English lessons for Daily life Dialogues and Conversations Intermediate Level


hello my name’s Dora Edith I’m certified

years old and I’m from Croatia I live in

the city of Dubrovnik in the south of

Croatia I’m an accountant and I work for

a company that makes office furniture

and married my husband Rudolf works in a

hospital as a radiologist we’ve got two

children a son and a daughter in my free

time I play tennis I do yoga and I go

sailing with my family

I’m going to the shop now we need some

bread Oh

I think the shop closes at 4:00 on

Sundays the director wants to talk to

Catrin but I don’t know where she is I

believe she’s having lunch at the moment

she usually goes for lunch at 1:30 I’m

making a cup of coffee now do you want

one no thanks I don’t like coffee I

prefer tea

can I ask you a few questions please uh

okay what’s your name it’s Charlie Bell

okay and what do you do I’m a student

what are you studying biology are you

using a computer at the moment yes I am

what sort of computer are you using a

desktop or a laptop a laptop

hi my name’s Cindy Gaskell my husband

Ryan and I own this internet cafe I’m

British but Ryan’s

Irish we’ve got two children Melanie and


Melanie’s of students at Manchester

University and Russell works in Spain

for a holiday company that’s Ryan over

there he’s talking to Jordan Morris

Jordans Australian and he’s a computer


get hot get hungry

get ready get dark get a letter get a

new car get home get the boss get

married get dressed get changed get lost

you let’s tie it yes well I saw an

advert on Friday for a jazz concert I

really wanted to see it

when was it it was on Saturday afternoon

I tried to get a ticket on the internet

but there weren’t any left so what did

he do

I went straight to the theatre I queued

for six hours did you get a ticket yes I


I got the last one

again the milk fell on Jack’s trousers

but this time he didn’t shout he smiled

and said it’s okay

accidents happen don’t worry he went

upstairs and got changed when he came

down Emily said bye daddy kissed him and

ran out to catch her bus Jack didn’t

have to take her to school he picked up

his briefcase kissed his wife and they

both left for work he got to work early

and he had a great day

this mobile missus is it your scary no

that isn’t mine

maybe it’s Ayesha’s no it can’t be

hers is greed wasn’t Mick here earlier

today oh yes he was it must be his then

that is that big child belong to I think

it belongs to our new neighbors it’s

very big a lot bigger than ours yes but

all flats bigger than most

it’s a ground-floor flat it’s a first

floor flat it’s spacious it’s convenient

for the town center it’s in a quiet

location it’s furnished it’s unfurnished

it’s got a fitted kitchen it’s got air


it’s got central heating

Cindy and Ryan are going to a party the

party’s in a flat on the fifth floor of

a block of flats it’s in an area that

they don’t know

so it took a long time to find it

unfortunately the lift is out of order

so now they’re walking up the stairs

Cindy likes parties but she isn’t happy

because she’s wearing new shoes she

bought them in a shop near their cafe

they were the most expensive shoes in

the shop but they aren’t very


oh there’s a good view from the living

room what’s are we on here the third

floor well what do you think well it’s

in a quiet location yes it certainly

isn’t noisy says it’s close to local

amenities so I suppose it’s convenient

to the shops but it isn’t very

convenient for the station what about

the flat itself well it’s in excellent

condition and it’s furnished so we won’t

need a lot of things there’s a fitted

kitchen - it’s too dark and this is an

expensive area so rents are high yes I’m

sure we can find somewhere better for

the money

bless you oh dear that’s a shame I can

imagine what a pity

poor you

danger dangerous same famous humor

humorous pain painful

success successful beauty



intelligent patience patient importance

important anger



lucky health healthy

sorry to hear about your accident

thanks Raj have you taken the band to

the dairies yes I have but I haven’t

collected another bath it wasn’t ready

have you found the insurance company yes

I have and I’ve downloaded the insurance

form but I haven’t filled it in yet

I hate filling in forms me too

but I’ve written a report about the


a languor bear like skyscrapers but he

doesn’t just like looking at them he

prefers climbing them last Friday he was

in Abu Dhabi where he climbed up the

Investment Authority building it took

him just 63 minutes to climb the 35

stories the French spider-man as he is

called has climbed some of the world’s

highest buildings including the Empire

State Building in New York and the

Petronas Towers in Kuala lumper Allen

has often been in trouble with the

police as he is usually breaking the law

when he climbs things he’s been in

prison in several countries when he

reached the top of the Golden Gate

Bridge in San Francisco the police were

waiting for him and arrested him he

doesn’t use any ropes or safety nets and

he doesn’t wear a helmet he just uses

his own hands and feet I’m not really

interested in the fame but I like the

danger he says I gambled with my life

for so far I’ve been lucky but I know

that one day I’ll lose


325 five million twenty eight thousand


ninety five percent twenty one point

seven four thousand nine hundred and

thirty two three million dollars forty

billion euros eight point two percent

three quarters seven thousand and thirty

six a half

keeps it warm up do some stretching

exercises lift weights pull a muscle

injure your back eat a healthy diet lose

weight cut down on sugar

take vitamins

give up smoking

Lucy we’re going to meet in the pub for

lunch today do you want to join us

no sorry look at all this work I’m going

to be very busy today so I’ll probably

get a sandwich and eat is at my desk I

watched a TV program last night it said

that in the future robots will do most

of the work in offices really and

that’ll be good yes but it said that

office life will be very different

because the robots won’t have normal

human emotions Lucy I need three copies

of the finance report by eleven o’clock

okay olive

I’ll photocopy it now robots won’t make

any difference in this office Daniel

I’ve already got one of the blocks

first we’re going to think about our

backs we all spend a lot of time at

desks in cars and aeroplanes or just in

front of the TV this isn’t good for your

spine and you’ll probably get back ache

this simple exercise will help lie on

the floor on your stump put your arms by

your side with your palms on the floor

now breathe in and lift your head and

chest off the floor hold for 5 seconds

then slowly lower your head and chest as

you breathe out repeat 10 times when you

rush from one meeting to another your

brain is always busy and you get tired

and stressed try a power just sit

comfortably close your eyes and relax

for about 20 minutes now I know that a

lot of you are going to have lunch in

your desk today so here’s the final

piece of advice don’t if your body sends

blood to your brain

so that you can work it won’t send

enough flow to your stomach so you’ll

eat too much and you’ll put on weight

they will get to know each other I hope

you’ll be happy together we really enjoy

each other’s company she’s my best

friend you’ve got a great relationship


they’re stuck in a traffic jam there’s

been an accident the road is blocked the

car has broken down

the traffic lights aren’t working the

tunnel is flooded

the train is delayed

all trains are canceled the bridge is

closed there’s a queue of the ticket


one morning mrs. Willard Lovell was

outside her house in Berkeley California

she wasn’t happy because she’d locked

herself out by accident she’d left her

keys inside the house and now she

couldn’t get in she walked around the

house had she left a window open perhaps

no she hadn’t then the postman arrived

with a letter her brother

Watson had posted it the previous day

inside the envelope there was a key to

her front door

Watson had stayed with mrs. Lovell the

week before she’d given him a key and he

hadn’t given it back so he’d posted it

to her

my name is Christophe last Tuesday I

worked very late because some important

visitors had arrived when I finally left

the office I hurried to the station and

caught the last train home at 11:45

it was warm on the train so I took off

my jacket I tried to stay awake but it

had been a long day and I soon fell

asleep when I woke up we were in a


I knew that my station was the first

stop so I grabbed my briefcase and ran

to the door I got off just in time and

the Train moved away


I’d like to book a flight please are

there any later flights the 1345 flight

is via Amsterdam do you want business

class or economy class there are seats

available on that flight the return

flight is fully booked

sweet sour salty spicy

mild strong crisp soft juicy dry fresh


it’s Tuesday today isn’t it you can’t

swim can you we’ve seen that film

haven’t we he won’t be at the meeting

will he they weren’t on holiday were

they she’s got a brother hasn’t she

you’ve had Indian food before haven’t

you Stefan no I haven’t it’s very hot in

spice isn’t it

some of it is India’s a very big country

so there are lots of different kinds of

food I don’t mind

spicy food what do you recommend well

there’s the chicken Kashmiri that’s

chicken in a mild and creamy sauce the

sauce is made with pineapples and

bananas so it’s quite sweet - no I’m not

very fond of bananas

you look familiar we haven’t met before

have we I know your face

I thought I recognized you I never

forget a face

I’m sure I’ve seen her before

an earthquake a volcanic eruption a


a flood

a drought

a famine

and avalanche

a hurricane pollution a wall a forest

fire an explosion

I won’t mind if the world gets warmer I

live in a cold country if we get better

weather people here will be very happy

however if I lived in a hot country I

would be very worried we live on an


if global warming continues the sea

level will rise and this island will

disappear we wouldn’t be on the island

now if we had more money my husband and

I would move to somewhere safer


if you heard that a tornado was

approaching what would you do tornadoes

can be very dangerous tornado winds can

be over 400 kilometers an hour and can

destroy a building in seconds one thing

that most people wouldn’t do is get in

their car and drive towards the tornado

but Enrique Gomez would he’s a storm

chaser tornadoes usually happen together

with thunderstorms so Enrique studies

weather forecasts and looks for possible

storms if he finds one you’ll try to get

as close as possible to it

why does Enrique do it he’s a

meteorologist he wants to learn more

about tornadoes and why they happen it’s

dangerous work apart from the high winds

there’s usually lightning and heavy rain

which causes floods

however those aren’t the biggest dangers

when Enrique finds his storm there will

be other storm chasers there too all

these people are chasing the storm in

their cars and they’re all watching the

sky says Enrique’s so what’s the biggest

danger car accidents

I’ve got a reservation in the name of

Davis I’d like a non-smoking room please

could you fill in your details on the

form please could you sign it at the

bottom could I take a credit card please

would you like a newspaper breakfast is

served from 7 to 10:30 do you need any

help with your luggage enjoy your stay


to the headphones I like these ones we

haven’t got any homework today I’ve got

some good news

do we need all this equipment

are there any scales in the bathroom

that’s our luggage on the trolley

is that you with the microphone Ryan

yes it is did you used to be a singer no

I did that’s it one of our karaoke

nights we used to have them every Friday

what here at the coffee shop when was


Oh about ten years ago I suppose no I

didn’t used to come here in those days

why don’t you have them now when Cindy

started singing everybody used to leave


my name is Martin I’m from England

but when I was a teenager we used to

live near Munich in Germany my father

used to work for a car company there

there was a Tennis Club near our house

and I used to go there most days after

school I didn’t play a lot but I used to

collect balls for the players one of the

players there his name was Conrad was

very good he decided to try his luck as

a professional tennis player and he

asked me to be his assistant for the

next year I traveled all over Europe

there were a lot of competitions for the

bigger tournaments we used to travel on

Friday Saturday and Sunday were usually

practice days and the competition itself

normally used to start on Monday I used

to come home between competitions

she’s changed a lot I can remember when

she was stood school doesn’t time fly

did you used to come here in those days

that seems a long time ago now what’s

happened to that Australian guy what’s

he up to these days

murder a murderer to murder somebody

burglary a burglar to burgle a house


a vandal

to vandalize something assault an

attacker to assault somebody blackmail a

blackmailer to blackmail somebody car

theft a car thief to steal a car

when Maggie stone went out yesterday a

thief was watching her house after she

had driven away he burgled the house

while he was stealing things

he suddenly smelled smoke Maggie had

left the cooker on and a saucepan was

burning the burglar turned off the

cooker and threw a wet towel over the


when Maggie came home the burglar was

running away when she went indoors she

found that he had stolen her laptop and

some jewelry but he had also put out the

fire in her kitchen

Magnus Randolph was a rich man at 2:30

yesterday afternoon he went to his study

for a nap 20 minutes later he was dead

my name is Jack Lonsdale and I’m a

detective when I arrived at the scene

Randolph was sitting in an armchair

there was a gun on the floor

next to his right hand there were three

people at the house yesterday

Randolph’s assistant Belinda wells his

niece Caroline

Turner and her husband asked him the

victim died at exactly

2:51 Belinda and Aston had been for a

walk and were just coming back to the

house when they heard a come the

gardener saw them when they heard the

shot they ran into the house they went

to the study Caroline was already there

she hadn’t gone for a walk she had gone

to her room to write some emails a

laptop was still in her room it showed

that she had sent an email at 251 it was

a very big house and there wasn’t time

to work on her laptop in her room then

go down to the study and shoot her uncle

everyone had an alibi however everyone

also had a motive to murder Magnus

Randolph nobody liked him so was one of

them a murderer

this is very inconvenient I’m sorry

about that this is completely


we’ve got no record of your booking

I shall write and make a formal

complaint I can only apologise I

certainly won’t be using your company

again I’m afraid there’s nothing I can



put on take off fill in cutout pick up

turn down throw away give back

in 1992 a cargo ship was hit by a storm

in the Pacific Ocean

twelve of its containers were thrown

into the sea by the waves inside one of

the containers

there were 29,000 plastic bath toys

yellow ducks green frogs and blue

turtles since then

the toys have been carried around the

world by ocean currents they have been

found in Australia South America and

even in Europe the toys have been

studied by scientists and we’ve learnt a

lot about ocean currents however it is

not all good news

eventually the toys will break up and

the plastic will be eaten by fish and

birds many of these animals will die as

a result every year two thousand to ten

thousand containers are lost at sea

consequently the sea is polluted by

chemicals if we are not careful life in

the sea will be destroyed

then plastic ducks frogs and turtles

will be the only animals left in the


with our modern interest in the

environment farming is important but not

all farms produce food the educate a

lives in Tahiti

he’s a pearl farmer our most pearls

produced on farms out here yes they are

pearls have been worn for thousands of


divers used to look for them in the sea

but today most are produced by piranhas

how is a pearl produced all pros are

made by oysters a small piece of shell

is put inside the oyster the oyster

doesn’t like that so it covers the piece

of shell with mother-of-pearl to protect

itself and slowly the pearl is made how

long does it take about two or three

years but the oysters are kept in

baskets in the sea and we turn the

baskets regularly to make nice round


it seems that Jordans very busy with his

new job

apparently it’s all going well Cindy

tells me that the restaurants been


I hear that Melanie’s been accepted by

an American University I understand that

he’s gone to your Paris office

sensible reliable patient modest honest

tidy cheerful polite kind sociable

easygoing ambitious sensitive loyal

will she be late yes possibly

she might be late would snow tomorrow

yes definitely it will snow tomorrow

will she get the job yes possibly she

might get the job will the boss be here


yes definitely the boss will be here


when did you feel bad a in the morning B

in the afternoon or early evening C late

at night do you usually walk a slowly

often with your head down B quickly see

moderately with your head up when you

talk to people do you a put your hands


B fold your arms C play with your ear or

touch your chin when something amuses

you do you a smile be last quietly C

laughs loudly

do you like this painting yes I do how

do I know I don’t


the bride and groom are getting married

they’re having the wedding at a registry

office the wedding guests are throwing

confetti the bride is carrying a bouquet

she’s wearing a wedding ring they’ve had

the reception they’re going on their



Lucy likes to give presents to all her

friends at Christmas last year she gave

Cindy and Ryan a glass farce they didn’t

really like it however so Cindy gave it

to her mother for her birthday Cindy’s

mother has only got a small flat and she

didn’t have room for it Jordan helped

her with her computer so she gave the

VARs to him to say thank you

coins are part of weddings in many

countries in Mexico it is traditional

for the groom to give the bride 13 coins

the coins mean that the groom promises

to support his new wife in China the

groom gives money to its wrapped in red

paper or put in a red envelope however

he doesn’t give it to the bride he gives

it to the bride’s friends to thank them

for letting her go in Sudan the groom

traditionally receives a present from

his future mother-in-law she gives him a

garland of flowers to welcome him into

the family in Vietnam on the other hand

it’s the groom’s mother who gives

presents she gives them to the bride’s

parents she gives a plant this shows

respect she also gives them something

pink pink is the color of happiness

what do you think he wants I’ve got no

idea perhaps he’s going to offer the job

to you it’s more likely that he’s going

to give me the sack whatever he wants

I’ll find out this afternoon

my name is Jason I’m an undergraduate

student at Newcastle University I’m

studying for a degree in law it’s a

three year course and I’m in my second

year at the moment in my first year I

had a room on campus but I live off

campus now I share a house with five

other students while most days I attend

one or two lectures I take notes and

then at the end of the lecture the

lecturer usually gives us a reading list

and an assignment a week later we have a

seminar in a small group one of the

students has to read his or her

assignment and we talk about it

have you been waiting long

no I haven’t always Peter he’ll be here

in a minute oh here he is now on what’s

he been doing he’s been looking for

somewhere to park sorry we’re late

it’s okay I haven’t been waiting long

anyway I’ve been reading this book it’s

called improve your memory it’s really


oh right well come on the show starts in

ten minutes

have you got the tickets the ticket oh

no I’ve forgotten them I’ve left them at


I would like to apply for the post of

operations manager as part of my studies

I had a work placement I was promoted to

the position of assistant manager I was

in charge of a department of six people

I’m responsible for publicity I have a

qualification in Spanish I’ve done

courses in human resources and in

marketing I feel the need for a new


guess what have you heard I’ve got some

good news I’ve got some bad news I’m

afraid that’s wonderful news I’m very

pleased to hear that oh dear that’s very

sad I’m sorry to hear that

make a phone call make a mistake make a

drink make a decision make a film make

friends do some photocopying do the

housework do the shopping do judo do a

course do some damage

my car broke down yesterday so I

couldn’t drive to work I had to take the

bus it isn’t a serious problem

so I won’t have to buy a new car the car

will be ready today so I’ll be able to

collect it after work and then I won’t

have to go by bus again tomorrow


why did Hollywood in California become

the center of the film industry well the

weather was very good fair so they could

make films outside all year round

I see now today films can take years to

make but in the early days film

companies with them very quickly didn’t

they yes they did in fact Charlie

Chaplin the world’s first movie star

once made eight films in just two months

Wow how were they able to do that well

there were two reasons firstly phones

were still very short only about six to

ten minutes long and secondly they were


so directors didn’t have to worry about

noise in fact film companies could make

two films in the same street at the same


does that mean that we won’t be able to

use it are you saying that we’ll have to

film it in six weeks don’t tell me that

you’ll have to work that weekend yes

unfortunately yes I’m afraid so yes it

looks like it

I enjoy driving but I’ve given up going

to work by car the traffic’s terrible

and I can’t stand sitting in traffic

jams I don’t mind going by train because

I can read in fact I’ve just finished

reading war and peace but the trains are

usually crowded I try to avoid

travelling in the rush hour but

sometimes I don’t fancy getting up that

early I can’t imagine doing it for years

Jonas Paulson 47 loves paragliding but

when he went paragliding last week he

didn’t expect to be gone for three days

he jumped off and mounting in nor button

in Sweden

however he landed in a forest and he

spent the next three days 30 metres

after tree there were people looking for

me he said that the weather was very bad

after three days I saw a helicopter

flying over the forest then I heard a

dog barking when I looked down there was

a man looking up at me

one day in Africa an old dog wandered

into the forest soon he was a long way

from home when he stopped to have a rest

he saw something moving there was a

young leopard coming towards him he

looked around and saw some bones on the

ground still dog sat down and started to

chew them when he heard the leopard

approaching he stopped chewing the bones

stood up and said Ye that leopard was

delicious but it was very small I could

eat another one when he heard this the

leopard stopped and walked quietly away

there was a young monkey sitting in a

tree he saw all this happening that old

dog has just clicked the leopard he

thought if I go and tell my leopard

maybe he’ll be my friend and he’ll stop

trying to eat me

the old dog saw the monkey following the

leopard soon as he expected the old dog

saw the leopard running towards him with

the monkey on his back the old dog sat

down and waited for them when they were

close enough to hear he stood up and

said loudly where’s that monkey I’m

hungry and I sent him to bring me

another leopard half an hour ago


would you like to go do you want to see

it shall we go out why don’t we stay in

do you fancy meeting here how about

going by bus I don’t want to go out I

don’t feel like going out I can’t make


I can’t manage that that’s out for me

that’s no good for me

a quart a pitch a player a team a


a referee a net a goal a bat a racket a


I like all kinds of sport but tennis is

the sport that I like best

I’m a member of a club that’s very close

to my flat so I play several times a

week in this picture I’m holding a calf

that I won two years ago I was pleased

to win it because the play that I did in

the final was very good the one sport

that I can’t do at all is ice skating

but I like to watch it on TV

now said the professor this glass jar

represents your life the golf balls

represent the things that are really

important your family your health and

your favorite freetime activities the

stones are the things that are quite

important but replaceable your house or

your job the sand is everything else the

ordinary everyday things that we all

have in our lives but which aren’t

really important if you fill the jar

with sand and stones there’s no room for

the golf balls it’s the same with life

I’ll take it tomorrow if I have time

there are so many things I need to do

I’m already doing something they’ll have

to do without me I promise to go I don’t

want to let her down

it can wait


bored way apply for tired of suffering


think about

look at similar to interested in

if she hadn’t eaten too much she

wouldn’t have felt sick


he wouldn’t have missed his appointment

if he had got up on time if I hadn’t

gone to the party I wouldn’t have met my

boyfriend I wouldn’t have complained

about the taxi if it hadn’t arrived late

if it had been warm we would have gone

out if you had worked hard you would

have passed your exams

I got married to a guy I met at

university I was 21 and we were in love

we had our first child a year later and

we’ve got three children now sometimes I

wish that I’d done more and see more of

life before I got married I feel jealous

when friends talk about the things they

did in their twenties while they were

traveling and going to parties I was

looking after babies but I don’t regret


we’re having a party on Friday the 29th

of March we’d be very pleased if you

could join us looking forward to seeing

you look forward to seeing you thank you

very much for the invitation to your

party we’d love to come sorry we won’t

be able to make it I’m afraid we won’t

be able to make it

Terminal check-in boarding card passport

control go through security check the

departure lounge the departure gate

board the plane hand luggage and

overhead Locker fasten your seat belts

the passengers the plane takes off the

flight attendants the pilot the plane


the cabin crew


I wonder if they’ve arrived I wonder if

the plane was late I wonder if she’s

taking the train

I wonder if Jordan phoned I wonder if

we’ll be landing soon I wonder if he

likes flying

morning Rosa its Henry can you tell me

whether you booked the flight to Athens

yet something’s come up and I can’t

leave till Friday now can you let me

know as soon as possible please

Thanks bye

can I have a word what’s on your mind

thanks I really appreciate it I

understand the situation that’s fair


my name’s Nina and I work in an office I

get my salary monthly it’s paid into my

bank account directly by my employer I

spend most of my salary on essentials

like rent food clothes and transports

there isn’t a lot left after that the

luxury and I try to save something every

month I keep my savings in a different

account where I earn interest on my

money I’m saving up for a car at the

moment it’s taking a long time so I

might apply for a loan but the interest

rate is quite high and I can’t afford it

at the moment

she said that she had just moved to

London she said that she had been in

France with her husband for ten years

she said that they were divorced now she

said that she had come back so that she

could be near her parents she said that

they were getting very old she said that

I still looks the same

she said that she was trying to find a

flat she said that she wanted to buy a

house but she couldn’t afford it

people should be very careful with any

information about themselves

criminals can use it to withdraw money

from accounts buy things on the internet

and even open new accounts in someone

else’s name

sometimes they steal documents like

passport and driving licenses but we

also make things very easy for them for

example fred told me that he didn’t

destroy old bank statements credit card

receipt gas telephone and electricity

bills etc but just threw them in the

rubbish bin

number three please what can I do for

you today could I pay this check into my

account please is there anything else I

can help you with I’d like to open a

savings account please you’ll need to

speak to one of our advisers about that

somebody will be with you shortly