Why did you do that English Conversation at Home Practice



today lana’s teacher was called her

parents to report her mistake in class

watch the video to see why and how her

parents helped lana to realize her


do you think this word is pineapple

it is a yellow fruit and pineapple chunk

that can be used in desserts such as

fruit salads or cake

that’s right lana

let’s see the next word

this fruit grows on vines can be eaten

raw or cooked

and can be made into lots of things like



vinegar and oil

its name has five characters

is that pumpkin lana

i don’t think so

we make vinegar from pumpkin

also pumpkin has seven characters in it

what about grape lana

yeah i think it must be the correct


you’re right tom

grape is a reasonable answer for this


only two words left we’ll finish all the

crosswords about fruit

i don’t know if mom and dad have

finished preparing dinner yet

i’m feeling a bit hungry now

yes tom

i’m also curious about what we’re going

to eat tonight

why is dad in the kitchen with mom today

i have no idea lana

i think we should focus on the two final

words here

i won’t win this game now

okay tom

it’s done mary

i washed and arranged all the

ingredients needed to make the pizza as

you said

thanks mark can you help me to go out

and buy some drinks to have with the


i’ll make the rest of the pizza and


of course mary i’ll buy a coke for you

and the kids

by the way do you want to drink beer

we haven’t drunk it in a long time

that’s a great idea honey

and remember to buy chili sauce

the chili sauce at home is gone

okay sweetie

i’ll go now

mark someone is calling for you

let me see

it’s lana’s teacher

i think she has called to report her

school results

let me answer the phone hello mrs anne i

am lorna’s father

hi mr mark how are you

i wanted to tell you a little bit about

lena’s situation in class

yes i’m not busy now i’m ready to listen

actually lana is quite naughty in class

these days

could you tell me a little more detail

what did she do at school

lana often teases her friends in class

she hides in the wall with a mask and

jumps out to scare her friends

some of them are startled and run away

or even fall


oh no i’m so sorry about that

i already reminded her in front of the


but i still want her parents to know and

remind her a little more so that lana

realizes what she did wrong

that’s why i called you today

we’ll talk to lana right now

thank you teacher and hope you will help

lana more in class

i just wanted to inform you about it

elana is studying very well and

concentrating so

i’ll hang up the phone now goodbye mr


goodbye mrs anne


mary do you understand the situation

yes i got it i think you should talk to


she was closer to you and listen more to


you should explain to her why she

shouldn’t tease you with masks anymore

at that time

let me buy a drink and chili sauce for

you i believe you honey


i’ll talk to lana now



can you go to my room now

i want to talk to you for a while

yes dad i’m coming

so lana

did you often use the ghost mask to

scare your classmates

your teacher told me about it

and she was sad about you

she really doesn’t want you to do it


i’m sorry dad

i so regret doing that

you shouldn’t tease them too much or

they’ll be scared

if you want to tease your friends

they’ll gradually hate you

and stop playing with you

you’ll be very lonely then


lana i am a bit sad when the teacher

calls and tells me about your mistake

promise me you’ll never do that to your

friends again

yes dan i promise

i believe you my good daughter

i will apologize to my friends tomorrow

and bring my candies for them

i think they’ll forgive me soon

that’s a good idea lana

dad where’s mom

i’m so hungry right now

she’s gone to the mini mart to buy some

things for dinner

do you want to play the spider-man game


yay i love the spider-man game


lift me up there

okay tom

you shoot the thread and i’ll take you

where you want to be


i also want to play a spider-man game


tom it’s your sister’s turn

you’ve been playing for a while so

take a break

yes dad

i will let lana become spider-man

and i’m iron man now

i can fire by my hand and i also have

iron armor

but you can’t fly like me


flying is boring


i prefer to walk and fight with the


you’re so smart tom


mom is back

yes i bought coke for you and lana

who wants to eat pizza tonight

really mom

we love pizza

okay just wait for me a few minutes

i had baked the pizza in the microwave

before i went out

and i think it’s ready to eat now

yay let’s eat pizza


tom and lana you two have to wash your

hands carefully before eating

then please help me to bring the food to

the living room

today we’ll have dinner and watch a


yes mom i got it


mom and dad are drinking beer

what’s in its flavor

it has a slightly bitter taste

and is very cool to drink

you’ll be able to drink beer when you

turn 18.


i think i still love coke more than beer



can you give me a little tomato sauce

i can’t eat pizza with chili sauce


it’s too hot for me

oh i’m sorry son

wait for me five seconds

here you are tom enjoy

the pizza is awesome

you made it very well mom

thank you lana

why didn’t you praise me lana

i also made this pizza with your mom

oh i forgot it

good job daddy


haha thank you daughter

i also just bought grapes and kept them

in the fridge

everyone can eat grapes after finishing

this pizza

yes thanks mom

so i have to eat pizza faster to eat


hang in there tom


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