How to say HELLO How are you Greet Americans English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over how to greet Americans.

As some of you know, last time I was here
in LA, at the YouTube Space, I made a video

on introducing yourself to people. At the
time, I didn’t know anybody. Now, I’m back

again with all the same people. So they’re
all going to be in this video again saying


First of all, let’s listen to a bunch of different


Hey, Anthony.
What’s up?

Hey, Rachel.

Whassup Rachel?

Hey Veronica.

Morning, guys.


Hey. » Hey!

Hey, what’s going on?

Hey man.
What up, doe?

You probably noticed a lot of people said
‘hey’. This is definitely the most common

way to greet someone in America. It’s pretty
casual, and I use it all the time with my

friends. Hey, hey. Notice the shape of the
voice. There’s a little curve up, and then

a curve down in the voice. Hey, hey, hey.
So basically, it’s a stressed word. We start

with the H consonant sound and go into the
AY as in SAY diphthong. Make sure you drop

your jaw enough for the first half of that
diphthong. He-e, hey, hey.


Hey Veronica.

Hey Rachel.


We also heard ‘hi’ a few times. Again, it’s
stressed, so we have that shape of a stressed

syllable, hi. Hi. It begins with the H consonant
sound, and we have the AI as in BUY diphthong.

Again, make sure you drop your jaw enough
for the first half of that diphthong. Hi, hi.


Look at that jaw drop we have on the AI as
in BUY diphthong.

We also heard ‘hello’. This is a two-syllable
word with stress on the second syllable. da-DA,

hello. So, it’s that second syllable with
the up-down shape of the voice. The first

syllable will be pretty flat: he- he-, he-.
It begins with the H consonant and has the

EH as in BED vowel. But this is very quick,
he- he-, hello. The second syllable begins

with the L consonant, so the tongue will come
up here, ll, ll, and touch the roof of the

mouth just behind the teeth. Hello. Then we
have the OH as in NO diphthong. Drop your

jaw for the first half of the sound, and make
sure you round your lips for the second half.

Hello. Hello.


A little bit of lip rounding here for the
second half of the OH diphthong.

You may have noticed, some of the guys added
‘man’. Hey man.

Hey man.

It’s ok to say this only to a man. But you
may have noticed that I used the term ‘guys’

for a bunch of girls. So, ‘guys’ is a little
more gender neutral. Hey guys.

Morning guys.

Because I was filming in the morning, a lot
of people said ‘morning’ as their greeting.

This is short for ‘good morning’. Simply,
‘morning’. Morning. Now, you could say ‘afternoon’

or ‘evening’ during those times, but it’s
not nearly as common. Morning.

Morning guys.

Hey, morning guys.

Most greetings involve one of these greeting
words: hey, hi, morning, and so on, and often

a question. The appropriate way to respond
is to answer the question, and to ask the

same question yourself.

For example: » Hey, how are you? » Good,
how are you?

Let’s take a look at a few of these exchanges.

Staci, Kristina. Hey!
Hey, Rach!

How are you guys?
Oh, it’s good to see you!

Yeah, you too! How’ve you been?
Good, good.

Hey Scooter. What’s up?
What up doe?

Hey Max. What’s up?
Hey, how’s it going?

Good, how are you?

Hey Jenn, hey Frankie.

How are you guys doing today?
Good. How are you?

Not good.
Good. You’re not good?

Not good. I just broke my phone.

Hey, what’s going on?
Not much. How are you?

Just hanging out. I hear it’s your birthday

It is, actually.
Happy birthday, Rachel.

Thank you.

How are you?

As always!

Hey Aaron.
Hey, how are you doing?

Good, how are you?

How are you. We heard this two ways. Once
with the word ‘are’ stressed. How are you?

How are you guys? [3x]

How are you? But most of the time, you’ll
hear it with that word reduced. How are you?

How are you? [6x]

Great, how are you? [3x]

How are you? So, in that case, make sure it’s
really short, er, er, er, how-er, how-er you.

How are you, da-DA-da. How are you, da-da-DA.

The most common response to this phrase is
‘good’. You might sometimes hear ‘great’.

One person even said:

How are you?

As always!

And unfortunately, one person said ‘not good’,
because her phone had just broken.

You’re not good?
Not good. I just broke my phone.

Another question we heard was ‘how’s it going?’
So we’re contracting ‘how is’, how’s, how’s.

So just put a Z sound there at the end of
‘how’. The next word begins with a vowel,

so the Z should link those two words together.
How’s it, how’s it, how’s it going? Notice

the Stop T at the end of ‘it’. We’re not releasing
it: how’s it going. So, just hold the air

for a second, and then release again. You
can either end with the NG consonant, ng,

or with the N consonant, nn. Goin', goin'.
It’s a little more casual, but that’s ok.

How’s it going, how’s it goin'.

How’s it goin'?
It’s goin'.

Hey, how’s it goin'?

Da-da-DA-da. How’s it going. Again, the answers
here will be good, great, not bad, etc.

What’s up? This is answered just like ‘what’s
going on?’ Usually ‘nothing’ or ‘not much’,

but you can say what you’re doing in that
moment. You can hear this as ‘tsup’, with

the TS reduction. We also heard it as ‘whassup’,
where the T was dropped altogether. Whassup.

And we even heard one person say ‘whadup’.
So what was he doing here? He dropped the

S sound, so now the T came between two vowel
sounds. So it was a Flap T, sounding like

a D. Whadup.

What’s up.

Whassup, Rachel?

Hey, Brysi. What’s up?
Oh hey Rachel. What’s up?

Hey Scooter. What’s up?
Whadup doe?

I hope this was helpful. The next time you
see someone you know, don’t be afraid to go

up and start a conversation. A huge thanks
to everybody who was in this video.

Staci and Kristina both have awesome how-to
channels. Staci does knitting tutorials, and

Kristina, paper crafts. Aaron makes awesome
skateboarding videos. Anthony does music reviews.

Don does children’s music. Evan makes awesome
drawing tutorials.

Whassup Rachel’s English. How you all doing,
people? This is Evan, from your channel Cartoon

Block. Showing kids how to do their thing,
drawing and sketching and all that. Veronica

has great travel videos on California. Rose
and Eman both have great makeup and style

channels. Fabulous. Qban Guy does sketch comedy.
Sarah’s crafting channel is awesome. Chris

and Hilah work on HilahCooking, a great cooking
channel. Billy does awesome children’s music

with puppets. You met one of the puppets in
one of my other videos. Brysi mixes rap with

video games on his channel. Jason does comedy
sketches on his channel. Scooter has some

great 100 lists on his comedy channel. Max
No Sleeves never wears sleeves in his comedy

channel. MissJennFabulous has a nail channel,
where she did teach me a different way to

paint my nails. And Pete is a video producer
behind the scenes on several different YouTube


Yeah, what does that mean? What does ‘doe’

‘Doe’ is a…urban term, which can mean
‘though’. However, you just add it for that

emphasis onto the end of sentences.

Pretty much anything?

It’s like an exclamation point, almost.
Can you say it again?

Whadup doe!

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s