All righty, welcome back to weekly
words. My name is Alisha. Today we are going

to talk about a holiday. So today’s holiday
is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

International Talk Like A Pirate Day is a
parodic holiday meaning it’s a silly holiday

that was created in 1995 to be celebrated
on September 19th and everyone in the world

is encouraged to talk like a pirate. September
19, maybe that sounds really pirate when you

say it. All right, so in a sentence, let’s
have a party for International Talk Like A

Pirate Day and dress up like pirates.

Shiver me timbers, I am learning something
right now. It says timbers are the wooden

support frames of a ship. In heavy seas, ships
would be lifted up and pounded down so hard

as to shiver – the timber shivers like when
you shake, when you are cold, so that the

wooden support frames of the ship would shiver.
They would shake like that in really rough

waters. So when you say the phrase shiver
me timbers, it’s to express maybe like fear

or awe or amazement in some way. I’d probably
be like, oh my god, I almost got hit by that

train, shiver me timbers. I don’t know.

Ahoy, matey! I’ve actually used this phrase
Ahoy means hello or hey there and matey means

friend like some people use mate to refer
to their friends. So this is a pirate way

to say hello there, hey friend in other words.
In a sentence, umm let’s see Ahoy, matey!

I see you are drinking beer. May I join you?

Landlubber is the next word. Landlubber is
just somebody who doesn’t have experience

being on the water, being on boats, being
on the sea. So a Landlubber probably is someone

who gets seasick. I hate sailing with Landlubbers
because they complain all the time.

The next word is Arr. Okay, it says here a
generic All Purpose Pirate Exclamation. I

picked it up. A lot of people just use Arr…when
they are frustrated. Honestly, at least I

do regardless of whether or not it’s international
pirate day, we just say Arr like when you

are having difficulty with your computer for
example, I might go Arr…or something like

that but I think to be extra-pirate, you have
to really enunciate that A sound at the beginning

like Arr….something like that is a little
bit more pirate perhaps. Give it a try. When

you mess up something Arr…Arr…

Okay that’s all for International Talk Like
A Pirate Holidays Words. We will see you again

next time for more fun stuff. Bye bye, Arr….A

Matt: Hey Alisha, did you hear about that
sexy pirate movie?

Alisha: No tell me about it.

Matt: It’s rated Arr….

Alisha: Arr….