Resolving Hotel Reservation Issues English hotel conversation


i’m sorry sir we just have nothing

available tonight

i’m sorry sir we just have nothing

available tonight

may i suggest next time that you call

for a reservation you do it at least a

week in advance

thank you may i suggest next time that

you call for a reservation you do it at

least a week in advance

thank you

can i help you yes you have a

reservation for an axel foley

well let’s see

oh i’m sorry i don’t see anything out of

that name


can i help you yes you have a

reservation for an axel foley

well let’s see

i’m sorry i don’t see anything out of

that name

uh check rolling stone magazine’s

axle foley that’s what it is

no no rolling stone no axle foley i’m

sorry sir

oh that’s all right you guys probably

just made some kind of mistake with

reservations why don’t you just give me

another room now go up and go to sleep

i’m sorry sir but there are no rooms


ugh check rolling stone magazines

foley that’s what it is

no no rolling stone no axel foley i’m

sorry sir

oh that’s all right you guys probably

just made some kind of mistake with

reservations why don’t you just give me

another room now go up and go to sleep

i’m sorry sir but there are no rooms



don’t you think i realize what’s going

on here miss who do you think i am huh

don’t you think i know that if i was

some hot shot from out of town that

pulled inside here and you guys made a


mistake i’d be the first one to get a

room and i’d be upstairs relaxing right


don’t you think i realize what’s going

on here miss who do you think i am huh

don’t you think i know that if i was

some hot shot from out of town that

pulled inside here and you guys made a

reservation mistake

i’d be the first one to get a room and

i’d be upstairs relaxing right now


excuse me sir it seems that we do have a

last-minute cancellation

uh there is a room available it’s a


but uh i’ll only charge you the single

room rate

excuse me sir it seems that we do have a

last-minute cancellation

uh there is a room available it’s a


but uh i’ll only charge you the single

room rate

thank you i’m sorry i got upset it’s

probably from jet lag or something i’m

very tired

i understand what’s the rate anyway uh

that’ll be 235

a night sir

five five and that’ll be sweet 10 35.

thank you very much yes sir thank you

i’m sorry i got upset it’s probably from

jet lag or something i’m very tired i

understand what’s the rate anyway uh

that’ll be 235

a night sir

fine fine and that’ll be sweet 10

  1. thank you very much yes sir

if michael called tell him tell them

what room i mean of course sir

if michael called tell him tell them

what room i mean of course

in case i don’t see you good afternoon

good evening and good night
