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let’s begin the discussion of the

personality adjectives hi everybody and

welcome back to top words my name is

Alisha and in today’s episode we’re

going to be talking about what adjective

describes your personality best so let’s

go charismatic someone who is

charismatic is perhaps a good leader

people are drawn to them people want to

follow them want to come to them

charismatic doesn’t necessarily mean

that that person is a good person or a

bad person just that they are very good

at drawing people to them people tell me

that I’m very charismatic boring boring

means something that is not interesting

so hopefully nobody calls you boring if

you’re a boring person work on that

let’s talk about cardboard boxes

reliable reliable someone who’s reliable

someone that you can trust or someone

that always does what they say they’re

going to do my best friend is very

reliable humorous humorous humorous is

just funny there’s a difference between

funny and humorous and silly in terms of

people anyway this is how I would break

it down silly is like appreciates just

very kind of childish stuff or just

enjoys laughing funny is um like a

slightly more grown-up funny

I feel like silly can be part of funny

silly can fit into funny but funny is a

little bit more grown-up maybe your make

like the actual word jokes that are you

know require a bit more knowledge or a

bit smarter and then humorous humorous

is like I feel like it’s a bit more

pretentious I hope that my friends think

that I’m a very humorous person the next

word is energetic energetic means you

have a lot of energy I personally don’t

use it if someone says what’s your best

friend like I wouldn’t immediately think

he’s energetic like I feel like that’s a


somehow and when I say that’s a given it

means it’s it’s an already understood

idea I would use energetic for something

you would

expect to be energetic my grandmother is

very energetic she hikes mountains even

though she’s 80 something lazy yeah you

don’t want to be called lazy generally

yeah it means that you maybe you’re not

hard-working you don’t take care of

yourself or you don’t take care of your

responsibilities generally lazy is not

seen as a good thing unless unless you

use it an expression like today as a

lazy Sunday one of my coworkers is

really lazy he never has his stuff done

on time extroverted extroverted it

begins with that prefix X X TRO like X

meaning outside so like extra more

information so an extroverted person is

a very outgoing person they like talking

they like talking to people they want to

go out and do all the things and be

social and goes yeah I like being

extroverted on this program

introverted the opposite of extroverted

is introverted introverted inside

something interior they want to not go

talk to people all the time or maybe

they just have a different way of

expressing their social skills in

reality I’m a rather introverted person

the next word is indecisive indecisive

indecisive people drive me crazy this

word means someone who is bad at making

decisions I have a friend who is very

indecisive she can’t ever make up her

mind I have to do it for easygoing

easygoing easygoing is a good thing to

be generally in my opinion easygoing

means you’re relaxed you’ll just do

whatever you’re happy to just hang out

if someone makes a suggestion you’re

cool with that alright fine that’s great

for me I’ll do whatever my best friend

is very easygoing he’s cool to do

anything the next word is naive naive so

someone that doesn’t have a lot of

experience in a topic or even life

experience could be considered naive you

don’t want to be called naive the

suggestion with naive is that it’s easy

to take advantage of you maybe you could

be easily molded or your experience can


changed by someone else so generally

naive is not a good thing you don’t want

to be naive

my friend was very naive and got in

trouble with a bad business deal the

next word is artistic yeah artistic is a

good word similar to creative perhaps

artistic is someone who enjoys art or

enjoys creating things so this doesn’t

it’s not limited to you know just art

like paintings you know during doing

paintings or sculptures or something

like that any kind of creative endeavor

any kind of creative work I feel you

could use the word artistic for my aunt

is very artistic she can draw very well

enthusiastic enthusiastic this is

similar to energetic but it just means

you’re excited about things you’re

enthusiastic about something usually

sports fans are very enthusiastic about

their favorite team friendly friendly I

hope that you are a friendly person as

someone maybe that it feels easy for you

to talk to someone that’s chill someone

that’s probably outgoing maybe a bit

extroverted is a friendly person I went

to an event on Saturday and everybody

there was very friendly it was a fun

time how would I describe my personality

God it depends on the day man

the one that I use lately is

scatterbrained but that has a very

negative connotation about it

scatterbrained if you break down the

words scatter and brain scatter means

like to spread something randomly brain

meaning inside your brain I have so many

different things going on that like I’m

thinking about like this job in that job

in this project in that project and I

have to do this and oh my god my

laundry’s not done yet and what am I

gonna make for dinner tomorrow oh my god

I have to go running later tonight what

am I gonna do how many cups of coffee if

I had this is what’s going on in my head

those are 15 words that you can use to

talk about your personality or to talk

about someone else’s personality so you

can try and use one of these words to

describe your personality leave us a

comment below and you can test it out if

there’s a different word that you are

interested in using to describe your

personality or another person’s

personality let us know better thanks

very much for watching this episode of

top words and we will see you again


welcome to English class 101 coms

English in three minutes the fastest

easiest and most fun way to learn

English hi how’s it going

I’m Alicia nice to meet you in this

series we’re going to learn some easy

ways to ask and answer common questions

in English it’s really useful and it

only takes three minutes in this lesson

you’re going to learn new more common

ways to ask and answer the question how

are you in English you’ve probably

learned how are you and I’m fine in

textbooks before but in the United

States people will usually ask this

question and answer it in a different


first let’s review if someone says how

are you you can say I’m fine I’m fine

here are some other ways to answer

pretty good this means about the same

thing as I’m fine pretty good we also

have not bad you can use this if you are

feeling just okay or so-so not bad let’s

look at our question again how are you

this is the most well known way of

asking how someone is you could use it

when you want to be polite but now let’s

look at some different ways to ask how

someone is these ways are more casual

and much more common first hey how’s it

going hey how’s it going you can answer

this in many ways if you’re feeling good

you can say good good pretty good pretty


not bad not bad once more good pretty

good not bad here’s a tip

even though these answers mean the same

thing as I’m fine

you can’t answer how’s it going with I’m

fine it will sound a bit strange if

you’re not feeling good you can say not

so good not so good not great not great

or not so well not so well be careful if

you say one of these the other person

will usually ask why what’s wrong to be

polite then you will have to explain

another casual but very common version

of how are you is what’s up what’s up to

reply use a cheerful voice as you say

not much not much or nothing much

nothing much this means you’re free and

able to chat since what’s up is just

another way of saying hello

you can also reply with hey or hi now

it’s time for Alicia’s advice

a lot of the time when we ask questions

that mean how are you in English we’re

not actually asking about the other

person’s health we’re only asking to be

polite you should think of these

questions as another way of saying hello

a way for the conversation to get

started instead of actual literal

questions in fact when someone asks you

what’s up you don’t even have to answer

just say what’s up in reply do you know

the difference between what do you do

and what are you doing it’s a little

tricky but we’ll explain it simply in

the next English in three minutes lesson

see you next time

hi everybody my name is Alisha and today

I’m going to talk about prepositions of

time I’m going to talk about a few

prepositions we use when we’re talking

about time

time periods so let’s get started okay

so the first preposition of time I want

to talk about is on we use on for days

for example on Sunday on Monday on

Tuesday and we use on for the weekend

like on the weekend or on weekends these

are the two cases where we use on as a

preposition of time I like to something

something on Sunday I like to something

something on weekends we use on in these

two cases the second preposition of time

I want to talk about for today is at so

we use at when we want to talk about a

time and buy time I mean o clock like 7

o’clock at 9 o’clock at 10 o’clock we

can also use at with a.m. and p.m. like

at 2 a.m. at 7 p.m. we use at to talk

about a specific point in time a

specific number for example we also use

at with the expression at night at night

I like to something something at night

are usually something something at night

we always use at in this case then I

have one more here the weekend you’ll

see I used the weekend for on here but

in British English I speak American

English in British English

you might hear at the weekend instead of

on the weekend so at the weekend is

something you might hear depending on

where you are or depending on the people

with whom you study but for me I prefer

to use on the weekend ok let’s talk

about in next so we use in for a lot of

different cases as you can see we use in

four months

like in September in October in November

we use it for seasons like in summer in

spring in fall we use it for expressions

like in the morning in the evening in

the afternoon as well in the morning in

the afternoon we also use in for periods


so minutes hours and years for example

so in five minutes in three years in a

few seconds if you want to talk about a

period of time you can use in to explain

that so we use in for a lot of different

cases the last thing I want to talk

about though is a situation where you

don’t need to use a preposition at all

when you use this plus weekend like this

weekend or this morning or this evening

or this month this September this

October you do not need to use a

preposition in this case we’ll practice

in just a moment but this is a very

common mistake if you use this before

one of these expressions you do not need

to include a preposition so please be

careful okay so with this information I

want to try a few example sentences that

I’ve prepared here the first one is I

have to leave something something five

minutes five minutes is a period of time

so we know the correct preposition is in

I have to leave in five minutes is the

correct answer here next what are you

doing something something December

December so we know December is a month

we should use in in this case what are

you doing in December of course by the

way with this sentence we could say what

are you doing this December to be very

specific but in this case for a

preposition we should use in okay next

sentence I’ll meet you at the restaurant

6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. is a time a time so

we know that we should use at at 6 p.m.

at 6 p.m. ok next your plane leave

something something two hours so two

hours again is a period of time a period

of time

therefore we should use in your plane

leaves in two hours is the correct

sentence here okay

next they’re going to France something

something this summer he

is a big hint word this therefore no

preposition is needed in this case

they’re going to France this summer no

preposition here okay next he’s meeting

us in the station something-something

noon so new and I’ve used the word noon

here but noon is a time it means 12 p.m.


so because it’s still a time we should

use at at noon is the correct sentence

here okay next can you meet me at the

cafe something something 2 p.m. so 2

p.m. here we have another time

at 2 p.m. is the correct answer here ok

next I like going hiking

something-something weekend’s weekend so

we learned over here that we use on to

talk about weekend’s weekend’s in this

case multiple weekends so I like going

hiking on weekends is the correct answer

in this case finally it’s hard for me to

wake up something something the morning

the morning so we saw here morning is

used with in hmm so in the morning is

the correct answer for this sentence so

with a little bit of practice and as you

use these phrases not just with a single

preposition but as you use these in

longer sentences and as part of phrases

it will become easier to remember which

is which and which one you should use at

which time so I hope this was useful for

you also if you’re interested in seeing

a different explanation and some

different example sentences please check

out the livestream that we did about

this topic you can find it on our

YouTube channel thanks very much for

watching this episode if you have any

questions or comments please let us know

in a comment below this video if you

liked the video please make sure to give

it a thumbs up and subscribe to our

channel to check us out at English class


for more information as well thanks very

much for watching and see you again soon


hi everybody my name is Alisha and I am

joined again in the studio by

Michael hello and today we’re going to

be talking about English conversation

strategies so let’s get right into it

let’s start with Michael what is your

first strategy for keeping an english

conversation going this is very


don’t say I’m fine thank you and you you

hear this all the time from second

language English learners or non-native

speakers you learn this it’s one of the

first things you learn in an English

class it’s easy it’s good it’s a basic

it’s foundation okay that’s fine but as

soon as you can switch it up because to

me when I meet a foreigner and they come

up and if they say hey how are you say

oh I’m fine you know I’m good whatever

how about you and they say I’m fine

thank you and you and it’s just it’s

almost robotic because I’ve said it so

many times and when I hear that I think

their English isn’t that good and inside

I’m just gonna be really polite and say

hello and talk slowly and try to get out

of there as quick as I can

so really impress the foreigner in my

opinion I think the best way to do it is

say something you know you use a big

word or just like a slang word something

like that when I hear that I go wow man

I want to know what this person thinks I

want to get their point of view and I’m

really excited and then I’ve had great

conversations because of that um yeah

that’s a really really good one and

actually I think on this YouTube channel

actually from a couple years ago there’s

a video all about better answers to the

question how are you then I’m fine thank

you and you or if someone says hey how

are you I’m good you are fine you never

I’m fine thank you and you never try to

actually use you know afraid sort of

native speaker would use and then that’s

a clue to the native speaker that oh

maybe this person is ready for a

conversation beyond you know basic

English so that’s a really good point I

like that I didn’t think of things not

to do I only thought of things to do oh

okay cool um let’s see let’s go to my

first one Oh

so this strategy in general is just ask

the other person a question I think and

I’m guilty of this too when I’m learning

another language I tend to only get

input like somebody else is always

asking me the questions and then I

forget myself to ask the other person a

question so one question that I

like to ask or you know a variation any

kind of WH question is good like a food

question what where something like this

if you’ve been paying attention you can

use anyway to transition and your

conversation this was in a previous

video you can ask something like anyway

up to anything fun this weekend this is

a pretty casual conversational question

than she can ask just about anybody

whether you’ve just met them or whether

you’ve known them for a while but just

just get in the habit of asking other

people the question don’t wait for

someone else to ask you the question so

that that’s one strategy that I try to

use to keep things going yeah me too I

agree and I’m gonna say samesies because

actually two of my questions were

exactly what you said agree 100% this is

kind of cheating these should be one but

so always ask questions so you know

again you forget it’s really easy I’m

really guilty of this English non

English whatever I’m guilty of this and

the other thing is ask deep open-ended

questions so if you ask a yes-or-no

question so again like Alicia was saying

it just dead ends you can’t just say you

know do you like cheese yes or no right

so you want to say what do you think

about cheese what is your favorite kind

and kind of open it up to something else

and let it let it just kind of snowball

yeah I think I think that’s that’s

really a key like I have another

variation I wish I guess I’ll just

continue on because it kind of relates

to what you’re talking about like he’s

saying always ask questions always ask

deep open-ended questions so like you

meant you just said don’t ask a

yes-or-no question because yes or no

ends with the yes or the no so one of

the things that I’ll do is use a pattern

similar to this like hey did you see or

hey did you hear about blah blah blah so

you can use this little blah blah blah

as your you can ask about the news you

can ask about something funny you saw on

the internet you can ask about you know

some something that you heard from

another friend of yours whatever it’s

just a way to check in with the other

person and say oh did you also

experience this thing that I experienced

let’s talk about that so that might be

another question that you can use with

people I like that one I really like

that one because you got to stay within

people’s comfort zone so maybe you ask

and maybe they don’t want to right so a

good thing is did you hear about it

that’s up to them maybe they don’t want

to talk about it they can say oh yeah I

heard about that and you can kind of


the the atmosphere and and realized

maybe I shouldn’t talk about this change

the subject or they get passionate and

they start talking about it and there

you go and just let it go

yeah absolutely one thing again I’m

guilty of is is you do got to keep keep

returning it right don’t let it don’t

just say oh yeah and what I think about


bring it back ask them what about you

that’s a common thing I forget about

yeah yeah yeah

okay um good I have one more this one um

use when you see fits don’t I guess just

okay I’ll just introduce it compliment

the other person or compliment the other

person’s this can be a nice strategy

just to show that you’re enjoying the

other person’s company it can be as

simple as oh I like your shirt today or

oh that’s a nice dress you’re wearing

today or oh did you get a new haircut

that looks good on you something like

that so this is a nice a nice way to

make the other person maybe you want to

spend more time with you I think yeah I

agree 100% two things one I think it’s a

good conversation starter sometimes if

you got to be careful with the stranger

it can be creepy it can be a little

uncomfortable what you’re complimenting

right but if it’s something like if they

have a t-shirt and it’s a band that you

both like that’s a great conversation

starter and you feel wow we’re connected

you know number two the second thing I

was thinking about is that keep it

honest I love I love a sincere

compliment it really means a lot more

and it really does butter them up kind

of get them open to having more

conversations deeper that kind of thing

but one of the things people do which

which I don’t like is let’s say they say

hey nice shirt and then the person out

of habit will say oh you too I like your

shirt too just my opinion I don’t think

this feels really natural doesn’t really

feel sincere so I would I would save it

make a mental note and go hmm I need to

return the favor I need to give them a

compliment but wait until you notice

something you really do like and say hey

actually I love blah blah blah yeah I

think that’s a great point like when you

you can sense whether someone is being

sincere or not what is your next

strategy for continuing an English

conversation well

don’t be afraid to open up I like this

one I think this is good a lot of people

will be kind of shy they won’t open up

too much again within within your

comfort zone

but I like this one because people will

return the favor because if you’re just

having small talk and you say you know

the weather’s nice today blah blah blah

you can only go so far so don’t be

afraid to say something personal again

trust your judgment don’t be a creeper

don’t go we don’t want to hear certain

things about your life don’t don’t be a

creep don’t be a creep don’t be weird

don’t be strange and like what you’re

saying about opening up open up is just

a phrase that means share something

about yourself so it can be as simple as

what you did last weekend or what you’re

going to do this weekend or a project

that you have coming up it doesn’t mean

that you have to spill all of your life

secrets to the other person but just

showing that you’re willing to share

something more personal about yourself

can help ingratiate yourself or can help

you know make the other person help the

other person understand you a little bit

better that’s a good tip I like that tip

that’s hard to do though it’s hard it’s

a little bit scary I think to share

parts of yourself but it’s been it’s

good way to meet people and make friends

all right I think that’s all is that all

that you have yeah that’s all I got okay

all right well those are some

interesting strategies to keep an

english conversation going so give them

a try if you’re ever at a loss for words

and don’t know what to say you can try

one of these strategies and hopefully it

will help you out please let us know if

you have any other strategies or

anything else that you would like to use

or you try to use when you are having

trouble keeping a conversation going

leave us a comment and let us know what

it is we will see you again next time do

you have anything else you’d like to add

that’s about it all right so thanks very

much for joining us and take it bye bye

now have you ever thought about how much

you think about thinking hi everybody my

name is Alisha welcome to know your

verbs in this episode we’re going to

talk about the verb think so let’s get


the basic definition of think is to have

in the mind so something you can keep in

your mind like an idea or an image some

thing you keep in your head something in

your mind something in your brain so to

keep in the mind is think to think this

is the basic definition of think so

let’s look at the conjugations of the

verb think present tense think thinks

past tense

thought past participle thought

progressive or continuous tense thinking

think thinks thought thought thinking ok

let’s look at some additional meanings

of the verb think first is to consider

or to reflect on or to ponder it means

consider something carefully or spend

time considering something so ponder

means to think for a long time or to

think hard about something so consider

carefully reflect on examples can I have

a day to think about this he’s thinking

about what to do next

so in these examples sentences can I

have a day to think about this taking

one day to reflect on something like

before you make a decision is a pretty

common thing to do before like a big

decision so can I have a day to think

about this means can I have a day to

consider this carefully or can I have a

day to ponder this in a second example

sentence he’s thinking about what to do


means he’s considering carefully his

next step he’s considering carefully

what he should do next

so thinking is used in the progressive

tense here to show that he is currently

at this time considering something

carefully but to consider carefully we

can make shorter and use the verb

thinking he’s thinking about what to do

next ok next is to create something by

thinking or to create something by

considering we usually use this with the

word up

after the verb think we thought up so

many crazy party ideas in college she

thought up a plan for product promotion

so both of these example sentences mean

to create something by considering it in

your mind so in the first example

sentence we thought up crazy ideas for

parties in college means we design

something using our brains we considered

something and created an idea we created

something by thinking so to think up bla

bla bla so we thought up crazy party

ideas so we designed crazy party ideas

by thinking about them by considering

things in our minds in the second

example sentence we see the same meaning

but for a business situation she thought

up a plan for product promotion so in

this case past tense she thought up she

designed a plan for product promotion

but when we say designed it sounds maybe

like she planned something on a computer

perhaps when we use she thought up it

means she used her mind she considered

the ideas she had and created a plan in

her mind for promotion of the product so

thought up uses the mind to create

something next is to have as an

expectation to have as an expectation to

expect something I didn’t think you’d

arrive so quickly we thought it would

take a lot longer to finish dinner so in

the first example sentence we didn’t

think you’d arrive so quickly it means

the speaker expects that the listener

would take longer to arrive for the

listener was going to arrive later than

they actually did so the speaker the

speaker in this case had the expectation

that the listener was going to arrive

later so they used the negative we

didn’t think you’d arrive so quickly so

we didn’t think we didn’t expect you’d

arrive so quickly we can replace the

verb think with expect here and it

creates the same meaning the same nuance

really but think sounds a little bit

less formal than expect so we didn’t

think you’d arrive so quickly

the second example sentence is we

thought I would take a lot longer to

finish dinner again we expected we had

the expectation it would take a lot

longer to finish dinner we can replace

the verb thought past tense with the

past tense expected we expected it would

take a lot longer to finish dinner so in

this way think we’re in past tense

thought is used in exactly the same way

as expected here the next meaning is to

consider suitability to consider

suitability let’s look at some examples

I’ve never thought of him like a manager

we’re thinking of her for a higher

position so in the first sentence I’ve

never thought of him like a manager in

this way thought means I’ve never

understood him to be suitable for the

position of manager that’s a very long

way of explaining this sentence but to

condense everything we use the word

thought I’ve never thought of him as a

manager means I’ve never considered him

to potentially be suitable as a manager

in the second example sentence we’re

thinking of her for a higher position

it means we’re considering whether or

not she is suitable for a higher

position at her job or a higher position

at her company so in this way thinking

in the progressive tense means we are

considering her suitability for a

position a higher-level position so

you’ll notice that the two example

sentences included here are related to

work you’ll see though that this this

meaning tends to be used a lot with jobs

and mu political positions so kind of

something maybe promotion related so

promotion related or kind of hierarchy

related you’ll often hear this in work

situations employment situations

let’s look at some variations some other

words we can attach to think to create

different meanings first is think better

of think better of think better of means

to reconsider and make a better decision

or make an improved decision it means to

consider something again and change your

decision hopefully to make a an improved

decision examples I wanted to say

something but I thought better of it and

kept my mouth shut will think better of

you if you tell the truth so in both of

these sentences there’s a

reconsideration someone is considering

something again and making an improved

decision because of that reconsideration

so in the first example sentence I

wanted to say something we see in past

tense I wanted to say something but I

thought better of it so it in this case

is the thing I wanted to say in the

first part of the sentence I thought

better of it means I reconsidered it and

decided against my first inclination I

decided not to do the first thing I was

thinking about and I kept my mouth shut

so in this case my mouth remained closed

in other words I reconsidered my initial

action that action I initially wanted to

do in the second sentence will think

better of you if you tell the truth we

see it’s it’s used for future we will

think better of you if you tell the

truth meaning if you tell the truth our

opinion of you will improve we will

think better of you

so tell the truth and will consider you

again essentially and our opinion of you

will improve if you do this the next

variation is think much of think much of

this means to have a positive view of or

to approve of examples he doesn’t think

much of his professor we didn’t think

much of last night’s dinner we see in

the first example sentence he didn’t

think much of his professor means he

didn’t really approve of his professor

or he didn’t have a very positive view

of his professor so a shorter way to

explain that feeling is he didn’t think

much of his professor in the second

example sentence we didn’t think much of

last night’s dinner this means again we

didn’t really approve of last night’s

dinner or we don’t have a very positive

view or a very positive opinion of last

night’s dinner these are rather long so

we can condense it to we didn’t think

much of last night’s dinner so I hope

that this video helped you level up your

knowledge of how to use the verb think

if you have any questions or comments or

if you know another way to use the word

think please let us know in the comment

section below the video if you liked the

video please give it a thumbs up

subscribe to the channel and check us

out at English class 101.com for other

good things too thanks very much for

watching this episode of know your verbs

and I will see you again soon oh I think

that your thought about my thought is

the thinking thought what I’m thinking

about summer ah all right hi everybody

welcome back to top words my name is

Alisha and today we’re going to be

talking about 10 words for connecting

thoughts these are going to be 10 words

that you can use to transition between

ideas very useful in both speech and in


let’s move also also also is a word that

you can use to add information I went to

the store this morning also I went and

got coffee that’s true however however

however is used to contrast or to

contrast depending on your pronunciation

to differentiate to show a difference

between two pieces of information a good

pattern would be a however B so for

example I love to uncle Saddam in

however it is very high in calories so I

don’t eat it often also true on the

other hand on the other hand on the

other hand is I feel used more commonly

speech than it is in writing again it’s

used to present like two sides to a

story or two sides to some information

so for example I’m thinking about

visiting Taiwan sometime this year but

on the other hand I’m also thinking

about visiting Thailand still so it

might be common to use still with the

word like butt or word like even though

so you’re saying even though there’s

some other factor like like I’m really

really tired this week or even though I

have a lot of homework to do I still

want to go out with my friends or I

still want to see a movie this weekend

so there’s this other there’s this thing

that’s maybe makes this other action

difficult to do or tough to do or

whatever but even though there’s this

you still have this over here so maybe

the tube are kind of used as a pair I

still want to go out later even though

I’m tired

then then yes a very useful word we use

then when telling stories a lot so for

example if I could tell a story about my

morning today when I got up I brush my

teeth and then I cooked breakfast then I

did a little bit of work then I took a

shower then I did some cooking blah blah

blah you’ll often hear and then as well

and then I and then we and then you and

so on so then it is really really useful

for sequencing so a useful word I think

besides besides so it’s commonly used in

a pattern like besides that meaning

other than something else I went out

with my friends this weekend but besides

that I didn’t really do much so another

way to say that sentence is I went out

with my friends this weekend but other

than that other than that activity I

didn’t do very much okay meanwhile

meanwhile or you might hear the similar

expression in the meantime it means

while you’re doing action a at the same

times maybe somewhere else action B is

happening this is used while telling


a lot so for example I was working at my

office all week last week meanwhile my

co-workers across town were having a

party without me so these two things are

happening at the same time but maybe

separate from one another

meanwhile likewise okay

likewise I don’t really use this word

personally myself at all it’s often used

after an introduction similar to the

pleasure is all mine in a formal

situation so maybe somebody says you

know hey it was really great to see you

last weekend thanks very much for coming

to my barbecue you can say yeah likewise

it was really good to see you in your

family so likewise means I have the same

feeling or I have the same idea it’s

kind of a friendly phrase but personally

I don’t really use that to transition

between thoughts um I would just use and

I suppose but that’s how I would use it

instead instead so so instead it’s used

like instead of I want to a instead of

be can be used to express your plans or

what you want to do I want to have

Chinese food instead of Italian food


so you’re presenting two alternatives

essentially so instead of means in place

of or as a substitute for so I should

have drank a lot of water this morning

but instead I drank a lot of coffee

that’s true I wanted to have dinner with

my friends this weekend instead I had

dinner at home

in addition in addition this is a really

good word for more formal situations I

like to use in addition in writing I

don’t really use in addition in speaking

unless I’m trying to be very formal for

some reason similar to additionally as

well so you make point a and point B and

then when you want to make one more

point that’s related to point A and

point B you can say in addition point C

so you’re like building an argument and

in addition can be used to kind of

finish that argument off a little bit

our new marketing plan worked really

well last month we noticed increased

sales in product a in addition we’ve

gained a lot of new customers something

like that so just your your quickly

presenting a series of ideas that are

related to one another

you can use in addition to finish it off

all right so that’s the end of ten words

for connecting thoughts I hope you get

to use a lot of these try to mix it up

it’s good to use a variety of different

words thanks very much for watching this

episode and we will see you again next

time for more fun stuff bye mmm whenever

I’m ready

how are your English listening skills

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the

answer at the end

a woman is talking to her hairstylist

how would she like to change her hair hi

may I help you hi I’ve got a three

o’clock reservation for Richie ah yes

welcome miss Richie please come this way

what can I do for you today I’d like to

change my hairstyle a little bit okay

what length would you like about

shoulder length all right and what about

your bangs keep the bangs straight down

or parted on the side to the side a bit

which side maybe a little left from the

middle got it we’ll start with the

shampoo so please come this way

how would she like to change her hair

a woman is talking to her hairstylist

how would she like to change her hair hi

may I help you

hi I’ve got a three o’clock reservation

for Richie ah yes

welcome miss Richie please come this way

what can I do for you today I’d like to

change my hairstyle a little bit okay

what length would you like about

shoulder length all right and what about

your bangs keep the bangs straight down

or parted on the side to the side a bit

which side may be a little left from the

middle got it we’ll start with the

shampoo so please come this way

a man is making a reservation at a hotel

which room is he going to stay in


Seaside Hotel how may I help you

hi I like to stay for one night on

September 22nd certainly one night from

September 22nd how many people - would

you like a smoking or a non-smoking room


non-smoking the only non-smoking room

available on that day is a mountain view

room is that ok well I was hoping for an

ocean view room I’m sorry but the only

ocean view room available on that day is

a smoking room I see is there a

non-smoking ocean view room available on

September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll

stay on September 23rd

which room is he going to stay in

a man is making a reservation at a hotel

which room is he going to stay in

Seaside Hotel how may I help you hi I

like to stay for one night on September

22nd certainly one night from September

22nd how many people - would you like a

smoking or a non-smoking room sir

non-smoking the only non-smoking room

available on that day is a mountain view

room is that ok well I was hoping for an

ocean view room I’m sorry but the only

ocean view room available on that day is

a smoking room I see is there a

non-smoking ocean view room available on

September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll

stay on September 23rd did you get it


I hope you learned something from this

quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time hi everybody

and welcome back to top words my name is

Alisha and today we’re gonna be talking

about 10 compliments that you always

want to hear let’s go I love your

cooking this is my personal favorite

compliment oh my god I love cooking like

I’m always posting like pictures of

things that I cooked on Twitter I’m just

like crazy about food so this would be a

compliment that I would love to get like

the ultimate compliment for me that

would be will you make my birthday cake

that would be such a compliment like

it’s a question but it’s it there’s so

much behind that will you make my

birthday cake

you would give that to me so maybe after

you can use this after a meal for

example I love your cooking and the

other person will be like

next is great job great job this is a

compliment that you can use anytime you

can use it to your with your friend with

your not with your boss your boss might

use it with you an employee a co-worker

or colleague pet even whatever it’s it’s

just a very small scale very easy to use

compliment that means you think whatever

has just happened is good I use great

job all the time I use great job and I

use good job sometimes when I make a

mistake or something funny happens and

I’m alone at my house and I want to make

fun of myself I’ll be like yeah great

job Alicia but if I’m if I’m trying to

be positive about a failure or laugh at

myself a bit but in general it’s just a

good easy compliment to give someone

great job you have a way with words you

have a way with words this can be

speaking this can be writing it means

you think that the other person is a

good communicator or maybe even more so

than just a good communicator you think

that the way they speak or the way that

they write is particularly good so that

could mean funny it could mean romantic

it could mean dramatic something about

the way they speak or the way that they

write you really enjoy that you can say

you have a way with words it’s quite a

nice compliment I think it’s kind of a

good you know it’s smart it’s a bit of a

smart thing you have a way with words or

you can say you’re good with words

you’re really good with words

yeah alright next one you look gorgeous

you look gorgeous very nice compliment

to give just be very careful with the

way that you say this for an everyday

compliment I tend not to say you look

nice or you look gorgeous today or

something like that because the

underlying comment there is on the other

days that person doesn’t look nice like

so if I want to compliment someone’s

appearance I try to pick a specific

thing I’m like oh I’ve never seen you

wear that sweater before it looks nice

on you something like that like

yesterday my friend had a new dress on

and like is that a new dress and because

I thought she looked nice but I didn’t I

didn’t want to make it sound like I

think she looks nice everyday so I said

is that a new dress and she goes yeah

and I said I think that color is really

really nice on you it looks really good

and she was so happy about that so yes

there there are these compliments like

you look nice you look great you look

gorgeous and so on but I personally kind

of prefer to level them up a little bit

and just say pick a specific thing like

did you get a new haircut did you dye

your hair or you did you get something

did something happen like what whatever

it is try to pick up on a specific thing

because then that shows you’re paying

attention to the other person and you

think that whatever they have chosen to

do whatever like clothing or whatever

haircut whatever it is you think that

they have good sense there too or good

style so it’s kind of like a double

that’s a very subtle double compliment

yeah the next word is you have good

tastes you have good taste this can be

for food fashion style for decorating

sense music in movies whatever if you

think that that person’s artistic

selection is in whatever capacity if you

think that that person makes good

choices with their their appearance or

their hobbies or whatever you can say

you have good taste this is a fairly

sophisticated compliment I think we use

you have good taste for something like

it’s it sounds a bit more sophisticated

maybe if you both choose the same bottle

of wine perhaps like it has kind of a

more formal adult dish sophisticated

feeling about it this compliment so yeah

maybe maybe wine is a good example of

that yeah oh nice bottle choice like I

really like that you have a good taste

you can follow this by the way you have

good taste in blah blah blah you have

good taste in movies you have good taste

in music if you want to be specific

about something that you think that

person is really good at choosing you

have good taste in now okay okay um next

one is you have a great sense of humor

you have a great sense of humor this is

the this is the underlying compliment in

the phrase you are so funny this is the

underlying compliment you have a great

sense of humor means the other person

thinks you are funny that you are

good at telling jokes or you make them

laugh this is actually one of my

favorite compliments to get you have a

great sense of humor yeah because I

think that like you know people like to

laugh so it’s an it’s an if someone

makes you laugh you can say this you

have a great sense of humor or you’re

very funny yeah it’s a good one it’s a

really good one

so you could say after a joke for

example or after maybe you’ve you’re you

finished laughing it’s something the

other person has said you can say ah you

have a great sense of humor good next

one is your resume is impressive this is

a weird compliment to say to your

friends unless you’re like reviewing

your friends or resume it’s a bit weird

this is something that perhaps someone

interviewing another person for a job

would say the candidate comes in for the

interview the interviewer says wow your

resume is very impressive I’d like to

ask you a few questions about it so this

is good to hear in a work situation yeah

you really probably won’t need to use

this with your friends if you do it’s

kind of weird

oh wow this next one is quite a


nobody’s ever says this yeah to be fair

if somebody said this next one to me I

would feel a little bit of like pressure

the compliment here is you make me want

to be a better person this is something

that I think you see in movies from time

to time person yeah I’ve had I had one

person say like like oh that something

you did inspired me and that was like

really like wow that was really exciting

like somebody was inspired by something

like wow that’s great I want to be like

you that’s a really cool compliment but

if someone says you want to make me be a

better person it’s like oh wow like that

means I’m really important to that

person which is really flattering but at

the same time if someone said that I

would also be like if it’s like my

friend I would be like but I want you to

be you like I think you’re a cool person

already yeah it’s like oh you make me

want to be a better person like in that

person the viewpoint you’re like somehow

above them and that’s uncomfortable yeah

just I would rather say

you inspire me I think that that or like

this thing that you did really inspired

me like if somebody said like I saw that

picture that she posted on Twitter of

that pizza today Alisha and it really

inspired me and I made my own pizza

I’d be like yay Oh next one is nice

actually I say this to my friends quite

a bit you are an awesome friend this is

really really good to use after your

friend has helped you with something

maybe you’re moving to a new apartment

or new house or maybe you’ve had some

trouble and your friend gave you some

good advice or your friend just listened

to you when you really needed to talk to

someone after that experience you could

say thanks so much you were an awesome

friend or maybe your friend did

something really really cool and you

just want to like tell them like I think

you’re really awesome just say you are

an awesome friend they’ll be happy to

hear that or just you can abbreviate it

to you are awesome not just you’re an

awesome friend just you are awesome

you’re a cool person you are awesome

you’re fantastic you are an awesome ring

you’re an awesome friend compliments

that I want to hear quite honestly I

feel that the any physical appearance

compliment is sort of boring to me

honestly when people yeah really I’m

just like okay great that I didn’t do

anything to be have this body or my face

or whatever it’s just it’s like okay

that doesn’t mean anything like what are

we gonna do with that it’s like if

you’re one if you want to compliment

somebody I feel like you should

compliment them on their skills

something that they have done or

something that they have created or

something about their personality that

is valuable to you I think that that’s a

much better compliment so for me I like

this is delicious because I love cooking

so when somebody tells me this is so

good like when they say it in just that

right way and you can tell that it’s

real you can tell that it’s true I’m

just like yes when people go oh my god

this is so good like I’ve cooked

something really really well they say oh

my god amazing or I want to eat your

food that sort of thing when people say

that I’m just like yes like that makes

me so so happy because it’s something

like that’s one of my favorite things to

do it’s a skill and it’s something like

I’ve worked hard to try to do well

when someone compliments me on that I

get really excited alright so um those

are compliments you always want to hear

what compliments do you want to hear I

don’t know we’ve talked about we’ve

talked about personality complements and

we’ve talked about skill compliments but

if there if you have a favorite

compliment leave it in the comment box

we can start a compliment

mayhem among the commenters anyway

positive feelings after this video

everybody’s cheery I think thanks very

much for watching this episode of Talk

words and we will see you again soon bye

I’m going to use the Force to make you

watch this whole video hi everybody

welcome back to ask Alicia the weekly

series where you ask me questions and I

answer them maybe you can send your

questions to me at English class 101.com

slash ask - Alicia first question from

Harley passes hard Harley pusle Hustle

pasta very sorry Harley asks what is the

use of get + adverb or preposition for

example I get down this is a question

about phrasal verbs with yet we can use

a lot of different things after the word

get in your example to get down we use

it when dancing for example like I want

to get down this weekend it’s sort of an

old-fashioned expression though to get

down we can use a lot of different words

after the verb get though for example

get into to get into something means to

become interested in something you might

hear to get at like get at me or get at

your professor to get at means to reach

out to or to communicate with but it’s a

very casual expression you can say get

after like I need to get after my

homework for example it means to like

chase after or try to do something also

to get in like to get into a club to get

into a restaurant to get into a party

the nuance is that something is

challenging but you can gain access to

that thing like I got into the party

last night but I wasn’t on the list

there are a lot of different uses of the

word yet I can’t talk about all of them

in this video because there are so many

so if you’re curious about the various

phrasal verbs that we can use with the

word yet check

a dictionary that’s a really good place

to start next question next question

comes from long and long and asks what

is the difference between simple past

tense and past continuous tense or past

progressive tense simple past tense we

use for actions that started and ended

in the past so the beginning of the

action and the end of the action

happened in the past so for example the

sentence I ate breakfast is a simple

past tense statement I ate breakfast ate

is a simple past tense the past

continuous tense however or the past

progressive tense is something we used

to talk about an action that was

continuing at a specific point in time

in the past if I want to use the past

progressive tense I can say I was eating

breakfast using that continuous tense

using that progressive tense implies I

want to explain something else that

happened at that time or maybe I want to

add some more information so for example

I was eating breakfast at 8 o’clock this

morning or I was eating breakfast when

the phone rang or I was eating breakfast

and watching TV at the same time I was

eating breakfast while studying today by

using the past progressive I am

explaining that an action was continuing

at a specific point in time as in the

example I was eating breakfast at 8

o’clock or I can use past progressive to

show one action was happening at the

same time as another action in the past

if I use just the simple past tense I’m

just saying a simple fact in other words

this action happened I ate breakfast at

8 o’clock if I want to emphasize the

continuous nature of the action for some

reason like I was eating breakfast at 8

o’clock I can use the past progressive

tense in that case it might be in

response to a question like what were

you doing at 8 o’clock this morning so

if someone wants to ask maybe what you

were doing at a specific point in time

like someone is suspicious if you like

what were you doing last night you can

say like oh I was having dinner with my

friends last night but past tense simple

past tense is something we use for

actions which start and finish in the

past but progressive the progressive

tense in past can be used to and

sighs the continuing nature of that

situation or that action next West John

next question comes from yes in yeah yes

II yes and I’m very sorry what’s the

difference between on time and in time

is it you arrived just on time or you

arrived just in time we use on time to

refer to doing something at the correct

time doing something at a scheduled time

so for example I need to get to work on

time meaning at the correct time or did

you make it to your appointment on time

in time however is used when we want to

kind of give a nuance of rushing or

hurrying for something I need to leave

my house now to get to the airport in

time for my flight I need to study for

my test now if I want to be in time for

the party later you should probably

leave now if you want to be in time for

the movie in time for something else so

I want to do action a to make my

schedule meet this other condition this

other thing I would like to do with this

other thing I need to do in time for has

the nuance of a deadline we can use this

expression in like a panic like oh my

gosh I’m not going to make it in time

like to submit a paper I’m not going to

make it in time in time means like

before the deadline whereas on time has

the meaning of completing an action or

completing something at a scheduled time

next question the next question comes

from gearson Silva hi what is the

difference between shade and shadow oh

great this is a great question both of

these words can be used to refer to a

place that is darker than its

surroundings because there’s an object

that is blocking the light we can say

there’s shade over there or there’s a

shadow over there in that sentence they

are used the same however shadow refers

to the dark shape only so a person can

cast a shadow we use cast the verb cast

with a shadow

I cast a shadow when I stand in the Sun

for example shade however as a noun

refers to or has the nuance of a kind of

shelter so shelter provided by some

other object shelter

from the light shelter from the Sun so

we would say stand in the shade because

shade has the nuance of shelter we would

not say stand in the shadow shadow does

not carry the nuance of shelter in the

way that shade does interestingly enough

though shade and shadow are both used as

verbs as well to shadow of something

needs to follow something closely to

shadow someone at work means to follow

someone at work and try to understand

their job for example shade is used as a

verb to mean to create shelter from

light for example the canopy shaded us

from the Sun Shade also has some

interesting uses you might hear the

slang phrase to throw shade throwing

shade is a really interesting slang

expression that we use which means to

communicate disrespect or to communicate

like contempt bad feelings for something

when you’re speaking generally in most

cases when you want to talk about a dark

cool area we should say shade stand in

the shade when you want to talk only

about the dark area that dark object use

shadow next question actually two

questions from Danny hi Danny Danny’s

first question is you talked about lit

as slang yes I talked about lit in

episode 2 so 1 episode 2 I’ve asked

Alisha can you please talk about the

verb light and using it an active and

passive shirt light means to start a

fire so to light a fire to light a

candle some examples of active and

passive voice with this verb then why

don’t we light some candles for dinner

tonight all the candles in the

restaurant were live on our camping trip

my neighbors lit a fire and we brought

hamburgers to me a fire was lit in the

campsite while we were gone I was going

to light a fire but I fell asleep so to

light means to start a fire you lit the

house on fire we can say to light love

blah blah on fire so there are a few

different examples of using the verb

light in active and in passive past


future tense as well so I hope that

that’s helpful Danny’s second question

can you talk about ride and its uses

like take someone for a ride can I take

a ride Ryan is another verb that has a

lot of different uses you use the

example to take someone for a ride

to drive together with someone to go for

a ride has the nuance of doing something

just for fun it’s just for fun I want to

take a ride to a location I want to take

a ride to the mountains this weekend or

take a ride to the beach but to take

someone for a ride means to invite

someone to drive somewhere with you in a

car that’s one way to use ride you can

also say give me a ride can you give me

a ride so this is a request expression I

don’t have a car my friend has a car I

want my friend to take me in their car

to a location I can say can you give me

a ride to the movie theater can you give

me a ride to the lake give me a ride is

a request so give me a ride in your car

so there are a lot of uses of ride if

you want to see all of them or if you

want to see more of them I recommend

checking a dictionary there are quite a

few and I can’t talk about them all in

this video so please check a dictionary

next question okay next question is from

femme femme the femme what does your too

good to be true mean is it good or not

maybe you’ve heard this in a famous song

you’re too good to be true can’t take my

eyes off of you in that case it’s a good

meaning a different way to say this

expression is you are so good you are so

amazing that I can’t believe you’re real

so in other words something must be

wrong there must be some problem with

you it’s not possible for you to be real

because you are so good you are so great

so you’re too good to be true it’s like

wow I’m amazed by you so it’s a good

expression if however maybe in a more

uncommon situation someone said like

this guy is too good to be true like

maybe reviewing a job application for

example this girl she’s too good to be

true like if it’s said in that way maybe

there’s something suspicious about that

person this doesn’t seem right there’s

just too much good information here

there must be some problem with this

person depending on the intonation it

can portray either a very positive

meaning or a very suspicious meaning in

most cases however it’s a positive


so if you heard this in a song for

example it’s probably a very positive

kind of row

nuanced phrase thanks very much for that

question femme next one next question

Rabia Arshad rate Rabia Arshad Rabia or

ferrous iron what’s the difference

between Ken and May I saw this on the

dining like a champ cheat sheet and

noticed these words were used for

requests what’s the difference can and

may for requests in modern English in

modern American English are used the

same if I use them in a statement can

refers to ability may refers to

permission please just be careful can

and may are only used in the same way to

make requests in modern American English

next question is from Taylor oh hi again

Taylor are where are you from and where

were you born

the same oh great question where are you

from where were you born

no not necessarily not necessarily where

where you born is only the place where

you were physically brought into the

world maybe your hometown the place you

identify as your hometown is different

from the place where you were born maybe

you were born in Spain but you grew up

in the USA your family moved after that

so you could say I was born in Spain but

I grew up in New York City if someone

asks you where are you from it might be

a good idea to say I was born in blah

blah blah but I was raised in blah blah

blah in a different place if the two

places are different next question next

question is from Hassan Hassan says how

do we use Dada in the negative form so

we did a live stream about half two and

got to and need to on the YouTube

channel and on Facebook a while ago Dada

is a contraction a very casual

contraction of got and - it’s not a real

word gada is just the sound that we make

when we say got to very quickly like I

gotta go to school today or I gotta

finish my homework or I gotta get to

sleep I’m so tired

in American English we do not use gotta

in the negative instead we use have to

or need to

I don’t have to go to work tomorrow I

don’t need to go to work tomorrow and I

don’t need to go to sleep right now but

American English does not use

gotta in the negative form next question

next question is from sadaham I need to

improve my spoken English and my

vocabulary how do I do that I think

there’s a tool on the website where you

can record your voice speaking English

and compare it to a native speaker

saying the same thing so I think that’s

a that’s a feature on the website so

check that out if you haven’t been it’s

in English class 101.com

there should be a recording function

there where you can record your voice

and compare it to a native speaker and

keep practicing that until your voice

and your pronunciation matches the

native speakers pronunciation so you’ll

see like little waveforms there even on

the recording page so you can try to

match your voice to a native speaker so

of course practicing with native

speakers where possible repeating so

creating your own speech is important to

practicing with like recording tools

voice recording to look when you record

yourself you suddenly hear so many

problems in your speech so recording

yourself can be another good tool but in

terms of building your vocabulary first

I need to define a goal what do I want

to talk about if I want to talk about

food I should look for materials in my

target language talking about food and I

should study those so think about what

it is that you want to do and try to be

specific try to narrow your goal down to

you know what are the words that I need

to do and try focusing there and then

maybe you can widen the focus to other

interests here and there too but start

maybe with the things that are going to

help you communicate the things that you

really want to say so always think about

your goals what do I want to learn how

to say next question from Ricardo Villa

roll oh hey Ricardo welcome back is it

correct to learn several languages at

the same time ooh

is it correct I can’t answer that

whether it’s correct or not so I’ve

heard that if you want to try for

whatever your reason is if you want to

try to study more than one language at

the same time it’s better to try to

choose languages that are quite

different so that there’s less chance of

you making mistakes or getting confused

in your studies the other thing that I

think I would say is if you’re studying

more than one language at the same time

your progress might be a

slower than if you studied just one

language yeah is it correct

I don’t know I can’t answer that that’s

up to you to decide so those are all the

questions that I want to talk about this

week thank you so much for submitting so

many interesting questions I really

appreciate it if you haven’t submitted a

question yet you can check it out the

submission page is at English class

101.com slash ask - Alicia so check that

out send me your questions if you liked

the video please make sure to give it a

thumbs up and subscribe to the channel

too and check us out at English class

101.com for some other stuff we talked

about a few things today that you can

find on the website so definitely check

that out so thanks very much for

watching this episode of ask Alicia I

will see you again next Saturday bye bye

bonus vocabulary word for today spoiler

spoiler a spoiler is secret information

key information about your media your

book your movie your TV show if you see

the phrase spoiler alert somewhere it

means the next piece of text the next

information the next thing in the video

is going to be secret information about

the story so if you have not seen the

movie if you have not seen the TV show

or you have not seen the book you might

find information you don’t want to read

yet so spoiler means something that will

spoil or something that will ruin the

story for you so no spoilers about Star

Wars until we’ve seen it yes

use the Force to study English hi

everybody welcome back my name is Alisha

and today we’re going to be talking

about some English tongue twisters I’m

joined again by Michael hey everybody so

today we’re gonna be talking about some

things in English that are difficult to

say that might be difficult for you and

they’re probably gonna be difficult for

us to explain so let’s get right into it

Michael what is your first tongue


my first tongue twister is how much wood

would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck

could chuck wood one more time a little

bit faster how much wood would a

woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could

chuck wood excellent and there is a

traditional response to this one you’re

familiar with the response so once you

tell me it’s a question write this this

is it ends in a question there’s a

question mark on your car and the

traditional response is it wood chuck

all the wood that a wood chuck could if

a wood chuck could chuck wood yeah I

have it on one of my cards actually I

think - this was totally unplanned I

would like to point out yeah here it is

it wood chuck all the wood that a wood

chuck could if a wood chuck could chuck

wood so you can you can use this with

your friends if you want all right let’s

do it real quick ready okay how much

wood would a woodchuck chuck if a

woodchuck could chuck wood it would

chuck all the wood that a woodchuck

could if a woodchuck could chuck wood

hey all right there’s one down okay uh

let’s see we’ve talked about that one

already so I guess I’ll go with another

classic one that I’ve known since I was

little this one uses the P sound a lot

Peter pie

were picked a pack of pickled peppers

lots of P sounds in this one can you

speed it up for us well I don’t know if

I can say in the first place Peter Piper

picked up [ __ ] Jimin and Emma do you

mean even even in Menomonee have you not

heard this one before I have it okay

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled

peppers hold on one more time Peter

Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

for me it helps if you snap okay Peter

Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked a peck oh my god I

can’t do it maybe it’s better if you

don’t read it

those are Peter no no I can’t do it

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled

peppers that wasn’t very good I wasn’t

one more time one more time Peter Piper

picked a peck of pickled peppers

what one more time Peter Piper picked a

peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper


did I I can’t do it Peter Piper picked a

peck of pickled peppers there we go

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled

peppers Peter Piper picked a peck of


man that’s tough the peas man I can’t do

the piece oh wow peas can do you either

okay go to your next one what’s your

next good uh no um my brain is frazzled

now okay uh oh I just like this one I’ve

actually never heard this before but I

like it because there’s a lot of th’s in

it and a lot of foreign people who are

learning English let me say that a lot

of non-native English speakers have

trouble with th that’s been true for a

lot of my students regardless of where

they’re from with their native languages

so the 33 thieves thought that they

thrilled the throne throughout Thursday

well I’ve never seen this one yeah I’m

either but I just thought it was good

because they remember th so the 33

thieves thought that they thrilled the

throne throughout Thursday better want

to give it a try yeah I’m gonna try the

33 thieves thought that they thrilled

the throne throughout Thursday hmm

that’s a good one that’s a really good

one for th sounds I think it’s not it’s

I think the consonant sounds like the

hard consonant sounds like the P sound

or the well maybe even the W sound a

little bit like it’s easy to say that

quickly but this one’s really tough to

say quickly I think and clearly but 33

thought they throw this out as smoothly

maybe spitting a lot maybe okay I guess

I’ll go to my next one I really have no

faith and I’m gonna be able to say this

at all this is

like the hardest thing that I think I

was able to find I’m gonna have to read

it slowly the sixth sick sheiks sixth

sheeps sick yeah why okay yeah

the sixth sick sheiks six sheeps sick

yeah the sixth 600 like the second word

you can’t even say it it’s really hard

one more time right this the sixth sick

sheiks sixth sheep six six oh that was

good that’s good yeah we’ll just even on

that one that did it was the sixth six

sheiks six sheeps sick that’s really

hard it’s really I don’t think I could

say it any faster than that the sixth

sick sheiks sixth oh okay I’m the loss

of words

okay one more time

okay the sixth sick sheiks sixth sheeps

sick the sixth sick what it once is okay

what’s your next one my next one is the

soldiers shoulder surely hurts another

one I’ve actually never heard but I

liked it because everyone knows Sally

sells seashells down by the seashore the

s and the SH is confusing and many times

in English like surely there’s no Sh but

it makes that that SH sound so it’s a

fun one

the soldiers shoulder surely hurts the

soldiers shoulder surely hurts wanna

give it a try

the soldiers shoulder surely hurts this

is the tough part here for me anyway is

this the soldiers shoulder making that

sound really clearly a step the soldier

shoulder surely hurts yeah you make it

sound so easy

well professional not really ok on to

the last one this one is really short

actually it’s only two words but it’s

tricky it’s really tricky I can’t say

this fast Irish wristwatch okay Irish by

itself is fine wristwatch is fine but

together they’re really hard to say

Irish rich I can’t say it

Irish wristwatch really hard Irish

wristwatch yeah they’re slow ok Irish

Wow it’s really hard doesn’t it seems

easier than it is yeah okay I risked

watch Irish with Irish wristwatch Irish

wristwatch Irish wristwatch nice there

we go

Irish Irish

I can try it this one’s hard this was

really hard for me but yeah only two

words it’s just it’s just that

combination of the SH in the rough it’s

just I can’t I got nothing on that one

all right do you have any more no I

think that’s it oh wow that was a good

one no it’s really tough it’s really

tough okay we’ll give them a try please

give them a try and if you have any

tongue twisters preferably in English

please share them with us in the

comments there are great ways to

practice your pronunciation and you can

impress your friends if you can do them

quickly thank you again for joining us

and we’ll see you again soon bye


hi everyone I’m Alisha Thanksgiving is

one of the most celebrated holidays in

the United States it also marks the

beginning of the holiday season the

weeks leading up to Christmas Hanukkah


and the winter solstice which are all

widely celebrated holidays in the US for

retailers Thanksgiving begins their

busiest season Thanksgiving is

celebrated on the fourth Thursday of

November Thanksgiving was founded as a

national holiday by one of the most

famous presidents of the United States

do you know who it might have been we’ll

show you the answer at the end of this


Thanksgiving to a large extent is about

having a feast with friends and family

turkey is the traditional main course

with yams squash pumpkin pie cranberries

and other rich and filling foods

rounding out the meal some families

spend weeks preparing for their

Thanksgiving feast and to stuff oneself

is most certainly encouraged the

Thanksgiving meal of today is rooted in

the meal that the pilgrims from Europe

shared with the Native Americans on the

first Thanksgiving

this was quite a feast turkey duck goose

squash corn and a plethora of other

foods were shared between the Europeans

and the Native Americans

this original fate was said to go on for

three full days football is another

tradition during Thanksgiving

celebrations in the United States

watching the football game while

preparing the Thanksgiving meal is an

important part of the celebration for

many families families that aren’t

sports fans however may opt to spend the

time outside enjoying the crisp autumn

air or may find other diversions to

enjoy while the turkey cooks

Thanksgiving is not a uniquely American


there are similar celebrations in Canada

for instance the concept behind the

holiday showing thankfulness by having a

feast spans many cultures and now here’s

the answer to the quiz do you know who

founded Thanksgiving is a national

holiday Abraham Lincoln established

Thanksgiving during the dark days of the

American Civil War even though the

holiday was officially born during this

conflict it’s more associated with the

initially good relations between the

first European immigrants and the Native

Americans how is this lesson did you

learn something interesting is there a

day in your country where you give

thanks please leave a comment at English

class 101.com until next time okay

welcome back to weekly words weekly


I’m Alicia and today we’re going to talk

about words that make you sound smart oh

I’m all over this one first word is

esoteric when something is esoteric it’s

alright so the word esoteric refers to

something that requires specialized

knowledge so in a conversation somebody

might use this word to say sorry to be

esoteric and then they’ll continue

talking about some subject or some

concept that requires a certain level of

knowledge in the given field next word

superfluous superfluous just means extra

really is what can a person be

superfluous so superfluous yeah just

just refers to stuff that’s maybe not

necessary or the X the extra just stuff

or extra extra things in a given context

so maybe you know oh I have so much

superfluous stuff in my kitchen of

course using superfluous in such a

casual way like that is very unnatural

but you could do it if you really wanted

to sound smart aqueous aqueous means to

like you might have like Kent sailing

Pirates of the Caribbean something like

he will not acquiesce to your request or

she will not acquiesce to your request

it just means she won’t obey or listen

or do as told

but that’s it’s the same exact meaning

to acquiesce to accept something yet to

go along with

angst angst refers to just kind of this

like that that unhappy feeling this sort

of angry or maybe melancholy are just

feeling like you know you’re

misunderstood so a teenager or I suppose

a teenager themselves might not use this

word but the parents of the teenager

might say oh my teenager is so filled

with angst hitch hitch Kitsch refers to

in my mind anyway just junk

honestly it’s the little things that you

know might crowd your house like a snow

globe or special little ornaments or

just you know decorative knickknacks you

might say oh my aunts apartment is

really kitschy it means she has maybe

like a lot of knickknacks or the style

is just kind of alright that is the end

so those were a few words to make you

sound smart I hope that you learned

something I certainly did and I’ll see

you again next time thank you bye

how are your English listening skills

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the

answer at the end

a male and female student are looking at

job advertisements which job is the

female student going to apply for Hey

what do you think about this job the

hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay

looks great but could you really do a

newspaper delivery route of course I’m

good at riding bikes but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t as high but you can

work two or three days a week and start

working from the evening oh this one a

supermarket cashier huh well it would be

good to work after school this one for a

coffee shop might be good too

oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my

way to school not bad huh hmm which one

should I apply to which two is it

between the coffee shop and the

newspaper delivery route

yeah the pay for the newspaper route is

really nice okay my mind’s made up I

guess I’ll just have to get up early

which job is the female student going to

apply for

a male and female student are looking at

job advertisements which job is the

female student going to apply for hey

what do you think about this job the

hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay

looks great but could you really do a

newspaper delivery route of course I’m

good at riding bikes but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t as high but you can

work two or three days a week and start

working from the evening oh this one a

supermarket cashier huh well it would be

good to work after school this one for a

coffee shop might be good too

oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my

way to school not bad huh hmm which one

should I apply to which two is it

between the coffee shop and the

newspaper delivery route

yeah the pay for the newspaper route is

really nice okay my mind’s made up I

guess I’ll just have to get up early hi

everybody and welcome back to english

class 101 comms youtube channel my name

is Alisha and today I’m going to give a

short explanation of the difference

between look watch and see so let’s get

started okay the first verb that I want

to talk about is look we use look when

we simply want to explain that we are

moving our eyes to something just moving

the eyes is to look at something there’s

no expectation that the item or the

object we are looking at is going to

change there’s no expectation that some

change is going to happen we’re simply

moving our eyes to something finally

when you use look and an object follows

the verb you need to follow look with at

so for example look at that look at me

look at that look at her look at him all

of these use at because an object

follows the verb look so look at that

thing when you use an expression like

look over there there’s no object there

so only when there’s an object after

word look you need to use at to connect

the two okay so remember look is used

when you’re simply moving your eyes to

something okay

let’s talk then about the verb watch so

we use watch when we want to focus our

attention on something so focusing your

attention can be on something happening

in front of you like a performance it

can be movie TV but the nuance with

watch is you are watching something that

is changing or moving something is going

to happen there’s an expectation of

change or movement evolution in some way

we use watch in those cases focused

attention on something that is changing

or something that is moving is when we

use watch then finally see the verb see

is used when we just notice something we

happen to notice something maybe a

person has come into the room and we see

that person we notice something but

we’re not necessarily focusing so maybe

we see it our eyes catch it but we don’t

focus on that thing that is when we use

see so to recap we use look just to move

our eyes to something we use watch for

focused attention on something that is

moving or something that is changing and

we use see when we just notice something

but we don’t necessarily focus on it

okay so this is the basic use of these

three verbs but there are a couple of

exceptions so here I have special cases

especially for performances so for

example movies TV shows concerts

sporting events and so on

these have slightly different rules we

will only use watch or see for these

cases please do not use look in these

cases please use watch or see if you’re

having trouble deciding when to use

watch or see a good rule or a good

guideline is if it’s something outside

the house something outside your home

your apartment use the verb see if

you’re at home doing something at home

like watching a movie

for example use the verb watch so for

example over here you would see a movie

in a movie theater see a baseball game

watch a DVD at home or watch the awards

show at home so these are at home

actions and these are outside the home

action so we use C and watch in these

cases okay but let’s try to choose the

correct verb in these example sentences

that I’ve prepared so first one tonight

I’m going to something-something game of

Thrones Game of Thrones is a popular TV

show so we should use watch because we

learned that watch is used for things

outside or I’m sorry because we learned

that watch is used for actions at home

things we do at home it’s more natural

to use watch I’m going to watch Game of

Thrones ok the next sentence I want to

something something that new movie new

movie probably means going to a movie

theater so we should use the verb see I

want to see that new movie is the

correct verb here something something up

ahead traffic is terrible so up ahead

means in front of you in front of the

car in this case it’s car it’s traffic

related so up ahead

in this case the speaker is asking the

listener to move his or her eyes in

front of them to to go up ahead with

their eyes so you can use the verb look

look up ahead traffic is terrible so

move your eyes up ahead is the command

okay next one last night I stayed in and

something something a football game so

stayed in means stayed home I stayed at

home we use the expression stayed in so

I stayed in and watch this is an at home

action past tense I watched a football

game last night ok next one I can’t wait

to something something my favorite band

next week so again this is a performance

outside the house my favorite band so

we’ll use see I can’t wait to see my

favorite band

a week okay next sentence when I

something something into the forest I

something something a deer okay there

are two verbs in this sentence we’re

going to use looked so when I moved my

eyes into the forest

I moved my direction my my my eyes moved

in the direction of the forest and I

something something a deer so we noticed

something I saw a deer I saw a deer a

deer entered my eyes is a weird way to

say it but that’s the nuance here I

happened to notice I wasn’t focusing but

I saw this in my eye I saw a deer okay

let’s look at a really difficult one I

something something up from my book and

something something you you were

something something a video on your

phone okay so similar here I something

something up I looked up I moved my eyes

up from my book so I was reading I moved

my eyes up from my book and something

something you so here I noticed I saw

past tense I saw you then here you were

something something a video on your

phone a video on your phone so maybe we

need to use the verb watch because the

person has focused their attention on

their phone on the video you were

watching past progressive tense you were

watching a video on your phone so here

in this situation we have all three

verbs finally let’s use it in a question

when did you last something something

your roommate so when did you last

notice your roommate we would use the

verb see when did you last see your

roommate when was the last time you saw

your roommate you noticed your roommate

so these are some great examples of

sentences where it might be difficult to

guess should I use look should I use see

should I use watch but keep these rules

in mind so remember when you move your

eyes to something use look

don’t forget to use at when an object

follows the verb to when you want to

focus your attention or talk about

something that’s changing and moving use

watch like movies and TV shows when you

want to just talk about noticing

something but not focusing your


use see so this is a basic introduction

to the differences between look see and

watch I hope it was useful for you if

you like you can try to leave a comment

with one of these verbs in your sentence

or if you have any questions please let

us know as well thanks very much for

watching this video if you liked this

video please be sure to hit the like

button and subscribe to our channel if

you haven’t already also check us out

for more at English class 101.com thanks

very much for watching and I’ll see you

again soon Mike


hey everyone I’m Alicia Halloween is a

time for celebration in the USA it’s

become the second most popular holiday

in the nation over the years

Halloween is known for its oftentimes

scary costumes elaborate parties and

events horror film festivals and its

many gothic trappings this holiday was a

late comer to the u.s. not really

becoming popular until the early 20th


today it’s one of the most anticipated

holidays in the USA

Halloween is very much associated with

scary costumes and things that are

wonderfully creepy do you know what

holiday dressing up in scary costumes

was likely borrowed from will show you

the answer at the end of this video

people in the USA

typically carve pumpkins into scary

jack-o'-lanterns decorate their houses

to look as creepy as possible

and wear elaborate costumes to celebrate

this holiday these aspects of Halloween

according to some have their roots in

various Celtic and European myths

legends and cultural traditions today

popular horror films have also

influenced the cultural traditions that

surround Halloween the monster movies of

the early 20th century are significant

contributors to the look and feel of

modern Halloween celebrations in the USA

trick-or-treating started at the

beginning of the 20th century to curb

the vandalism and destruction that once

characterized this holiday in the USA

today Halloween is a night when the

streets are full of families getting

treats from their neighbors and

vandalism and other problems are rare

some families and social groups set up

elaborate haunted houses and invite

people to go through for free or for a

donation hay rides and other nighttime

events are also very popular in rural

areas check the local theaters and TV

stations around Halloween and you’ll

find plenty of scary stuff to watch too

over the years Halloween costumes in the

USA have become more varied some people

particularly younger participants forgo

the dark gothic theme of the holiday and

dress up as characters from adventure

movies literary figures or even

historical figures and now here’s the

answer to the quiz do you know what

holiday dressing up in scary costumes

was likely borrowed from Samhain is

considered to be a significant influence

on Halloween celebrations though this is

disputed by some scholars Samhain was

and still is to some extent celebrated

in Scotland and Ireland it’s associated

with the final harvest of the year more

than it is with scary ghouls and goblins

those spirits do play a part the

dressing up was originally done to scare

malicious spirits away or to trick them

into thinking that you were one of them

to avoid harm how was this lesson did

you learn something interesting is

Halloween celebrated in your country if

so how please leave a comment in English

class 101.com until next time hi

everybody my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna be talking about the top 25

English phrases so let’s get started the

first phrase is hello hello of course is

used as a greeting you can greet your

friends you can greet your co-workers

your family with this phrase just by

saying hello hey hi what’s up hello sup

yo pretty much any time of day you can

use hello hello the next phrase is good

morning good morning is used as a

greeting in the morning you can kind of

feel when morning ends for you good

morning is nice and polite or even just

morning with your close friends or close

co-workers the next phrase is good night

good night is fine we don’t use this to

greet other people we use it when we’re

saying goodbye to other people at night

family members particularly mothers and

fathers to say good night to their

children before they put them to bed you

can say it to your friend and a text

message or in an email if you’ve been

talking for a while good night

so the next word to talk about is

goodbye use it when you say goodbye to

your friends when you leave your friends

goodbye bye of course take care have a

nice day

peace out that’s another way to say

goodbye ok the next phrase is I’m plus

your name of course this is a way to

introduce yourself you can use I’m in my

case Alicia I’m Alicia - introduce

yourself in any situation new friend I’m

Elesha okay the next phrase is what’s

your name what’s your name is used to

ask someone else what their name is so

what is your name sounds a bit try to

use what’s your name

if you forget someone’s name you can say

sorry what’s your name or sorry what’s

your name again next phrase is nice to

meet you nice to meet you anytime you

meet someone new

nice to meet you is fine good to meet

you is a little more casual great to

meet you sounds very excited pleasure to

meet you sounds like maybe a formal

situation or a business context okay the

next phrase is how are you how are you

is an it’s just a friendly way to check

in with the other person you can use it

with friends your family your co-workers

maybe even your boss to a certain degree

how are you

how you doing the next phrase is I’m

fine thanks and you if you saw English

in three minutes we talked a lot about

this phrase instead of I’m fine thank

you and you say I’m good thanks how are

you just shorten it make it a little bit

more natural how are you good how are

you great how are you not so good how

are you okay and so on so when someone

says how are you offer I usually say I’m

good this week I pop a blog give some

information about what you’ve been up to

maybe a hobby something that you did

recently an event something interesting

you saw whatever people want to make

that connection with you and it’s a good

chance for you to continue speaking the

next word is please please as a polite

phrase used when you want something from

someone else you can use this as a

response when someone offers you

something like in a restaurant for

example would you like more water would

you like something to drink

oh please the next phrase is thank you

thank you is used to express your

appreciation you can use thank you with

everybody the next phrase is you’re

welcome you’re welcome when someone says

thank you you can say you’re welcome no


I use no biggie as in no biggie is short

for no big problem an X where it is yes

yes of course yes means is any positive

expression someone asks you a question

and the answer is a positive answer you

say yes yep uh-huh yeah we know next I’m

guessing I knew it yep the next word is

no no is a negative response to

something when you

have to give a negative answer so as you

can probably guess the long form of no

is negative I like to use nope it’s very

very casual not gonna happen my parents

would use that with me to soften that a

little bit if you want to show a

negative response to something like

let’s go for dinner tonight what do you

want to do like do you want to go out

not really

hmm no I don’t think so hmm to soften it

the next word is okay okay this word

comes from copyeditors okay when they

had to check a manuscript they had to

label the manuscript all clear AC but

because they were copy editors and they

have a very very sick sense of humor

they thought they would mark it okay for

all clear to make a joke because o and K

do not start all and clear but it caught

on among everybody in the world anyway

okay is used to agree with somebody else

well it can be used actually to express

a positive or kind of a slight negative

I feel transitioning in your

conversation you can say okay now we’re

going to talk about blah blah blah okay

the next phrase is excuse me excuse me

it’s used to get someone’s attention in

English when you don’t know the other

person for example in a store a

supermarket maybe a stranger on the

street you need to ask directions you

can use excuse me you can use excuse me

in the supermarket excuse me can you

tell me where the hot sauce is if you’ve

done something rude in public you can

use excuse me I personally do not do

rude things in public ever I’m sorry is

the next word we’re gonna talk about I’m

sorry is used to apologize when you have

made a mistake or someone you know it’s

made a mistake and you’re connected to

it or you just feel bad you can use I’m

sorry you made a mistake at work I’m

sorry you forgot to feed your cat I’m

sorry sorry about that you bump someone

next to you oh sorry what time is it is

the next phrase when you need to check

what time it is what time is it when you

ask someone else what time it is maybe

you say this to yourself to check your

watch check your phone check a clock

pretty straightforward phrase there

aren’t really any short version so

that’s an easy one hey where is that

plus a location so you can use this for

a building or a store we don’t we’re not

going to use this where is the

for a place a city name or a state name

or a country name to do that you would

need to remove the but where is the bank

where is the post office you can use

this to ask directions to ask for help

in your house or at work where is the

copy machine where is the file

I need where is the bla bla bla where is

the bathroom is perhaps a very important

question to know the next one is may I

use the restroom may I use the restroom

is a polite and soft expression that you

can use if you need to use the toilet

you need to use the washroom and when

you’re at someone’s house for the very

first time when you’re in a place that

you’re that is new to you you can ask

may I use the restroom more casually can

I go to the bathroom to be very polite

you could say may I go to the bathroom

the next phrase is I would like to order

something you can use this at a

restaurant probably or in any situation

where you need to place an order I’d

like a pizza I like beer can I get the

check please this will be used at a

restaurant when you’ve finished your

meal and it’s time to go can I get the

check please in a very very casual

situation you can just say check please

that’s fine the next phrase is see you

soon see you soon is used with friends

and family members perhaps when you

expect to see them again soon after

saying goodbye to them this is used at

the end of the conversation you’re going

separate directions you can see you soon

seeya is also good or just see you to

make it a little more formal you can say

I’ll see you again soon make a full

sentence out of it that way

the next phrases see you later see you

later is very similar to see you soon

but the point is would see you later is

that you’re probably going to meet that

person again later on in the same day

the last phrase is really really is a

very useful word because you can use it

to show you were interested in a

conversation with upward intonation

really really tell me more or to show

that you’re not so interested in the

conversation with downward intonation

really so there are many other words

that you can use similar to really in

this way like seriously or oh oh and so

on so it’s a really good practice for

your intonation so those are 25 very

common words and phrases in English if

you liked this video if you liked this

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subscribe to our channel because we’re

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please be sure to check them out thanks

very much for watching and we’ll see you

again soon

really Oh interesting uh-huh okay I see

great fantastic unbelievable

mmm gratitude subjects what do we having

for dinner snack Pizza affirmative

I’ll riff on that I am Chris Hardwick
