Surprise Im home English used in Daily Conversations


arriving home

dialogue one ken just came home from a

team building trip with his company

marilyn his mother welcomes him home and

asks him to tell her about his trip

oh my god it feels so good to finally be


hello mom hi honey

do you need help with your suitcase no

i can handle it thank you how are you


i’m okay i have just been cleaning

around the house

how was your trip with the company ken

was it good

it was so so we had a few surprises

bad ones but after everything is said

and done the trip turned out fine

oh can you tell me what happened

well the first day we were there our

hotel booking was messed up

they only booked five rooms for us

instead of 10

so we had to share rooms for the first


it was a bit uncomfortable and then on

the second

day some of us got food poisoning

because of that

our team couldn’t do much the entire day

i’m sorry to hear that there must have

been something you liked though right

oh yes we had a beach party under the


there was a bonfire so we could roast


that’s fun was there anyone new to you

on the trip

yes this girl who just joined our


was she friendly she was she blended in

with the group really well

well i’m glad you still somewhat enjoyed

the trip did you bring anything back for


of course mom but you’ll have to wait

for it

i’ll give it to you on your birthday

next week

oh i’m so curious go take a shower son

dinner will be finished soon okay mom

see you in a bit


dialogue two naomi and chris

recently got married and just came home

from their honeymoon

they come across bella their neighbor on

their way inside

hello naomi chris congratulations on

your marriage

you guys make a beautiful couple

oh thank you so much bella

we really appreciate you coming to our

wedding last week

we hope you had fun of course thank you

both for having

invited me it was one of the loveliest

weddings i have

ever been to by the way

where did you guys go on honeymoon


we went to a resort in the maldives the


there was incredibly beautiful the water

was clear as crystal

oh i read about it in a magazine before

i also went to visit there as well

you really should we had an amazing time

do you want to come over to our house

for a bit

we brought some souvenirs back from our

trip and we want to give you one as a


really okay


i’m so sorry the living room is so messy

i didn’t get a chance to clean it up

before our trip

no worries you should enjoy your life as


thank you this is the souvenir i talked


it is very pretty thank you guys

you’re very welcome please come over


we plan to throw many parties around


that would be amazing dialogue

three natalie is on her way home from


she had many meetings so she is tired

she ran into mike an old friend from

high school

and had some small talk with him

i can’t wait to go home and finally take

a nap today was so tiring

oh my god are you natalie natalie


hmm yes sorry do we know each other

it’s me mike from high school we sat

next to each other in chemistry class

oh mike so nice seeing you here how have

you been

i have been great after high school i

got to job at the local bank and have

been working there ever since

i ended up not going to college what

about you natalie

i didn’t hear anything about you the

last few years

oh i actually went abroad for a

bachelor’s degree and then

just got back from it a while ago i have

not kept in touch with anyone from high

school so that’s probably why

i see well i’m very glad to see you

doing okay

do you want to join me for a coffee i am

actually on my way to meet frank and


the people from our class remember them

of course frank was the class clown he

always made everyone laugh

and michelle was so popular since she

was so nice

oh how i miss high school

i’ll take this as you’re joining then

actually is it fine if i meet you guys

some other time

i would love to catch up i really do

but i just had the longest day ever at

my workplace and i really need some

sleep right now

i understand well this is my number just

give me a call whenever you feel like it

i’ll tell the other two i met you today

thank you please tell them i said hello

will do see you around natalie

dialogue four derrick serves in the


he recently got permission to come home

and see his family since his wife

emily just gave birth however derek did

not tell anyone

because he wanted it to be a surprise

i wish derek were here taking care of a

baby on my own is just

too hard i haven’t been able to have a

good night’s sleep

since forever i’m sure he will be back


didn’t you tell me that he would be

permitted to take a break if you gave


yes i thought so too but he told me his

request was denied for some reason

that’s too bad

surprise i’m home

oh my god derek why are you here

when did you get back

i lied my request to take a break never

got denied

just wanted to surprise you did you miss


so much uh i need you home with me right


i know i came home as fast as i could

i really missed you and our baby by the

way how is she doing

she’s okay i guess she cries a lot

during the day but thankfully sleeps

through the night

i really need to change her diaper now

though do you mind waiting for me

it’s okay i’m here i can take care of

the baby

you go get some rest okay

thank you i love you

love you too


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