Speak English Everyday to Improve English Speaking skills

listen to English every day to improve

English listening skills

listening English practice slowly

where is Jane

she is in the living room

what is she doing

she is playing the piano

where is the car

it is in the garage

where is the dog

the dog is in the front door

what is the dog doing

the dog is eating

where are you

I am in the kitchen

what are you doing

I am cooking dinner

where are Bill and Mary

they are in the living room

what are they doing

they are watching TV

where is the cat

she is in the dining room

what is she doing

she is sleeping

who is she

she is my sister

what’s her name

her name is Jennifer

where is she in this photograph

she’s in Toronto

what is that building behind her

she’s standing in front of the CN tower

where is the school

it’s between the library and the park

where is the post office

it’s across from the movie theater

where is the Royal Bank

it’s next to the supermarket where is

the gas station it’s around the corner

from the church where is the barbershop

it’s near the bus station excuse me can

you tell me the way to the nearest bank

yes it’s on Geneva Street as a matter of

fact I am going that way myself may I

help you yes please I am looking for an

umbrella what’s your favorite color it’s


excuse me is this your umbrella no it

isn’t are you sure

yes I am sure are you married no I’m not

I’m single tell me about your new car is

it large no it’s not it is small

tell me about the questions in your

English book are they difficult no

they’re not they are easy tell me about

your new neighbors are they quiet no

they’re not they are noisy his Alice

young or old she is young

is Bella tall or short he is short

his Albert’s apartments big or little

it’s small were the last examinations

easy or difficult they were difficult is

Juli married or single she is single

will you be home at about 6 o’clock yes

I will I’ll be cooking dinner hey grant

what’s a grant the government is giving

her money to pay for her education

that’s right

does it pay for everything no she has a

loan - what’s the difference between a

loan and a grant you have to pay back

alone a grant is a gift would you like

to go to a pop concert well I’d like to

but when is it maybe you could change

your plans it’s going to be a really

great concert maybe I will I wouldn’t

want to miss it do you have a cold yes

that’s why I’m sneezing so much are you

taking anything for your cold I’m taking

contact does it help yes but it makes me

sleepy what are you looking for my

jacket I’m going to the doctor why

what’s the problem I am not sure but I

don’t feel well do you have a fever no

but I have a pain in my chest what time


your appointment 11:30 and going now by

can you help me officer I’ll try what’s

the problem where are your keys they’re

in the car how can you do that with a

coat hanger it’s easy where can we get a

coat hanger there’s one in the police

car wait here where do you want to go 70

Maple Street please where are you from


what time do you get up at 6 o’clock why

do you get up so early

I have to be at work by seven o’clock

what do you do I own a bookstore what

time does your store open at 8:30

o’clock get me another drink I guess if

you’re lazy no one else is allowed to be

what’s wrong there’s something wrong

with the phone I’m getting a strange

noise what’s the matter with the phone

listen to this particular noise it

doesn’t sound like a dial tone how do we

do that we can’t use the phone let’s go

next door and use our neighbor’s phone

how about across the street I forgot

about mrs. Reilly I’m sure she’d let us

use her phone does it take long to get a

visa it depends on the season anywhere

from one month to two months

what do I need to do fill out an

application form and wait will there be

a long waiting period not if you don’t

run into any government delays

well this woman may be suitable for the

job but is she energetic enough yes she

certainly seems to have a lot of energy

she’s got to be ambitious too is she yes

she has plenty of ambition and we really

need a flexible sort of person do you

think she is she seems to be determined

enough but she’s a little tough what are

you so happy about

you’re grinning from ear to ear sandy

and I are going out this weekend which

night are you going to see her Friday or

Saturday on Friday she isn’t going to be

in town on Saturday and Sunday what are

you going to do on Friday I don’t know


how about taking her to a Chinese

restaurant I’ve heard that she likes

Chinese food that’s a great idea what

are you going to wear on your date I’m

going to wear my new suit how about your

sports jacket are you going to wear it

on Friday night no I am NOT go ahead and

wear it did you sleep okay last night

no I didn’t what did you do yesterday I

went to a nightclub last night and

danced all night did you have

a good time I had a wonderful time but

I’m beat today what time did you leave

the nightclub I left at about 3:00 a.m.

which nightclub did you go to

fantastic it’s on Ontario Street it’s

really nice

you already have your ticket yes here

you are can you put your luggage up here

please sure I have three suitcases

can I carry this one with me

no I’m sorry it won’t fit under your

seat that’s $45 a window seat or an

aisle seat

I’d like a window seat please

can I see your passport certainly here

it is have you got anything to declare

yes I have I’ve got some whiskey and

some cigarettes

how much whiskey have you got

a leader and how many cigarettes have

you got 200 what about perfume no I

haven’t a boy or a girl you never saw

such a cute girl nine pounds three

ounces and as cute as a button doesn’t

this call for cigars oh yes I forgot

about the cigars here have one how’s

your wife she’s just fine

where are you going to Canada

why are you going there I’m going to

learn English there’s a school there

that has an excellent program

if learning English going to be

difficult yes I have to study and

practice a lot where is your school it’s

in a town called st. Catherine’s in

Ontario where’s Kevin he’s in front of

the house what is he doing washing his

car not again yes he takes good care of

his car yeah what are you getting

chicken peas and baked potatoes how

about steak perfect

I’ll get steak and mashed potatoes what

vegetables are you getting I’m not

getting any I don’t like vegetables

what is it lisa is going to have a baby

do they want a boy or a girl

hey girl

when’s the baby due in the beginning of

September do you work around here yes I

work in that building across the street

really what do you do I work in a law

office I am a secretary what about you

what do you do I work at Daru restaurant

are you a cook no I’m a waitress do you

live alone Jean no I don’t I live with

my family how about you

whom did you marry his name is Jeff hunt

he lives in my building Oh what does he

do he’s a doctor do you do everything

yourself I trimmed the bush and weed the

flowerbeds myself who cuts the grass oh

it’s so big that I’d hire one of the

boys in the neighborhood to do it for me

why what’s the problem he’s not doing

well in school did you talk to his

teachers yes I did what did they say

he’s a nice boy but he’s very lazy have

you thought about getting him a tutor

maybe that’s a good idea I really want

him to excel it what time is it

it’s 3 o’clock can I Drive you there

sure that will help

do you have a toothache yes and it’s

very bad who is it it’s me dear do you

have your key no let me in what’s in

that box what did you get a new dress

honey what’s wrong with all the other

dresses they’re not this one that’s a

great idea where shall we go let’s go to

the park how far is it about a mile is

it a nice place

sure it has picnic tables and a

beautiful lake

what’s so terrific about it I’m going

skiing skiing are you serious yes

it’s lots of fun do you make dinner

every night yes I usually make dinner

and my husband washes the dishes

where do you live

near the pen center

does your husband help you do housework


yes he sets the table almost every night

and he makes our bed every morning but I

usually make all the meals how about

cleaning we clean the house together

every weekend I vacuum the rooms and he

usually sweeps the floor of the kitchen

and he does yard work does he help with

the laundry too well he’s never helped

me do the laundry hey Cindy

have you finished the exam yes I have

whew was it hard well yes it was pretty

hard did you pass I don’t know mrs.

Lester didn’t tell me what questions did

she ask first she asked me what my name

was that was easy wasn’t it yes except I

couldn’t remember then she asked me

where I came from and how long it took

to get here from my country and what

else did she ask she asked how long I’ve

been studying English here in Canada and

she asked how I would use English in the

future Oh would you do me a favor sure

do you need a hand oh can you that would

be great can you go to the mall and buy

her a new robe pick up the dry-cleaning

and get the cake from the bakery then

what will you be doing sleeping of

course are you going out with Leonard


uh-huh he’s supposed to pick me up at

6:30 what time is it now where are you

going we haven’t made up our minds yet

maybe to a movie maybe to a party do you

want to go shopping tomorrow I’d like to

but it depends I might have to go to the

store tomorrow and do some work

good afternoon Scott and Smith may I

help you

may I speak to mr. Scott and mr. Smith

please is there any message I can take

mr. Martin no I’ll call back later can I

get you something to drink a cup of

coffee please with milk and sugar a

little milk but no sugar what do you

drink with supper tea it helps me relax

how about a drink tonight

I’d love to where can we meet how about

the relaxed bar what time is 8:00

o’clock okay what are you taking for

your throat hot tea and honey are you

going to work today No

I’m staying home do you like my new coat

it looks terrific how much was it

$80 where did you get it at Sears what’s

the temperature it is 70 degrees is it

cold out yes it’s cold and windy where

are you going to the post office would

you buy some stamps for me sure how many

do you want 10 here’s the money for the

stamps do you like the snow no I hate it

why snow is so pretty yes but I don’t

like to drive in it how far is it to

work six miles are we going to get much

snow about 12 inches they say when is

your vacation it starts next week where

are you going we’re renting

house on the shore do you swim a lot not

very much

why are you going to the shore because

we all bought new swimsuits who are you

playing with some friends from work

are you a good soccer player yes but I’m

not the best player on the team what

time does the game begin

nine o’clock why don’t you come with me

I can’t today

I’m very busy how old is she she’s 16

what’s your cousin’s name Cathy I’m

going to her house after dinner how old

is she she’s 24 is she pretty yes and

she’s very nice too is she single

no she’s married and has two children

what are you getting Jim for his

birthday I don’t know yet how about a

briefcase good idea his briefcase is

getting old

hello is Mary there

I’m sorry you have the wrong number

is this six eight five five two nine

zero no it’s not would you like anything

else you haven’t eaten very much

no thanks I’m already full how do you

take it with sugar please no cream

what’s a bidet

it’s like a toilet only better I’ll let

you figure it out

are there any plates yes there are

are there any chairs in here no there

aren’t but there are some in the living

room where is your meeting in Dallas

Texas how are you going by plane do you

like to fly sure it’s fast and

comfortable what flight are you taking

flight 2:07 and your name please

Henry Chandler are you free Friday night

I might not be in town I’m not sure yet

a friend suggested I go to Vancouver

what are you thinking of doing we’re not


we might go to a bar but we’ll probably

go to see AI how’s your new job I

started working today how does it seem

so far it’s demanding but I’m happy to

be working what’s your boss like he

appears to be very thoughtful and kind

but they all do it first I guess we’ll

have to see did you see my car keys

they’re on top of the TV where are you


to the supermarket do you want me to go

with you sure if you can is your bank

near here yes it’s only four blocks away

on Vine Street are you sure it’s not out

of your way no not at all when can I see

doctor no he won’t be free until

tomorrow can I make an appointment sure

how about tomorrow at 10 o’clock

can you make it 9:00 I’ll check to see

if he’s available I’m sorry but he’s

tied up until 10 o’clock well can’t you

squeeze me in somehow

I’m afraid not how about after lunch

will 1 o’clock be all right

that’s perfect thank you excuse me may I

see your license

I’m afraid I’ve left it at home can I

put it all in one bill no we prefer

separate checks would you check it again


sorry ma’am this is your friend’s bill

here is yours it is $24 and 16 cents yes

can I help you yes

I’d like some information about buses

please where to to Toronto

when this Saturday morning or afternoon

in the afternoon about 3 o’clock

good morning Scott and Smith’s law

office may I help you yes may I speak to

David Waller please how do you spell

your last name v-a-l-e what’s your phone

number or does mr. Waller have it uh no

he doesn’t it’s six eight zero five two

nine zero I’m sorry could you repeat

that six eight two zero five two nine

zero why do you need alone I have to buy

a new car what’s wrong with your car

they won’t

art and it’s ten years old how much will

a new car cost about $15,000 what kind

of work do you do I’m a cashier at a

supermarket do you like your job no it’s

not very interesting how are you

settling in oh we’re still in a bit of a

mess but Lisa seems to like it here is

there a garden for her to play in yes

it’s not very big but we’ve got a small

swimming pool have you found a school

for Gerry yes there’s one near here it

only takes five minutes by car so you

like it there

do you Neil yes this is a very good

place for my children

is there a bakery near here yes you can

get there in five minutes why are you

going to the bakery to buy a birthday

cake whose birthday is it my daughter’s

she’s 10 will you get some bread for me

sure do you want anything else no thanks

I’ll pay you when you get back what

exactly are you looking for I’m not sure


perhaps you can help me what’s the stone

it’s a ruby sir and it’s only $1,200

how old is she she’ll be seven years old

on Sunday what about a Barbie doll set I

don’t think so

she has many Barbie dolls have you got

anything educational you see she’s a

very intelligent girl

I’ve got the perfect thing can I get

some tickets for plays yes is there a

specific play that you want to see what

plays are on tonight cats but it’s sold


are there any seats left for tomorrow

night yes how many tickets do you want

two please where would you like to sit

I’m not sure how much is it in the

middle section $50 how much is it in the

back $35 what time does the play start

at 7 o’clock what time will the play be

over at 9:30 are you ready

grace is still in her room what time

does the movie begin it starts at 9:30

what’s the time now about 7:10 I thought

that movie was terrific didn’t you I

don’t know it didn’t seem to have any

meaning I see you

reading Harry Potter how do you like it

I can’t put it down

have you read it yes in fact I just

finished it the endings what kind of job

a secretarial job sandy is that you yes


who’s this it’s Jill why didn’t you call

me I wanted to call you but I couldn’t

remember your phone number when did you

start smoking I started smoking when I

was 18 so how long have you been a

smoker I’ve smoked for 20 years how many

cigarettes do you smoke a day I smoked

two packs of cigarettes a day have you

ever tried to quit yes I had quit twice

once when I was expecting my baby Paul

and the other time when I had a bad sore

throat did you hear about the Smith

family no what happened had she been

suffering from heart disease yeah mrs.

Smith had it for five years before she

died did they try surgery she had two

operations but they weren’t effective

have you heard about the good news in

the Wallace family no I’ve been out of

town but they already have a little girl

don’t they

no they have a five-year-old boy so they

wanted a girl this time right yes they

wanted a girl for a long time

was it natural childbirth no she had to

have a cesarean what are you doing here

Tommy I don’t believe it I’m going to

see my daughter she will marry this

weekend when is your daughter’s wedding

Sunday where is your train leaving from

my train leaves from platform 3 over

there how have you been good I hear

you’ve been to Toronto for a few days

did you have a nice visit really nice it

was very good going around downtown and

shopping you’ve met Stanley haven’t you

sure I met him when he was here in

Hamilton last year what’s he doing these

days still teaching baseball yes as a

matter of fact he just began to teach

elementary school

have you met my nieces yes they visited

you once in the summer didn’t they did

you ask her out yes we went to a French

restaurant what time with this class be

over it will finish at 3 o’clock

have you seen

my book no but I’ll ask around

what will become of that old car I think

they will sell it to a museum where’s

bill he’s lying down on the couch can I

help you yes I’m looking for the

restroom is he sleeping

no he saw some blood and passed out when

is dinner in a few minutes please help

me clean off the table why did you buy

that suit I want to dress up for the

party what time it does the store closed

call and find out do you know where

Anne’s house is yes I do I pass by it

every day when I walk home from school

how did you get over your cold so fast

I ate 30 oranges a day for three days

what time do you get up

usually at 7:30 but on weekends I get up

later was it easy to find the house yeah

the pink paint really makes it stand out

what do you do at your new job I stand

on the sidewalk and hold up the

advertising sign of the restaurant can I

borrow your car

sure but bring it back before five

o’clock please why did the car stop

because we just ran out of gas

do you have any more DVD players sorry

we are all sold out do you have any pets

I had a puppy but it ran away two weeks

ago is everyone back from lunch

yes let’s carry on with the meeting

where do you want this box just put it

down by the door Thanks how much juice

do you want I’m very thirsty please fill

up my cup why is mrs. Jones crying her

son went off to fight in the war did Bob

leave already yeah

set out early this morning what happened

to my flowers that boy ran over them on

his bike do you work out yes I run to

the donut shop every morning why did you

buy my lunch today I wanted to make up

for being late last week

where should I put my jacket you can

hang it up in the closet can I borrow

your bicycle yes as long as you give it

back by 5 o’clock

where are you going I am going to Ann’s

house she is sad because her dog died so

I am going to try to cheer her up

did you find your missing dog yeah he

turned up last night is John going to

buy a new house no he’s going to fix up

his old one why is the shoe store closed


the owner passed away this morning who

left the door unlocked last night well

we can rule out Mike he’s out of town

how did the fire start the old gas

heater blew up you named your dog Tweety

it’s the best I could come up with have

you heard from Ted yet yes he sent me a

letter last week and I’m going to write

back to him tonight why did the dinosaur

die out because the weather got too very

cold what happened to all the trees they

burned down in the forest fire last year

why are you working three jobs I have to

back the money I borrowed from the bank

do you like cleaning your room no I put

it off as long as possible have you

decided what to order I need more time

to think it over

why were you late for work today a fire

broke out in my apartment this morning

how should I care for this plant you

have to give it water every day why did

you keep out of the game I don’t know

how to play very well may I have your

telephone number

yes I’ll write it down for you why is

your girlfriend mad at you I burst out

laughing when I saw her new hairstyle

hey where did you get that donut they

are handing out free food at the store

why do you look up to Tim so much

because he is brave honest and a humble

person what’s wrong with the copy

machine it broke down yesterday what

took you so long at the store I ran into

my old elementary school teacher where

did all these books come from the

library was selling its old books hey

Joe what are you doing tonight I’m just

going to hang out at Kevin’s house is

Nate’s coming to the party tonight yes

he said he would show up around 7:00 why

isn’t she going to Beth’s party I don’t

get along with her are those the gifts

from Matt’s party yeah I have to put

them away before he gets home where did

you find this great article I ran across

it in yesterday’s newspaper when will

you get back from your trip I’ll return

in two weeks how can I get to your house

from here

bus number seven and get off at the

third stop

why didn’t you abide by the speed limit

I’m sorry officer

I was late for my driving class where

are you going I’m going to drop off my

rollerblades at Sue’s house she’s going

to use them tomorrow how did your team


they fell behind in the second half and

lost the game what are you writing

I’m writing an essay that I have to hand

in to my teacher tomorrow do you want a

hamburger yes I do but please leave out

the pickles how are the negotiations

great they yielded into our demand for a

lower price are you using the computer

no you can turn it off

how did Silvia win the race she was with

the other runners then she broke away

from them and crossed the finish line

first where does this stairway go it

leads to the parking garage why don’t

you want some cake my dentist told me to

cut sugar why did you sell your parrot

he kept on singing Elvis songs do you

have any large size hats sorry we don’t

we mostly deal in children’s clothes why

did you change University’s clown

really didn’t live up to my expectations

how was your trip to the desert

I would sum up the experience by saying

it was very hot Oh No

why is it so dark in here the wind blew

out our candles

we’ll may be gone for a long time no she

just dashed off to the store to buy milk

why did she do poorly on the test from

not studying last night

have you gotten through to him yet no

the line is still busy why did you take

a part of the computer I was looking for

a file can we go to the department store

now okay

but I have to drop by the bank first to

get some money did you shake hands with

the president

no his bodyguard held back the crowd

what do you think of my new dance moves

cut it out I’m trying to study what

should we do with all these grapes

let’s dry them out and make raisins why

did Jimmy have to stay after school he

was fooling around in class can you wait

while I go to the bathroom

no the train is about to leave so we

have to get on now you’ll have to use

the bathroom on the train what does your

middle initials stand for the S is for

Simon it was my grandfather’s name Wow

you learned how to juggle it in one day

yes I caught on to it quickly what time

does your plane for Paris leave it

leaves at 10 o’clock but I have to check

in by 8 o’clock

why do these rich kids look down on Sara

because Sara’s family is poor and she

wears old clothes

how deep is the water in the swimming

pool not very deep it only comes up to

my waist mom why are you giving me your

dirty socks I want to add to your


why don’t we see if we can stay an extra

day good idea I’ll look into it

how did the problem with the stove come

out I was trying to melt my jewelry

what did you do when the man stole your


I cried out for help and a security

guard caught the thief

why did mom tell us to keep away from

that dog because the dog is dangerous it

bit three kids last summer

why is the police officer running after

that man

because he stole that woman’s purse

do you want to come over to my house

this weekend that sounds fun thank you

for inviting me

why did you cross out Kelly’s number in

your book

that’s her old number why don’t we sell

the old piano and get a new one

I could never do away with it my

grandmother gave it to me

can you go to the concert with us on

Saturday night

I’m going to talk it over with my dad

tonight do you think I could trade in my

bike for a new one

I think you should just give it away

sorry I didn’t hear you could you speak

up please

said her stereo is turned on too loud

did you call that person who wanted to

buy the house sorry I didn’t have time

to follow up on it I’ll be gone for one

week will you look after my dog

yes I’ll give him food and walk him

every day

what kind of job do you want when you

grow up actually I would like to become

a dentist

have you used the new computer that she

got last week no I haven’t it’s still in

the box because I don’t know how to set

it up I can’t get to sleep why don’t

those dogs settle down maybe they are

barking it a burglar do you want to come

by my house and see my new CD player

sure but I can only stay for a few


did you hear that Sara cheated on the

test and got an A I can’t believe she

got away with it

when you look back at your life do you

have any regrets yeah I wish I hadn’t

invested all that money in stocks you’ll

be late for school

what will you tell the teacher I’ll make

up an excuse did you find any mistakes

when you look through my essay yes I

found a couple did you hear that will

made a house out of an old train car Wow

he dreams up such interesting things did

you see Bill and Monica kissing at the

party last night yes it made me want to

throw up he said he’d be here by 8

o’clock but it is 8:30 should we wait

for him yes maybe he got lost

I’m going to get an orange from the

refrigerator do you want anything yes

could you bring out some watermelon

please the weather is warmer this summer

than it has been in the past why is that

I don’t know some people think that the

warmer weather was brought about by air


why are you going to go to a movie with

Tom I thought you were angry at him I

was angry at him but we made up with

each other now we are good friends again

where is Donald I thought he was going

to play soccer with us tonight

he was going to but some relatives

called on him unexpectedly I would like

to get the trees in the photo too

okay I’ll just back up a little I really

don’t like the new coffee machine you

should bring it up at the next staff

meeting they had to call off the soccer

game yesterday

how come I’m hungry

but I don’t want to cook I am hungry too

let’s call up the pizza place and order

a cheese pizza the taxi will be here in

a few minutes let’s carry out your

luggage your team is really far behind

yes I don’t think we can catch up with


please check my homework sure if I come

across any mistakes I’ll tell you come

out of the Sun before you get a sunburn

that’s a good idea I’ll sit in the shade

with you I’d be happy to help you study


I can always count on you I want to eat

this Apple but it looks rotten just cut

off the rotten part and eat the rest you

look really tired I couldn’t fall asleep

last night

I can’t figure out where I put my

glasses look on your head

I would like to apply for a credit card


just fill out this form and sign it

thanks for giving me a ride to the

library no problem I’ll start the car in

front of the library and you can get out

quickly that big guy keeps telling me to

do his homework

don’t give in learning to play the

guitar is really hard don’t give up you

will learn if you keep practicing this

movie was really boring yes it just

seemed to go on for hours here is the

pizza you ordered hold on I’ll go get my


let’s hurry up and finish before dinner

good idea I’m hungry please tell your

kids to keep off the furniture

I will sorry mr. president I am really

nervous about the test just keep up a

positive attitude and you will do fine

let’s go out for a nice dinner good idea

I am tired of living on spaghetti in

water I’m longing for the ocean okay

let’s go to the beach

I’m looking forward to our vacation next


me too it’s going to be fun

look out you almost stepped on my mouse

sorry I didn’t see it let’s look over

our travel plans again why we’re just

going to the store

you are supposed to come tomorrow not

today sorry I mixed up the dates I want

to buy a shirt but I don’t know which

color to get I’ll help you pick out a


this room is a mess take up your toys

okay mom I will I think we are lost

let’s pull over and look at the map

again let’s go for a walk okay let me

put on my shoes sir please put out your

cigarette sorry I didn’t know this was a

non-smoking area

I think we should put together a ski

club good idea

I’ll ask my friends at work haha you’re

stupid you can’t do math stop it I can’t

put up with your teasing me anymore

speeding could result in a traffic fun I

know but we’re late for the wedding

I’m leaving for China tomorrow morning

okay I’ll be up there at the airport to

see you off our trip is coming up fast

you’re right let’s set aside some time

to plan tomorrow night sorry we don’t

have any red caps that’s okay

I’ll settle for a green one instead

please slow down you’re walking too fast


I’ll walk more slowly I want to be a

dancer but my father says I have to join

the army

I think you should stand up to him and

tell him what you really want I went to

sleep at 3 a.m. last night Wow you

stayed up so late

Hey look those policemen just ran into

that store

let’s stick around and see what happens

Joe is an excellent soccer player he

takes after his father he is very good

at sports let’s go for a drive in the

country okay after I finish eating we’ll

take off I am tired of mowing the lawn

I’ll take over this week so you can have

a break

I’m sorry to take up so much of your

time doctor no problem I’m glad you are

feeling better I’m glad they tore down

at the wall me too

the view is much better I’m going to

take a jacket to the movies

good idea it tends to be cold in the

theater let’s think up a way to surprise

Dan at his birthday

how about inviting all his old

girlfriends can I throw away these boxes

yes you can I don’t need them I like

these pants but I think they’re too


try them on maybe they’ll fit your

skateboard looks really fun it is why

don’t you try it out

I tried to join the band but they turned

me down maybe you should learn how to

sing first good luck with your new

project thanks I’ll let you know how it

turns out excuse me no one has waited on

us yet I am very sorry I’ll get a waiter

right away

I’m going for a bike ride

watch out for cars it’s almost lunchtime

okay let’s wrap up and go out to eat

oh no it’s starting to rain on our

picnic no problem I will carry the

hamburgers to the house and you can

bring the cake help there’s a spider on

the desk calm down it is not going to

hurt you that man just cut in front of

us how rude

I can’t deal with all this noise maybe

you should get a different job I forgot

to bring my hairdryer don’t worry I

think you can do without it

let’s climb over the fence and touch the

tiger no thanks I don’t want to end up

as lunch I am fed up with eating this

every day ok tomorrow we’ll have bacon

wow you have a lot of books I have too

many I think I should give away a lot of

them what a gloomy day yeah

I wish those clouds would go away let’s

go on the roller coaster one more time

no thanks I don’t want to go through

that again all right hand over my keys I

don’t have them Oh No

I’ve gained six pounds why don’t you lay

off snacks for a while

one can’t believe that your girlfriend

forgot your birthday yeah I feel really

let down look at those beautiful flowers


I don’t think I’ve seen anything like

this before I really messed up

I forgot my wife’s birthday don’t worry

just buy her some flowers and say you’re

sorry wow you look great

Thanks joining that health club really

paid off

Wow that girl is really ugly I should

point out that she is my sister look I

got an a on my test stop showing off I

promised my parents I would study

tonight but I want to play computer

games don’t play computer games stick to

your promise your puppy really eats a

lot yes he’s going to turn into a big

dog someday let’s listen to some music

okay I’ll turn on the radio I used up

three tubes of gel every month maybe you

should get a haircut be quiet

you’ll wake up the baby sorry I’ll

practice my trumpet outside wow your

shoes have a lot of holes I know they

wore out because I walked five miles in

them every day