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okay welcome back to weekly words weekly

words I’m Alisha and today we’re gonna

talk about words that make you sound


oh I’m all over this one first word is

esoteric when something is esoteric it’s

alright so the word esoteric refers to

something that requires specialized

knowledge so in a conversation somebody

might use this word to say sorry to be

esoteric and then they’ll continue

talking about some subject or some

concept that requires a certain level of

knowledge in the given field next word

superfluous superfluous just means extra

really does what can a person be

superfluous so superfluous yeah just

just refers to stuff that’s maybe not

necessary or the X the extra just stuff

or extra extra things in a given context

so maybe you know oh I have so much

superfluous stuff in my kitchen of

course using superfluous in such a

casual way like that is very unnatural

but you could do it if you really wanted

to sound smart aqueous aqueous means to

like you might have like Kent sailing

Pirates of the Caribbean something like

he will not acquiesce to your request or

she will not acquiesce to your request

it just means she won’t obey or listen

or do as told

but that’s it’s it’s the same exact

meaning to acquiesce to accept something

oh yeah to go along with angst angst

refers to just kind of this like that

that unhappy feeling this sort of angry

or maybe melancholy or just feeling like

you know you’re misunderstood so a

teenager or I suppose a teenager

themselves might not use this word but

the parents of the teenager might say oh

my teenager is so filled with angst

hitch hitch hitch refers to in my mind

anyway just junk

honestly it’s the little things that you

know might crowd your house like a snow

globe or special little ornaments or

just you know decorative knickknacks you

might say oh my aunts apartment is

really kitschy it means she has maybe

like a lot of knickknacks or the style

is just kind of alright that is the end

so those were a few words to make you

sound smart

I hope that you learned something I

certainly did and I’ll see you again

next time

thank you bye welcome back to weekly

words I’m Alisha and today we’re going

to talk about overused business idioms

also known as buzz words alright first

is thinking outside the box this is a

phrase that means just thinking

differently or you know outside the

norms of regular thinking which would be

inside the box and then choosing to

think about something in a different way

might be considered outside the box so

it’s usually a compliment like great job

thinking outside the box Stevens the

next word is the bottom line the bottom

line just refers to kind of the the end

all of the situation like in a sentence

the bottom line is we have to make more

sales next month meaning this is the one

thing that we really need to focus on

the next word is hit the ground running

it just means to start well if you think

about a runner of course a runner as

soon as maybe they touch the ground at a

race they are running and it’s sort of

the same thing here except in a business

sense so as soon as a project starts

they’re going there you know pushing

forward on the project you might say

next week we’re gonna start the new

project let’s hit the ground running

meaning to get a good start next word is

giving 110 percent

it just means giving your all or making

your best effort to do something so of

course 100 percent is the maximum in a

given situation but giving 110 percent

means that you know your boss presumably

wants you to give more than your best so

it just means work really hard as in hey

we have that meeting coming up next

month let’s give 110 percent to make

sure all of the materials are finished

by then it is what it is it is what it

is is just a phrase that often wraps up

a conversation sometimes it can be a

negative situation like you hear oh

sales are down this month well it is

what it is meaning there’s nothing we

can do or that’s just the situation

right now it’s just yeah just a feeler

phrase really on word and that is the

end it says end here yeah I hope you

learned something today and I will see

you again next time

thank you for watching bye alright

welcome back to weekly words my name is

Alisha this week we’re going to look at

the Internet today this sounds scary

let’s begin the first word is live tweet

live tweet is for those of you who have

a Twitter account when you are watching

something or listening to something as

it happens a popular TV show or an

awards show and you write your comments

on Twitter as it happens that’s called

live tweeting something in an example

sentence I live tweeted the Grammy

Awards this year it was a lot of fun

that’s a lie the next phrase is binge

watch binge means to do something to

excess or to do something too much so

now that services like Hulu or Netflix

or other TV or movie viewing services

there might be different ones in your

country are available people like to

binge watch their favorite TV shows

meaning they can sit and watch all of

their favorite TV show in maybe a

weekend or a week or something like that

if they just sit for hours and hours I

binge watched all of house of cards this

season I loved it that’s a true story

next next the next word is neckbeard oh

my god I can’t believe we’re teaching

them this it’s not a very nice word

typically I’m gonna get in trouble next

year it is a rude word that’s used to

refer to people typically men who do not

have very good hygiene do not have very

good personal care habits and as a

result their beard which typically on

men’s faces is maybe in the chin or the

jaw line goes onto their neck in a

sentence there are a lot of neck beards

on the internet make sure you don’t have

a neck beard No

next is fandom fandom refers to a group

of fans of a video game it could be an

athlete it could be a singer or whatever

when you talk about any group of fans

you can refer to them as the fandom for

example video game fandom on the

Internet is everywhere it’s so popular

video games are maybe your favorite TV

show change direction the story has

suddenly changed and everybody is really

upset about this change you might say oh

that recent change in the story has the

fandom upset the next word is

hyper-connected hyperconnected refers to

somebody who is just always has an

interconnection someone who always has

an internet connection whether it’s

their smartphone or their

or their PC whatever it is they might

use to connect to the internet they are

always connected their high piper means

super you might say I like to stay hyper

connected so I always have all the news

and that’s the end of the Internet today

those are some words that you might

encounter today on the Internet so if

you see them that’s what they mean give

him a try and we will see you again next

week for more weekly words bye that want

to speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com hi

everyone I’m Gabriella

how are your English listening skills in

this video you’ll have a chance to test

them out with a quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a

short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show

you the answer at the end are you ready

a man is reporting about his company’s

sales performance at a meeting which two

charts is he using for his presentation

please look at the handout the Left

chart shows our company’s sales over the

past three years and the sales forecast

for the current year and the right chart

shows the monthly breakdown in sales up

to October of this year now please have

a look at the Left chart it shows that

sales have been steadily increasing over

the past three years and if we can keep

increasing our sales the total sales for

this year will show an increase over

last year

next please look at the right chart the

right chart shows that the campaigns we

ran in April and August were fairly

effective I see but the sales decreased

in May and September following the

campaigns yes but this kind of decreases

unavoidable I expect the annual sales

for this year will show an increase over

last year if we can keep increasing our


which two charts is he using for his


a man is reporting about his company’s

sales performance at a meeting which two

charts is he using for his presentation

please look at the handout the Left

chart shows our company’s sales over the

past three years and the sales forecast

for the current year and the right chart

shows the monthly breakdown in sales up

to October of this year now please have

a look at the Left chart it shows that

sales have been steadily increasing over

the past three years and if we can keep

increasing our sales the total sales for

this year will show an increase over

last year

next please look at the right chart the

right chart shows that the campaigns we

ran in April and August were fairly

effective I see but the sales decreased

in May and September following the

campaigns yes but this kind of decrease

is unavoidable I expect the annual sales

for this year will show an increase over

last year if we can keep increasing our

sales a woman is talking with a man who

works for an outsourced printing company

about a brochure for a new product when

is the deadline for the first design

draft for the brochure we decided to

launch the new product on October 15th

and we’d like to offer you the contract

to make the brochure thank you so much

we’re definitely excited about helping

you with this project so could you tell

us a bit about the schedule when will

you need everything by well considering

the time needed for printing we’d like

to get the brochures to the printing

stage by the end of September so would

it be possible for you to get us the

first design draft by the middle of


well we’d like to give you three design

options for the initial draft and then

have you choose the one which best fits

your concept then we’ll make the final

design based on your choice so it’ll be

very helpful if you could give us two

more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm

okay maybe one month will be enough time

to choose one of the designs you’ve made

and then decide on the final design all

right we’ll be counting on you you’re in

good hands

our design team is the best thank you so


when is the deadline for the first

design draft for the brochure

a woman is talking with a man who works

for an outsourced printing company about

a brochure for a new product when is the

deadline for the first design draft for

the brochure we decided to launch the

new product on October 15th and we’d

like to offer you the contract to make

the brochure thank you so much we’re

definitely excited about helping you

with this project so could you tell us a

bit about the schedule when will you

need everything by well considering the

time needed for printing we’d like to

get the brochures to the printing stage

by the end of September so would it be

possible for you to get us the first

design draft by the middle of August

well we’d like to give you three design

options for the initial draft and then

have you choose the one which best fits

your concept then we’ll make the final

design based on your choice so it’ll be

very helpful if you could give us two

more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm

okay maybe one month will be enough time

to choose one of the designs you’ve made

and then decide on the final design all

right we’ll be counting on you you’re in

good hands

our design team is the best thank you so

much a man and a woman are talking about

preparations for a presentation they’ll

be making tomorrow at their office

what will the woman check after the

conversation ends okay I think we’re

almost ready for the presentation

tomorrow just a few more things the

meeting will start at 9:00 sharp so

could you double check the meeting room

today yep I’ve already checked the room

okay great

did you make sure the projector is

working okay oh I was gonna check the

projector tomorrow morning when I have

my laptop no we’ve got to get that

checked today we won’t have time to deal

with it in the morning if there’s a

problem so make sure to check that

projector today that’s the most

important thing okay will do and did you

get the copies of those handouts miss

Tanaka is making them now let’s see what

else oh did you check the whiteboard yes

I did sometimes the pens don’t have

enough ink left in them did you get a

chance to check them not yet but I’ll

make sure to do that later yes

please make sure to do that today

what will the woman check after the

conversation ends

a man and a woman are talking about

preparations for a presentation they’ll

be making tomorrow at their office

what will the woman check after the

conversation ends okay I think we’re

almost ready for the presentation


just a few more things the meeting will

start at 9:00 sharp so could you double

check the meeting room today yep I’ve

already checked the room okay great did

you make sure the projector is working

okay oh I was gonna check the projector

tomorrow morning when I have my laptop

no we’ve got to get that checked today

we won’t have time to deal with it in

the morning if there’s a problem so make

sure to check that projector today

that’s the most important thing okay

will do and did you get the copies of

those handouts miss Tanaka is making

them now let’s see what else oh did you

check the whiteboard yes I did

sometimes the pens don’t have enough ink

left in them did you get a chance to

check them not yet but I’ll make sure to

do that later yes please make sure to do

that today a man and a woman are talking

about the layout of a meeting room

how are they going to arrange the tables

let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s

meeting alright shall we put all the

tables in the center of the room so that

everyone faces each other well there’s

going to be a group session first so

let’s separate the tables into four

sections four people will be seated in

each group okay and I’ll put some pens

and pads of paper on each table thank

you and we’ll have a short presentation

at the beginning of the session so we

need a projector here all right

also we’re going to use a whiteboard

aren’t we is it okay if I put the

whiteboard next to the screen

well how about putting the whiteboard at

the other end of the room that makes

sense after the meeting we need to put

everything back where it was in four

rows of two tables per row

how are they going to arrange the tables

a man and a woman are talking about the

layout of a meeting room how are they

going to arrange the tables let’s move

the tables for tomorrow’s meeting all

right shall we put all the tables in the

center of the room so that everyone

faces each other well there’s going to

be a group session first so let’s

separate the tables into four sections

four people will be seated in each group

okay and I’ll put some pens and pads of

paper on each table thank you and we’ll

have a short presentation at the

beginning of the session so we need a

projector here all right also we’re

going to use a whiteboard aren’t we

is it okay if I put the whiteboard next

to the screen well how about putting the

whiteboard at the other end of the room

that makes sense after the meeting we

need to put everything back where it was

in four rows of two tables per row a man

and a woman are talking about office

supplies what will the man order every

month you need to check our office

supplies and order any items that are

running low

this time let’s take a look at them

together here’s the checklist okay that

sounds good well starting with the paper

it looks like there’s only one box left

we use lots of paper every day so let’s

order two more boxes okay the printer is

out of color ink should we order that we

don’t really print documents in color so

we don’t need to worry about that hmm

okay looks like these whiteboard markers

are running out of ink right those need

to be replaced

we get a discount if we order them in

sets of five so let’s do that okay and

while we’re at it can we order a mouse

sometimes it works but sometimes it

doesn’t that’s probably because it’s

running out of batteries let’s check the

stock of batteries and order more if we

don’t have many left sure well we have

three batteries here you can take two of

these for your mouse but buy a six pack

of batteries to replace them

what will the man order

a man and a woman are talking about

office supplies

what will the man order every month you

need to check our office supplies and

order any items that are running low

this time let’s take a look at them

together here’s the checklist okay that

sounds good well starting with the paper

it looks like there’s only one box left

we use lots of paper every day so let’s

order two more boxes okay the printer is

out of color ink should we order that we

don’t really print documents in color so

we don’t need to worry about that hmm


looks like these whiteboard markers are

running out of ink right those need to

be replaced we get a discount if we

order them in sets of five so let’s do

that okay and while we’re at it can we

order a mouse sometimes it works but

sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably

because it’s running out of batteries

let’s check the stock of batteries and

order more if we don’t have many left

sure well we have three batteries here

you can take two of these for your mouse

but buy a six pack of batteries to

replace them a woman and a supplier are

talking on the phone what is the woman

going to get for the sale I need you to

deliver some more sweaters in time for

the sale next month okay what do you

need we need a thousand of the small red

sweaters and four hundred of the medium

red sweaters and we also need six

hundred of the small green sweaters and

200 of the medium green sweaters by the

end of this month red and green sweaters

actually we’re running low on green

sweaters and we’re waiting on some green

yarn from our supplier we’ll get you

started with the red sweaters though no

no no we need the red and green sweaters

together so please just get as many

green sweaters ready as you can okay I

think we can get 200 of the green

sweaters to you on time which size has

higher priority the small ones take

priority sorry for such short notice but

we really need your help all right we’ll

do our best we’ll get those green

sweaters to you along with all the red

sweaters you ordered

what is the woman going to get for the


a woman and a supplier are talking on

the phone what is the woman going to get

for the sale I need you to deliver some

more sweaters in time for the sale next

month okay what do you need we need a

thousand of the small red sweaters and

four hundred of the medium red sweaters

and we also need 600 of the small green

sweaters and 200 of the medium green

sweaters by the end of this month red

and green sweaters actually we’re

running low on green sweaters and we’re

waiting on some green yarn from our

supplier we’ll get you started with the

red sweaters though no no no we need the

red and green sweaters together so

please just get as many green sweaters

ready as you can okay

I think we can get 200 of the green

sweaters to you on time which size has

higher priority the small ones take

priority sorry for such short notice but

we really need your help all right we’ll

do our best we’ll get those green

sweaters to you along with all the red

sweaters you ordered did you get it

right I hope you learned something from

this quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time
