LIVE Watch Party Lessons with Rachel

excited to see everybody here I see it’s

10:00 p.m. in Paris right now 4:00 p.m.

here in Philly so how’s everybody doing

is everybody great just checking out the

chat all right Roy is here right on time

we have someone from Brazil someone says

I’m unable to watch this video it hasn’t

started yet

it’s just now starting so I’m from

Portugal hey Carlos great to see

everyone here it’s wonderful to have you

in my live stream so what we’re gonna do

today is we’re gonna watch a video

together it’s gonna be great so I just

want to talk a little bit about how it


I chose an old video of mine that I

wanted to watch with you guys we’re

gonna do a watch party we’re gonna turn

it into a lesson and I’m keeping my eye

on chat so as you have questions put

them there I’m doing my best to keep an

eye on them and I will answer questions

and read your comments and we’ll go from


so to start okay someone’s asking when

is my birthday

my question is does anyone out there

know when my birthday is

I’ve mentioned it a few times in other

videos and other settings

does anybody know my birthday

it’s November 5 and I’m turning I’m

going to be turning 42 in 2020 it’s

gonna be a good year okay we have a

Dominican Republic here we have India oh

it’s going so fast I can hardly read it

Mexico City someone says is a picture

behind you yes this is a picture this is

not my office I’m not actually in this

room I’m in front of a green screen and

I’m you know still getting better at it

so I don’t look totally perfect in front

of the green screen but it’s a stock

photo I thought it looked like a nice

looking room I thought oh I’d like to be

there so that’s why I turned it on

that’s why I chose this stock photo but

anyway good good call good I

you’re right it’s not my office we have

India Colombia Argentina Dubai maybe

someone saying Ohio there I was someone

whom Berta was also turning 42 that’s


El Salvador Peru Italy wonderful Costa

Rica Argentina Dubai Iran Iran Thailand

Texas hey my brothers in Texas so great

to see you guys ok so let’s get started

we’re gonna watch the video and I’m

gonna pause it as we go and ask you

questions and you ask me questions and

we’re just gonna have a nice

conversation English lesson together oh

my gosh someone just went by and chat

and I saw that they’re from West Philly

it’s like five miles from where I live I

was in West Philly before I moved over

here to Fishtown okay but let’s get


we’re gonna watch the video together I’m

gonna take myself here and I’m gonna

shrink myself down so that I don’t block

the video sort of a cool feature

it’s 6:30 7:00 in the morning wait a


oh that’s about how well my eyes focus

when I get up what time do you get up I

was recently at a YouTube conference

where someone did a presentation on my

morning routine different people across

the world just taking their camera

through their morning showing people

what their life is like and I thought

this is fascinating I loved seeing other

cultures seeing what people did how they

lived just a normal day

so I decided today I’m gonna do the same

I’m gonna show you my morning routine

what is my morning like and of course

we’ll turn it into an English lesson

along the way okay that’s a good time to

take a pause how many people have seen

this video already let me see a show of

hands in chat if you’ve already seen

this video so we’re gonna watch it

together and if you have any questions

if you’re just now joining me live this

is a live video watch party lesson we’re

checking out a lesson from the archives

and watching it together and I got

inspired to do this when

was at a YouTube get-together and it’s

called creator summit and there was a

guy there who works for YouTube who is

giving a presentation on different

trends on YouTube and my morning routine

is a big trend that I guess people show

things like getting ready for school or

my makeup routine or something but then

there were also just people showing what

their life is like in the morning how do

they start their day and I thought that

it was so neat to see how people around

the world spent the first hour of their

day that’s something I wish I could see

more of so anyway I decided to make this

video about my life what is the first

hour of my day like and I’m curious what

is the first hour of your day like let

me know in the comments I will be

checking them out alright but let’s go

ahead and we’re gonna keep watching the

lesson let me know when you have

questions just throw them there in the

chat what do you think the first thing I

do every morning is the first thing is

always nurse Sawyer he’s a little too

distracted by the camera it’s a nurse

right now nurse this word has several

different meanings

you can nurse a baby you can nurse the

sick person you can nurse the cold

you can even nurse a beer we’ll go over

all of these meanings first I want to

stay the verb breastfeed can be used

interchangeably with this term and it

doesn’t mean anything else so that can

be another option the first thing I do


we’re gonna stop here I’m gonna ask you

guys what is it like culturally where

you live what is the deal with

breastfeeding is it something that

people do do women do it openly is it

kind of not okay to do it in the u.s.

it’s not very common it’s something

you’re just now starting to see

happening a little bit more when I was

born 42 years ago almost 41 and a half

years ago it was not the cultural norm

at all so it would be very uncommon no

women it was not even suggested really

that they do it in hospitals and this

kind of thing

now you know when you go to your

prenatal exams they might ask you about


they might they’re like classes you can

take so more and more people are

starting to do it but it’s still

something that I always felt a little

uncomfortable with doing in public and I

think other people feel uncomfortable

about it they kind of look away so what

is it like so someone says it’s not okay

here where do you live it’s normal in

Bulgaria Wow

that’s awesome I would just yeah they do

it openly in Brazil that’s that’s great

I feel like I still can’t say American

women do it openly we do it you know we

do it in public because we have to if

that’s what we’ve chosen to do but I

think a lot of us still feel a little

bit bashful about it

and you know it wasn’t until recently

that states had laws protecting the

right to do it I definitely know moms

who have been breastfeeding somewhere

like in a cafe and they’ve had people

come up and say you can’t do that here

you have to go somewhere else that’s

bothering people around you and this

kind of thing so now there are laws so

that it’s clear that yes moms are

allowed to do that but you know not

everyone knows that it’s the law and I

think there are a few states that maybe

do not have laws about it yet so slowly

the culture is evolving around this and

I think over time it will be more and

more accepted as more and more women are

choosing to do it because of the the

data but yeah I’m just really I was

really interested in what what is the

vibe like around that in public in other

countries so someone says in Ecuador

it’s a natural to do it in public

common in Mexico very interesting thank

you guys thank you for answering my

question all right let’s go back so as I

started to say there the word the phrase

nurse and nursing has a couple different

meanings one of them is breastfeeding

but there are a couple others that we’re

about to learn here oops here we go

morning is breastfeeding my baby

notice that I’m not saying the tea here

that’s common when the T comes between

two consonants we often drop it

breastfeed straight from the S sound

into the F sound breastfeed now let’s

talk about all those different meanings

if we use this word as a noun it’s

somebody who’s been trained as a nurse

to care for the sick it’s an occupation

my aunt is a surgical nurse as a verb

like I used it it can mean to breastfeed

to feed a baby it can also be used to

describe caring for someone who’s sick

she nursed him back to health it can be

used to describe taking care of an

ailment I’ve been nursing a cold for two

weeks that means I’m taking throat

lozenges for it drinking lots of tea

trying to get better we also use it to

talk about a drink

usually an alcoholic one that we’re

drinking very slowly just taking us okay

so how many of you guys knew all of

those terms before you probably knew

about the occupation nurse and nursing

it’s like my niece who’s going to

college next year is planning on

majoring in nursing so it’s like the

topic of study she’s gonna study nursing

she’s going to be a nursing major but

then we also use it these other ways

like for example we would use it to

nurse somebody I’m nursing him back to

health I’m making him chicken soup I’m

just making sure that he is healthy and

comfortable I’m making sure he gets all

his medications I’m nursing him back to

health but then we would also use it not

with a person but with something that’s

wrong so for example if I had a cold I

could say oh man I’m nursing my cold

with hot tea every morning lots of honey

trying to take naps and then we also use

it for a drink

usually an alcoholic drink something

that you’re drinking very slowly and I

used as an example someone could say hey

Rachel can I get you another beer and I

could say no I’m still nursing this one

or if you’re out with somebody and you

know you’ve had three glasses of wine

already and they’re just still on their

first you could say wow you’re really

nursing that glass of wine you’re really

taking your time with it so

don’t know how nursing came to be used

in that way with a beverage taking your

time drinking really slowly but it is

one of the meetings meanings okay let’s

go back and see what else whoops we can

learn you know it’s sort of weird when

I’m live-streaming and I’m also trying

to control everything Oh

shrink myself down switch to the other

shot it’s hard okay here we go

every once in a while Rachel can I get

you a drink no thanks I’m still nursing

this beer this is something new this is

different from our routine looking at a

camera okay so how many of you make your

bed show of hands let me know in the

chat do you ever make your bed I’m not

great at it it’s not my favorite thing

to do so also back to what we were just

talking about someone says what does

ailment mean an ailment is just another

word for sickness and we could say you

know hey what ails you it’s a little bit

more formal it’s not it would be more

casual to say all right do you feel sick

or something like that but an ailment is

a sickness you know a sore throat he has

a stomach ailment maybe like he’s not

digesting things well or he’s just not

feeling well in the tummy in the

intestines okay most people Paolo says

almost never to making his bed so when

Pedro says his wife does it nice a lot

of people are like sometimes and so

people are like yes always oh man I’m

I’m I don’t do it very often anymore at

that phase of my life I guess I did it

because I mentioned it but no it’s not


do very much I wish I did I like it when

the room is nice and tidy and the bed is

made but I don’t actually do it myself

that much okay we’re gonna keep on

learning also my gosh Sawyer he was so

tiny so cute back then I just love I

just love looking at video that when he

was so small and cute chaotic chaos here

the CH makes a hard case ound it’s also

common to make a CH sound like in chest

or an SH sound like in Chicago Shh

CH makes a K in choir echo chemistry

anchor stomach Orchestra and many others

you can’t tell how a CH should be

pronounced just by looking at it

you have to know word by word this is

why spelling and pronunciation is so

tricky in English then I head down okay

so that’s frustrating isn’t it that you

can’t always know how to pronounce

something just by looking at it and that

we have all these different

pronunciations for CH I wanted to answer

a question that came through in chat

someone said what does it mean when

you’re what does it mean to major in

something when you’re talking about

studies and just a quick hello to anyone

who’s joining us we’re live and if

you’re like what’s going on we’re having

a watch party where we’re watching one

of our old lessons I’m keeping my eye on

chat and as questions and comments come

up we’re stopping the video we’re

talking I’m answering your questions so

one of the questions was we were talking

about nursing and I was saying the

different ways that that word can be

used and one of them is it’s a it’s a

degree it’s a major it’s a field of

study so if someone asked what is

nursing mean or what is major mean when

you’re talking about studies so major is

like a concentration it’s the main thing

you study at school so for example I

went to school and I studied lots of

things biology chemistry writing you

know English classes all sorts of stuff

but my major was computer sign

it’s an applied math that was the main

thing I studied when I got a degree that

was what my degree was in you can major

in English you can major in music you

can major in theater art biology

chemistry you can be a pre-med major

right so that’s how we use the word

major then there’s also the word minor

which means another thing that you’ve

studied a lot but it’s like secondary to

the major so for example I started out

college I was going to be a math major

and a music minor so I was still gonna

take a lot of music and I was gonna earn

enough credit so I was gonna take enough

credits to earn a minor but then I ended

up making it a major two so I ended up

with two majors but that’s it might be a

common thing when you’re talking to

people who are in college in the u.s.

what are you majoring in and they may

tell you oh and then I’m also doing an

art minor and that’s what that means

it’s like a chosen curriculum students

get to choose what they take but they

have to take certain classes and they

have to take a certain amount of classes

in order to earn that minor and you know

it might be something they do just for

fun or it might be something they do

because they think it could help them

get a job later to say oh well I minored

in blah blah blah

or whatever so major and minor someone

says is minor similar to undergraduate

no undergraduate is what we call college

or university it’s you’re basically it’s

four years of study and during those

four years you get a bachelor’s degree

and you major in something and you might

also minor in something okay I hope that

explains it a little bit more let’s keep

going with this lesson and see what we

learn next and I am keeping an eye on

the chat so keep it coming I love all

those heart emojis that Jaclyn is giving

me they’re sparkly hearts and I love it

all right let’s keep going

there is to have breakfast with Stoney

and David I don’t feel like cereal so

I’m gonna make an egg does anybody want

an egg no okay I used the phrase feel

like you can use this interchangeably

with want except the form of the verb

will change I feel like going to bed I

want to go to bed so with feel like we

follow it with the ing form of a verb

feel like going with want the next verb

is in the infinitive want to go wanna go

but the meaning of the two sentences is

the same this applies to the negative as

well I don’t feel like having cereal I

don’t want to have cereal but when I set

it I followed it by a noun

I don’t feel like cereal so I’m gonna

make an egg I don’t feel like cereal so

nothing else changes I don’t feel like

cereal I don’t want cereal okay the next

time you are talking about what you want

and don’t want try to practice with both

of those try to say I feel like or I

don’t feel like I feel like going out to

dinner tonight I want to go out to

dinner tonight

I don’t feel like going out to dinner

tonight I want to cook at home tonight

try using those and just get used to

using both phrases because I think it’s

nice to have more than one way to say

something depending on how you want to

express yourself okay a couple questions

coming in someone was talking about

major and they said is that the same

thing as a concentration yes that’s

probably equivalent to what you might

call a concentration where you live

someone says how can I pronounce words

that end with Edie so there are three

different pronunciations for that and I

do have a video that goes over the rules

this is one thing in American English

where we actually have rules for it so

you can probably search on YouTube

Rachel’s English

Edie endings and find that video Oh

someone says the babies are so cute

thank you I think so too

okay let’s keep going

what did we end up having for breakfast

well I can tell you stony head cereal

because that’s pretty much what he wants

every day of the week that kid loves

cereal pits Tony your mouth is totally

full so we can’t understand you so take

your time chew swallow then say what you

were trying to say

good that’s good oh it’s so cute good


okay so there was sort of some dead time

they were we were chewing chewing and it

just it made me think I don’t know I

just what do you guys like to eat for

breakfast what and who do you eat

breakfast with what is your morning

routine like as far as that goes maybe

you skip breakfast but like I said at

the beginning of this video I so wish

that more people took a video of the

first hour of their life and edit it

into a little five or eight minute thing

because I think it’s fascinating really

interesting way to see not just

culturally what happens but also what

fit the family dynamic and relationships

are like and then of course you get to

kind of see the food choices that people

make in the morning which varies so

dramatically culture to culture and I

think that’s also really interesting

keeping an eye there on your on your

comments coming in someone is wishing my

family health thank you so much cassia

says I eat breakfast with my family

wonderful lovely what’s the difference

between from and of okay that’s a big

old grammar lesson and I’m sorry I don’t

have that prepared right now okay

someone does a smoothly a smoothie and

omelet and peanut butter sandwich

that’s a lot of food you know Saturday

mornings in my house now since since

we’ve been in quarantine I’ve been

making sourdough pancakes I’ve gotten

you know pretty good at it it’s like

five or six times now that I’ve done it

I’ve figured out exactly how I want to

make the recipe I have all my tools set

up stoney loves it actually we all love

it it’s it’s tasty but do you guys

follow me on instagram because i I

posted an Instagram story about it with

just showing all the steps and yeah it

was fun so tomorrow Saturday gonna be

doing that again apple cider vinegar

I’ve heard that’s a thing that some

people take in the more

I don’t know why I assume there are some

health benefits for it and how much do

you take just like a tablespoon like one

swallow it seems like it would be

something that you do for health and

it’s not gonna fill you up

someone has sweet yam and coffee that

sounds good you know what else I want to

try for breakfast is I want to try for

the first time making croissants have

you ever made a croissant if you have

let me know in chat because I think I’m

gonna try it I think it’s gonna be my

next baking project alright let’s

continue on with the video with the


the most common breakfast in the u.s. is

probably cereal with milk that’s what

David and stony had what do you usually

have for breakfast posted to Instagram

tagging me at Rachel’s English I love to

see this kind of thing what people eat

in different cultures let’s have

breakfast together here David’s talking

about getting together with a friend and

his kids this is a phrasal verb that

means to meet to spend time together you

could also use it as a noun

we’re having a get-together at our house

this weekend why don’t you come if you

use it with it

the meaning is different get it together

means to get organized or stabilized

after chaos for example if stony is

having a tantrum we could say get it

together stony or at a busy time in my

life lately

I missed a meeting because I totally

forgot I apologized and said I’m so

sorry I forgot I just can’t get it

together these days get together okay

that’s a good place to pause get it


someone is asking me in chat if I’m

going to be doing these on a regular

schedule I did I did

schedule this one like three days ago

but I didn’t share it so I don’t know

some people found it anyway I don’t know

how they

it I didn’t share it because I’m still

just working out how everything works

technically and I felt intimidated by

thinking about there being a bunch of

people on the live feed so I will

eventually I’ll get it together and I

will publish that link ahead of time and

I’ll probably even do it on a schedule

the same time every week probably but

I’ll start sharing it more in the

YouTube community tab I’ll share it to

my mailing list be sure to sign up for

my mailing list if you haven’t already

it’s the easiest way for me to get in

touch with you guys let’s see to do that

just go to Rachel’s English comm and at

the bottom something will pop up and

it’s like do you want a 10-day mini

course and you put your email in there

and then you get at it to the mailing

list but you can also follow me on

Instagram I will post about my life

classes there as well but I’m going to

get it together there I am using that

phrase I’m gonna get it together I’m

gonna get organized once I feel really

comfortable with this new live streaming

software and I’m gonna start announcing

it ahead of time and you know I decided

I was going to do it here because I’m

stuck inside all day every day that’s

not true I go on walks some but in this

strange time of kovat 19 I know you know

a lot of people are hanging around the

house more we’re less active we’re going

out less and I just wanted a way to

connect with people more so I’m planning

on doing it from May and then also

probably June and we’ll just sort of go

week by week and see see how well the

format works see how well you guys like

it but if you do find you like it and

you learn something from it then the

next week please share it with a friend

and we can get even more people here on

the live stream once I feel like I

really know what I’m doing

someone says eventually means like some

day yeah I would say that’s a good

another good word to use someday

eventually it means at some point in the

future I’m not really sure when someday

I’ll get it together eventually I’ll get


that kind of thing someone says can you

explain the word huge I’m not sure if

you mean pronunciation or meaning huge H

consonant u diphthong Hugh huge jake

onson and it means very very big alright

let’s go back to our lesson

go back to breakfast time see what’s

going on there in the fat the

philadelphia breakfast table get it

together is to recover from a period of

chaos the flashing part here’s tony’s

talking about a camera that had a

blinking light did you notice that stony

can’t say there yet yeah he can’t make a

th I’ve worked with him on it several

times and he just can’t coordinate

putting the tongue tip through the teeth

I know this is a huge challenge for my

non-native students so I just wanted you

to know it takes time Stoney’s been

speaking English for over two years now

and he still doesn’t have that sound

yeah I’m interested to see when he picks

it up and breakfast just continues with

random loud noises


the rest okay I hope nobody had the

volume too loud there because stony

still does random loud noises oh my gosh

that is one of the things this phase

with a one year old and a four year old

the volume at which they speak is so

annoying it’s like everything is shouted


there’s just no regular voice there’s no

indoor voice that’s that’s what we

always try to say when we went on to be

quiet is we’ll say use your indoor voice

indoor voice please and it’s a challenge

I know that it’s a phase and that in a

few years he will have a regular

speaking voice but right now it’s just

like everything is shouting okay so I’m

just keeping an eye on the chat and I’m

seeing I’m seeing the hearts I’m seeing

the love thank you guys so much for

being here so someone says did your son

pick it up did stoney eventually figure

out how to make the th yes he did and it

was probably when he was about three

years old and I know other parents who

have a kid around that age and they’ve

said you know that it took a

surprisingly long amount of time for

their kids to start making that sound

now Sawyer who has so many words it’s

funny he’s only 18 months old 19 months

now he knows so many words way more than

your average kid his age but he still

doesn’t have that many sounds so we have

to kind of figure them out a lot of his

words sound the same but I know to him

they all have their own meaning and I if

I look at the context I can tell what

he’s talking about but he really he is

waiting for more sounds to become

available to him I’m really trying to

teach him s and this kind of thing I’ve

noticed ending consonants or something

that don’t come don’t come along

immediately it’s just beginning

consonant and vowel is what they start

at he’s now starting to put some ending

consonants on but it’s interesting to

watch how language skills evolve what


with how they build and that kind of

thing all right well I’m gonna keep an

eye on chat but I’m gonna go ahead and

start okay someone says I love your hair

thank you

it’s getting really long I would go get

it cut but all of the places to get it

cut are currently closed probably

reopened in June I’m not sure all right

let’s keep going with the lesson

continues with cleaning up the kids how

was get you pronounced have you noticed

that it’s really common to hear a CH in

this phrase when a word that ends in a T

is followed by you or your that T often

turns into a CH choo-choo

get you there’s no rule about doing this

or not it’s just a habit that happens

and many Americans do it a lot of the

time if you don’t do it you can do a

stop T get you get you

okay there are so many good questions

coming in and Jat hold on them let me

make myself bigger okay here we go

so someone was asking about okay what

slang words do Americans use in their

daily life you know a lot of adults

don’t use very much slang it kind of

depends on the age of the people that

you’re hanging out with but I do have a

series I did over the summer a couple

years ago summer of slang and I have I

think it’s about thirty different slang

terms and a lot of them are still used

so you can check that out

but I would I think also it’s very

important to study idioms and you know

if you’re coming to the US and you’re

going to be going to a university and

you’re going to be hanging out with a

bunch of 18 to 22 year olds they’re

gonna use all sorts of slang that I

probably wouldn’t even always understand

you have to just ask what does that mean

and then when they explain it if they

use an idiom say I still don’t get it

and just keep asking until oh you get it

also if you ever see a slang term used

and you don’t know what it means you can

ask that person or if it’s a video put

it in the comments or you can put a

comment in my video and I’ll try to

answer it for you someone says can you

speak more slowly please I will try

thank you that’s a good reminder it’s

hard for me to remember to do that I

have to admit when I’m live and I’m

thinking all these things and I’m just

like trying to get it all out I speak

too fast and you know when I do a video

I can put closed captions on subtitles

so that everyone can follow along but of

course when I’m going live I can’t do

that okay someone says what’s the

difference between boss and bus lock and

luck those are two vowels that a lot of

students get mixed up oh and I have a

video on that

I’m not even sure how to search it

actually because I have so many videos

but I can’t remember exactly what I

called that video but really I think

watching a video can help but if you

don’t hear the difference which is true

for a lot of people the main thing to do

actually is do a lot of listening

practice find a bunch of words with awe

and a bunch of words with uh

minimal pairs if you can like boss and

bus and just listen to that over and

over I have a lot of that in my Academy

and you may or may not be in my Academy

if you are definitely go to the vowels

course where you’ll find all that but

I’ve had students who said I can’t hear

the difference between all and uh or E

and a seat and sit for example and so

I’ll assign them an audio file that I’ve

created of a bunch of minimal pairs and

they’ll listen to it for a week and

without trying they hear a difference

they’ve exposed themselves to it enough

so that they start hearing a difference

and I found that when my students learn

that way when they they don’t know the

difference ahead of time and they don’t

have an idea of what it should be and

they have to learn purely through that

listening I found that actually a lot of

times they end up sounding very good

with those vowels right from the

beginning right after they hear the

difference maybe even better than

students who could hear the difference

but couldn’t necessarily produce the

difference so students who start not

being able to hear the difference that

do this intense listening practice

often end up sounding very native on

those sounds pretty quickly once their

ear sorts them out and figures out the

two different sounds they’re hearing so

minimal pairs practice I think is really

important when you’re going to English

which has a lot of vowel and diphthong

sounds from a language that might have

fewer sounds and a lot of our sounds

start to sound similar minimal pair

practice can be really important

okay someone says and what situations

can be use excuse me and sorry so you

would say excuse me if you bump into

somebody or if you need to interrupt

somebody excuse me

is anyone sitting here or that kind of

thing you could say sorry in both of

those situations - but then we also use

sorry in other situations where we

wouldn’t use excuse me like when you

need to apologize when you’ve done

something wrong sorry sorry in a way

that you wouldn’t use excuse me sorry so

excuse me for interrupting for bumping

actually I have a really fun video on

excuse me and the different ways we use

it and the way we pronounce it because

we do a pretty big reduction there so

see if you can do on YouTube do a search

on Rachel’s English excuse me and see if

it pops up it probably will someone says

do Americans understand English songs

like rap pretty easily yeah for the most

part but definitely not all songs I mean

I sometimes can’t understand what a

lyric is and I’ll go look it up

okay someone says can you say strengths

quickly strengths strengths strengths

strengths strengths I could definitely

see someone saying strengths leaving out

the th making an NG and a K sound

strengths what are your strengths

actually I think I talked about that in

a video that I did on interviewing for a

job because strengths and weaknesses are

two of the things that they might ask

you about in a job interview you can go

to youtube and do Rachel’s English job

interview I’ve actually got quite a few

videos on that topic but I’m pretty sure

I mentioned that in one of them okay

we’re gonna head back to the lesson a

lot of questions are coming in I love

this so fun to be with you guys in the

chat you guys are welcome in my chat

feed any day all right let’s keep going

Sonne you want these waffle pretzels for

your snack right

do you want one right now special treat

snack we all need a good snack every

once in a while this is not a full meal

but a little bit of food that we eat

between meals snack at our house we get

up anywhere between 6 and 6:45 Stoney

doesn’t leave for school until after

9:00 so we have a lot of time to fill up

sometimes we go out for a walk but often

we just play at home okay someone asked

about in the chat it was a question

about resonance is that the most

important hair linguistic feature to get

accurate American pronunciation that’s a

great question and on your calendar mark

let me see May 26 May 26 is a Tuesday

and I have a video coming out it’s all

about placement and resonance and how

your voice resonates in your body in a

way that will either make you sound very

American or make you sound not very

American at all and if your goal is to

sound more American and more natural

then you’ll definitely want to watch

this because when you address your

placement and your resonance of your

voice in your body then every time you

speak it’s affected so check it out I’m

excited about it I just finished editing

it today it’s gonna be it’s gonna be

good it’s a long one it’s like a

45-minute video I go through all of

these different ways of explaining it

and then we look at a bunch of students

they a bunch of videos that you guys

sent if you’ll remember back in I think

it was November at the end of 2019 I put

out a video asking for you guys to

record a dialogue for me and then I was

going to make videos for them videos on

YouTube using those as a way to teach

and both of those videos are coming out

in May and they’re really fun so part of

that placement video

me working through the videos you guys

submitted imitating your placement

talking about what you can change and

tweak to make your placement better

actually using the word tweak right now

reminds me I saw in chat a few minutes

ago someone said what does tweak mean

tweak means a small change a minor

change and sometimes just a little tweak

can make a big difference right for

example with the placement as you’ll see

a little tweak with how you use your

voice or let it resonate can make a big

difference in how you sound so that’s

the word tweak wonderful advice and

advise ok that’s a tough minimal pair

the difference is an ending s versus an

ending Z advice which is spelled with a

see e has the S sound advice but the

verb advise spelled with the letter S

that’s the Z sound the Z sound is weak

so it actually can even sound like the

letter S it’s just a very weak form of

it but those two words sound pretty

similar advise is a little bit less

common I think it might be stressed a

little bit more and also context you’ll

always know from the context what word

it is because are we using it as a verb

or are we using it as a noun

advice is the noun and advise is the

verb okay let’s finish out this video

then I’m gonna come back to chat and

answer a few more questions

and then I’m gonna shut down the live

feed because it is a Friday we’re

getting close to 5:00 and I have to go

help David with the kids he is taking

care of them right now all right let’s

keep going did you hear the you

reduction yeah yeah we’re not skipping

teeth I’m sure many parents can relate

to this when you skip something you

don’t do something that is part of a

regular sequence in this case brushing

teeth in the morning is definitely part

of our morning routine

merci merci this is an exclamation of

exasperation surprise anger or

frustration I was feeling all of those

things luckily he did decide to brush

his teeth but now we brush teeth it’s

just part of getting ready for school my

camera died after that we got stony

dressed and David took him to school

then he came home and took Sawyer while

I went to work and that is our morning

routine I hope you liked this video I

hope okay I did get Stoney to brush his

teeth I’m glad to say he brushes them

every day and I don’t even have to force

him to do it anymore someone says the

toothbrush is like mine

that’s awesome you guys have the same

toothbrush okay so thank you guys so

much for being here I’m gonna wrap it up

to wrap something up means to end it so

that I can go out and be with my kids so

let’s see this video is about one year

old so both boys are about 1 year older

now Sawyer is walking he’s big he’s big

for his age he’s walking he’s talking a

lot he has this amazing amount of curly

hair and you know it wasn’t curly in

this video it it got curly like six

months ago or something and now it’s

getting so long and out of control I

would use the word unruly he has unruly

hair it’s just like big and frizzy and

curly and we need to get it cut but like

I said nothing’s open

and I just I feel like with sharp

scissors around his head I just I’m not

I’ve never cut hair before and I don’t

think 19 month old should be my first

attempt with he’d probably be jerking

his head around a lot but yeah they’re

both they’re older they’re a lot of fun

we’re having fun

you know we just finished up week seven

of shelter-in-place so it’s a challenge

it’s very hard with the two kids but

we’re making it work we’re making it

happen I hope you guys are all staying

happy and healthy and safe out there

I know a lot of you are also in you know

shelter-in-place or others shut down

orders and it’s really different it’s a

really different way of living isn’t it

and who knows what the next phase of

normal will look like but I appreciate

you guys all for being here unruly hair

that’s right thank you guys so much for

being here and I will do another

livestream soon I’m not totally sure

when but check out my youtube channel

the community tab I will post it there

also follow me on Instagram or Rachel’s

English I will post it there and I

promise I’ll schedule it a couple days

in advance

and I think that’s it guys thanks for

being here happy Friday have a wonderful

weekend and I’ll see you