IELTS Speaking Practice With Vanessa and Jessica

hi everyone thank you for joining this

video I’m Vanessa from speak English

with Vanessa comm and today I have a

special guest this is Jessica from the

IELTS energy podcast and she is here to

tell us about the IELTS test and how it

can improve your English how it can

improve your life and we’re going to

talk about it together so Jessica would

you like to tell us a little bit about

the IELTS test sure yeah first of all

IELTS stands for the International

English Language Testing system so it’s

a long name for a test that is pretty

straightforward actually people have to

take this test in order to go to

english-speaking universities so that’s

the academic IELTS so I think every

english-speaking University in the world

accepts IELTS scores so if it’s your

dream to study your bachelor’s or get

your masters or PhD you’ll probably have

to take this test but there’s also a

general IELTS test and that’s for people

who want to move abroad maybe by

themselves or with their families so I

think like the goals for the general

test are sometimes bigger than the

academic test like some of my students

you know they want to move with their

kids from whatever country to like

Canada for example because the education

system is better or you know like they

have really huge goals for their lives

so IELTS can be really important for

some people yes yes so it’s useful if

you want to study abroad live abroad

work abroad just move abroad and a lot

of people that’s their goal you want to

learn English so that you can use it

with real live English speakers around

the world so this test is useful for

living and traveling and even if you’re

not going to take the IELTS exam I want

to tell you really quick why you should

watch this video and how it can be

useful to you so today Jessica and I are

going to be talking about this back and

forth so it’s going to be a really

useful time to hear native speakers

talking together we’re going to use a

lot of natural

Russians we’re gonna be talking back and

forth just in a casual natural way so

don’t leave if you are not taking the

IELTS test you too can benefit from this

video and you know what I’ve had some of

my best students are taking IELTS just

because they have hit a plateau in their

English studies you know they they don’t

have a specific goal anymore like they

know they want to speak English better

but they don’t know how and they don’t

like have any direction so some of the

students in our course actually they’re

doing this just to challenge themselves

and just for their own personal

satisfaction just to like have this

study plan that we created because our

study plan sure it focuses on testing

skills of course it’s a test preparation

course but it’s a balance so everything

on the study plan is a balanced one

activity a day is to do something in the

course like watch a lecturer and do some

worksheets maybe vocabulary or grammar

writing everything’s in there but then

the other activity is focused on

improving your overall English skills so

it could be an assignment like watch a

YouTube video for three minutes and try

and talk exactly like the person or you

know it it really is motivating for our

students so I yeah we’ve gotten really

good feedback even from people that

aren’t taking the test they still love

our course I think that’s a great point

to make that it’s a great thing to have

a goal when you’re learning English and

maybe if you feel like you’ve reached

that plateau you need something to

motivate you further and IELTS does have

a speaking section which is what we’re

going to talk about today so this test

is not simply about writing and reading

or listening but it’s also going to

challenge your speaking skills so today

we have a special surprise to test this

kind of question system and to use it

together so would you like to tell us a

little bit about the speaking section of

the test what can in learners expect for

the speaking section sure yeah the

speaking test is face-to-face with an

examiner so this is what sets it apart

from toe

because we get a lot of questions like

what’s the difference between IELTS and

TOEFL which one should I take I don’t

know um that’s a good question of course

I am on the IELTS side of things so I

think that it’s better than TOEFL um cuz

on TOEFL like it’s it’s not natural it’s

weird you have to like talk to a

computer and like Mads

odd that stuff doesn’t happen in real

life unless it’s like this you’re

talking to someone facing you on the

computer video TOEFL doesn’t have that

so on IELTS you sit in a room with an

examiner perhaps they look something

like me and uh and then there are three

parts on the speaking test so part one

is just like personal general questions

easy like do you like to go shopping

tell me about your apartment and stuff

like that and then part two is the long

turn sort of speech in a way you’re

given a topic and you have to talk about

it for two minutes um so that’s that

takes a lot of practice I think people

are really surprised when they start

practicing this and start trying and

then run out of stuff to say and and I

because I teach online a lot you know

our students in the course and you know

I’m just waiting and looking at them and

I’m like it’s that’s not even a minute

and it’s like what it felt forever so

yeah we do have to practice that part a

lot um and the part three those

questions are more difficult you know

stuff you expect on like an exam like

talk about the advantages and

disadvantages of wearing school uniforms

or I don’t know you know kind of boring

stuff um but these questions are really

fun to practice because they’re often

topics that people don’t talk about in

their native language right like I don’t

I don’t talk about this stuff with my

friends like it’s it’s weird so it is

really fun to practice these things and

it it motivates our students to start

reading newspaper you know to start

these other activities that really

benefit their their English overall but

also their lives because they’re

learning more information that they


otherwise so yeah lots of fun right and

practice and that’s a good point that

your students are also having a chance

to meet with you personally to practice

those skills so we’re going to talk

about how you can use Jessica and the

IELTS energies three keys course at the

end of this video but don’t forget about

it you can meet with her and really

learn in depth about how to succeed on

the IELTS test and the speaking section

so are you ready to practice some

questions together sure so I’m going to

ask you some speaking questions that

could definitely be on the exam are you

ready Vanessa I am going to try my best

all right so I’ll ask you some questions

and give you some feedback that would be

based on what an examiner would look for

okay first of all um Vanessa do you work

or are you a student I work at the

moment I have a job and I work for

myself my job is to teach English online

but I am also a student of life

I am always learning anything throughout

my life um how do you think your job

might change in the future oh that’s a

great question how will my job change in

the future well I think that as English

learners around the world find other

methods to learn English as English

becomes more popular or less popular I

will have to adapt and find other ways

and new ways to help people communicate


okay those that was great so um what the

examiner mind would be thinking with

that first of all you’re graded on four

things right so um pronunciation of

course perfect so you would get the

highest score there um the biggest thing

for raising someone’s speaking score on

the exam is pronunciation that

is the easiest category to raise your

score because if you show a motion if

you can laugh a little bit if your voice

goes up and down you’re gonna get a

seven or higher and that’s what most

students want so we focus on that a lot

in our course and grammar that’s the

hardest thing to raise your score I mean

you know as a teacher imagine like

improving someone’s grammar so

significantly in like a month like that

doesn’t happen really so I mean we do of

course talk about sentence structures

and stuff like that and the course but

really that is not the most efficient

use of one’s time um you did use some

interesting vocabulary so you had like

adapt for example so that would be a

high scoring word the examiner also

listens for interesting like idiomatic

language so these sort of natural

phrases that Vaness that you teach your

students these are the phrases that are

going to get students high scores on the

exam and the length of your answer was

good so in part one we want like three

to five sentences not too long not too

short um and you did speak a little bit

more slowly than you would naturally did

you feel that I felt like that because

especially I was thinking about my

answer and trying to formulate what I

wanted to say so would you suggest that

students speak slowly because they’re

thinking about it or would you suggest

that they just try to speak quickly I

think a lot of my students want to speak

quickly because that’s what they hear

native speakers doing so well what’s

your advice about that yeah um that’s a

really good question I think the mistake

that students make is trying to speak

too quickly and then they they make more

grammar mistakes their pronunciation

gets worse they they pause because they

can’t think of ideas fast enough so

speaking quickly hurts their score in so

many ways so yeah I always tell students

on test day speak a little bit more

slowly it gives you time to think it

helps you sort out your eye

Diaz in your vocabulary so it definitely

raises your score and like there’s no

you know like criteria that the

examiner’s looking at like speed very

fast good high score like that no that

doesn’t happen um and you also had like

a filler phrase there to give yourself

time to think like oh that’s a great

question so that’s a test strategy right

like in some of my youtube videos and

some of our podcasts we talked about

these natural phrases that students can

use on the exam to not only by

themselves time to think but when you

use a phrase like that like oh gosh my

my mind just went blank just a second

okay like if you’re you know talking

through your thoughts like that that

that raises your vocabulary score right

because it’s these natural native

speaker phrases um and those are things

that most courses and textbooks don’t

teach students like I’ve never seen a

textbook say how to say your mind is

blank I got never see it so yeah we chat

and you try to do the same thing right

you want your students to speak like

people do today not like a textbook that

was written 20 years ago but right like

how do we really talk yeah that’s what’s

valuable yeah yes so some of the main

points you said to are to improve your

score pronunciation is something that

you can really focus on to improve

quicker than say general grammar and

also improving these kind of filler

expressions thinking about some of them

may be learning a couple filler

expressions or high-quality vocabulary

words that you can use in any


so the expression I use to say oh that’s

a good question or I’ll just a moment

let me think about it

you can use that with any question it

doesn’t matter what they ask you so

thinking about some of those to

purposefully use on the test could help

yeah definitely I mean looking at some

of the material that you’ve produced and

then comparing that with also some of

the stuff that we give our students it’s

the dick is crossed over I mean there

are so many similarities

wait I don’t want people to think about

IELTS as you know removed from real life

right because that’s kind of how we

think about tests sometimes and the fact

is like it’s not just some university

algebra exam or whatever like it’s it’s

not that it’s a language test it’s a

test of your English so you have to have

you have to have good English you have

to try and approach how native speakers

communicate so all the stuff that you’re

teaching your students would directly

transfer to the exam and raise people’s

scores so yeah it was fun for me looking

at some of your materials and being like

ah I use that like I put that in my

course too so yeah it’s really cool yeah

a lot of those natural expressions are

crossed over in daily life in

professional life business English exam

IELTS speaking test you can use a lot of

those natural expressions in a variety

of situations for sure no let’s see this

was the first section you said there’s

different sections so this was the first

section what about the next part the

longer part do you do you want to try

this and stuff okay well I think it

would be a good chance to show people

who are watching this what a good or bad

answer might be and some of your tips

yeah perfect

okay um so on the real exam the student

would have one minute to prepare their

answer so they get a pencil and paper

and they get to take notes and that’s

their chance to organize and think but

Vanessa you don’t give that minute all

right so this is a bigger challenge um

Vanessa I would like you to describe

your best friend from high school

oh okay and can I can I ask you a

question first before we get started

when the students go to the exam and

they have this section is there going to

be a timer is there any way that they

can know how long they’ve been talking

yeah that’s a good question so um it’s

not up to the student to keep track

luckily they don’t that’s one less thing

they have to think about um the examiner

times everything right like that’s part

of their job they keep track of

everything so I am the examiner in this

situation I’m just gonna

hold a timer up on my phone this trusty

tool and then okay are you ready to

start speaking I’m reading right go


all right so my best friend in high

school my best friend in high school I

met her my second to last year of high

school and her name is Kate and we have

a lot in common because we both really

enjoy doing energetic fun things we

weren’t really too serious so we really

liked to listen to music together and

run around and do silly things and dress

up together and I think these kind of

activities helped our friendship to grow

and there was one time that we had a

really great memory together my final

year of high school my senior year we

were in a play together so every night

we went to play practice with the

theater class and we just practiced the

play and we dated again and again and

just had a lot of fun memories with our

other friends but also with each other

because it was you know in this fun

setting where we were both having a good

time and enjoying memorizing lines and

talking about you know what we were

gonna do in the play and what we were

gonna wear and where we were gonna move

so I think those memories really

solidified our friendship and even now

we still talk through the internet and a

couple weeks ago I met with her for the

first time in a couple years actually

because I’d been living abroad so we got

together again and it was just really

cool to pick up where we left off and

just chat about high school or chat

about what we were doing I got to meet

her boyfriend she got to meet my husband

and we just really fell back into our

friendship so I feel really lucky to

have a friend like her who saw me during

those times of being a teenager and

being in high school and just you know

getting together and having fun together

but now that we’re adults really getting

to know each other

who we are now that’s good that’s two

minutes that’s two minutes so like a

long time I know right like I could see

as you were speaking there were a couple

seconds between thoughts where you’re

like I still am talking like there’s

still more time you know what I mean

like it does feel like a long time um so

that’s why I mean so obviously like

you’re a native speaker you teach

English for a living you know how to

talk and even for you this two minutes

was like kind of weird like really how

do I fill this not only how do I fill

this because obviously you’re able to

keep talking but how do I fill this in

an organized way that will give me a

high score on the exam right so um

that’s why on in our course and actually

we have a recent podcast episode about

this how to do part 2 describing people

because in part 2 there’s like four

basic things you’re gonna describe a

person a place an object or an event and

experience so there’s a little four

general things um well I just moved

really fast I wonder if the camera

caught me um so yeah so this describing

a person is like likely that you would

get something like that so um we did a

whole episode about a strategy for that

first you describe what they look like

because in your description Vanessa and

it’s funny because Lindsey did this -

when she practice um and a lot of my

students do this like you never actually

described what she looked like or her

personality you know like you know what

I mean I’m like where are the activities

we did together but maybe not those

really simple things yeah so I think

it’s it’s nice to have a strategy for

each of these things like when you’re

asked to describe a person first of all

like directly answer that so this is

part of English communication right

being more direct then a lot of people

are in their own language or culture so

this is another thing to practice not

only for the test but just for life in

general if your

now live or study abroad so we want to

answer the question directly right away

so if you’re asked to describe a person

first of all describe what they look

like and then describe their personality

and then tell a story about that person

so I think the most like coherent and

organized part of your response was the

story about the play right because like

when you tell a story it’s naturally

organized so that’s a strategy we

practice in our course like how to

tackle any part two question with a

story and that’s just that’s a fun thing

to practice just for communication but

it’s a like a necessary test strategy

sure and that’s going to help students

feel like that two minutes passes faster

than it would otherwise because they’ve

got something that they’re following and

two minutes goes by quicker when you’re

telling a story about first I did this

then I did this then I did this and this

is the conclusion it feels a little more

natural than just trying to think about

random ideas about that question exactly

exactly and it also improves usually

their pronunciation and their vocabulary

because when you’re telling a story you

have specific details in mind and that

makes your vocabulary more specific

right and that’s again how you raise

your score and then as far as

pronunciation goes if you compare a

student’s answer like if they’re just

thinking about a test answer like my

friend is very nice she and they just

kind of you know like sound nervous but

if they start telling a personal story

they relax and that reflects in their

pronunciation and they get more

expressive and like I said like that’s

how you raise your pronunciations go so

all of these strategies that we talk

about in our course and on our podcast

they’re directly linked to raising your

score um and it’s not like tricks and

you know like secrets and like sabotage

the exam like you know like these are

just logical skills that you’re gonna

need when you speak English anytime

especially telling a story when you do

that you’re gonna do that with friends

so when you take the IELTS exam you’re

probably gonna use that in the two

minutes section but when you go to

Canada and you meet a new friend and

they ask you o what do you think about

Canada you’re gonna have to use a story

oh it’s pretty good yesterday this

happened that’s gonna be a story so

using those storytelling skills it’s

really valuable yeah totally I think

this is something that as as English

teachers we practice with students all

the time

so there’s I mean there are reasons for

that so yeah exactly I mean I think

students get really nervous about

participating in a conversation with

native speakers like I freaked out if

I’m like in a group of Spanish speakers

and I’m like ooh what am I gonna say but

if you you have to rehearse it you have

to practice and you’re exactly right

like this is what we do in conversations

we tell stories about our life so yeah

yes yes and that’s a question I’d like

to ask you as well that some of my

students have asked me about the IELTS

exam they were wondering should they

practice their answers is it something

that is going to make it seem less

natural if like today you asked me a

question about my best friend from high

school if the examiner asked me that

question would it seem less natural

would it really be helping my speaking

skills do you recommend that students

practice actual answers in advance or

just you know general English improving

skills um no they definitely have to

practice questions that might be on the

exam because the questions change all

the time and not only that but the

examiner has like so many questions to

choose from you never know what question

you’re gonna be asked same in the

writing you never know what you’re gonna

have to write about that doesn’t mean

that you can’t practice writing an essay

you know what I mean like it’s the same

it’s communication and you’re you’re not

practicing specific answers you’re

practicing your fluency right in

speaking and writing you’re practicing

getting the ideas out you’re practicing

organizing these ideas and you’re

practicing the the structure that the

examiner is looking for

and the fulfilling the expectations that

the examiner is looking for so in our

course I go through really specific

skills linked to the tests and the

grades and you practice each thing on

its own right so it’s all based on test

practice but it’s very like specific

skills that they’re working on so yeah

you definitely have to practice real

IELTS questions and they’re not going to

be the same as on test a if they are I

will be shocked sure and that’s great

advice is to practice that flow in the

order and the different skills that you

need to use yeah you need to practice

that that makes sense and I’m not also

Logan see right that’s half of the

battle is just getting the words out you

guys um and let me first note some of

the awesome vocabulary some of the

awesome vocabulary that Vanessa was able

to get out on that speaking part to

answer so I noted some stuff down like

you said pick up where we left off right

like that’s a great phrase and these are

phrases that if a student used on the

exam the examiner would be like really

impressed and start thinking oh like

maybe it’s the seven so these key little

phrases you said solidified our

relationship like that’s really an

advanced word can you imagine hearing a

student say that you’d be so impressed

so like this these are things that guys

if you’re watching and you’re studying

for IELTS you need to write some of this

stuff down because this is like gold for

increasing your score sure so so far

improve your pronunciation improve your

expressions use these natural kind of

expressions and also high-level

vocabulary slip in a couple words that

you feel comfortable using and use

expression to describe your answers and

I’m also curious about the third section

you said is gonna be more general yeah

called questions exactly so the what the

examiner says to introduce it is the she

she he explains that the topics of part

three are

laid into the topic of part two but

they’re more general okay so and more

difficult because the test gets more

difficult as you know you go along just

like any test so if you were asked to

describe your best friend then a part

three question might be um how do people

make friends today in different ways

than they did in the past mmm so this is

my question I will try my best to answer

it that’s for you go okay yes do people

make friends differently yes I think

that people make friends differently now

because of the internet I think that

people often find friends through social

media or they stay in touch with our

friends through the internet more often

than like our grandparents did so I feel

like most people nowadays contact their

friends through the internet instead of

going over to their house and that’s

probably how we meet people in the first

place too is through the internet or

through more modern means than just I’m

gonna stop you there I’m gonna stop you

there no that was great

I just wanna to note because if this

were like valid test practice which all

the test practice you do should be valid

right it should mirror the exam to

prepare you in as many ways as possible

so like if you were my student I would

have to stop you because in part three

your answer can’t be too long because

the examiner wants to ask you three to

five questions and it has to fit into

four to five minutes so your answer

should be like um 45 seconds to a minute

and these are these are testing

strategies and skills that you have to

practice right another reason you have

to practice for the exam is just getting

used to what two minutes feels like what

45 seconds feels like right so a

strategy to tackle part three questions

would be um to have very organized

answers so you don’t repeat yourself

like even in your answer Vanessa like

you started to sort of repeat ideas

right like so we do meet friends

mine and like yeah so and that’s

something that might lower your fluency

score so we want to practice being very

direct first of all I give your opinion

straight away a reason an example a

conclusion and like that and that’s

something that’s great to practice

because maybe it doesn’t come as

naturally if you’re just talking with a

friend maybe you’re gonna be a little

less direct or maybe not quite as

organized so practicing that organized

speech is really valuable for the third

section mmm-hmm yeah exactly so um

speaking part three it’s like an

academic essay really I mean all the

linking words the organization the

advice we give students about writing an

academic essay it transfers to speaking

part three so there’s a lot of crossover

they’re like what linking words to

memorize how specific your example

should be so it’s yeah it’s it’s

important to practice this sure sure and

that’s a lot of great advice I really

appreciate you telling me nuts so I can

pass it along to my students and also

all the people who are watching this I

think hopefully they have pages and

pages of notes already there’s a lot of

valuable things that you talked about

and the good thing is this video is

going to be on YouTube so people can

watch it as many times as they’d like

review it a lot I recommend it and you

also have a lot of information that

you’ve already put together on your

podcast in the course the three keys

course so could you tell us a little bit

more first about your podcast and then

about the course yeah yeah so we have a

podcast called IELTS energy and we come

out with four episodes a week we’re into

the 200s now I think we’ve done like 220

episodes already um they’re around 15

minutes on average

I think we’re getting longer now because

we just like to talk so much but they’re

all focused on like really specific

things about the test like what should

you wear on test day um what is what are

some good linking words for part 2 how

should I answer questions about the


what are four phrasal verbs like

use in part one like it’s really

specific stuff um and really helpful

we’ve had students just like listen to

the podcast to prepare for the exam um

and then we have a youtube channel as

well same name IELTS energy so I come

out with two YouTube videos a week about

five minutes also very specific things

about the test um and we’ve compiled all

of our ideas and strategies cuz we don’t

give it all away in the podcast but

we’ve come out with a course called

three keys IELTS and we came out with it

last year we’ve had a couple hundred

students go through it already

um in fact yesterday I just talked to a

student who had never taken the test

before and she took our course and she

got an 8.5 in a reading like wow that’s

a great review that’s incredible

yeah like even native speakers can’t do

that like what it’s good and she’s a new

mom like she just had a baby and are

like how do what so we interviewed her

for the podcast and very cool story very

inspirational but we have a lot of

students like that who have come to us

with these amazing score so one of the

biggest advantages of our course one of

the biggest motivators for students is

the study plan um cuz I think that’s

what freaks students out the most is

like how much time do I have to spend on

this people are busy you’ve had a baby

you have a job you know people are busy

so I have organized your time for you I

tell you exactly what to do every day

and it’s very efficient there’s no

wasted time like in the classroom

teachers have to feel time right like

you get paid by the hour or whatever any

leg okay let’s do a warmer let’s you

know have a conversation for now it’s

not test practice they’re just filling

time on the online course I don’t do

that everything is useful everything’s

directly connected um and one of the

greatest feedback the things that I’ve

had from a student is that she felt like

she was kind of shy she feels like she’s

kind of shy and taking our course

as in

creased her confidence in speaking

English because of the motivation

because of these I mean it’s full of

energy it’s full of cool activities to

do that not only improve your testing

scores but also your overall English so

yeah the feedback on our course has been

amazing yeah that’s a really great way

to know - that what you’re doing is

working if it’s working for a lot of

other people I mean that’s the first

thing we do whenever we buy anything

when I go to Amazon the first thing I do

is look at the reviews and if you had a

lot of students who have said wow this

has really improved my score it’s really

improved my confidence my speaking

skills that is what you want I mean

that’s the goal you don’t want to waste

your time and from my personal point of

view I think the best thing about

courses like this compared to free

information online is the organization

you know that you’re not wasting any

time because a professional you has made

that plan so that they know exactly what

they should do and how to use that

material there’s a lot of free

information out there but you have to

organize it and figure out how to do it

maybe you’re not sure if it’s the best

way to really use that information so

your course is really organized and is

gonna help people and already has

already helped so many people like

achieve that seven eight I mean it’s

incredible and honestly like there’s a

lot of IELTS information online and I

you know I look through it because I

recommend resources to students and a

lot of it is just oh okay not a lot of

it but there’s some really really bad

information out there and like I’ve been

working with IELTS for what like 12

years now I know this test inside it out

I know exactly what you have to do to

get the scores you need um and I’ve been

teaching it forever so there’s a new

teacher she might give you you know 10

steps for example to find a reading

question with me 3 steps like everything

is boiled down to three steps that’s why

it’s called three keys IELTS because

everything is as simple as possible just

the easiest way to like find the answers

yes and I think that’s a

thing to do is define simplicity instead

of trying to find twenty reasons or

these top 50 things that you need to

know focus on the simplest way to reach

that goal and we also have something

special that Jessica and I have put

together for those of you who would love

to join the IELTS three Keys IELTS

course we have two special bonuses one

of them is if you use the link that’s

with this video you will get $50 off the

course and you will also get five bonus

pronunciation audio lessons from me so

the courts is Jessica’s material this is

the IELTS three Keys IELTS material from

her but the five pronounciation audio

lessons are from me they’re associated

with my course 50 natural English

expressions but they will work for

anything you need to improve your

pronunciation like we talked about for

the IELTS exam so these audio lessons

will also help you to improve just an

extra bonus for you all so this bonus is

going to be available only for a short

time so it’s going to be available for

one week March 1st 2016 until March 7th

2016 so this is just a limited time if

you’re watching this at you can still

get the $50 off but these five

pronunciation lessons will not be

included so don’t wait and I’m really

glad that we can offer this to you guys

it’s really cool to be able to interview

Jessica and talk about these things

together and I mean the bonus that the

bonus that you added is perfect because

like I said I mean students freaked out

about the speaking test it is scary and

helping your pronunciation helping

students with their pronunciation that’s

the easiest way to increase their score

so this this package is like a dream for

IELTS to do it should be a dream for all

students yes yes and I really appreciate

you taking your time to to explain

everything about IELTS I think that

people who are watching this will learn

more about you and also just feel

comfortable with your teaching styles


that you really know the IELTS test and

you’re not teaching it just as test

taking skills but this is speaking and

general English skills that’s going to

help them in a lot of situations and

it’s not boring I have gone through so

many like online IELTS classes and whip

you know to compare whatever what other

people are doing oh my goodness like so

many of the videos are like an old

British dude and like a bad jacket like

in front of a whiteboard you know like I

obviously our course is not like that

it’s me and I have this much energy all

the time so yes yes you’ll have fun and

enjoy yourself and also be able to

improve so sounds like the winning

combination totally exactly yes and

thanks so much for taking the time to

make this video together to give this

really valuable information to everyone

who’s watching and just explain the

IELTS test further thanks so much

Jessica my pleasure it was super fun

Vanessa thank you for having me it was

awesome oh it’s my pleasure and I hope

we can talk to you again everyone who is

interested in joining your course will

see you again they will see you inside

the course and they’ll also get my

pronunciation lessons I’m sure that will

be great yep you will see hours of me in

the course wonderful that sounds like a

good deal so thanks so much and have a

wonderful rest of your day awesome thank

you you too Vanessa hi