How To Study For The IELTS Speaking Exam 5 Ways

  • [Tiffani] Every year, over
    three million ESL learners

take the IELTS exam.

But the truth is, everyone
has a different study style.

There are five different ways

to study for the IELTS speaking exam,

and today I will teach you all of them.

Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani.

I am teacher Tiffani, let’s jump right in.

Number one, the note-taking style.

This style is used by the learner

who likes to hand-write their notes

and highlight all key information.

It focuses on the use of
books, other English resources,

and reviewing all of the information.

Let’s meet Muhammad.

He’s from India and the reason why

he’s studying for the IELTS speaking exam

is because he wants to study
in Europe for graduate school,

and his study style is note-taking.

The first thing he should do is

read a lesson from the book he chose

about the IELTS speaking exam.

Let’s pause really quickly.

One thing you have to remember is,

there are hundreds of possible

questions that could be on this exam

and it is impossible to memorize

all of the answers for these questions.

Categories are the best things to study,

categories or formulas that
are related to the questions.

You need to find a book that teaches you

categories instead of just questions.

You’re welcome to get my e-book

How to Pass the IELTS Speaking Exam

by clicking the link in the
top right of the screen.

I discussed it in a previous video.

Or you can get any
other book but remember,

they need to focus on categories or

formulas for answering questions.

Let’s keep going.

He should make sure that he understands

the principles of the lesson.

The second thing he should do is,

highlight the important
points from the lesson.

He should find the parts that will be

helpful as he prepares for
the IELTS speaking exam.

This is very important.

After he’s found those highlights,

he should write the highlighted
portions in his notebook.

Remember that writing is
important to his study style

because it will help him
remember the information.

Everything that he highlighted needs to go

directly into his notebook.

The fourth thing he should do is,

connect the highlighted portions with

something else he already knows.

Remember that making a connection

is another way to help him remember.

From the previous screen where he wrote

all of the highlighted
information, now what he did,

he chose his hand to connect
with the information.

There are one, two, three, four,

fives pieces of information related to

the relationship with
others, the category.

He chose D for describe, one,
two, three for the first,

second, and third characteristic,

and he chose O for the outcome.

These are the pieces of information

important for using to respond

to a question in this
category and he used his hand.

What’s gonna happen is,

he should memorize the
highlighted information

and the connection.

This step will have a big impact

on his ability to remember the information

when he takes the exam.

After he’s memorized,

the sixth thing he should do
is apply what he memorized.

This step will give him the opportunity

to create his own answers based on

what he learned from reading and

highlighting information from the book.

Let’s look at his answer a little closer.

The question they ask him is,

do you get along with your colleagues?

Very quickly, colleagues,

this word just refers
to people you work with,

people you work with.

In English we say, colleague.

Again, colleague.

What does this come from?

This category is
relationships with others.

Remember, he’s memorized this,
relationship with others.

He has this memorized by the connection

he made with his hand.

Let’s look at his answer.

He says, “Yes, I get along
well with my colleagues.”

He answered D.


He described colleagues.

Then he says, “The three
main characteristics

of our relationship are
trust, honesty, and teamwork.”

You got it?

He answered number one, number two,

and number three for this category.

Finally, “So, I feel like my
relationship with my colleagues

will continue to get stronger
and the years go by.”

I feel like, now he’s
talking about the outcome.

So he did it correctly
using his study style.

The last thing he needs to do is practice.

However, in order to practice properly,

he needs to make sure his answers

are good and his grammar is okay.

In other words, he needs
someone to help him.

The problem is, he doesn’t
know where to find a native

English speaker in his country,
but there is a solution.


I was so happy to partner
with Cambly for this video.

Cambly is a company that focuses on

giving one-on-one tutoring
in English for students.

It’s amazing.

What happens is all the
lessons are recorded

so you can watch them over and over again.

They have tutors from the USA,

Canada, Australia, and the UK.

Their tutors are available 24/7.

That’s right, 24 hours a
day, seven days a week,

and it’s always a one-on-one
private English lesson

and they offer tutors that specifically

are trained to help you with IELTS.

The other thing I love
about this company is,

they said that they want
to offer you as my student

a free 15 minute tutoring lesson.

That’s right, a free lesson.

The link is in the description so you

need to get it as soon as possible.

Also, if you wanna keep studying with them

as a tutoring session,

you can get 10% off all of their plans.

It’s an amazing offer.

Cambly, click the link in the description.

Let’s keep going now to
number two, the verbal style.

This style is used by the learner

who likes to speak more
when they are studying.

It mainly focuses on using repetition

to remember the information
that was studied.

Let’s meet Anh.

She is from Vietnam and the reason why

she is studying for
the IELTS speaking exam

is because she wants to get
a job in Australia next year,

and her study style is verbal.

The first thing that she should do is,

find a lesson in the book she chose

about the IELTS speaking exam.

Then, she needs to read the
main points from the lesson

out loud, that’s right, three times.

Remember, this is the verbal style

so speaking is the most important.

The second thing she should do is,

create a song, a rap, a jingle,

or something like that from the lesson.

She should find the parts that will be

helpful as she prepares for
the IELTS speaking exam.

Here, Anh has chosen to
pick the ability category

and there are three
points from this category

that she chose from the lesson.

She made a song or a
jingle to go along with it.

Her jingle, I’ll do it
really quickly for you, is,

ability, ability, tell me all about it.

Ability, ability, what’s yours about?

Ability, ability, when did it come?

Ability, ability, now tell me how.

This is the jingle that she chose

to make in order for her
to study for her test,

but you can choose
whatever jingle you want.

Let’s see what happens after that.

She needs to memorize
the song she created.

This step will have a big impact on

her ability to remember the information

when she takes the exam.

This is very key for the verbal style.

After she’s memorized,

the fourth thing she should do is,

say it while looking at
herself in the mirror.

By looking at herself say it,

the information will become
more ingrained in her memory.

This term ingrained just
means to stamp or to remain,

to stamp or to remain
in her memory because

her style is the verbal style.

After that, she needs to
apply what she memorized.

This step will give her the opportunity

to create her own answers based on the

song, the rap, or the jingle
she created from the lesson.

Let’s look at her answer a little closer.

The question is, can you sing?

Remember, the category
she studied was ability.

This is the category and the
jingle she made is right here.

Let’s see how she answered the question.

She said, “Singing is an ability
that many people desire.”

She told us about the ability.

Many people desire it.

Then she says, “Personally,
I think that I am an

okay singer because growing up,

people always told me
that I sang very well

in choirs and when I did
the occasional solo.”

Real quick, occasional.

Let me explain what that word means.

Occasional just means
sometimes, just means sometimes.

She actually answered what’s yours about

and when did it come in
this section right here.

Finally she said, “My
dad has an ear for music

so I think I may have gotten
my ability to sing from him.”

Last part is tell me how and she

answered it in this section.

She did a great job.

Let’s keep going.

She needs to practice.

She needs to make sure
her answers are good

and her grammar is okay.

She needs to find someone to practice with

before she takes her exam.

Remember I said before,

this is a very important step.

Now let’s go to number
three, the auditory style.

This style is used by the learner

who likes to listen more
when they are studying.

It mainly focuses on using audio files

to remember the information
that was studied.

Let’s meet Asnee.

He is from Thailand and the reason why

he is studying for the IELTS speaking exam

is because he wants to move to England

to expand his business and
his study style is auditory.

The first thing he should do is,

find a lesson in the book he chose

about the IELTS speaking exam.

Then, he needs to record
himself reading the lesson

or the categories out loud.

This is very, very important.

He needs to record himself.

The second thing he should do is,

listen to the recording
he made of himself.

He should listen to the recording

at least three to five times.

Remember, repetition is important.

This will help him learn and
understand the information.

The third thing he should do is,

shadow, or mimic, or copy the
recording he made of himself.

This step is similar to memorizing,

but it focuses on repetition as a way

to remember the important information.

After he’s finished shadowing,

he needs to apply what he listened to.

This step will give him the opportunity

to create his own answers based on

the audio file he created.

Let’s go into his answer.

Let’s say the question he gets is,

has your hometown changed
since you were a child?

The information he recorded
of himself is right here,

these three pieces of information.

The category that was
chosen when he studied was

a change from the past to the present,

a change from the past to the present.

This is the category that he studied.

When he has a question in that category,

he learned that he must
first say yes or no.

Did he do that?

Yep, he said, “Yes, my
hometown has changed

since I was a child.”

He answered the first part.

Then he needed to describe the past.

Let’s see.

He says, “In the past, my
hometown was very peaceful

and quiet because at that time,

the people in my hometown
would always come home

and just relax on their porches.”

Yes, he answered the second
part, describe the past.

I wanna explain something really quickly.

Porches, this is just the
front portion of a house

where people sit down.

This is a house.

On the front portion of that house,

there’s sometimes an area where people can

come out and sit in a chair.

They can sit in a chair.

That area is called a porch.

Let’s keep going.

Now he needs to give three similarities.

He says, “The three main differences

that I notice about my hometown

when I compare it to the past are

the increase in skyscrapers,
more tech industries,

and more hipsters.”

Yes, he did give three differences

in this section right here.

Very quickly, skyscraper.

A skyscraper is just a very tall building.

It is called a skyscraper because

the feeling is that the building is

literally inside or in
the clouds or in the sky

so we call that a skyscraper,
a very tall building.

A hipster.

A hipster is a very common
word we use in America.

A hipster refers to a person,

but it’s a person who really
cares about trends and fashion

so they are very trendy.

They like trends and fashion.

Let’s keep going.

He answered that very well,

but now he needs to practice.

He needs to make sure his answers

properly answer the question so he

needs to find someone to practice with

before he takes the exam.

Now let’s go on to number
four, the buddy style.

This style is used by the learner

who enjoys studying with others

more than studying alone.

It mainly focuses on explaining
and quizzing each other

on the information that was studied.

Let’s meet Alanza and Yara.

They are from Brazil and the reason

why they’re studying for
the IELTS speaking exam

is because they want to become

fashion designers in New York,

and their study style is the buddy style.

The first thing they should do is,

read through the lesson together.

They need to make sure that they

both understand the main
points of the lesson.

Then what they’re gonna do is,

explain the lesson to each other again.

The one explaining should be the

only one that’s looking at the book.

The other person should
not be looking at the book.

This will help them learn and
understand the information.

After that, they need to quiz
each other on the lesson.

This step is important because it will

help them see which parts of the lesson

they need to review again.

After they’ve quizzed each other,

they need to apply what
they studied together.

This step will give them the opportunity

to create their own answers
based on what they studied.

These ladies studied how
to describe a person.

They studied that lesson, that category.

This is an example answer they
could give for a question.

The question is, who is your best friend?

Since it says best friend,

it’s talking about, you got it, a person.

They’re gonna apply what
they studied together.

The first thing is name and relation.

One of them said, “My best
friend’s name is Samantha Smith.”

Very good.

They gave the name of the
person, Samantha Smith,

and the relation, best friend.

Let’s keep going.

Now they need to give three details.

“Three details about her are she is

from a small town in Michigan,

she majored in Computer
Science with me in university,

and she enjoys listening
to country music.”

Yes, this answered the three details.

Finally, general opinion.

“In my opinion, she is
the best friend anyone

could ever ask for because she has

been there for me through thick and thin.”

We’ve answered the question, that part,

giving her general opinion.

Very quickly, through thick and thin.

This is a very common
expression in America

or in English in general.

This expression just means
in good times and bad times,

good times and bad times.

It means that person is there with me,

that friend is always supporting me

in the good times and the bad times.

Through thick and thin.


She did a great job.

They did a great job of doing that.

The next thing is,
practice and corrections.

They need to check their
grammar and their answers.

They need to find a native
speaker to practice with

before they take their exam.

Remember, I told you guys about the

free 15 minute tutoring session.

They also need the same thing.

Let’s keep going.

Number five.

Number five is the visual style.

This style is used by the learner

who needs more visuals when studying.

It mainly focuses on using images,

videos, and other visual resources

to study and learn new concepts.

Let’s meet Yongjae.

He is from South Korea and the reason

why he’s studying for the
IELTS speaking exam is because

he wants to become a famous neurosurgeon,

and his study style is visual.

The first thing he should do is,

read a lesson from the book he chose

about the IELTS speaking exam.

He should make sure that he understands

the principles of the lesson.

The next thing is,

he should draw out the concept

or find images to match
the lesson he studied.

Let’s see right here.

He studied the category of
describing your favorite

and he chose to draw out the concept.

The first thing right here
is, a general statement.

What he did was he drew this to

represent a general statement
that everyone agrees with.

For your favorite, he chose
to draw a smiley face.

This is a visual trigger for him.

Finally, for three reasons why,

he just chose to write or
draw out the number three.

After he’s done this,

he needs to create flash
cards from the images

he created or found.

He’s making flash cards
for the category right here

using the drawings he
did in the previous step.

On the back, this is the
information for that category.

This step will have a big impact

on his ability to remember the information

when he takes the exam.

Now he needs to memorize.

He has to memorize the information

by using the flash cards to practice.

By memorizing what is on the flash cards,

the information will become
more ingrained, or stamped,

remember that word, in his memory.

After he’s memorized, he needs
to apply what he memorized.

This step will give him the opportunity

to create his own answers based on

the flash cards he
created from the lesson.

Let’s look at it a little closer.

Remember, the question is,
what is your favorite sport?

Remember, the category
he studied was favorite.

Favorites, this is the
category that he studied.

We have his drawings over here.

He did the first drawing
of the general statement,

then his favorite and three reasons.

Let’s see if he actually answered each.

What is your favorite sport?

For the general statement, he said,

“There are many types of
sports all over the world.”


Next, let’s see for his favorite, he said,

“However, my favorite
sport is basketball.”


Finally, for the last one
for three reasons, he said,

“The top three reasons why basketball

is my favorite sport are because

my dad taught me how to
play, it is a team sport,

and it requires good
hand-eye coordination.”

He gave one, two, and three.


Really quickly, hand-eye coordination.

I want to explain to you all
what this expression means.

It refers to the way one’s
hands and eyes work together

to accomplish a specific goal that

requires speed and accuracy,

something that requires
speed and accuracy.

These two things working together.

We say hand-eye coordination.


The next thing he needs
to do is, practice.

He needs to make sure his answers

are good and his grammar is okay.

He needs to find someone to practice with

before he takes his exam.

If you would like to
keep studying with me,

you can get my e-book,

How to Pass the IELTS Speaking
Exam by going to the link,

You can find any e-book,

but this book right here will help you

by teaching you the categories

and also the formulas for
answering the questions

so that you can pass
the IELTS speaking exam.

Don’t forget about the free 15 minute

English tutoring session
that Cambly wants to give you

by clicking in the link
in the description.

Watch the next video lesson on the

left side of your screen.

Remember, to speak English.