect use of this second use

right nice very nice someone says I’m

gonna have to go to bed good good nice

example is everybody that’s great

um other ones I’m gonna have to listen

to the teacher you’re gonna have to

listen to the teacher you could use that

yep that’s a good way to like get out of

a side conversation maybe that’s good

I’m gonna have to take the dog out to

use the bathroom nice that could be that

could be if I get a new wife I’m gonna

have to take very good care of her oh I

hope so I hope so

great good examples good examples

everybody so this gonna have to and I’ll

have to or I won’t have to we can pair

these with if clauses to talk about

unreal situations there okay great

lots of good example sentences I have to

finish up though cuz now I’m two minutes

late so we’ll wrap up there thank you

guys so much for watching and sorry

about our little technical difficulties

at the beginning of the lesson we really

appreciate your understanding but next

week we will be back of course as always

so I said I mentioned our earlier it

would be kind of business-related so

next week’s topic is going to be about

sharing your progress and sharing your

goals so I wanted to make a lesson

that’s I think kind of helpful for work

and how to like report about yourself

report about your team and talk about

your next steps so this will be kind of

a work and businessí English related

lesson for next week so please join us

November 14th

that’ll be is a 10:00 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time or is it 9:00 now daylight

savings time if you don’t know google it

or just get a notification

on Facebook or YouTube I think there’s a

bail notification you can click the

button and you get a notification when

we start this this live so that will be

next week November 14th Wednesday

evening New York City time so please

join us that’s and of course please

download your free stuff there’s lots of

free stuff you can use today’s grammar

point to talk about lots of different

topics so I showed you like the business

one for example but you know hotels can

be great I have to check into my hotel I

had to check out this morning and so on

so there’s so many things you can do

with this grammar point I will finish up

there though so thank you as always for

liking and sharing the video yeah

download the free stuff from the link

below the video on YouTube and above the

video on Facebook and please join us

again next week for some other good

stuff to you so I’ll finish up there

have a good day have a good night enjoy

your weekend and I will see you again

soon bye bye
