How to Text Like a Boss Messaging Guide English Slang Words

be good hi everybody welcome back to our

weekly live stream my name is Alisha and

this week we are going to talk about

texting words so I know that the title

for this says like texting slang but

we’re going to cover a lot of just what

are called initialisms for use in

texting text messages and social media

so we’ll begin in just a couple minutes

I see YouTube chat is up hello everyone

on YouTube Malachi and hum old and Maria

ohayo-gozaimasu someone from Korea I

can’t read your name hello

welcome everybody please send a message

please hit the like button as you join

as well of course share the video too

super helpful so that others can find

the video we’re going to begin in just a

couple minutes we want to give everyone

a chance to join and then we’ll start

today’s lesson so actually for today’s

lesson it’s a great chance for you to

use these actually in the chat you can

use these in the chat right away so you

can try them out during the lesson feel

free to do that okay I think Facebook hi

Facebook Facebook is up went and fine

IRA and Jack hello and Mikey hello good

everything is rolling I think I’m going

to share all of this good stuff oh my

gosh and then I’ll be ready too okay so

as I said yeah please make sure to hit

the like button as you join share the

video to very helpful for us all right

if you’re just joining yes this week we

are talking about texting words texting

words I look like okay let’s get started

all right a couple announcements I guess

if you have not seen on the YouTube

channel the last couple days I suppose

there’s a lot of good stuff there’s a

new episode of the new series know your

verbs out on the channel and ask Alicia

has a new look to it as well so please

check the YouTube channel the English

class 101

YouTube channel for lots of good new

stuff okey-dokey

outline is on the iPad very cool oh I

need a passcode dun dun dun oh that

doesn’t that thanks okay cool thank you

alright well I think everybody is here

and by that I mean everything has loaded

so let us begin this week’s lesson okay

alright so today we’re talking about

texting words and we have a camera I

think you’ll see it now yeah we have a

camera that’s specifically for the board

oh my god so oh wait how far do I have

to go to get on that I don’t know it

doesn’t matter this is for the board so

hopefully if you have had trouble seeing

the board in the past this will help you

to see things a little bit better

alright good let’s begin let’s begin

with this column of texting words which

I have erased with my shirt because I am

a graceful human this should be BRB

I now have chopped somewhere on my shirt

I’ll find that later we’re gonna start

with this part of the board for today so

if you have been using the internet in

English a lot and I see this in the chat

a lot too you probably already know

these expressions up here so I’m going

to explain these on the board and then I

think you’ll also maybe see some text

above the board and we shall see but

I’ll try to write it on the board too

though my handwriting is very messy as

I’m sure you know by now anyway let’s

begin with these three here on the board

these top three they are LOL lmao' and

ROFL so first what LOL stands for i’ve

heard two things either laugh out loud

laugh out loud so outloud means like

using your voice actually so to like

laugh out loud means not just laughing

inside but like you’re laughing outside

laugh out loud I’ve also heard lots of

laughs for this one it doesn’t really

matter either they communicate the same

thing laugh out loud or lots of laughs

both of those are frightened

that’s first one so this is like the

basic kind of text way of communicating

laughter if you want to communicate

laughter this is a good way to do it so

try that one with your friends that’s

probably the most common expression we

use if however you want to kind of like

upgrade how how much you’re laughing at

something you can use the next month so

lmao I’m going to use

well you’ll see this stands for laughing

Oh laughing my I’ll use asterisks here

because this is actually a curse word

here a SS spells word that I don’t think

I’m allowed to say on the channel so

this means so this refers to you this

part of your body but we mean like in

other words something is so funny like

I’m laughing that part of my body off

lmao it means something is super super

funny we really enjoy that thing yes

sherry we are going to talk about some

other things other than lol T so this is

one you can use it it could be seen as

kind of rude depending on who you use

this with but LM a oh yes you could see

it right here right here maybe you can

guess what the word is it’s another word

for what if you really want to know but

anyway there’s one the final one here

for laughter is ROFL ROFL sorry I know

my writing is messy rofl means rolling

rolling on the floor rolling on the

floor laughing so in other words

something is so hilarious it’s so funny

your body like falls to the floor and

you roll around because you’re laughing

so hard are oh that’s

hell ROFL so you’ll see these views you

will also see I know depending on the

country depending on the language that

you use you use a couple of different

sounds to express here laughter in

English we use either hey heh eh or or

we use ha ha hey ha ha so when you want

to like really emphasize how much you’re

laughing you can just repeat H eh eh e

some of you in the chat are combining

these two nice hider on the YouTube chat

has combined rofl with lmao fine so you

can combine all of these to like make

stronger emphasis

yeah Tokyo says what oh that is like the

W in Japanese and I see lots of I think

Brazilian of viewers using K a lot using

K for that too so these are how we use

how we express laughter in text and in

social media so try these I think I use

lol with my friends a lot and then I

like to use hey I don’t know why that’s

just what I use hey so you can try

whatever you prefer whatever you like

okay good so these are ways to express

your laughter these are laughter

expression words let’s move along though

to the next to hear the next two I can’t

fully explain this one I’m not allowed

to say the final F on this channel I

can’t say that word but I will let you

google it so that you know this one

careful this is a rude one this is a

rude one but it’s very common

so this WTF we’re gonna use purple now

because that’s how we’re rolling it

stands for what the something starts

with F asterisk asterisk asterisk that’s

it uh you can google this word you can

google this word what the f so this is

an expression we use for surprise for

shock this right here yeah you can see

surprise for shock like maybe

if you’re like happily surprised as well

you don’t have to be like angrily

surprised so don’t worry about that

sorry the camera was flashing that so

this is a very common expression I’m

sure you’ve seen it in social media in

probably actually sometimes people will

use this in speech as well

WTF so you can use that too it’s usually

I think tends to be more for a negative

thing something negative we use this one

okay let’s see on the facebook chat how

do i download your lesson well you can

just watch them on Facebook or on

YouTube these lessons are recorded so

don’t panic if you’re feeling like

you’re gonna miss it this is being

recorded yeah some other people in

YouTube hi jr. one and rosette some

alternatives they have what the heck

what the heck is a less rude alternative

Theresa suggests what the funk yeah

that’s a good one too

I’ve also seen what the Freak as well so

there are lots of different ways that

you can express express fat okay so it

does not always have to be this super

rude one but this F does stand for a

very rude word okay

hi Cambodia oh and ah welcome what the

funny what the farm you guys have lots

of interesting ones for this like I hope

you think of the rude one oh gosh what

does that say about me okay let’s move

along then to the final one for this

first group BRB BRB this stands for be

right back be right back

this one is great to use if you like to

play online games if you play online

games especially online games with like

team members and you need to leave

briefly or something like that

you can use BRB be right back to talk

about that so in other words I’m going

to go away for a moment but I’m going to

come back

very soon BRB be right back be right


this is one actually people do use this

a little bit in everyday speech also

near B so I’m going to like use the

bathroom and then come back BRB

so you can use this in casual situations

in speech so close friends okay good

Wow this lesson is going quickly let’s

take a quick break is warm in here as

always we have free stuff for you guys

so I have let’s see I chose a couple of

these I’ll go over here cuz I think we

can zoom in over here yeah alright I

chose a couple of these PDFs these are

free on the website one situation where

I think sharing information via text

message is important is in like dating

situations so for if you’re trying to

use like text and text messaging

vocabulary for like to support your

social life I should say maybe you can

check out this free pdf this would be a

good one this has some good vocabulary

words like good question words to use

and so on the other one that I thought

would be good it’s the one I drop on the

floor this was the family and relatives

one so you can use these words when

you’re talking to your family and the

people like your neighbor your

neighborhood people as well so I thought

these two might be nice nice little

bonus things to study in addition to

today’s topic so if you would like to

download these things please check the

link below the video on Facebook or

above the video sorry I’m backwards

above the video on Facebook or below the

video on YouTube to find this please

check the link please check the link

there’s a link a Google link I think on

Facebook and on YouTube and you

tube it is in the description box so

please check that few alrighty let’s

continue then if you are just joining us


today’s topic is texting words texting

words we’re talking about expressions

for texting and social media and so on

give me the link says it’s male it’s

Maya the link is in the YouTube

description check the link in the

YouTube description ok let’s continue on

to the next group of words the next

group of words starts with N V M and the

M what does this mean

no it means nevermind it means nvm nvm

means never mind here never mind

so when you make a comment or someone

gets confused and they ask a question

you can say like you want to end it like

don’t pay attention to that like just

stop thinking about it stop worrying

about it you can use nvm nvm just

disregard don’t pay attention to that

let it go

so nvm nvm or just stop stop that don’t

do it ok nvm means never mind never mind

ok let’s continue on to the next word

that I have also very skillfully erased

with my very graceful hand alright

it is o o LM k L M K is a good one

I’ve seen LM k used in business

situations actually LM k I have seen in

business LM k means any ideas I think

there’s a bit of lag so I’ll write it LM

k me let me know let me know

so when you’re checking someone’s

schedule for example or you are trying

to make plans with someone and you want

to communicate just share that

information with me tell me something

you can use LMK let me know please let

me know like here LM k LM K so this is

commonly used like at the end of maybe

like an email or at the end of like a

series of text messages for example LM

okay let me know let me know and

remember to when you’re using this in


we don’t say LM K in speech but we do

say let me know let me know Michael and

I talked about that on an old episode of

English topics LM okay yeah some of you

go Alice you’re getting ahead in the

lesson we’re gonna talk about that a bit

later okay let’s go on to K yeah Alice

has already written it in the facebook

chat for sure LM k good job guys nice um

so k is the next one k means okay okay

so k is just when when we’re just saying

like casual words that was weird we were

just talking casually with our friends

and we want to confirm something you can

say okay that’s fine um but oftentimes

we just say okay okay it means okay

that’s fine that’s good okay so when we

confirm that in text as well we just say

okay you can send just k to your friends

like I did this in a text message this

weekend okay okay it means okay because

it’s like the short strong K sound in

okay yes all righty let’s move on to the

next one which is yes r yes oh why this

is one that’s special like it’s only

used in text and I suppose from now now

and then with very close friends s RS ly


seriously seriously

seriously but it’s used for situations

where you’re like you’re not impressed

with something you you learn about a

situation that’s maybe kind of negative

and you want to express like seriously

you have that kind of really reaction to

it people will use seriously in that way

or they’ll use it to kind of agree as

well like seriously I know that kind of

expression too but we’d like to make it

very casual with this cirsleep cirsleep

so it sounds kind of unimpressed it

sounds really informal it sounds funny I

like to use it just with friends to

sound funny so seriously seriously

that’s how you can express it quickly or

quickly or more quickly Wow in in text

seriously seriously

that’s a good one okay nice uh good yes

let me know we’ll talk about that later

Hasan see ya everybody’s got seriously

in the chat nice one oh one has another

one one Bravo on the YouTube chat has a

fYI fYI is a common one for your

information for your not for you for

okay alright if you missed it hi u’b if

you missed part of this video this video

is being recorded you can check the

video on our facebook page or on our

YouTube channel after the lesson so

please check that back okie dokie let’s

take one more break

quickly if you missed it before our free

stuff this week I showed a couple of

expression or a couple of the free PDFs

you can use or maybe this topic for

today’s topic like people to talk to in

your life but as I think you saw there’s

a ton we have a ton of these free things

these are just a few they’re a lot I

just don’t have in my hands but please

check the link below the video on

YouTube in the description or above the

video on Facebook there’s a travel pdf I

don’t really talk

this one’s so much in the lessons but

this one is good if you are planning to

travel to the States and want to know

some things for your everyday your

everyday travels as well as just for

simple communication with people this is

a little more polite than we’re looking

at today but this is useful just a quick

guide a quick little kind of set of

bonus words for your travels if you’re

going to the US so this is free

I showed this one earlier family and

relatives but this is a good set of

people you can use these texting words

with so please do check the link in the

description for these free things you

can find them all from English class 101

dot-com check below the video on youtube

the description on youtube and the link

in the description on Facebook too

oh right if you’re watching on Instagram

I’m not sure check out YouTube or

Facebook okay ah hello everybody on

YouTube and on Facebook yes seriously

really all right good we are going to

continue now to the last group of words

for today some of you are already

sending the answers that’s great

anyway let’s take a look together to

finish today’s lesson idk idk someone

already mentioned idk earlier idk means

uh I don’t know I don’t know sorry my

handwriting is that I don’t know I don’t

know idk

so a quick way to say to explain you

don’t know something you can use this

anytime you would usually use I don’t

know idk I don’t know so again use this

in text it’s not typically used with

like business situations we use this

with friends and family only you could

use this in social media as well if you

like idk I don’t know I don’t know

yeah nice I don’t know good buttons guys

okay let’s go on to the next one it’s

hard to see there sorry we’ll see it on

the board and just a second

I think yeah thanks control desk I K R I

can’t are some of you might not know

this one IKR means I know right I know

right I know right so this is typically

a question actually I know

sorry that’s a comma I know right I

can’t are I know right it’s used when

you want to agree with someone so that’s

what this I know part is for I know I

know and then you’re saying right like

so it’s like you’re continuing like a

cycle of agreement with the person I

know right I know right

so you’re maybe continuing the same

discussion I know right IKr a very very

quick way to express that agreement and

like you’re just gonna continue the same

topic okay good do let’s go to the next

one a little bit longer

af aik afaik here afaik this one you

might see this more on like internet

discussions this is used to mean as far

as I know as far as I know as far as I

know so this is an expression that means

with the information I have this is what

I think so that means if you are

planning a event planning an event or

something for example and you say as far

as I know it starts at two o’clock that

means with the information I have it

starts at two o’clock

according to my information according to

my sources this is what I think this is

the situation as far as I know so we use

a f AI K in the same way okay

yes as far as I know nice job guys good


hey FAI K as far as I know alright we’ll

go on to the next one because time is

going quick as always the next one is i

i r c iirc actually I have heard two

meanings are two ways to understand this

one iirc they are pretty much the same

I’ll explain both the III means if I if

I this are I’ve heard this are being

used to mean recall or remember remember

correctly if I remember correctly or if

I recall correctly so meaning if so I

got some information if I remember the

information correctly so in other words

if I haven’t made a mistake if that

information is right this is the

information this is what it is so if I

recall correctly it’s like I hope I

didn’t make a mistake with my memory in

other words if I recall correctly we’re

meeting at 3:00 tomorrow for example so

that’s a this is kind of like a

expression you can use to mean there’s

sort of a chance that your memory might

not be perfect but you think that you’re

correct you think you’re correct if I

recall correctly if I recall correctly


Takia is as soon as possible ASAP yes

that is true

shoulda leaned George’s as far as I know

yes perfect

is there an abbreviation for to whom it

may concern' a nice question Sammy to

whom it may concern no we do not use an

abbreviation for that to whom it may

concern is used to begin a formal letter

and we don’t use these expressions in

formal situations so no there’s no

abbreviation but thanks for that

interesting question

grace says what does PS mean nice

question grace I’ll include it up here

PS means PostScript a PS PostScript


y PS comes at the end of a letter yeah

so you write the letter you finish

writing the letter and you see PS at the

end right y PS so P stands for post post

means after something so post script

script means your letter the thing you

wrote this script so the actual writing

so PostScript means the writing after

their writing so your PS is your

PostScript yes nice question Thanks good

one okay fun question I like that one

alrighty let’s continue on to ETA hey I

got excited by post good all right eta

is the next one ETA if you saw our

previous lesson about texting or

internet internet slang that’s what it

was I think I explained this expression

ETA eta is great to use when you are

meeting people eta

Sarika means estimated estimated time no

space time of arrival if it’s difficult

to see check above the board in just a

second estimated so estimated means like

your guests ah here it is sorry my

writing is bad estimated time of arrival

so estimate means guests you’re making a

guess your estimated time of arrival

somewhere so in other words my eta is 3

o’clock so I think I’m going to arrive

at 3 o’clock you use this to tell your

friends the time you think you’re going

to like arrive in some location my eta

is or in a question what’s your ETA

let’s see

eta okay uh there’s another good

question on Facebook

aka I’ll explain aka in just a moment

aka I’ll put it here thanks for that one

I’ll explain aka in just a second okay

uh alright so PT a great to use when

making plans and when meeting people

okay we’ll go on to actually yeah let’s

go on to your question aka this is a

good one aka means also known as also

known as also known as also known as so

that means someone maybe has like two

titles or two names so like a good

example like a Spider Man aka Peter

Parker sort of thing like to use like a

superhero example aka also known as so

if someone has two titles or more you

can use aka to refer to their other

title or their other name aka yes okay

let’s finish up then my grand plan was

to finish up with this 1 G 2 G G to G

which means got to go got to go

there is a grammar point included in

this one G 2 G got to go why do that got

to go I have got to go I’ve got to go I

have to go is what this means got to go

but we abbreviate it as gotta gotta

gotta go sorry bye so when I end this

lesson I could say okay I gotta go G to

G you could write this in text again

this is one that’s maybe more useful in

like online chat situations okay gotta


yeah got to go gotta go yeah and you can

you can change the the spelling gotta G

ot ta thanks Eduardo but when you’re

using this one no you bet you can just

use G to G you can just use

do G here okay nice one good good good

all right so with that I have to go now

it is a couple of minutes past when I

have to go actually though we did start

a bit late I suppose anyway great those

are a few I hope new things you can use

when you are texting people so texting

and you can use this in social media as

well I think so Thanks yeah thanks for

sending all your messages great and

great questions we got some bonus words

here PS PostScript and aka also known as

yeah so bonus ones PostScript also known

as thanks for your awesome questions

guys that was great and yeah check the

chat too fYI is another good one if you

don’t know about it but we have to

finish their dinner so we’ll finish

there for two days

lesson great work great work

I have to go I’ve got to go

unfortunately we’re very strict about

time here so we will be back next week

we’ll be back with a new lesson of

course next week we’re going to focus on

self introductions self introductions so

we haven’t talked about this in a while

but I want I want to talk about some

ways that will hopefully help you kind

of level up your self introduction so

you’re not just repeating the same thing

every time you introduce yourself or I

don’t know it kind of gets boring so how

do you make yourself introduction

interesting or memorable this will be

our topic for next week self

introductions so that will be next week

Wednesday July 4th 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time 10 p.m. Eastern Standard

Time is New York City time if you don’t

know that time in your local time please

google it we will be here to talk about

self introductions so please join us

again next week all right

and if you miss it of course I talked

about it a couple times so we have all

kinds of free stuff for you guys all

these free vocabulary cheat sheets so

please check the link in

the description if you’re watching on

Facebook please check the link above

this video the Google link above the

video if you’re watching on YouTube

please check the link in the YouTube

description to find all that free stuff

on English class otherwise

please make sure to check the channel

and check the Facebook page for all

kinds of new video and new stuff that I

hope is helpful for you in your studies

but it’s time for me to go so thank you

again so much thank you for liking the

video thank you for sharing the video

and for sending all your messages in the

chat it was awesome this week so I look

forward to connecting with you again

next week until then have a good day

have a good night enjoy your weekend and

I will see you again next time I like
