Different Ways to Say Hello and Nice To Meet You in English

okay hi everybody

I think it’s live now yep okay

we’re alive I think it’s everybody there

can everybody see

hi everybody


so there’s someone Christian from Mexico


and Daniel Oh Daniel oh I don’t know

from Brazil

Marcelo hi Marcos hi Victor

oh my gosh all these names uh yeah scene

from France

Leona hi shel hello hi Mohammed hi oh my

gosh Dominican Republic Brazil a few

people from Brazil from Vietnam wow so

many comments oh my gosh hi thank you

for watching Alfonso from Colombia Wow

hi from Nicaragua Matt Henry from the

Salt Lake City hi

someone from Chile Thailand Wow

thank you for watching there’s so many

comments oh my gosh

South Korea hello South Korea and

Vietnam again Brazil Brazil Wow

hi everybody someone from Egypt Nepal

Saudi Arabia Wow okay so while we wait

for everyone to join what did you do

over the weekend did you do anything

interesting over the weekend

anything on the weekend that’s our first

question to start what did you do Matt

Matt moved over the weekend all

congratulations new apartment moving is

exciting someone went shopping with her


someone was in London oh I was in London

last week shopping shopping yep lots of

people went shopping I went shopping

also nothing special someone says Ali

says watching me thank you

that’s funny nothing much yeah nothing

much just relaxing okay

oh there’s Facebook now people join on

Facebook Eric from Brazil

Derwin from Indonesia Julio from Peru hi

thanks for joining so there’s Facebook

and YouTube watching right now that’s

amazing so yeah so we’re talking right

now just what did you do last weekend I


okay so I think some people a lot of

people have joined right now so it’s the

it’s our first live broadcast so our

theme for this time is going to be

different ways to say hello and nice to

meet you

so it’s actually this is my first time

talking to you guys live so it’s good to

finally meet you

well from Ecuador studying English -

from Bangladesh

oh my gosh from Ethiopia from Vietnam hi

Eric yes who said your name yeah so it’s

good to meet you guys finally I am

talking slowly today there are a lot of

people watching right now live so from

Facebook Bruno says he started watching

videos this weekend and says they’re


thank you so much Bruno that’s really

nice okay so I inch and the topic just a

minute ago but do you guys know ways to

say hello and nice to meet you like how

do you usually introduce yourself

what’s your favorite food is that a

question or is that an introduction

question maybe you can ask that the

first time you meet someone ah this

person uh a PE op op it I don’t know

says I’ve never understood the meaning

of what is up as a greeting that’s a

really good question I think so what’s

up is just a casual hello

it means like what are you doing

Rhys or what have you been doing

recently what’s up with you your recent

activity so what’s up is really nice to

use in casual situations with friends

with your family

so and then this question from known lay

I’m sorry if I pronounced your name

wrong they asked hey what’s your name

that’s a really good one

the first time you meet someone - hey

what’s your name or hi what’s your name

so try to be energetic the first time

you meet someone ah there’s another good

one from Vinicius and it’s sorry I

missed it

what was it the comments are so fast oh

hey how is it going hey how’s it going

is a really good one

hey how’s it going my name is something

something great yeah that’s a really

good one and Homero

says what’s going on that’s good - hey

what’s going on it’s nice

Jermaine from Chu Lai hi

Leandro has a good one close it says

what are you up for use the phrase what

are you up to that’s good - greet

someone you know what are you up to

Sudan asks what’s wrong with replying

I’m fine - how are you doing hmm

I think it’s okay I I think it’s fine to

use I’m fine for that question

yeah so and if someone says to you like

how are you doing you can say I’m fine

just don’t say thank you like I’m fine

thank you

native speakers don’t really use that

expression just I’m fine it’s good Oh

Julio has one what have you been up to

what have you been up to is a really

good one to check in with someone you

haven’t seen in a while that’s really

good yeah nice one

okay so for today we have kind of some

extra information since it’s our first

live broadcast we have some kind of good

hints or good tips maybe that can be

helpful when you’re studying a new

language so I was looking at it before

actually yeah I think you can see it on

the screen now so these are actually

some pretty good ideas to help you learn

and to learn to study something new so

check it out I think you can download it

on the English class 101.com website so

maybe some of you already have an

account there so check it out if you are

interested there’s some good tips for

like learning a language but also just

studying in general so definitely check

it out

okay alright so there’s a good question

from idelle what what do we have to say

is someone is older than you do we have

to say how old are you or how young are

you actually don’t usually you should

not ask how old are you to the other

person don’t ask them how old you are

it’s usually kind of a sensitive

question Dennis says can you speak

another language is that a question for

me or question in general you can ask

this to a person the first time you meet

someone if you like that’s fine for me

yes I can

am i speaking slower than usual yes I’m

speaking much slower than usual today

ha week says pleased to meet you or glad

to meet you both are fine pleased to

meet you sounds a little bit more formal

glad to meet you is a little less formal

nice to meet you is the regular form

Claudio says are you married that’s

that’s maybe that’s too personal a

question for the first time you meet

someone so I don’t recommend that when

you meet someone from Facebook let’s see

min says hello I want to know about the

meaning of up to you ah the phrase up to

you means like you decide please so for

example if you’re making weekend plans

and you say

I don’t know what I want to eat it’s up

to you

that means you decide the listener

should decide nice one do you like

fishing is that a question for me

fishing is okay but as an introductory

question maybe if you’re asking about

hobbies you can that you can talk about

fishing nice one

Oh Jennifer has a good one what do you

do so what do you do is a question about

your job

so what is your job don’t ask what is

your job instead ask what do you do much

better nice one okay and then if you

want to add say hello to someone that

you haven’t seen for a long time you can

use a phrase like it’s nice to finally

meet you so maybe you meet like a

performer or an athlete or an actor

actress someone you really respect you

can say it’s nice to finally meet you

Naser assess what do you say when

someone says what’s up

usually if we say not much or nothing


gang says I binge doll your videos

thanks that’s a lot

okay and then I guess some other

greetings we can talk about our

greetings for like the time of day so

like when you meet someone in the

morning of course you can say good

morning but it’s better to make it short

so you can actually just drop good and

say morning that’s good or you can say

good morning that’s nice too if you meet

someone in the afternoon you can say

good afternoon but it’s usually just

hello in afternoons all before evenings

be careful with your evenings there’s

good evening and good night

remember these are really different so

good evening is your like greeting you

say hello with good evening but you say

goodbye or before you go to bed you use

good night so don’t say good night when

you greet someone it’s kind of strange

let’s see is there another way to say

have a nice day that’s from a Tongass

bull so sorry is there another way to

say I have a nice day

yes you can say have a good one I hope

you have a good one or have a nice

afternoon too so have a have a good one

so 1 means day in that case have a good

day have a nice day alright let’s see I

have lots of things I want to talk to

you about ok ah so if you meet someone

you really respect or like you’ve been

like watching their movies for a long

time like a famous person or something

you can say I’m really excited to meet

you I’m really excited to meet you is

good or maybe like you’ve read you meet

like your favorite author someone who

writes books you can say like I’ve read

all your books or maybe I’ve watched all

your movies say something like that it

shows you really respect them

yes someone said like they binge watch

videos so the phrase binge watch I

talked about it of in a video maybe once

I think but binge watch means to just

watch like non-stop for a long time

just some ones that they binge watched

the videos thanks guys from Facebook oh

hi from Thailand I’m really sorry I

can’t read Thai I can’t read your name

Louise says hello say hello to me on

Facebook wow so many comments ah Bruno

on Facebook says do you have tips about

how to practice a practice conversation

like how to meet someone to talk in

English yeah well it sort of depends on

where you live but going to places like

maybe local universities or colleges

sometimes have international school

events or maybe if you live in a big

city you can look up just international

meetup events those can be good places

to meet people who speak other languages

hi Christian from Mexico

Columbia to Oliver hi from Sudan hi okay

Shoval has another good greeting how are

you doing today how are you doing today

is okay it’s it’s good to use that if

you see that person a lot if you’re

meeting that person for the first time

it sounds a little strange

like maybe how are you doing today is a

sentence like staff in a restaurant or

like in the department store that’s a

question they would ask okay hi Brazil

Marcos from Brazil so say hello to

Brazil there are a lot of people from

Brazil watching from Dubai to East Side

sorry if I mispronounced your name okay

there’s another good one from Reed

Vaughn how is everything with you how

how’s everything with you that’s another

good greeting maybe use that after you

meet someone you haven’t seen for a long


all right so let’s see then maybe

somebody people are kind of mentioning

more formal greetings and things so

maybe we can talk about how you greet

like a colleague or someone you know

from work so if you are greeting like a

mutual friend someone your friend knows

you can say like hi I’m Alicia I’m a

friend of someone someone’s like I’m a

friend of Reese’s or hello I’m Alicia I

work with Risa or something like that

you can use those or if you want to

introduce yourself as of like a roommate

you can do that too so like hi I’m

Alicia Risa and I live together or Risa

and I have worked together for three

years something like that is good too hi

tommy’s from Mexico I see you on


Costa Rica Louise hi thanks for watching

more people from Brazil Wow

okay um so yeah if you like you can try

to use those like mutual friend

greetings but I think a lot of people

know how to use the weather as a

greeting so like it’s nice weather today

is it a good general greeting but if you

want to sort of level up your weather

greetings if it’s really cold you can

say it’s freezing today it’s raising

today or if it’s really hot you can say

it’s so hot today or you can use one

again like we talked about earlier so

like it’s a hot one out there so that

one means that day that one day so it’s

freezing or it’s hot out there you can

use that to to greet people

oh hi Davey hi JC CJ sorry watching as

well okay so I think we’re gonna

introduce really quickly the the PDF

that we showed earlier again so I was

looking through this before we started

this broadcast and I was looking at

let’s see it’s like number number 21 on

this so number 21 on this list talks

about doing things that are kind of

challenging or a little more difficult

for you so if you always try to do like

the easy thing or always try to do the

thing that’s comfortable for you to

study it’s really difficult to move

forward so I think number 21 is try yeah

try a harder lesson so if you feel like

maybe you’re not making progress in your

studies it’s maybe it’s a good idea it’s

a good time to try something that’s kind

of difficult for you so check that out

if you like so you can download that on

the on the website or you can download

that let’s see where else or else Nate

download that just the website I think

so check each class 101 dot-com yes the

link is in the description for that so

please check that out if you need some

extra tips for your studies

okay next one hi good night you’re from


are you leaving good night from

Guatemala hi Pedro and from Syria a

couple people from Syria on Facebook

hello and from Thailand as well a

different question which is the correct

phrase from Newdow I missed the bus or I

lost the bus I missed the bus I missed

the bus

don’t say I lost the bus it’s probably

not correct in most cases it’s I missed

the bus Wow

okay another person says heavy traffic

isn’t it

yeah you can use heavy traffic like in

the in the morning if you like so when

you’re especially if you’re driving to

work or taking the bus to work something

like that you can say it’s heavy traffic

today heavy traffic means a lot of cars

or it’s like really stop and go and stop

and go

the time is it here right now it’s 11 23

oh my gosh

broadcast is going fast hello from Korea

and from Colombia on Facebook to Russia

  • hi Russia okay

hey t hello Jamison from Haiti

have I ever been blonde no I’ve never

had blonde hair Oh Charles has a really

good question hi can I steal a minute of

your time

yes but use that with people that you

already know like use it with your

coworker if you need help with something

or maybe a family member or close friend

or something like that

don’t use that with the stranger it

sounds like you’re I don’t know maybe

you’re going to try to sell them

something so don’t use that with people

you don’t know can I steal a minute of

your time or can I have a minute of your

time that’s okay too

hello Sudan some 3a I say hi from

Dominican Republic Alfredo hello there

are so many people from Brazil Wow

thank you for watching from Honduras

Karen hello no I’m not from North Korea

let’s see hello from India - and Peru

and Indonesia ah there’s another good

one there from read Vaughn can I borrow

you for a second can I borrow you for a

second is similar to can I have a minute

it means you want to take that person

away from you from whatever they’re

doing and talk to them or do something

or you need their help so it means that

you want to take them from something

they’re doing now the Saudi Arabia hello

couple people from Saudi Arabia and my

sleepy no no let’s see from Egypt

Fatima how to pronounce quote quote it

has like a W sound quote Q the Q sound

makes a quoi it’s like a kW almost


let’s see a PFA I’m not sure thanks for

watching he’s good luck with your cell

phone battery thanks for watching from

your phone that’s amazing

Brazil again there’s so many people from

Brazil hi again Brazil there are so many

people watching thanks very much

excuse me do you have a minute yes

that’s nice

do you have a minute just means you want

a moment a short period of someone’s

time some three egg and says how do you

do that’s okay but it sounds kind of

formal it’s still new hi from Japan and

hey first one from Japan I think

surprisingly well officially

let’s see Oh someone says are you gonna

continue this live series yes

so live series we’re gonna do this at

the same time actually every week from

now on so the next live series are the

next live broadcast is going to be an

art time August 9th

that’s Wednesday our time it might be

different your time so it’ll be 11

o’clock Japan time that’s 10 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time so you know so yes

please if you have a chance if you have


check us out every week so we’ll talk

about something different so yeah 10

p.m. Eastern Standard Time

okay yeah so definitely 10:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time Wednesday nights

please join us wednesday nights free up

30 minutes on Wednesday night and we’ll

talk about some kind of topic and we can

talk about things with comments on

YouTube and on Facebook Argentina I

think that’s the first person from

Argentina okay yeah so we’re almost out

of time we only have like one minute

left so next time actually the topic for

next week is going to be how to give

other people advice so we’ll talk about

a few ways to share your opinions or

share what you think other people should

do so please join us next week yeah 10

p.m. Eastern Standard Time to talk about

how to give advice hmm and then let’s

see I think this video is gonna be

uploaded on the English class oh maybe

not okay so for now please uh please

just watch the live videos for now we

might upload in the future we’re not


great I only have 20 seconds left with

you guys so thank you so so much for

watching the the first live broadcast it

was really fun it was amazing to see all

your comments so I will see you again

next week at the same time same place

and then if you want to check out more

of what we talked about today definitely

check out the website English class

101.com so there’s a link in the

description so check it on YouTube check

Facebook page all that good stuff so

thanks again for joining I’ll see you

next week bye bye

