How to Describe Where Youre From in English Innovative English

Imagine you’re on a plane, your seatmate

wants to know where you’re from. What do you say?

Hi! Alisha here. There’s no need

to worry, in this lesson, you’ll learn how

easy it is to tell somebody where you’re

from. Gustavo and Anna are having just

this kind of conversation as their plane

lands in New York City. Let’s watch!

Excuse me, but is that the Statue of Liberty?

Yes, that’s right.

So are you from New York?

Yes, I am. And you, where are you from?

I’m from Brazil.

Really? So are you from Rio?

No, I’m not, I’m from Sao Paulo.

Oh! Sal Paulo.

Now the lesson focus. Here’s how to talk

about where you’re from. Ready?

Do you remember how Gustavo explained

where he was from? I’m from Sao Paulo.

First, is a contraction meaning “I am” - I’m.

Next is the word “from”

and last is a place named “Sao Paulo”

Together, it’s I’m from Sao Paulo.

The structure is “I’m from”

plus the place name. You can use it with

cities, countries, or even with regions.

Imagine your hometown is Shanghai, what would you say?

I’m from Shanghai.

now imagine you’re from Egypt, what would you say?

I’m from Egypt.

Do you remember how Anna

asked Gustavo if he was from Rio de Janeiro?

Are you from Rio?

First, is the second person singular form
of the verb “to be” - are.

Next, is the word “you”

after this is the word “from”

and last is a city named Rio.

Together it’s “are you from Rio?”

The structure is “are you from” plus a

place name. it’s similar to the above

expression “I’m from Sao Paulo” except

that the verb to be which has been

contracted with the word “I” to make “I’m”

has been moved to the beginning of the

sentence, and put in the second person

along with the subject. Are you from Rio?

Now imagine you meet someone on the

plane, ask him or her if he or she is

from Los Angeles.

Are you from Los Angeles?

now imagine you meet someone with an Australian accent,

ask him or her if he or she is from Australia.

Are you from Australia?

Now, if you have no idea where someone’s from you can ask

“where are you from?”

In this case, the

place name has been removed and the

sentence starts with “where”

it’s also said with a different intonation.

Together it’s “where are you from?”

Imagine you meet someone new but have no idea

where they’re from, ask them where

they’re from.

Where are you from?

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