Useful English Phrases for a Hair Salon

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to be talking about

the top 20 useful phrases for a hair


before we get to the main part of this

lesson make sure to check the link in

the description to get pdf

cheat sheets that you can use to build

your vocabulary and your phrase


you might take a look at this

conversational phrase cheat sheet

it includes some expressions that you

can use when making a reservation or

when making payments for things as

you’ll need to do when you visit a hair

salon so

make sure to check this out in the

description all right let’s get to the


okay the first expression is i would

like a simple haircut

i would like a simple haircut

okay this is a very basic phrase that

expresses that you want just a trim

essentially you don’t want to make any

crazy new styles

you want your existing style but just a

little bit shorter so you can use this

i’d like a simple haircut expression

next is

can i have a shave

can i have a shave so can i have a shave

typically refers to

shaving the hair on someone’s face so

you probably don’t want to ask for this

if you’re going into a hairdresser’s

to get the hair on your head cut there

are some styles that

use razors and so on for like the back

of the head or maybe the side of the

head to create interesting designs

so you can ask for those things

specifically but generally when we say

shave something it refers to the hair on

the face

okay let’s head to the next expression i

have to visit the stylist

i have to visit the stylist you can use

this expression to tell someone else

about your plans to visit your hair


so stylist here means hair stylist you

can use either word but

stylist is just a little bit shorter so

i have to visit the stylist i need a


okay next is i need to speak to the


i need to speak to the hairdresser all

right so hairdresser is a little bit of

an old-fashioned word you might hear a

hairstylist or a stylist or maybe

something else

but generally when you need to speak to

a hairdresser it’s because you have some

idea for something you want to do with

your hair

maybe you want to make a new color or

maybe you want to

create a new style for yourself or use

some specific kind of technique

either way you need to consult with your

hairdresser or your hair stylist you can

use this expression to do that

i want to try something different today

i want to try something different today

so when you come to the hair salon or

your stylist’s shop

you can express to them i want to try

something different today to mean you

want to be a little bit more adventurous

with your haircut

this means you’re open to their opinions

and their ideas

so if you feel comfortable asking your

hair stylist their opinion you can say

i want to try something a little

different today next is

can i request a different shampoo

can i request a different shampoo

so when you go to the hair salon and

it’s time to shampoo your hair you might

have specific needs for your hair or

your skin or maybe you have an allergy

to a certain ingredient

whatever if you need to request

something else be used from what the

hair stylist typically uses

you can use this expression of course

you can change shampoo

for conditioner or treatment or color or

whatever it is you need

next is my hair is damaged can i have it


my hair is damaged can i have it fixed

okay so if your hair has damaged that

means maybe it’s dry or there are split

ends maybe it has

damage from the sun whatever if you want

to make it clear to your hair stylist

that your hair has

some damage and you want a little bit of

extra treatment for it you can use this


my hair is damaged can i have it fixed

next is i’d just like a trim

i would just like a trim okay

the most basic request at a hair salon


just a trim you don’t even have to say i

would you can just say

just a trim please or even a trim please

that means i want just a little bit


from my current hairstyle just a tiny

bit so

just to trim is the most basic and

probably most common request

you can have ready when you go to the

hair salon okay

next expression is could you cut a

little bit more

could you cut a little bit more all


at native speed this could you cut a

little bit more means could you please

cut a little bit more of my hair

so use this when the hairstylist has

already cut

some of your hair and you want it a

little bit shorter you want a little bit

more hair to be cut off

could you cut a little bit more next

expression is

could you straighten my hair could you

straighten my hair

okay so to straighten your hair means to

make your hair straight to use a hair

iron or use something

to create straight hair from wavy or

curly hair

if you want your stylist to finish your

hair and make it look straight you can

use this

expression could you straighten my hair

make sure to say

straighten not straight not straight but

could you straighten

my hair okay next expression is i don’t

have an appointment

do you have time today i don’t have an


do you have time today so if you decide

on the day that you need to go to the

hair stylist you can call them or maybe


in and say i don’t have an appointment

but do you have some time today

you can try using this expression if you

need to see someone urgently like if you

have a hair emergency

so use this i don’t have an appointment

but do you have some time

okay the next expression is i would like

to dye my hair

i would like to dye my hair okay so if

you want to change the color of your

hair you can use this expression

i’d like to dye my hair or i want to dye

my hair

to be specific about the color you can

say i want to dye my hair black or i

want to dye my hair blue

or i want to dye my hair pink whatever

the color is can come after

this expression you can also say i’d

like to change the color of my hair or i

want to color my hair

these expressions are also okay all

right next expression

is what kind of hairstyle do you


what kind of hairstyle do you recommend

so this is an expression that you can

use to ask your hair stylist for some


maybe they can look at your hair type

they can look at the shape of your face

consider your needs and help you to

choose a hairstyle that’s right for you

what kind of hairstyle do you recommend

okay the next expression is

can you make it look like this picture

can you make it look like this picture

okay so in lots of cases if you find a

new style in a magazine or

online or something like that you might

think to yourself

i should bring this to the hair salon

when you do that you can point to the


and say can you make it look like this

picture or you can also just say

i’d like this haircut can you do that so

showing something is a really helpful

way to indicate what kind of style you


you can do that with this expression can

you make it like this picture

okay the next expression is i would like

to change my hair color

i’d like to change my hair color so we

talked about this expression a little

bit earlier in i would like to dye my

hair this is a very general expression i

would like to change my hair color so

you should expect a follow-up

what kind of color are you thinking

about or what color do you want to

change it to

so again if you want to change the color

of your hair this is another expression

that you can use

all right next expression is can you

show me different hairstyles

can you show me different hairstyles

so this is something you can use if

maybe you’re not very prepared when you

come to the hair stylist

if you need some advice or if you need

to see a few different pictures to help

you make a decision

you can ask your stylist for a few

different hairstyles with this


can you show me some different

hairstyles okay next expression is

can i get a mohawk can i get a mohawk

so a mohawk is a very specific hairstyle

it’s one strip of hair in the middle of

the head usually and it’s kind of tall

or some people like to have extremely

tall extremely spiky mohawks

but you can use this pattern to talk

about any hairstyle you want

you can say can i get a hairstyle can i

get a bob or can i get a bowl cut

whatever type of cut you want you can

use this pattern to express it

okay next is i’d like a cut and blow dry

i’d like a cut and blow dry you can use

this expression when you make your

appointment or when you arrive at the

hair salon

so a cut means a haircut and blow dry

means you want them to blow dry your

hair as well

so it depends on the salon you go to

maybe at some salons there’s just a cut

and no

hair washing or no hair treatment

options whatever

if you want to be specific that you just

want a cut maybe a wash and a dry you

can use this expression to do that

okay next is around what time will we be


around what time will we be finished you

can ask your hair stylist this question

if you want to know about when your

appointment will be done

so if you’re a very busy person or you

have somewhere to be

you can ask your hair stylist about how

long they expect the appointment to take

you can say about what time will we be


all right next is does this price

include shampoo

does this price include shampoo if you


questions about the prices at your hair

salon you can ask something like this

does this price include shampoo or maybe

does this price

include a style does this price include

treatment whatever it is that you’re

looking for if you have a question about

the price and what it includes you can

use this pattern to do that alright

that brings us to the end of the top 20

useful phrases for a hair salon

what did you think you can let us know

in the comments and don’t forget to

click the link in the description to get

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even more useful english words and


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thanks for watching and i’ll see you in

the next video bye

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