Dwayne The Rock Johnson Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS One of the Greatest Speeches Ever

instead of telling you what i think you

should be doing

or what how you could be better or

i thought well

let me just speak from the heart speak

for my gut

and really not have anything prepared

but just tell you what’s worked for me

and maybe some of the stuff that’s

worked for me might work for you now

currently presently as you guys have

your goals and ambitions but then

further on down the line

as you guys continue to live your life

this idea and this notion that you could

be anything you want you can accomplish

anything you want right we hear that

you’ve heard that from the time you were

little boys

you hear that now you’re already

incredibly accomplished you guys know


the thing

that has worked for me is to remember

the hard times


and i’m sure you guys all have your

processes and again i’m going to tell

you what worked for me

so before

a big movie comes out before back in the

days when i was wrestling with wwe

a wrestlemania match

anything big that would happen i would

always take a moment and i just remind

myself all right

i was evicted when i was 14.

we were kicked off the island we

couldn’t live in hawaii had no place to



a lot of [ __ ] happened then when i moved

to nashville i was arrested multiple

times by the time i was 16 years old

i would remember that and it allows me

then to be present in the moment and

understand holy the stuff i have around

me right now this is the sh that i

dreamed of when i was a kid i am here i

played for university of miami

played great teams

warren sapp ray lewis they were my

teammates they were ballin

warren sapp was playing tight end

that time

i was starting defense with tackle

yeah they moved him over to d-line

and he looked at me as like yo do

i’m gonna take your spot and i said you

ain’t taking much mine he said i’m gonna

take your spot

we battled and he took my spot

thank you imagine how that with me

because there goes my opportunity he

went in switzerland defensive attack and

lit the world on fire well what that did

it crushed me to crush my dreams i had a

piss-poor senior year

zero production

no nfl no combine invite nothing finally

went to the cfl calgary stampeders

making 250 a week canadian

canadian now i had to send that home

to my

uh to my wife at that time

i had no money

so i remember that

i got cut from canada

uh my dad in his pickup truck came down

four o’clock in the morning picked me up

at in miami from tampa we lived in a

little apartment in tampa he drove down

in his little pickup truck

to to miami to get me when i was cut

from the cfl and i thought well

the i i leave home like you guys left

home i’m ready to tackle the world get

after it achieve my dreams and goals

crushed by 22 23 years old i’m now going

to move back in with my mom and dad i

played on great teams though wait a

second this is not supposed to be my

future i’m supposed to be in the nfl

right now i’m supposed to be making a

lot of coin and buying my parents

buying me taking care of my wife but it

never happened so i pulled out my wallet

i thought well let me see how much money

i have i opened it up i had a five a one

and change well at least i rounded up to

seven bucks

but i thought god ain’t this a [ __ ] i

got seven bucks in my pocket where the

do i go now what do i do i can’t go back

to cfl the point comes where you hear

that voice big run’s over

like you’re done

right so i heard that voice

so as coach was saying man i hold on to

that i’m telling you i keep my back is

up against his mother we laugh we joke

we have a good time but my back is still

up against this [ __ ] i do not

forget it

what this also helps me do

and again it works for me


at some point you got to be tired of not

being number one

you have to be and you gotta play angry

and i play angry now i’m cool and calm

with my approach and when i step out on

my field which is a set


you know like

there’s some and you’re always going to

have haters and haters like well

i see man how many movies you’re going

to make or how much are you going to do

like you do a lot of [ __ ] i say yes

it’s my ambition

of course why not

i could do it

yeah i love what i do

and not only that but in what world do

we not work every day

my back is up against this thing you

know and i and i and i started to play

angry by the way and i still i still

play angry my last match brock lesnar

transitioned and i realized if i had to

be great at something i wanted to be

great in this world of hollywood and

movie making and producing and

entertainment i had to commit and like

you guys have to commit obviously you

commit to something commit to the goal

so i quietly retired two years later i

thought what did i do with my career

because my movies were not doing well

i was written off i was like

it was around 2006 2007 i was like i

left i pulled a jim brown i left when i

was on top

like number one in the wrestling

business and i left it was a ballsy

gutsy some call it stupid move but i had

to commit and i had to follow it was in

my gut

what helps me is to keep the hard times

in the front of my mind because it

allows me to go into these big moments

that i’ve worked my ass off and you guys

have worked your eyes off it allows me

to go into these big moments with a

different perspective

what it also does for me and again this

just this is what works for me


my back is up against this mother

every day

it’s against

the wall

but it’s up against this [ __ ]

because it’s what i believe in and when

my back is against his mother

then there’s nowhere to go

but that way

that’s it

doesn’t mean you don’t smile doesn’t

mean you don’t laugh and joke quote

right you’re happy i’m happy i’m a happy


but when it comes to business and when

it comes to executing

it’s up against this

and i got to go that way

and i don’t give a [ __ ] who is in front

of me they’re not going to stop me

the key

for me


where does it start

what’s the anchor

what’s the anchor


i could have all these ambitions and you

guys have all these ambitions which is


it’s important i’ll play this role

you’ll play that role i’ll execute this

thing and it’ll come out this summer you

guys will execute this thing during the

summer right when it’s time to really

put in a lot more work

but the key with me is just always

finding what the anchor is and the



getting up at four o’clock in the

morning every day before anybody else

and grounding my thought process is in

the no one will outwork me

no one

i love and i respect you guys

your mother will not work me

all starts with this

two hands

putting it to work

as you guys know there’s nothing you

can’t accomplish you’re gonna go on

you’re gonna become world champions

the key

for me well i think one of the keys is

remember where you came from keep that

in the front of your mind and when it

goes bad and it goes sideways a lot of

does you’re getting booed out of the


or you’re coming through this injury or

people are you writing you off oh you


make it you know any of that

you gotta you gotta keep it in here

and it really has to

it should drive you it should it works

for me it should drive you

you get all the talent in the world it’s

all here

really the two things i want to say are

you got to be the hardest workers in the


and don’t the opportunity out

