FULL English Class 04 Learn Words Expressions Phrasal Verbs Thought Organization More

hey everyone how are you

welcome to our weekly live english class

i always am excited whenever we have

class together

and i’m so excited to talk with you all

today day alright i see it many of you

have already started coming in

rodrigo hey rodrigo how are you

benvendo hey good to see you all the way


cape verde good to see you nana hey nana

good to see

you jael from panama

good to see you as well

annalisa good evening yes i am doing

amazing i’m also excited because

i have a special short video clip to

show you all

you know last week annalisa we were

talking about you all wanting to see

more of america so

i took a short video clip that i’m going

to show at the end of class today so

yes i am doing well and i’m excited

about our class today

hello hello nha good to see you

laurent hey good to see you let’s see

mardo hey all the way from france good

to see you

peterson good to see you always i am


amazing always good to see you here

let’s see next we have

galtierre good to see you brother indira

i am doing amazing thank you i hope

you’re doing well

too basak hello good evening good to see


yes di uni good evening and good


to you i’m doing amazing and so is my

family thank you so much and i hope your

family is doing well

too all right yes from point no air good

to see you again nha

abdifata hey good to see you i’m glad

that you are doing

fine yes fred hey what’s going on man

good to see you here

good to see you here all right everyone

i am

so excited as i always am every single

week for us to study

together and tonight it’s going to be

another opportunity for you to learn

some new things i have a video again

that i mentioned where i’ll show you

something about america

and i’m gonna go over some of the words

and expressions that you’ve learned from

the 365-day

lesson plan in the academy so again we

always come together once a week

and you have the opportunity to ask

questions to make sentences and to spend

time together

with your family so

let’s jump right in alright so tonight i

put the notes

on the page that is connected to this

class but

tonight we’re going to start with week

number one of the 365 day

lesson plan so let me jump to my screen

and let’s jump right in it up hold on

one second

monique hey it is good to see you

monique says i was so busy that’s why i

was absent for the last

two tuesdays it’s okay monique we’re so

happy to see

you back valeria hey

good to see you all the way from brazil


welcome up some more coming through

january a good to see you

good to see you all right so we’re going

to start off our lesson again i

mentioned a few moments ago that

we’re going to go through the 365 day

lesson plan

and we’re starting with week number one

a lot of words and expressions were

explained to you

during that week but i want to go over a

few of them and we can give you an

opportunity to ask

questions here we go so on day one

we had one word here coherent now this

is a very

commonly used english word now hold on

another person came through

isabelle hey isabelle i’m doing amazing

i am

awesome thank you so much for asking i

hope you are doing well

too isabelle good to see you here good

to see you

all right so the word we have is

coherent now i’m going to show it to you

one more time

and then i want to go over the

pronunciation really quickly so again

after me


good again ko coherent

excellent remember to watch the way my

mouth is moving and try to copy me again

coherent excellent

very good job oh another one joined us

arie anya i think that’s right good to

see you welcome welcome

all right now the word coherent again

from day one you learned that it means

logical and consistent or

united as or forming a whole

so the example sentences that were given

on day one from the 365 day lesson

the first one is he didn’t write

a coherent essay now this just means

that the individual did not write

a logical essay right so again you saw

this on day one

and i’m just going over them quickly

again before i give you all an

opportunity to make some sentences on

your own

here we go pilar hello all the way from

mexico good to see you

paulina hello hello it’s 12 p.m in


but we’re looking forward to this lesson

thank you so much for joining i’m always

happy to see you here good to see you

paulina all right so again

looking at the word coherent next

the president has not presented

a coherent plan for dealing

with this problem and next

she can speak coherently about

politics alright so again you’ve had


three example sentences on day one you

went through the lesson

but now i want to give you all an

opportunity this word coherent again it


logical something that makes sense

forming a whole

i want you all to try to make a sentence

using the word coherent

but here’s the catch i want your

sentence to be

about something that happened

today either a person you talked to

a situation you heard about i want you

to really think

hard and try to use this word coherent

to make a sentence about something that

happened to you today

something you heard about something you

saw or even something you read again

we’re trying to stretch your brain a

little bit

and help you apply this word in real

life okay

so again using this word coherent

try to make a sentence about something

that you saw

heard or experienced today alright and

pop your sentences

into the comment section hold on here we


isabel hello good to see you it’s your


live chat i’m excited to improve my

english with you isabel

welcome to the family again and i hope

you enjoy

this live class remember these classes

are just an opportunity for you to come


with the family learn in real time and

also get some practice

so again right now everyone i want you

to try to make a sentence

using the word coherent and i

want it to be about something that you

either heard

saw or experienced today again it’s a

little bit challenging

but i believe in each and every one of


hey good to see you suray all the way

from orlando

nice to see you this evening good to see

you all right again

so i’m going to wait for you all to make

your sentence remember the word coherent

it’s a very commonly used word in


now just like we did before i’m gonna

keep going because the comments come in

a little slower

than you all are sending them so don’t

worry oh here we go

we have one that came through laurent


world governments have to be coherent in

their decisions

to treat the pandemic very good very


basak says the argument is rigorous and


but i’m getting bored very good

very good excellent laurent and bossac

excellent job now again

everyone else just like laurent and

basak i want you guys to try to make a


using the word coherent remember

coherent is from

day one of the 365 day

lesson plan so you can always go back

and review

here we go yes siree i remembered you

all right mariam says hello hello mariam

welcome to class good to see you

all right mardo says my friend is not

coherent in her words

she’s not happy but she’s still staying

in this situation

okay my friend’s words are not very


period she’s not happy but she’s still

deciding to stay in the situation

or she’s unhappy okay good

fred says i was listening to her audio

but her speech was not coherent because

she took so long to explain

what happened all right here we go good

job fred

i was listening to her voice message

actually that’s another way of saying it

that’s more natural

i was listening to her voice message but

her speech wasn’t coherent

because she took so long to explain what

happened good job good job pilar says if

you want to have a good grade

or get a good grade you have to answer


okay you have to answer the questions on

the exam

in a coherent way or you have to answer

coherently good job very good

nha says my guardian was not coherent


because she arrived late this morning

because of the rain

ah my guardian wasn’t coherent today

because she arrived late this morning

due to

the rain alright jahil says

my co-worker sent a coherent

email about an issue that was very

confusing to me

again my co-worker sent

a coherent email about an issue that was


confusing to me good job again make sure

you write down the corrections that i’m

making all right

paulina the movie i saw today lacked

any coherent structure lacked any

coherent structure

a little tricky since the movie still

exists but since we’re talking about the


you can say lacked all right valeria

says sao paulo’s

governor governor possessive sao paulo’s

governor told us to be home and then he


on vacation to miami to miami

he definitely is not a coherent man

okay all right here we go rodrigo

today my boss made a coherent decision

when we were

talking about the company’s plan be

careful past tense

when we were talking all right i’ll do

three more and then we’ll move on but

good job guys

keep practicing good job annalisa says

today or

this morning i read an article about

the behavior of horses it was very


and it impressed me a lot because i

learned so much

about the habits of horses again later

on rewind and then write down what i


all right one more here we go monique

says what my

son did was not coherent with what i

said with what he said

because he’s told me because he said to


or because he told me this morning that

he was not hungry

but he ate three eggs boys will be boys

all right good again rewind later and

then make the corrections based on what

i said

good job good job okay i see more coming

in now again

we have more coming so don’t worry i’m

going to give you guys some more

examples and then we’re going to keep

going so

keep typing hold on one second

uh miriam says miss can you tell me

about what you talk because i joined


oh miriam don’t worry so what we’re

doing is once a week we meet to have a


english class today what i’m doing is

i’m going over the lessons from

week number one in the 365 day lesson


so each day has a different lesson and

i’ve picked certain

points from each day that i want to

review with you all and give you an

opportunity to practice in real time so

don’t worry

you’re still with us all right here we

go oh alam came in

don’t worry hey alum good to see you

good to see you

all right so again i see more coming in

we’re going to move on to the next

expression but you guys did an excellent


and keep them coming very good alright

so we understand now

last time everyone after me coherent

good coherent

excellent now don’t feel bad as you’re

typing your sentence i’m gonna try to

get to everyone but because of time i

may not be able to get to

every single sentence but i still want

you all to type your sentences

in the comment section so you have to be

fast as soon as you see

the word make your sentence all right

here we go

all right so our next word comes from

day two

and it’s actually an expression again


we’re following the 365 day lesson plan

in the academy

on day two you learned three new


so i want to look at one of those


one of the expressions was speaking of

speaking of now this means when you’re

starting a new

topic but you’re linking it to

the current one now i’ve been so

impressed by again

in our family chat room on telegram


i’ve seen many of you using the

expressions and words that you’ve


from the 365-day lesson plan i always

smile when i’m reading your messages

i love to see you all using what you’re


and i’ve seen some of you use this one


of so let’s look at some example

sentences because this is very

useful and native english speakers use

this on a regular basis so

here are some examples all right here we

go the first example is

speaking of money have you paid your

credit card bill yet

next speaking of your mother

how has she been and finally

speaking of michael where is he these


so again you use speaking of when you

want to

link what you’re currently talking about


something else that you want to ask or

speak about

so i want you all in the comment section

to use

this expression speaking of here’s the


here’s the challenge up until this point

for the first 15 minutes of class

i mentioned many things i mentioned the

365 day lesson plan

i mentioned that we have weekly live

english classes

i said hello to all of you so i want you


pick one thing that’s been mentioned so

far in class

and i want you to link it to your

statement so for example you could say

speaking of the lessons i really

enjoyed day number eight speaking

of mexico because someone here is from


speaking of mexico i went there on


last year so again you want to try to


speaking of and connect it to something

that happened

already in our class today here we go

all right jasmine says speaking of

english classes

have already registered the class okay

speaking of

english classes have you already

registered for the class

good job but again make those

corrections have you

already registered for the class all

right good

polina says speaking of my day it was a


boring all right good rodrigo says

speaking of childhood

i used to play the game rock paper

scissors all right

now speaking of childhood i used to play

now we didn’t talk about

childhood today but i think you may have

thought i was talking about last time or

two weeks ago so i understand all right

jael says speaking of the 365-day

english plan once we finish it all what

else can we do

oh jail don’t you worry i have tons

and tons of lessons for you all so don’t

worry a good one though

all right d and he says speaking of the


class i have missed one all right

mardo says speaking of telegram i like

this application alright

good nhs says speaking of english i

just posted my first

audio clip or voice message on the

telegram group or in the telegram group

or to the telegram group

they’re all okay actually good jasmine

says speaking of astrology

when is your birthday good example

lauren says speaking of tiffany

i think it was a good idea to enroll in

her academy

thank you so much indira says speaking

of vacation

i need to take a vacation for to take

all i need to take a vacation with my


to disney or for my son to go to disney


nana says speaking of the lessons i


enjoy them very much good

them because you said lessons monique


speaking of the weekly courses i have to

burn the midnight oil because i haven’t

learned for a while or i haven’t

studied for a while or in a while

haven’t studied in a while

i like that you use that expression burn

the midnight oil it means to study

late and to study for a long time good


alam says if i want to get a high band

score in ielts okay that’s for coherent

we’re going to switch over to speaking

of okay

here we go abdi fatah says speaking of

studies are you ready for the exam

tomorrow good

pilar says speaking of the decisions you

do they

aren’t coherent okay speaking of the

decisions you made

they really aren’t coherent or they

really weren’t

coherent speaking of the past coherent

all right

analysis says speaking of your feelings

i can see that you are so excited than

usual ah okay

thanks speaking of your feelings i can

see that you are

more excited than usual and it is so


or your feelings are so contagious i’m

always happy that you all can feel my

excitement through the camera

all right ariana says speaking of


i enjoy learning english in the live

classes or i enjoy learning during the

live english classes good

no worries jahil i got you i got you

bossack says speaking of cooperation

he is investigating the murder ooh maybe

you watch the television program a drama

all right fred says speaking of the

lessons what is your favorite

one good job fred good job isabel says

speaking of how much your classes oh

speaking of how amazing your classes are

when is our meeting with you taking

place tiff it’s happening the last


of this month it’s on the um

it’s supposed to happen last month as

well but i got really busy and something

happened on the last

tuesday so we couldn’t meet but the last

tuesday of this month

all right blanca i’ll do two more

speaking of the lessons

i would like to practice them with

somebody else

okay hey remember our telegram group all

you have to do is ask for a partner

and someone will be waiting for you all

right last one here we go hold on one

second someone who hasn’t gotten on the

screen yet

carmen hello teacher hello carmen

speaking of the classes you mentioned i

want to say i’m enjoying them i want to

say that i’m enjoying them i am so happy

to hear that

carmen it always makes me happy when you

all enjoy the classes

great job everyone so you all understand

the idea of speaking of and how to use

this expression

naturally good job all right now on day

three so we’ve done day one

the vocabulary day two the expressions


day three was the idioms so we had three

idioms on day three but i want to focus

on one of them

add fuel to the fire now this idiom


as you all watched the lesson in the

academy it means

merely doing or saying something that

makes the current situation worse

basically again i explained it on day


in the plan but basically

imagine someone is super upset super

angry right

and they’re telling you what’s wrong and

instead of listening

you say something that makes them even


so imagine the blood their blood is

boiling right the fire is going up

and you add more and then the fire goes

higher right so they get

angrier so you’re adding fuel like fuel

you put in your car

right you’re adding fuel to the fire so

here are some example sentences right

here everyone i didn’t say anything

because i didn’t want to add

fuel to the fire next

john only added fuel to

the fire when he made that comment

and finally my sister kept talking which

just added fuel to the fire so

again i think you all understand how to

use this idiom properly

but i want you all again just like we

did for the vocabulary word

and for the expression i want you guys

to try to make your own

sentence using this idiom

add fuel to the fire all right

let’s say you’re giving advice to

someone or you’ve heard of a situation

where someone was angry

how would you make a sentence a sentence

in english

using this idiom here we go i see some

came through already yes

jasmine is first jasmine says annie

just added fuel to the fire when she

made that comment

excellent sentence very good jasmine

polina says

my desire for calming her down just

added fuel to the fire good monique says

when i saw that someone was angry i

didn’t add fuel to the fire okay didn’t

want to add fuel to the fire good

jail says every time that is a problem

she adds fuel to the fire with her

comments okay

every time there is a problem

she adds fuel to the fire with her

comments okay again remember

i’m gonna correct them in real time but

you can always watch the replay

and write down the corrections that i

made all right laurent says

donald trump added fuel to the fire with

his silly statements

good job laurent yes very true

nha says when children are stubborn

their behavior always adds fuel

to the fire remember adds fuel to the

fire good

fred says sorry i won’t say anything i

don’t want to add fuel to the fire

great job fred yes jasmine again says

she enjoys when she adds fuel to the


oh little dangerous but lara says


i add fuel to the fire

when i make bad decisions when i make

bad decisions

all right pn says during the meeting a

colleague added fuel to the fire with

his comment

good abdifata says she was so angry

but she only oh but he only added fuel

to the fire when he said that comment or

made that comment

good gautier says the argument of the

customary chief

made fuel added not made added fuel to

the fire

in the negotiating meeting okay added

fuel to the fire

blanca says i am a pacific person

i’m not going to add oh a peaceful

person you mean peaceful

i think maybe that was a typo peaceful

person so

i am a peaceful person i’m not going to


fuel to the fire all right mardo

the situation is getting worse

and worse why do you need to add fuel

to the fire be careful guys remember add

fuel to the fire add fuel to the fire

all right

surrey says anytime an altercation


john likes to add fuel to the fire

john likes to add fuel to the fire all


three more here we go alam says hey mary

stop adding fuel to the fire the

situation is getting worse

good job good job analysis says

a few days ago a few days ago i saw

two people on the street arguing or

starting to argue when iraq when their

friend arrived be careful with the order

when their friend arrived he seemed to

add fuel to the fire instead of

appeasing them or instead of making a


peaceful situation all right later on

write that down okay

one more here we go nana says i wasn’t

happy at

all when my boss tried to add

fuel to the fire again everyone be very


not to change the idiom the idiom is add


to the fire so for the past tense you

can say add dead

but it still remains fueled to the

fire all right let’s see a few more that

haven’t gotten on the screen hold on one


valeria says instead of appeasing the


he added fuel to the fire with that


all right and the uni says hello diony

i realize people who got a sharp tongue

or people who have a sharp tongue

usually added fuel to the fire okay i


or i realized people who have sharp


usually add fuel to the fire

all right last one benvindo the

president said he wouldn’t add fuel to

the fire by commenting without knowing

all the facts

excellent job very very good so we all


this idiom add fuel to

the fire so we had our vocabulary word


we had our expression again what was the

expression guys

what was the expression let me see who

remembers first what was the expression

we went

over we had coherent now day three we

have add fuel to the fire

what was the expression it was something


we use to link a current

topic with the topic that’s going to

come up next

what was the expression we just went

over i’m going to see the first three

people to pop it in the comments section

let me see who remembers

what expression did we look at a few

moments ago

all right while you’re there we go


josie very good we learned speaking of

very good excellent job

all right let me see two more all right

good valeria got it speaking of


ja hell good job you got it sere

excellent de uni excellent

indira excellent very good you guys are


very well anna-lysa got it good carmen

got it

mario got it good job pilar got it


so we’ve learned a vocabulary word an


and also an idiom all right nha got it

benvindo got it excellent

blanca good job good job

let’s see oh thank you very much fred

i love you guys too all right and now i

got it

excellent job all right now so on day

four now we’re moving to day four again

we’re still looking at week number one

again you guys can always go back and

review each

lesson from week number one in the 365


lesson plan now we’re moving to day four

now on day four it was a very

interesting day i love these lessons all

right so we have day four is the phrasal


lesson and i want to look at one of the

phrasal verbs the phrasal verb is

bring up for pronunciation really

quickly everyone

bring up good again

bring up good last time

bring up excellent now

bring up is a very commonly used phrasal

verb and it means

to start discussing a subject

so for example i keep bringing

up the 365-day lesson plan right

i keep starting a discussion about it

like hey guys

don’t forget you can go back and review

the lessons in week

one so i’m bringing it up here are some

example sentences

she brought the matter or the issue up

very late so they didn’t have time to


it properly next when the student

brought up or started discussing a

problem he was having

the teacher was happy to help him and


her husband asked her not to bring up

the issue again so again when you

learned this lesson on day four

it was very helpful right but now i want


in real time to try to use this phrasal


right now bring up a very commonly used

phrasal verb

how can you make your own sentence using

bring up here’s the challenge guys

try to make a sentence again thinking

about your day

today if you’re married think about your


for the men for the men i was gonna say

guys but guys are men same

for the women think about your husband

right what did your husband

bring up today men what did your

wife bring up today now for those who

aren’t married

maybe your friend maybe you talked to

your friend today or your boss today or

another family member

what did your friend your boss or your

family member

bring up today i want you to think about


all right for example for me i spoke

to my mom this morning

and my mother brought up the fact that i


a chiropractor appointment now a

chiropractor is a doctor that

helps with your back my back has been

bothering me a little bit i’m okay

but my mom brought up my chiropractor


so what did your family member your

husband your wife

or your friend bring up today here we go

again think about today

here we go nha says i don’t like when my


brings up living abroad or moving

abroad all right analysis says is it

possible to use bring up for the thing

or only for the discussion

for example the fish brings up of the

water okay so no

this one is only talking about a

discussion it’s bringing

up like a topic for discussion regarding

a fish

a fish was brought out of the water or

brought up out of the water

we do say brought up out of the water

but it’s a different meaning from this

one this one is for discussion so i

don’t want you to get confused so

we’re only going to focus on this one

because a lot of words in english a lot

of expressions

have different meanings but for today

we’re only focusing on to start

bringing something up for a conversation

but good question

saray says during the meeting my

co-worker brought up the issue he was


with the x software good siree good

abdi father says can you bring up the

discussion now

ah now not no but now got you here we go

indira says i brought up how

i’m improving my english with my

colleagues okay spelling

colleagues that’s colleges be careful

with the spelling okay but good job

lorenz says when you brought up that

topic during the meeting

you just added fuel to the fire good but

you just added fuel good job i like the


but socks says she started bringing up a

problem about boys with her boyfriend oh

with her best friend

got you all right d uni says i don’t

want to bring up the situation again

with my friend

good pa ola i was wondering where you


good to see you no worries um we’re

happy that you’re here we’re happy that

you’re here

all right isabel says i just cannot


what makes a person keep bringing up

issues what makes a person keep bringing


issues that have nothing to do with the


discussion all right i just cannot


what makes a person keep bringing up

things or

issues that have plural that have

nothing to do with the present

discussion good

idea just fix those little things that i

corrected for you

monique says my son brings up music just

before this live class oh

my son brought the past tense my son

brought up music

just before this live class got you my

pleasure annalisa

all right josie says her husband asked

her never

to bring up the issue again about her

medical results

never to bring up all right here we go

pn says my mother brought up my stomach

pain good

hopefully you’re feeling okay jael says

he brought up or he brings up

a story about her family in the office

meeting okay

past tense he brought up a story about

her family

during the office meeting so during the

meeting all right

during the office meeting all right in

the office meeting is okay

but during the meeting is also good

benvendo says he tried repeatedly to

bring up the subject of the budget

deficit uh-huh

i like how you use deficit meaning a

decrease or going down

good ariana says my daughter likes

likes bringing up the music education

or bringing up music education because

she is oh hold on really important for

her okay

my daughter likes bringing up music


because it’s really important to her


here we go i’ll do four more here we go

jasmine says my husband asked me

not to bring up the discussion about his


again oh about her well

who’s her that’s the only reason i

change to his sister okay

valeria says my mom can’t stand

when i bring up the idea of taking care

of covid

you mean eliminating kovid or protecting

yourself from covid i think you mean

protecting yourself so you can say

my mom can’t stand when i bring up the

topic of

protecting ourselves from covid all


and i’ll do one more alam says today i

asked my husband

not to bring up the issue of immigration


not to bring up the issue of immigration

again all right more came through hold

on try to get someone who hasn’t been on

the screen

yet hold on gautier my colleague

be careful spelling asked me not to

bring up my discussion about my annual

leave okay my colleague asked me not to

bring up my annual leave

again you don’t have to say discussion

my colleague

asked me not to bring up my annual leave


all right paula says in his me in this

meeting we will discuss this topic only

please don’t bring up any other problem

today we’ll have time later very good

all right again i’m trying to get a few

more people who haven’t been on the

screen just yet so don’t worry i’m not

ignoring anybody

january it says in this morning oh this


my daughter brought up my last

interview again all right peterson says

each time you talk to me this way you

bring up my anger

okay here we go that makes sense a

little bit different from this but that

does make sense all right

here we go miriam says miss can you

explain more about bring up it’s like by

something or what

okay sure so again guys remember this is

actually from day four

so don’t worry if you’ve missed anything

you can always watch this class over

but you can also go to day four in the

365 day lesson plan

and watch the full lesson on this

phrasal verb but

it just means to start discussing

a subject right to bring something up or

to start

talking about something that’s all it

means but good question

all right so everyone understands now

right day four the phrasal verb

bring up to start discussing something

so i want you all to try to start

using this phrasal verb in your


even in our telegram group when you’re

speaking with the family

you can say hey guys i remember


someone brought up and then dot dot

brought up cats or brought up travel

or brought up food brought up some other

topic and then you start talking about

it the next day

it’s okay just to get a chance to

practice using

this phrasal verb all right here we go

guys we’re gonna move on now to day

number five from the 365 day

lesson plan on day five we had a

creative thinking lesson now

when students came in the very beginning

when i introduced this style of lesson

to the academy i had many students

asking me teacher i don’t understand

what’s happening

now let me show you real quick a recap

of what day five

is day five is where i showed you

an image and then i showed you multiple


next to the image that describe

the image right so this is called


thinking so what i want us to do right

now again

this is an image again from day five the

lesson plan day five

this is one of the images so what i want

to do right now hold on real quick

jasmine thank you so much for typing

that i appreciate that

and miriam my pleasure what we’re going

to do right now is again

creative thinking in real time now again

in the academy

on day five you’ll see a file that i’ve

posted and there are sentences

next to the image you know what hold on

one second everyone i want to show you


so we’re all on the same page so that

everyone understands

where this is in the academy hold on one

second and i will share my screen

with you all hold on oh soldier

that’s the song from back in the day

hold on one second all right i’m gonna

share my screen with you all

let’s do this let’s share google chrome

all right okay hold on maybe not that

screen just yet everyone

let’s do this hold on one second

again this is again from day here we go

now i’ll share with you all

all right so again on day number five

you see right here day number five

creation and fluency when i click this

right here

you’ll see again there are images here

now the first time some students saw

this lesson they were a little bit


but you’ll see right here the image


there are five sentences next to the

image that describe the image

so again what i want us to do together

in this class is

actually go over the image

and i want you all to actually make a


a creative sentence about the image so

i’m going to bring the image back on


and again what i want you to do is

looking at this image

i want you all to make your own creative


describing it hold on hi christy

good to see you as well good to see you

as well

all right here we go guys here’s the


there’s a woman she looks like she’s

climbing up the side of a mountain she’s

like she’s rock climbing she looks very


she has certain clothes on she’s wearing

sunglasses she has certain shoes on

i want you to try to describe

this image using your own words

making your own sentence so again i want

you all

try to to try to describe this image

using your own words all right describe

this image

using your own words once again here’s

the image

this woman right here this is from day

number five in the lesson plan the 365

day lesson plan

tell me what she’s doing who is she what

is she wearing

you can make any sentence you want but i

want you to describe this picture i’ll

take a few sentences

i’m going to wait a little bit again

look at her hair

look at her arm look at our hands look

at her legs her outfit

look at where she is maybe you could

talk about where she is

you can pick whichever aspect of the

picture you’d like here we go all right

monique here we go and i’m going to

leave the picture on the screen

and i’ll put your sentences right

underneath it all right here we go

here we go monique says the woman has

glasses and

black long hair she looks like a good


woman all right okay all right anybody

else good job

tell me some more describe this picture

a little bit more everyone here’s the

picture again

from day five describe this picture

using your own words here we go

jahil says that woman climbing

looks in shape she fit okay

that woman who is climbing looks in

shape she is

as fit as a fiddle she is as fit

as a fiddle all right jasmine says

her muscles are in good shape because

she does

exercise all right better is her muscles

aren’t oh she is in good shape and


because she exercises all right valeria

says after a year of

hard training no a she became a muscular


and now she’s able to get to the top of

this mountain

all right pian says the white powder on

the woman’s

hands woman’s hands helps her to climb

well all right indira says the girl who

was climbing the rock

is in good shape very good very good

again keep your sentences coming i’m

just leaving the image on the screen

so you all can see it as you’re writing

your sentences all right

keep them coming guys good job good job

analysis says

the woman is very strong she climbs on

the rock

maybe it is windy her hair is blowing

in the wind that’s an expression here we


her hair is blowing in the wind

alright here we go amalia says she

looks like a very strong woman

to do this climbing hold on she looks

like she is a very strong woman because

she is able to do this

climb or she is able to climb this


all right carmen says the woman’s hair

is long

and waving because the rushing wind ah

the woman’s hair is long and blowing in

the wind

because of the rushing wind all right

nha says this woman with muscles

seems to be very sporty

s-p-o-r-t a very sporty woman that’s

another word we haven’t talked about

all right mardo says the woman is


a huge mountain with the strength of her

arms good

blanca says the women not women but

woman with an

a is trying to climb the big rock

and she looks very strong she’s trying

to climb the big rock

and she looks very strong all right here

we go paulina says the atmosphere of

this photo

inspires me to conquer the peaks alright

miriam says the girl is climbing the


and she is wearing good shoes to climb

well wearing good shoes to climb well

again just reminding you all i’m keeping

the image on the

on the screen so you guys can see it as

you’re writing your sentence okay

here we go uh let me see alam says

speaking of the woman in the image

i like the way you did that she is a


woman or a sporty woman she has strong


she’s wearing a t-shirt and she has oh

t-shirt and shorts

and special climbing shoes all right

paula says

the strong climber went yesterday to

arizona to break the record of the

fastest climb

because she is very determined all right

i like it i like it very creative

all right let me skip down magali says

the beautiful young lady

shows us her athletic body alright

good and last one josie she has a robust

body i think she is eating a plant-based

diet good job good job guys

very good so again whenever you see an

image describe lesson as you’re going

through the 365 day lesson plan

this is what i want you to do i want you

to look at each

image and try to make your own sentences

describing the picture

practice really does make perfect

perfect uh one more came through

isabelle says the woman is a very good


and she is climbing a rocky mountain


apparently she’s not wearing much

protective equipment very true

all right so again this is from day

number five

now we’re going to continue everyone day

number six was about

american culture now on day number six

you all saw a video

where i talked about subway and i got so

many comments from you all saying

that you enjoyed the video uh many of

you love

subway sandwiches you enjoyed seeing how

we make

our sandwiches so real quick in the

comment section

has anyone ever tried a subway sandwich

if you have just type yes in the comment

section it’s very curious

to know how many of you have actually

tried a subway sandwich

and again as you’re answering i’ll keep

going so

i recorded that video just to show you

all you know

subway because i eat subway sandwiches a

lot but

also because it explains a little bit

about american culture

so again day number six focused on

american culture

and in america we pride ourselves in

having choices and being unique and

being different

and that aspect of our culture is even


when we go to order food have it your

way you can change it however you like

you can add whatever you like onto your

sandwich and that’s actually a part of

american culture

being unique having your own desires and

your own ideas so

i’m seeing that many of you wow mardo

said yes once

josie yes carmen yes all right

uh sire yes jasmine yes uh pn yes

blanca yes a nana yes and alam says i’ve


oh you’ve never tried it hopefully

you’ll get to try it one day in the


now what i wanted to do again last week

at the end of class i asked you all if

you want to see more videos of american

life and things in america

and there was an overwhelming response

of yes teacher please show us more

so that’s exactly what i did i actually


um another clip of another

of my favorite uh places to go and eat


now i want to explain something to you

first though because some people ask me

teacher is subway a fast food restaurant

it’s actually not a fast food restaurant

we call it because it’s not

fried it’s kind of a healthier option

we actually call subway a fast

casual restaurant a fast

casual restaurant so i can go there and

sit down

um the food is made to order but it’s

not really greasy it’s not

fried and a lot of times fast food is

kind of unhealthy it’s delicious but

it’s unhealthy

but subway is in a different category we

say fast

casual restaurant um some more people

came through and said yes they’ve had

it before ariana mariam valeria

um pilar basak josie said i really love

subway sandwiches because

yes healthy very good um miriam loves

them too

um jasmine says i receive coupons in my

mailbox from subway i just paid 12

for two foot longs very nice very nice

now there’s another restaurant a fast

casual restaurant that i love and i


got it for lunch today i ate it earlier

and it was from chipotle now i don’t

know if you all have heard about

chipotle but

i want to show you this really quickly

so i took a short video clip of

my experience getting food at chipotle

and again

i’m going to show you all this video

clip and again it’s going to help you


and understand more about american

culture this idea of

everyone’s unique you can make your own

choices you can have whatever you’d like

in the order and the way that you would

like to okay hold on one second

yes you’ve had it too amalia says i was

in new york last year and unfortunately

didn’t see this kind of food

but next time i am going to look for one

of them

yes please do amalia all right uh hold

on indira says yes you like it good

monique says i tried subway sandwiches

when i was in miami

the flight had one hour delay so the

company offered us tickets to buy a

sandwich in the subway

at the subway in the airport oh nice


all right so let me let me show you all

a video clip

of chipotle so i went to chipotle today

um let me

open the file hold on one second here we


how are you good

yeah can i get a burrito bowl please

so i walked in there during lunch time

and i was getting my

favorite thing to get it’s a burrito


there are many different options people

can get tacos there

you can get burritos there and the

burrito bowl is just all over the inside

of the burrito put in a bowl and then

you get

a tortilla on the side if you’d like

so she’s making tacos right now for

somebody else but this is my

black beans please but you hear that i’m

telling her exactly what i’d like thank


have a little bit more black a little

bit more black beans

thank you even when i asked for more see

this place

there was no problem they worked


now this was so delicious everyone so

delicious yes can i have it oh veggie

thank you can i have a lot of this


double i like i’m not double just a lot


and when you go to chipotle you can get

as much as you like of whatever you like

to scoop the corn please i see blanca

says yes she loves chipotle

lettuce and guacamole

paula also says you’ve seen that

restaurant before

i hope you can try it too have a little

bit more lettuce

thank you

thank you

okay so that’s just a sneak peek of

chipotle everyone again

i want to try to show you all more of uh

different places in america but you see


when i went to chipotle i was able to

get exactly what i wanted

even double scoops of different things i


corn i don’t know if i told you all that

before but i love corn so i was able to

get as much as i wanted

um christy says too much food

hey but you know what christy i actually

have half of it left

it becomes lunch and dinner you get more

for your money

um let me see let me see um no it

actually was today not before the

pandemic so i had a mask on and

everybody working there had a mask on as

well so

in maryland you can still go to certain

places certain restaurants as long as

you have a mask

on um let’s see let’s see jael says i

like that concept like subway that you

can see the food right in front of you


i love the tacos here we don’t have

something like that that sell tacos oh

hopefully one day you can come here and

try them of course

yes sir i hope you try it pian i hope

you get an opportunity to try it as well

uh pilates is here in mexico chipotle is

a type of chili

we are used to do sauces yes i know like

chipotle sauce

but they call the restaurant the fast

casual restaurant chipotle and it’s

super popular here in america yes indira

a lot of food it goes for lunch and

dinner and oh it is oh so good

um yes it’s delicious yes they give you

a lot of food

actually it’s sitting right here hold on

guys i ate lunch in my office today so

it’s right here

you can see the size like that so i

still have half of it left well maybe a

third of it left over so i can eat it

later on but

it was delicious it was delicious um let

me see

i love that teacher thank you for

showing us hey my pleasure again i’m

always trying to improve this class and

i’ll try to show you all something new

every week so you guys can see

more of america and see kind of how life

is here

sir says thank you for sharing your

experience my pleasure really honestly

my pleasure

uh jasmine says i prefer to buy a

burrito bowl instead of chipotle burrito

it’s almost the same just ask them to

put it in a bowl instead of the flour

tortilla exactly exactly

amalia says it seems delicious for sure

i’m going to try one one day

i think you’ll love it yes i think

you’ll love it jimmy says oh my

god tiff this play is for five days

it may have looked bigger on the camera

than it actually is

it’s delicious though it’s really good

it’s really good all right somebody else

came through

um it gave me oh it made your mouth

water listen the food is delicious

again i’ll show you guys even more as we

go through the classes each and every


not just food but other places too in

america but again i wanted you all to

see that because

day six was talking about american

culture all right

so i’m gonna go back to this hold on one

second everybody

so day six was talking about american

culture and we had chipotle and subway

uh we had subway so i wanted to show you

all chipotle hold on one second someone

else came

through um ah it’s my pleasure no

problem at all

uh the only says they are good i tried a

chicken sandwich it was delicious oh the

chicken burrito yeah i’ve heard their

chicken is really good as well

uh blanca says it’s kind of a buffet you

can choose what you want to eat yeah

it’s very nice

uh isabelle said i laughed when you said

a lot of this please

listen i really enjoy food

all right so again that was from day


six now homework we have some homework

everybody we have some homework so

here’s the question i want you all to

answer this

week for your homework what

is your favorite fast casual

restaurant remember i said that chipotle

and subway they’re not fast food


and they’re not regular restaurants

they’re actually called fast

casual so i want you to think about your

country or if you’re living in america

that’s okay

too what’s your favorite fast

casual restaurant it’s not fast food but

it’s also not an upscale restaurant

what’s your favorite fast casual

restaurant and i want you to record

your answer either a video clip or

an audio clip and upload it to our


group for this week hold on one second

josie says yes i really love it i

finished in one order

you finished in one go all right uh

annalisa says what kind of food

do they have there i didn’t recognize

almost anything oh it’s mexican it’s

like mexican food

it’s delicious like tacos burritos

things like that it’s really good um yes

peterson they do

give a lot of food oh you like corn too

my brother yes yes all right everyone so


your homework is right here what is your


fast casual restaurant i want you to

think about what you enjoy i’ve told you

all about

subway and about chipotle but now i’m

curious about you

now it’s time to put an action to

practice what we’ve talked about so

you can use a word an expression or one

of the idioms or the idiom or the

phrasal verb

but remember tell us about your favorite


casual restaurant yes it’s amazing it’s


jasmine says fluffy rice black beans

tender chicken sweet corn salsa

tomato salsa and lots of guacamole yes

chipotle has some amazing guacamole

all right jahil says teacher friday is a


casual restaurant no actually fridays is

an actual restaurant it’s not a fast

casual restaurant but great question

now i’m glad you asked the jail if you


think of a fast casual restaurant it’s

okay to just

say your favorite restaurant so let me

put that in parentheses everyone

if you don’t have a favorite fast casual


you can just say your favorite

restaurant it’s okay i’ll kind of update


because i know that after class um

let me ask uh paola after class if you

don’t mind

posting a screenshot of our question for

today uh for the students in our

telegram group please

i would appreciate it all right um

jasmine my favorite casual restaurant

is subway alright so again i want you to

record a video clip

telling us why you like the restaurant

so much or you can record an audio clip

all right hold on it’s about

my favorite restaurant my favorite

casual food restaurant is

rubois yes the special burrito is

delicious i don’t think i’ve ever heard

of that

nice again tell us more about it in a

video clip or an

audio clip christy says no it’s all

right christy

somebody else likes it all right

guacamole yes carmen

delicious all right everyone again a

reminder your homework is this

answer the question what is your

favorite restaurant or what is your


fast casual restaurant that’s your

homework for

this week peterson says thank you

teacher i don’t like fast food however

i’ll try

casual restaurants yes it’s okay to have

a casual restaurant or a regular

restaurant all right

paola thank you so much on thank you so


all right family that brings our class

for this week to an

end i enjoyed it again and i hope you

all enjoyed it too remember

we went over we reviewed some things

from day

number one all the way to day number six

in the 365 day

english plan so remember anything that

you learned today

you can watch over again the replay but

if you want to get into more details all

you have to do is go

back to week number one and review the

lessons that are fine and

found in the 365 day lesson plan

guys i hope you enjoyed again i hope to


each and every one of you next week

don’t forget to do your homework and

post your video clip

or your audio clip to our telegram group

i hope you all have a wonderful evening

i’m going to finish

my dinner chipotle and maybe i’ll have a

smoothie for dessert i love

smoothies um but yes come back next week

don’t you don’t want to miss next week

either we’ll continue studying we’ll

move on to week number two

but i’ll also again have another video

to share with you all

something about american life something

about you know where i live and

something that’ll be interesting for

each and every one of you

all right christy says thanks tiffany

i’m so glad you enjoyed class and i’m

glad that you learned a new expression


and lisa it’s always a big pleasure to

be here annalisa thank you so much we’re

always happy to see you

good to see you too alum yes paulina

time goes by so fast but i’m glad you

enjoyed it

thank you so much have a good dinner

thank you as well thank you so much

monique i’ll enjoy my meal my pleasure

nana no worries good stuff

good stuff thank you everyone for

joining i will see you all next week

remember next week same time same place

thank you so much guys i really

appreciate it

um you’re welcome isabel i’m glad you

enjoyed this delicious

class my pleasure guys

i’ll see you next week have a wonderful

week remember to study hard

be active in our family group on

telegram and i’ll see you all

next week thank you lucy i appreciate

that too

gautier thank you and josie and lauren

thank you so much guys

i’ll talk to you next week bye