Master ALL English Greetings in 20 Minutes

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hi welcome back to weekly words my name

is Alisha and this week we’re going to

talk about ways to say hi this should be

fun let’s get started first is yo this

one is a little bit casual in case you

couldn’t tell I used for close friends

maybe family members if you have kind of

a silly relationship with them just

quick short easy to do in a sentence yo

how’s it going howdy howdy traditionally

associated with cowboy culture I suppose

you should play a banjo maybe or you’ve

just gotten off a horse I don’t know I

use howdy from time to time howdy howdy

howdy howdy didn’t that’s my banjo yeah

in the sentence you might say howdy

folks welcome to the barbecue place

next is hay hay is good friendly phrase

you can usually use hay with a wave and

smile look happy if you don’t people

might think that you’re down in the

dumps people might think you’re not in a

very good mood in a sentence hey I heard

you got engaged last week


something like that it’s usually kind of

a cheery happy expression alright next

is what’s up what’s up is the long form

of sup this does not literally mean what

is above you right now if you want to be

funny you can say the ceiling or the sky

but that joke gets old really fast and

chances are the person you’re talking to

has already heard it before it just

means what are you up to what is going

on with you in a sentence what’s up did

you have a good weekend

typical response - what’s up is not much

find out some more responses in English

in three minutes

we didn’t Episode on this nothing much

how about you that’s pretty good pretty

good pretty good pretty good


the next one is long time no see you can

use this one you haven’t seen the other

person for a long time you’re at a party

or at an event or whatever any time it’s

been a long break you can decide how

long long is not the day before or the

week before maybe a few weeks or a month

whatever is unusual for you in this

other person when you see them you can

say hey a long time no see how have you

been that’s the end so those are a few

different ways to say hi in a few

different situations I hope that you

have a chance to try them out so the

next time you meet someone or you greet

someone thanks very much for joining us

this week and we’ll see you again soon

sort of things up it like say sue sue

in this lesson you’re going to learn new

more common ways to ask and answer the

question how are you in English you’ve

probably learned how are you and I’m

fine in textbooks before but in the

United States people will usually ask

this question and answer it in a

different way

first let’s review if someone says how

are you you can say I’m fine I’m fine

here are some other ways to answer

pretty good this means about the same

thing as I’m fine pretty good we also

have not bad you can use this if you are

feeling just okay or so-so

not bad let’s look at our question again

how are you this is the most well-known

way of asking how someone is you could

use it when you want to be polite but

now let’s look at some different ways to

ask how someone is these ways are more

casual and much more common first hey

how’s it going hey how’s it going you

can answer this in many ways if you’re

feeling good you can say good good

pretty good pretty good not bad not bad

once more good pretty good

not bad here’s a tip even though these

answers mean the same thing as I’m fine

you can’t answer how’s it going with I’m

fine it will sound a bit strange if

you’re not feeling good you can say

not so good not so good not great not

great or not so well not so well be

careful if you say one of these the

other person will usually ask why what’s

wrong to be polite then you will have to

explain another casual but very common

version of how are you is what’s up

what’s up to reply use a cheerful voice

as you say not much not much or nothing

much nothing much this means you’re free

and able to chat since what’s up is just

another way of saying hello

you can also reply with hey or hi now

it’s time for Alisha’s advice a lot of

the time when we ask questions that mean

how are you in English we’re not

actually asking about the other person’s

health we’re only asking to be polite

you should think of these questions as

another way of saying hello a way for

the conversation to get started instead

of actual literal questions in fact when

someone asks you what’s up you don’t

even have to answer just say what’s up

in reply see you next time


hi everyone I’m Bridget and welcome to

today’s lesson today’s topic is ten ways

to say hello in English good morning

good morning is the first thing you say

to someone when you see them in the

morning good morning sir would you like

a cup of coffee

good morning could I please get some

orange juice good morning I’m still

tired from the night before hello hello

is the most common greeting you’ll hear

that and hi hello is a polite nice way

to greet someone when you see them hello

everyone says it you cannot go wrong

saying hello hello can be used at any

time of the day no matter whether it’s

morning or at night or at 4:00 a.m. when

you see someone you can say hello and it

will still be appropriate long time no

see long time no see

it’s not necessarily grammatically

correct but it’s a saying that we have

hey long time no see what it means is

that you haven’t seen that person in a

long time so it literally means long

time no see long time no see is

something you say to someone when you

haven’t seen them in a while hey John

long time no see how are the wife and


how have you been hey how have you been

I haven’t seen you in a long time

how have you been is asking someone how

they’re doing and how they’ve been for

the past however long if you haven’t

seen them in a while you might say hey

long time no see how have you been how

have you been that’s past tense it

implies that you haven’t seen them in a

while and you want to hear about how

they are and how they’ve been for all of

that time that you haven’t seen them Hey

long time no see how have you been how

are you how are you means how are you

doing how are

you feeling how is everything it’s a

standard thing that you might say to

anyone even if you’ve seen them the day

before you might see them today I’d say

hey how are you how’s it going hey how’s

it going how’s it going is a more

informal way to say how are you so how

are you and how’s it going they mean the

same thing it’s asking how you’re doing

how you are feeling is everything ok

with you what’s up what’s up is another

way of saying hey how is it going but

this one is even more informal so you

might say this to friends hey what’s up

and they’ll say nothing just living my

life you know day in and day out

hey what’s up hey what’s up good

afternoon good afternoon how are you

would you like some lunch good afternoon

is a polite way to greet someone in the

afternoon so if you run into your boss

you might say good afternoon it’s very

nice it’s polite not a lot of people say

it to their friends but it’s it’s a

polite way to greet someone good evening

good evening is a nice way to greet

someone in the evening time you can only

use this phrase in the evening because

it’s wishing someone a good evening it’s

saying hello at a certain time of day

good evening

would you like some dinner good evening

have you eaten yet all of my examples

involve food it seems it’s nice to meet


it’s nice to meet you this is something

that’s very common to say the first time

that you meet someone you might shake

their hand and say hi it’s nice to meet


my name is Bridget my name is it’s

telling that person that you are happy

to be meeting them it’s a pleasure to

meet them hi it’s nice to meet you that

brings us to the end of this lesson

ways to say hello if you guys liked the

video please don’t forget to give us a

thumbs up and subscribe to our channel

if you have any questions or comments

leave them below and don’t forget to go

to English class for more

English wanna speak real English from

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imagine you’ve met an old friends whom

you are seeing for the first time in a

long time

what do you say hi Alisha here catching

up with old friends of English is easy

in this lesson you’re going to learn how

the tsavo has come to New York to work

with George and they have a lot to catch

up on let’s watch mr. Silva sorry to

keep you waiting mr. Thomas is here

George Gustavo it’s been too long I know

I know

it’s good to see you again here’s a

little something from Sao Paulo you

shouldn’t have

thanks and you’re looking well how have

you been doing I’m good

the hotel is pretty nice and it’s great

to be in the States that’s great to hear

and you you’re looking well too thin

busy but doing well let’s catch up at

lunch okay

now the lesson focus here’s how to greet

an old friend in English ready

do you remember what George said to

Greek Gustavo right after he arrives

it’s been too long first is a

contraction for it and has its next is

the word bin and last is the phrase too


together it’s it’s been too long you can

use this phrase whenever your greeting

an old friend or acquaintance you

haven’t seen for a long time now you try

imagine you are greeting a member of

your family after living in another

country for six months what would you


it’s been too long do you remember what

Gustavo says after he agrees with Jorge

that it’s been too long

it’s good to see you again first is a

contraction for it and is its next is

the word good after this is the phrase

to see you and last is the word

again together it’s

it’s good to see you again you can use

this phrase anytime you are meeting

someone that you haven’t seen in a while

now you try

imagine you’re picking up a friend from

the airport who is visiting you

how could you greet them

it’s good to see you again now imagine

you’re having a second business meeting

with a client at work what would you say

to greet them

it’s good to see you again

do you remember what question George

used to ask Gustavo how he has been

how have you been doing first is the

word how next is the phrase have you and

last is the phrase been doing

together it’s

how have you been doing this phrase is

used to ask how someone has been since

you last saw each other it’s similar to

the phrase how are you doing but is

asking about someone’s past condition

rather than his or her present condition

now you try

imagine you run into an old friend at a

cafe what question could you ask them

how have you been doing now imagine you

are talking to your little brother on

the phone how could you ask him how he’s

been since the last time you spoke

how have you been doing

like this quick lesson watch the full

version in English class to

understand the whole dialogue while

you’re there learn all about American

culture with our audio lessons and

cultural word-lists sign up for your

free lifetime account in English class

see you next time hi everybody welcome

back to top words my name is Alisha and

today we’re gonna be talking about 10

different phrases that you can use to

respond to the question how are you so

let’s go I’m great the first phrase is

I’m great

if someone says how are you you can say

I’m great try to say I’m great with a

kind of an upbeat voice so something

you’re like how are you I’m great I’m

feeling bad I’m feeling bad if you say

I’m feeling bad the other person is

probably if they’re a friend of yours or

a co-worker going to ask you why what

happened so if you want to use I’m

feeling bad make sure you have an

explanation ready

anyway somebody says how are you and you

go I’m feeling bad maybe I went out for

drinks last night with my coworkers oops

I’m okay I’m okay I feel like this is

one of those intonation practice ones

I’m okay with that

ah I’m okay it’s like sort of upward

intonation you’re like cool but if

someone says how are you and you’re like

I’m okay they’re like oh no what

happened so you can use your intonation

with I’m okay to make it a good thing or

another good thing but either way it’s

not like a very sick super serious

response thank you for asking

yeah I imagine this would be in a more

formal situation like if my friend said

to me how are you and I was like thank

you for asking they’d be like what I

would say

I’m fine or I’m doing well I’m doing

great plus thank you for asking so if

today how are you I’m doing very well

thank you

mmm oh that’s how I would use it and you

the next one is and you liked the least

natural response to how are you is I’m

fine thank you and you like just get out

of put just take it out of your head

nobody says that I always say how about

you that’s a much more natural

how are you how are you how are you can

be a response again after you have given

your answer to the question how are you

I’m great how are you how are you I’m

good how are you I’m great how are you

I’m okay

how are you how have you been recently

how have you been recently this is only

useful if you haven’t seen the other

person for a while I’m not bad I’m not

bad I’m not bad how are you I’m not bad

no I’m not bad hmm

things could be worse I would probably

do this I’m sleepy the next expression

is I’m sleepy Hey

it’s like so specific if someone said

how are you I would probably say I’m

okay but I’m a little sleepy I don’t

know that I would just say I’m sleepy

unless it’s a really good friend of mine

it’s a person close to you you can say

I’m so tired I’m I would say I’m super

tired or I’m really tired and I feel

like that’s a little bit more natural

than just I’m sleepy

I’m good one that I use a lot if someone

says how are you I say I’m good that’s

just probably my go-to response yeah I’m

good I’m good maybe I’ll repeat it while

smiling I’m good I’m good yeah thanks

for asking that is the end those are ten

phrases that you can use to respond to

the question how are you if there’s one

takeaway from this and from other things

that we’ve done over the last few years

in this channel just get rid of that I’m

fine thank you and you and pick one of

these that we’ve talked about today of

course if there’s another expression

that you use for a response to how are

you I’d be very interested to learn

about that

but in general you’re pretty safe at

least dignity

so thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and we will see you

again soon bye

