Learn English with 90 Basic English Dialogs

lesson one greetings


dialogue 1

good morning good morning to you too do

you think it will rain today yeah

maybe it’s hard to tell I hope not I am

going to the beach this afternoon maybe

you should check the weather forecast

first good idea I think I will

well I hope you have a good afternoon

you too Frank

hello hello bill how are you doing not

bad work is going well oh is it

that’s good to hear what about you I’m

doing okay although my car is in the

shop oh really

that’s too bad

dialogue three

hi Ralph oh hey Mark did you have a good

time hiking today yes although it was a

bit hot that is why I stayed inside what

did you do I read a book

dialogue for

what’s up Andrew not much not much at


are you hungry a little bit do you want

to eat yes let’s go find something to


that sounds good to me


good afternoon is dr. Kolb in yes but he

is busy do you mind waiting I don’t mind

do you think he will be a while he

shouldn’t be long

oh good I’ll wait just take a seat over


he should see you shortly


lesson two introductions

dialogue 1

hi I’m Marvin Marvin my name is Robert

I’m here to play baseball good we need

more people to play I’m not very good

that doesn’t matter

we’re just here for fun


I’m Amy and you are my name is Elizabeth

you can call me Beth oh that is my

mother’s name

really I’m named after my grandmother

actually Amy is not my real name it’s

Amanda why do you go by Amy I don’t know

ever since I was young that is what

people have called me that’s interesting

dialogue three

good morning I’m looking for dr. Kolb’s


I’m dr. Kolb how can I help you I’m Dave

Fowler my stomach has been hurting is it

an emergency oh no it’s not that bad I

just need to make an appointment please

talk to my secretary over there thank

you doctor I will I’ll see you soon

dialogue for

hello I’m Hugh what can I do for you yes

I’m Bill Paxton

I left my car here last week is it

repaired yes sir it is mr. Paxton can

you sign your name here

no problem okay it’s around back I will

bring it up front Thanks

what’s the damage to the car no I mean

what is the cost I’ll have to check with

a mechanic I’ll be right here

dialogue 5

hi there are you Tina yes I am how did

you know my name I’m friends with your

roommate Bob oh I didn’t catch your name

yeah I’m sorry my name is Tony pleased

to meet you Tony

same here


lesson three gratitude

dialogue 1

Eric did you finish the report yes it’s

right here mark thanks no problem

were there any difficulties for you it

was tough to get it done promptly

but it was not too bad that’s good to

hear keep up the good work

dialogue to

I thought you might like this book oh

wow yeah this is great

don’t mention it no this is great this

is just what I wanted thank you

well you’re welcome she is my favorite

author I’m glad you like it

dialogue three

you do fine work here oh I just tried to

do my part

no you do better than that and we

appreciate it

really I’m embarrassed don’t be as a

sign of our gratitude you’re the new

manager oh thank you sir Thank You Louis


I couldn’t have finished this race

without you and Mark encouraging me let

me know if you need any more help later

oh thanks I really appreciate this

thanks a million Megan what are friends


besides mark did most of the cheering

yes but I thank you anyway I know you’d

do the same for me

so don’t mention it and think mark for

me as well I’ll give him your thanks

dialogue 5

can I help you you seem lost yeah

actually I am

where are you trying to go I’m trying to

find Clay Street

do you know where it is yes it’s about

two blocks up and then go left you’ll

see it thanks a lot

don’t mention it good luck


lesson four apologies

dialogue 1

I’m sorry I was late for class today

this is the third day this month you’ve

been late I know I know I’m sorry

do you mind telling me why is there

something wrong there’s a lot of traffic

in the mornings that’s no excuse

you need to give yourself more time to

get here you’re right sir I won’t be

late again I hope not

see you tomorrow bright and early


I thought you said you could finish this

report by Tuesday

I apologize what can I say you almost

cost me my job you were a week late with

this project

look I’m sorry what more do you want do

you even have an excuse it took more

research than I first thought you could

have told me earlier I am really sorry I

really messed up I’ll try to make this

up to you okay I’ll give you one more


I log 3

Kim where were you today you missed

class I’m sorry I was feeling yell you

didn’t miss much it was pretty boring

yes but I already missed class last week

to go to the movies oh you might miss

too many classes this semester I know I

really regret going to the movies last

week I bet you weren’t so sorry then

maybe not then but I sure am now


I’m sorry about that last pass yeah that

was a pretty bad throw I think I need a


is something wrong are you hurt I hurt

my shoulder yesterday

well you shouldn’t be playing ball

you’re probably right

hey I’m sorry for criticizing you I

didn’t know you were hurt it doesn’t


no problem I’ll be as good as new in no


I hope so


Debbi have you seen my blue shirt oh I’m

sorry I forgot to pick up your shirt

from the cleaners yesterday well now

I’ve got nothing to wear to work I’m

really sorry I think you’ve still got

the white shirt I wore that Tuesday it’s

pretty wrinkled well I’ll just iron it

for you real quick

Thanks it’s the least I can do after

forgetting your shirt earlier don’t

worry about that now honey at least I’ve

got the white shirt


lesson five departure and farewell


dialogue 1

I have to get going my wife is waiting

oh come on have one more beer sorry you

know how she gets if I keep her waiting

are you going out tonight yes we are

going to see her parents you missed the

game yeah I know look I’ve got to get

out of here okay buddy see you later

see you


mom it looks like my flight is boarding

yes I guess it is I should go now

I can’t believe you’re really going to

college neither can I

I’ll call you when I land yes please do

that I want to know you’re safe don’t

worry so much I have to go I love you I

love you too bye dear bye mom

dialogue three

did you lock the store up sure did I

swept the floor too good this was a

pretty busy day wasn’t it

sure was I’ll be here bright and early

tomorrow sounds good Peter see you then

have a good night boss you too Peter

I log for

it’s been a fun year at school it sure


where are you going for the summer

probably back with my parents what about

you I have a job with a lawyer in Boston

I’ll just spend the summer in my dad’s

office you should come visit me then

when you have time that would be nice I

think I will well I’d better go give me

a hug

keep in touch I will good bye bye bye


that was a good movie it really was I’m

glad you came I’m glad you asked me do

you want to do this again sometime that

would be nice when maybe next Saturday

is that good for you I think so

why don’t you give me a call all right

well I’d better go I had a good time

me too bye now bye bye


lesson six likes and dislikes

dialogue 1

I’m hungry but I don’t feel like cooking

do you just want to order some food

sounds good to me what do you want I

don’t know maybe Mexican food I don’t

really like Mexican food

it is too spicy how about Chinese sure I

like Chinese food let’s call that

Chinese restaurant great I’ll get the


oh look at that puppy I didn’t know you

liked dogs are you kidding

I adore dogs did you have a dog when you

were growing up always we always had

dogs in my family my mom was allergic to

dogs so we never had any that’s too bad

I love dogs


do you like football I’ve got an extra

ticket to the Ravens game of course I

love football I know a guy who gets

these tickets from his job how does he

do that

his boss knows a player on the team oh

wow that’s pretty nice

dialogue for

that’s a nice pen thanks it was a gift

for my father it looks like an antique

it’s been in my family for a long time

in heirloom I guess you could say that

I’ve always cherished it

log 5

what do you think of that new guy do you

mean Tony yeah that guy from Manchester

I don’t like him

why is that he just says a lot of stupid

things I guess he is pretty obnoxious

let’s not invite him out with us tonight

if you say so but I hope he doesn’t find

out maybe we can avoid him


lesson seven hopes and desires

dialogue 1

I hope we win the tournament this year I

hope so too

we’ve been practicing hard yes we have

and there are only three games left in

the season that means three games left

until the tournament who do you think we

will play against in the tournament yes

I don’t know probably the Badgers they

are also doing well this year maybe but

they’re not as good as us


what do you want for Christmas this year

Danny a puppy why do you want a puppy

because mommy they are nice to play with

well I hope you know that it’s a big

responsibility yes I do

you would have to help take care of it I

know mommy I would help well we’ll see

what happens


I wish it would stop raining why is that

so we could go out and place them ball

yeah I don’t want to stay inside all day

either it doesn’t look good though

you’re right I don’t think this rain

will let up maybe we can rent a movie

okay if the rain doesn’t stop soon we

should get a movie


I could really use some pickles right

now it’s 3:00 in the morning

I’m not saying you have to get them what

are you saying

I’m just saying I crave them that’s all

I’m pregnant you know so you mean the

baby wants pickles not you me the baby

same thing yeah I suppose it is

log 5

anyone up for a drink sure I could use a


me too I really want a beer where do you

want to go I was thinking about going to

that new place the one next to the post

office yeah I hear it’s pretty cheap

well what are we waiting for let’s go

sounds good after you

lesson eight delights and surprises

dialogue 1

happy birthday honey oh wow Curtis you

got me a kitten

well you said you’ve wanted one but

couldn’t make up your mind so I guess

you made it up for me huh yeah I guess

so so what do you think oh it’s

wonderful is it a boy or a girl a girl

well we have to come up with a name for

her don’t we any ideas

we’ll have to see but thank you again so

much well you’re welcome

happy birthday again Emily

I ought to

hey we’ll turn on the television why I’m

trying to rest they’re going to announce

the winning lottery number

do you still buy those stupid lottery

tickets yes now turn on the TV for a

second okay okay wait look that’s my

number I bought the ticket what yeah

it’s right here

i won i won Wow I take back what I said

how much did you win

well $63 that’s not much to win yeah but

it’s something

dialogue three

how many more votes are they left to

count I think we’re almost done are you

allowed in the counting room why should

I not be allowed because silly you’re

one of the candidates for class

president remember oh it doesn’t matter

I’m not going to win

no one will win if you don’t let me

finish counting I’m sorry to bother you

well Kate it looks like you’re the new

class president by four votes really Wow

that vote was so close well you’re the

winner it looks like this is such a

surprise I thought I was going to lose

wow I’m so happy

I log for

can you believe what our teacher did

today what did she do she gave a

surprise test so what’s wrong with that

obviously a surprise test is bad is it

bad because you were not prepared

exactly well that sounds like more your

fault than the teachers fault what kind

of friend are you to say that I’m just

trying to be fair to your teacher anyway

it’s not like you study every night

yourself true but if my teacher gave

surprise tests I would study every night

then they wouldn’t be surprised tests

maybe you’re right

either way I guess you should study more

I don’t want to talk to you right now

I log 5

I have the x-ray results back good what

do they show you this is interesting

don’t keep me in suspense

well the pain in your leg is not from

running no well then what is it it’s an

older fracture that didn’t quite heal

how is that possible have you injured

that leg before yes I fell skiing last

March you probably got a small fracture

at that time running recently just made

it worse that’s kind of a surprise I

never thought of that it’s common just

rest for a few weeks and come back for

another exam then


lesson nine advice and suggestions


dialogue 1

Tommy you have been getting pretty good

grades this year Thank You mr. Reynolds

have you thought about what you want to

do for your future I guess I’ll go to

college do you have any more specific

plans about a career not really what do

you like to do what are your interests

well I like animals good I suggest you

start thinking about careers with

animals like what

perhaps a veterinarian would be an

interesting job for you maybe you’re


I’ll think about it okay let me know if

I can give you any advice in that


I ought to

how is the game son it was rotten dad we

lost that bad huh what happened

everything you could imagine and it was

partly my fault why do you say that I

dropped an easy catch right at the

beginning of the game and that alone

lost the game

no but I made other dumb mistakes too

well can I give you some advice

sure forget about it forget about those

mistakes why I really messed up learn

from them but don’t dwell on them

everyone makes mistakes easier said than

done maybe but if you dwell on your

mistakes you’ll not have the confidence

to do better in the future


oh hi there Margaret hi there neighbor

I was wondering something what were you

wondering I wanted to know how you get

your lawn to look so good what do you

mean I mean you have no weeds and

perfect color how do you do it ah a lot

of time and effort is essential I

wouldn’t worry about it if I were you

why is that because you’re happy you’ve

got a nice family and a good career so

why does that matter

my advice to you is to enjoy those

things my life is empty and gray I have

plenty of time to garden that’s too bad

enjoy your lawn I’m going to play with

my kids bye

dialogue for

Ernie what are you doing in the closet

I’m trying to decide what fishing gear

to take for our trip what do you suggest

I suggest you come out of the closet I

meant what fishing gear would you

suggest we bring any pole will do but I

prefer a thicker one and bring some

colorful bait sounds good to me

I’ve got a pretty thick pole I know but

this trip isn’t really about fishing

it’s not it of course it’s not

it’s about us spending more time

together and enjoying each other’s


well that’s true by the way you did a

good job of planning I like to be on top

of things have you put everything in the

car almost do you think you have room

for my pole it’s long but I think I can

make it fit okay let’s go

dialogue 5

Joyce can I talk to you for a moment

it’s about your test grades oh yeah

they’re pretty bad yes I know but you do

well in class and on homework why are

your test scores so bad I don’t know

maybe I just had some bad luck I don’t

think so

look at this test you didn’t even answer

these last six questions you could at

least guess at the answer I just get so

nervous that I can’t think straight oh I

see I don’t know what to do

try to relax exercise before taking the

test to get out some nervous energy take

deep breaths before you start that’s

some good advice maybe I’ll try it



lesson 10

wishes and congratulations


dialogue 1

congratulations honey we’re all very

proud of you Oh mom stop it

you’re embarrassing me it’s my job I’m a

mother and now you’re a college graduate

it’s hard to believe four years of

college and now I’m done

yes you seem to have grown up so fast I

owe a lot to you you’ve been there for

me all the way

well I guess my efforts have paid off

now I did put in a little of my own

effort too you know yes I know I’ll say

it again congratulations Becky

dialogue to

it’s been quite an experience having you

in class Jason I can say the same to you

mr. Tucker and I’ve enjoyed it

I hope you learned a little bit here

this has been one of my best classes in

law school I’m glad to hear it

I’ve heard you have a good job waiting

for you yes I’ve just been offered a job

by a good law firm in Philadelphia

well congratulations I’m sure you

deserve it I hope so but I owe a lot to

you nonsense

you got yourself that job I’m sure

you’ll do fine

dialogue three

oh hey there Amy I heard you just got a

promotion yeah I’m the new supervisor

for sales that’s great congratulations

well it’s going to be a lot more

responsibility and more money maybe a

little more I guess that means you’re

kind of my boss don’t go thinking that

I’m still the same old Amy I’m not even

sure why I got the promotion oh don’t be

so humble

you deserve the promotion boss thanks

but don’t call me boss anyway I’ve got

to get back to work

dialogue for

I guess we’ve packed everything I think

that’s the last box yes I think so

thanks for helping me move out

don’t mention it and good luck in Denver

oh thanks I’ll need some luck it’s going

to be a big change of pace I’ll say from

small town to big city I’m looking

forward to it I’m a little jealous you

should come too I’m sure you could get a

job at one of the museum’s with your

background no I like it out here but I

wish you the best stay in touch

will do take it easy

dialogue 5

it’s raining outside it’s supposed to

let up by tomorrow don’t be so nervous

how can I not be so nervous I’m getting

married tomorrow

so Lacey’s family is taking care of all

the planning yeah so what if anything

goes wrong it’s not your fault

sorry lag that’s stupid Paul anyway

that’s not why I’m nervous this is a big

step a huge step no longer single huh

together forever and ever pretty scary

right seriously it’s the best thing

you’ve ever done I envy you buddy really

you do yeah a little look you’re going

to be happy I wish you two the best in

life I really do thanks Paul thanks a



lesson 11 complaints


dialogue 1

thank you for calling Bell Atlantic

telephone company how may I help you

yeah I’ve got a real problem here my

last phone bill was for 1493 dollars is

this amount incorrect you bet it’s

incorrect it says here that I made nine

calls to Shanghai and you did not make

those calls I repair motor boats why

would I call Japan Shanghai is in China

sir not Japan whatever I don’t care I

just want to get this mess straightened

out wait just one moment and I’ll

transfer you to a manager okay good

I log 2

I hate this weather I think it’s kind of

nice I like the rain I don’t it’s

depressing and it’s wet

of course it’s wet it’s rain

would you prefer dry rain very funny

just enjoy it at least we’re not stuck

in it outside well I wanted to go out

jogging today go ahead it’s just a

little rain it won’t hurt you have you

ever heard of the flu I’ll get sick

you’re always complaining there’s a lot

to complain about I think that’s pretty

sad I try to be happy when I can

log three

Cole have you finished your homework yes

dad can I go out now what do you mean

you’re grounded for this week yeah and

it sucks keep using language like that

and you’ll be grounded for two weeks I

hate not being able to go play

basketball maybe you’ll think about that

next time you want to get into a fight

at school I told you the other kids

started it he called me names you could

have ignored him we’ve already had this

conversation this isn’t fair

life’s not fair is there anything else

you want to say no I’m going back to my


dialogue for

here have a beer how was work it sucked

the new boss is a real tyrant oh yeah

how come

don’t even get me started on that

subject let’s just say I have had it up

to here with this guy that bad huh you’d

better believe it he has me doing so

many useless tasks I feel bad for you

I’m not getting paid enough to take this

abuse is anything going good not today

not until I have another beer or two

anyways I hear that just hand me another

one buddy and I’ll be a little better

dialogue 5

who’s at the door Baltimore Police

Department sir can I come in

oh yes officer of course is something

wrong we received a complaint from some

of your neighbors I can’t imagine why

were you mowing your front lawn naked

this morning sir is it a crime to cut my

grass it is if you’re doing it naked

it’s very hot out today I’m going to

have to place you under arrest

can I put some clothes on first please


I like six

Luke come into my office what can I do

for you well sir I’ve got a real problem

with one of my coworkers

if my employees are having problems I

want to know about it good

it’s Elmer’s sir he interferes with my

work I don’t like to hear that what does

he do he keeps taking my paperclips what

did I hear you correctly he goes to my

desk when I’m not around and steals my

paperclips especially the red ones

especially the red ones yes sir they’re

my favorite I can’t work without them

Luke that is the stupidest thing I have

ever heard

get out of my office but Sir I can’t

work like this

this is an elementary school now go back

to work

yes sir but this isn’t fair whatever

just get out Luke

lesson 12

invitations dialog one

hey Erica what are you doing I just got

out of class and I was on my way to the


what are you doing tomorrow night I

don’t know I haven’t made any plans yet

why there’s a party at Matt’s apartment

I don’t even really know him very well

it doesn’t matter even if it did you can

come since you’re my friend okay I think

I will tomorrow night yeah tomorrow


come by my dorm room about 8:00 sounds

good I’ll see you then


I’m tired of studying me too let’s get

out of here by the way Steve and I are

going hiking this weekend do you want to

come when where are you going

Saturday we’re going up to Marion State

Park it’s going to be cold don’t be so


do you want to go or not sure do I need

to bring anything special just warm

clothes and some good boots no problem

there good I’ll give you a call tomorrow

with specific details thanks for the

invitation I’ll talk to you tomorrow

dialogue three

are you busy not really I’m just looking

over these account figures did you get

this dinner invitation from the company

yeah I guess you did too it looks like

everyone in this office is going out to

the new seafood restaurant are you going

I don’t know it’s a Friday night that’s

true I don’t know if I want to spend a

Friday night with my coworkers it’ll

look bad if we don’t go maybe we should

just go and only stay for a short while

who knows how long that could be let’s

just tell the boss that we’ve already

made plans are you sure you want to turn

down a company invitation do you want to

spend your Friday night with these

people good point

dialogue for

I had a good time tonight me too

dinner was better than I expected yeah

that was a nice restaurant do you want

to go out again sometime

yes that would be nice I’d like that I

would too look it’s not that late do you

have to get up early no not really

why well I was going to invite you in

for some coffee coffee that sounds nice

good come in I’ll make us a pot of

coffee thank you that would be nice


hey Oliver I heard that you were a

pretty good ping-pong player I’m okay

why do you ask I wanted someone to play

against someone who would be kind of a

challenge that I think you’ve come to

the right place

glad to hear it I’d like to invite you

to a match

are you free Saturday afternoon I think

so what time about two o’clock and where

the school gym of course okay I accept

your invitation good I’ll see you then

lesson 13 requests

dialogue 1

Bobby have you finished cleaning up your

room no mom

have you even started it doesn’t look

like it I’ll clean it I promise

young man this place is a mess I know I

know I make a simple request and look

what I get okay mom I’ll clean it up

when when my favorite television show is

over wrong answer Bobby mom get up there

and clean now okay I’m going

dialogue to

Janice we’ve got to talk it’s a small


what about it’s your roommate Sharon and

I keep asking her to turn down her music

I didn’t know was that loud it’s not

until you leave then she turns it up

really I wasn’t aware of that yeah she


and it’s often when I’m trying to study

it comes right through my wall I’ll talk

to her

good she has to turn it down and she

ignores me whenever I ask okay I’ll get

her to stop thanks I appreciate it

log three

hey Adam what it’s your dog he keeps

coming into my yard and tearing it up

how do you know there are lots of dogs

in this neighborhood I’ve seen him just

this morning

prove it look don’t make this difficult

I’m just requesting that you keep him in

your yard I do he gets under the fence

sometimes well that’s not my problem

are you saying it’s my problem yes it’s

your dog what are you going to do about

if I have to I’ll call the police

I’ve even got pictures of your dog

coming over here okay if you’re so upset

about it I’ll see what I can do

dialogue for

how’s it going Kathy you look good today

what do you want then

why do you think I want something

because you’re being nice to me that

means you want something from me well

now that you mention it I did need to

borrow your computer why I’ve got to

finish my essay tonight and my computer

is broken so you want to come over and

break my computer no I just needed for

an hour please I’m begging you

why should I say yes because you’re a

good person no I’m not but you can use

it for one hour that’s it thank you so

much I really appreciate it

don’t make me regret it one hour that’s

it one hour I understand I’ll see you



oh this is bad what look what I got in

the mail it says you are hereby

requested to appear in traffic court on

Tuesday 8:00 a.m. it’s because I didn’t

pay that speeding ticket from last month

what why not I don’t know I just forgot

is it too late to pay I can pay in court

now but it will cost more maybe you

should drive slower very funny

maybe you should shut up sorry don’t be

so sensitive this is going to cost me

$200 well don’t look at me I’m broke

I guess I’m going to court on Tuesday I

guess so make sure you drive slow on the

way there lesson 14 plans and decisions

dialogue 1

what are you reading honey it’s

something sent by the University of Ohio

dad I thought you were thinking about

going to Florida State University I was

but this looks interesting why is that

it’s hard to say I think I just like the

feel of Ohio better is that all no other

difference well I think Ohio has a

better biology department than Florida

is that what you want to study I think

so but I may change my mind after four

years just make sure you decide on

something you enjoy that’s the most

important thing that’s also the most

difficult thing I’ll keep thinking about


I want to

today was just awful why what happened I

was two hours late for work that stupid

car broke down again again we just had

it serviced last month I think we need

to give up and admit that the car has

died yeah I guess you’re right do you

think we can afford another we may just

have to share my car for a while

yes but that’s awfully inconvenient

I agree but what can we do my friend’s

father owns a car dealership maybe he

can help us maybe but we can’t afford

too much right now

on three

do you know what we need to do what we

need to start a college fund for Tyler

but he’s not yet four years old he won’t

be in college for another 14 years yes

but it’s never too early to start saving

do you really think so I just read an

article about how expensive college is

already it’s only going to get more

expensive I have heard that some

families start very early saving for

college I think we should as well if you

want I’ll call an accountant tomorrow

okay give him a call and see what he


dialogue for

hey Sean do you know what you’re doing

after graduation no idea what about you

actually I’ve been considering a job in

China really doing what teaching English

are you going to take the job I’ll

probably take it it’s a big change I

don’t know anything about the place I

think I’ll like it how bad could it be

it’s probably a good opportunity and you

won’t have a better time later in life

that’s probably true I think it could be

interesting anyway it sounds better than

my plans good luck


I’m thinking about quitting my job well

this is a sudden decision actually I’ve

been sort of thinking about it for a

little while you could have told me

earlier I’m telling you now anyway I

haven’t made up my mind yet why do you

want to quit I’m just not happy there I

don’t think I have much of a future with

my company what do you think you want to

do I don’t know I haven’t really thought

about it well you probably should think

about it before you do anything too


lesson 15 certainty and uncertainty


dialogue one

did you hear about Jerry yeah he’s

supposed to be real sick that’s what I

heard too do you know why he is sick no

to be honest I’m not certain I thought

it was just an ordinary flu that’s

probably yet but it seems to be a little

worse than that maybe I think the doctor

isn’t sure did the doctor even have a

guess he said it could be an infection

well that’s not very helpful he could be

more specific I know especially since we

work with Jerry yeah I’d hate to catch

what he has me too I wish we could know

for sure

I log 2

do you have any idea where we are right

now I couldn’t say for sure what would

you guess well we turned off of Houston

Avenue about five minutes ago that

sounds right yes I think that’s true

okay and I think we headed south but I’m

not positive about that no we turned

left about a minute ago so we’re no

longer pointing south you’re right we

must be headed east again and we’ve been

driving about a minute east already so

we’re somewhere near the harbor I wish

we knew for certain where the highway

was no way to tell I think we should

keep going east if you’re confident that

this is East ok we’ll go this way well I

can’t be certain but let’s give this

direction a try at this point what harm

could it do

that’s exactly what I was thinking

dialogue three

where are you going I’m going to mr.

Hamptons office what for well if you

must know I’m turning in a late

assignment the only reason I ask is I’m

not certain he’s there right now why not

I thought I saw him leave school about

30 minutes ago

that’s awful what can I do now can you

turn it in tomorrow I don’t think so I’m

not sure but I’d rather not wait maybe

you could just slip it under his door

that’s a good idea

I hope that is acceptable to mr. Hampton

I’m sure he’ll accept it even if it is

late thanks for the idea I’ll go over

there now okay good luck

dialogue for

did you see the newspaper today they’re

starting the Smith murder trial that’s

what I heard

do you think he did it I’m positive that

he did it how can you be so sure he

confessed to the police he says that

they forced him to confess oh come on

how would they force him to confess I’m

sure they have ways besides his lawyer

wasn’t informed

so the confession doesn’t count well

they also found his fingerprints at the

scene that makes sense he says he found

the body I don’t believe him

I’m not so sure what motive did he have

how should I know he’s crazy oh that’s

not fair do you think the police made a

mistake could you do a better job maybe

not but the police make mistakes all the

time well I think he did it

I’m certain of it with that kind of

logic it’s a good thing you’re not on

the jury I’m certain of that much

dialogue 5

dear did you call the plumber yet no I

told you I’ll take care of the sink

myself oh please don’t try that again

what don’t you have any confidence and

my abilities no I don’t call the plumber

why do you say that

remember the washing machine you didn’t

do a very good job with that yes but I

learned I’m certain I can fix the sink

just give me a chance not this time we

can afford a plumber call him okay fine

I’ll call a plumber

lesson 16 agreement and disagreement

dialogue 1

I don’t think our taxes get anything

good for us what do you mean the state

just gave another four million dollars

to schools I don’t think that money does

any good I disagree completely do you

think schools can be run for free they

can be run for much cheaper the result

would be that children would be less

educated not true they spend a lot of

that money on useless programs that

money is going to buy more computers for

the classrooms so we didn’t have

computers in school we can still read

and write that was 20 years ago

the world today depends on computers

they can learn about computers from

their parents at home what about poor

children who don’t have computers at

home so my tax dollars are going to poor

children what’s wrong with that I think

you could be a little more generous

maybe you’re right

dialogue to

I think we should go to Mexico for

vacation I disagree I think we should go

to Canada Canada will still be cold this

time of year it will be cool but not

cold it will be too cold for me Mexico

will be too hot for me

we can’t go to both places why don’t we

go later in the year what good will that


Canada will be warmer in a few months

but not too warm for me

yes then we can both be happy I think

that’s a good idea I’m glad you agree

on three

I’m hungry do you want to get something

to eat yes that would be nice

what kind of food do you want I was

thinking of having Mexican food I don’t

like Mexican food at all why not it’s so

good it’s too spicy and it’s not healthy

I disagree that’s not true at all what

do you mean of course it’s true it’s

healthier than a lot of American food

such as hamburgers it’s still too spicy

come and try some I know this place

where much of the food is not spicy okay

I’ll give it a try

good I’m glad we see eye to eye

dialogue for

do you want to come over and watch the

ballgame no I’d rather do some reading

for class I don’t like baseball

I suppose that’s because you’re a girl

don’t be ridiculous

I like football and basketball and why

do you not like baseball baseball is

boring it doesn’t have much action I

disagree completely do you think a home

run is boring how often does that happen

in a game how often does a goal happen

in soccer it’s the same thing at least

in soccer everyone is moving baseball

can be interesting once you learn about

it maybe so but I’d rather not take the

time to learn so you agree it could be

interesting no I just don’t care let me

know the next time you watch a

basketball game okay suit yourself

I walk 5

what took you so long I’ve been waiting

for an hour for our tennis match I’m


traffic was awful I got stuck did you go

through downtown yes they’re building

that new stadium I know and the

construction is slowing down the traffic

the worst thing about it is we don’t

even need the stadium I couldn’t agree

with you more

the mayor thinks it will be good for the

city but we don’t even have a sports

team I guess he thinks it will attract a

team that’s a pretty big risk to take

yes I agree I don’t understand it all

well I suppose I should stay out of the

downtown area probably so anyway let’s

go play tennis good idea let’s go

lesson 17 belief and disbelief dialog


what are you doing today what I always

do every year by the way do your kids

still believe in Santa Claus my son’s

only four years old so I haven’t told

him the truth yet how old were you when

you stopped believing in Santa I was 10

a kid at school told me Santa wasn’t

real my dad told me when I was 10 that’s

a pretty big moment when you stopped

believing in Santa I didn’t say I

believed my dad when he told me Santa

wasn’t real so you still believe in

Santa Claus

it’s the only thing I don’t believe in


dialogue to

who do you think will win the election

for Senator I think Tom Smith will win I

hope so

why do you want Smith to win he promised

to lower taxes and you believed him

sure why not he’s just saying that in

order to win the election how do you

know he wants to have many new programs

which require taxes I’m sure he’ll find

a way to do that without more taxes

you’re too naive and you’re too cynical

dialogue three

hi mom I’m going out to play have you

finished your homework young man yes can

I go now let me see your work how come

you never believe me you never give me

reason to believe you now show me your

work okay okay let me get it here see

well it looks like you’ve actually

finished good now can I go out and play

okay you can go out thanks mom bye

dialogue for

hey guess what what is it I’ve got some

really good news well don’t keep me in


tell me I got promoted to manager at the


oh that’s too good to be true I can’t

believe it believe it honey it’s true I

guess this means you’ll be getting paid

more yes I can hardly believe it myself

maybe we can go to Mexico this year for

a vacation

is that what you want to do maybe we can

talk about it this is unbelievably good

news it’s certainly true I’m so happy

for you

dialogue 5

hey Mary do you know when our reports

are due I believe they’re due at the end

of the month what is your paper about

I’m writing on Greek mythology that’s

interesting yes it is I’m learning many

things didn’t they believe in a lot of

different gods yes they did they

believed that certain gods caused things

in nature some people still believe

things like that today

maybe but most modern people know more

about science I don’t know about that I

saw your last grade in science class

very funny Paul

lesson 18 compliments and praises dialog


I just finished grading your test Bobby

Oh No

did I fail no why do you think that it

was a very hard test actually I wanted

to congratulate you me why you got the

highest grade in the class really that’s


you did a good job Bobby I did study

hard I can tell I hope you study as much

for the next test I will mrs. Fisher I


dialogue to

hey James I haven’t seen you in a while

it’s been a few months since we last saw

each other

you look good I’ve been exercising a lot

I’m jealous I should exercise as much

it’s some hard work I can imagine but

you look a lot bigger too

I know I got tired of being so skinny

well the improvement really shows stop

you’re embarrassing me okay okay mr.

muscles you’re right you are jealous


that was a pretty good game today yeah I

didn’t think we were going to win but we

did you were playing pretty good good

job yeah most of that was luck I wasn’t

playing as well as you were don’t be so

humble you won the game for us we all

won the game you’re just saying that to

be modest well we still have to practice

yes that is the only way to keep winning

and keep me on the team because I’m so

good I liked it better when you were


I’m only kidding let’s go celebrate our

win good idea

dialogue for

I am so jealous of you why do you say

that because every day

you always wear something good really I

just throw on anything I can find that’s

not true you have really good taste do

you think so yes I do maybe you could go

shopping with me sometime okay that

might be fun you could help me pick out

some good clothes can you go this

Saturday yes that would be perfect

I’ll give you a call


wow that’s a nice car you have there

Thanks it’s a 1965 Corvette I know I bet

that was expensive it was but it’s been

a dream all my life to have one it looks

like you keep it in good condition I

come out every Sunday and clean it for

about an hour I would too if I had a car

like that you want to take it for a

drive oh no I wouldn’t trust myself with

the car that nice I can understand that

how about I Drive and you can come along

for the ride yeah that would be great

okay get in and fasten your seat belt