Behind the Scenes at Innovative Language Part I

welcome to behind the scenes at

innovative language learning I’m Jesse

one of the hosts at

and today I’ll be telling you a little

bit about the company keep watching to

find out how you can get your questions

answered in part two of our

behind-the-scenes project let’s start

from the very beginning in 2005 peter

Galante started with

a couple of friends some publishing

software and a passion for teaching

language the goal was to create and

deliver fast fun and effective Japanese

language lessons for free via podcast

now remember back in 2005 podcasting was

a revolutionary new technology but after

a lot of trial and error took off the response

was huge and the demand for new features

and languages came in now five years

later innovative language learning is

much more than just

we now have sites for sixteen different

languages that’s 8,000 language lessons

and Counting there’s the super popular

survival phrases calm geared towards

world travelers over 300 iPhone and iPad

apps are ready for download in the Apple

iTunes Store and language learning CDs

and DVDs are ready to ship thanks to our

loyal listeners and publications like

Newsweek PC Magazine and the New York

Times we were able to reach 100 1

million lesson downloads in 2010 a huge

milestone for us considering we started

with one guy at one desk but of course

we’re always working on something new

new languages new series and more

there’s more to the story but we can’t

forget about the listeners our centre of

support for the past five years we can

ask a lot of questions about our company

from everything about the hosts to how

we make our lessons in our next news

less in' we’ll be answering your

questions directly so if you have a

question about innovative language

learning leave it in the comments

section of this news lesson I’ll be

answering your questions next time with

a very special guest thanks for watching

leave us your comment back Tober 24th

and we’ll see you in two weeks