English Listening Comprehension Talking to a Supplier in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a woman and a supplier are talking on
the phone what is the woman going to get

for the sale I need you to deliver some
more sweaters in time for the sale next

month okay what do you need we need a
thousand of the small red sweaters and

four hundred of the medium red sweaters
and we also need 600 of the small green

sweaters and 200 of the medium green
sweaters by the end of this month red

and green sweaters actually we’re
running low on green sweaters and we’re

waiting on some green yarn from our
supplier we’ll get you started with the

red sweaters though no no no we need the
red and green sweaters together so

please just get as many green sweaters
ready as you can okay

I think we can get 200 of the green
sweaters to you on time which size has

higher priority the small ones take
priority sorry for such short notice but

we really need your help all right we’ll
do our best we’ll get those green

sweaters to you along with all the red
sweaters you ordered

what is the woman going to get for the

a woman and a supplier are talking on
the phone what is the woman going to get

for the sale I need you to deliver some
more sweaters in time for the sale next

month okay what do you need we need a
thousand of the small red sweaters and

four hundred of the medium red sweaters
and we also need six hundred of the

small green sweaters and 200 of the
medium green sweaters by the end of this

month red and green sweaters actually
we’re running low on green sweaters and

we’re waiting on some green yarn from
our supplier we’ll get you started with

the red sweaters though no no no we need
the red and green sweaters together so

please just get as many green sweaters
ready as you can okay I think we can get

200 of the green sweaters to you on time
which size has higher priority the small

ones take priority sorry for such short
notice but we really need your help

alright we’ll do our best we’ll get
those green sweaters to you along with

all the red sweaters you ordered did you
get it right

I hope you learned something from this
quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time
