Checking in at a Hotel Innovative English

you’ve arrived at your hotel and are
almost ready to relax after your long

trip but the person at the front desk
only speaks English how do you check-in

hi Alicia here checking in at a hotel in
English is easy in this lesson you’ll

learn how the tsavo just arrived at his
hotel in New York let’s watch good

evening sir
hi my name is Gustavo Silva I have a

reservation thank you very much mr.
Silva could you spell your name please

si LV egg thank you
ah yes mr. Silva here’s your room key is

there a shop in this hotel no but
there’s a small grocery store in the

next building and is there any shampoo
or conditioner in the room yes sir thank

oh and a wake-up call please of course

what time at 7:00 but what time’s
breakfast from 6:00 to 7:30 a.m. in the

dining room on the first floor

now the lesson focus here’s how to check
in at a hotel ready

do you remember the first thing gu
stavos said to the hotel clerk in the

scene after he introduces himself
I have a reservation

first is the phrase I have next is the

reservation together it’s I have a
reservation use this expression to

indicate that you’ve reserved a room in
advance you can also use this phrase in

other situations where you made a
reservation such as at a restaurant now

you try
imagine you have just come to a

restaurant where you’ve made a
reservation what would you say

I have a reservation now imagine you’ve
booked a rental car online and you’re

checking in to pick up your car what
would you say

I have a reservation do you remember how
gustavo asked if the hotel has a shop is

there a shop in this hotel first is the
phrase is there

and next is the phrase a shop last is
the phrase

in this hotel together its is there a
shop in this hotel this structure allows

you to easily ask if something is nearby
or in a particular location start your

question with is there and then insert
something you are looking for finally

add a location now you try
imagine you’re checking into a hotel and

want to know if there’s an ATM in the
hotel what would you say

is there an ATM in this hotel now
imagine you’re in a shopping mall and

want to find out if there’s a coffee
shop in the mall what would you say

is there a coffee shop in this mall
do you remember how gustavo asks if

there is shampoo or conditioner in the
room is there any shampoo or conditioner

in the room
first is the phrase is there any next is

the phrase shampoo or conditioner and
last is the phrase in the room together

it’s is there any shampoo or conditioner
in the room this phrase structure is

very similar to the one we just learned
except the word NE is used to refer to

uncountable nouns such as shampoo water
or bread the structure is is there any

followed by the item and location now
you try

imagine you’re checking into a hotel and
you want to know if there is bottled

water in the room what would you say

is there any bottled water in the room
imagine you’re baking cookies and you

want to know if there’s any milk in the
refrigerator what would you say

is there any milk in the refrigerator

like this quick lesson watch the full
version in English class to

understand the whole dialogue while
you’re there learn all about American

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see you next time