How to Talk about your Job in English Basic English Phrases

buddy welcome back to our weekly live

stream my name is Alisha and this week

we’re going to talk about how to talk

about your job in English this is going

to be a good lesson for beginners in

this lesson I’m going to talk about a

couple of patterns you can use to give

your title your job title I’m going to

talk about how to explain your

responsibilities very simply and I’m

going to talk about a couple expressions

you can use to explain your opinion

about your job and to talk about your

goals with your job so we’re going to

begin in just a couple minutes we’ll

give everyone a chance to join our live

lesson as you join please don’t forget

to send a comment in the chat don’t

forget to like and share the video as

well - also as always we have free stuff

for everyone this week this week our

free pdf lessons you can download these

from the link below the video on youtube

or above the video on Facebook so please

check those out you can download many

many different topics and many different

things to study great I see many people

on the YouTube chat hi everybody SAS and

will vest a mullet sushi Oh Rosa knock

mo hi Bill it’s going very fast sorry

Billy Paolo Ashley sunny tough so pretty

hi everybody there are a lot of names

there thank you very much for coming hi

everybody and Facebook is up - hello on

Facebook Reza Cruz Michael aksoy hello

shall L so many people fantastic great

thank you for sending your messages so

today in the chat because today’s lesson

is really good I think for beginning

students for beginning learners please

try to send some example sentences in

the chat so send your job title or if

you’re a student the topic of your

studies and try sending your

responsibilities to in the chat today so

we’re going to start in a couple minutes

as we wait for others to join one quick

kind of cross-cultural announcement this

week I shared a photo on on Instagram

Twitter and

everything if you are interested we have

there’s a there’s some big news from

Japan this week that I have the pleasure

of talking about on our Japanese channel

this is in English yes this is in

English but I spoke a little bit of my

second language Japanese so if you are

interested and want to practice your

English and study another language

please check out this video about

Japan’s new era you can find this on the and Japan’s big news

this week ok great I see there are many

people now fantastic if you are just

joining today’s topic is how to talk

about your job so we’re going to fill in

a lot of examples on the board today

with I hope your information so please

don’t forget to like and share the video

as you join us I think everything’s

ready so I’m going to share the video

and then I’m going to begin the lesson

alright so the first thing I want to

talk about today is a couple of patterns

that you can use to explain your job

title to give people your job title so

when I say job title that means for

example like in my case teacher or like

engineer or plumber so on the name of

your job your job title so first I want

to talk about how to give your job title

and maybe a little bit of your

responsibilities here so please send

this in the chat so this is for chat

your point or in the comment section if

you’re not watching this live so send a

comment with this information so answer

this question in the comments what is

your job title what is your job title so

the most basic pattern we can use to

answer this question is I’m or I’m and

plus your title

so in my example sentence I said I’m a

teacher I’m a teacher

please remember this uh and an these are

important words if your job title begins

with a vowel sound so a a I owe you

those sounds please use an as in I’m an

engineer so engineer begins with a vowel

sound I’m an engineer if your job title

does not begin with a vowel sound use a

and there’s no difference if you say up

or a in most cases we say a in quick

everyday speech so I’m a teacher great

lots of examples in the chat I see Omar

says I’m a student good Hassan says I’m

a clerk great Sahar says I’m an engineer

Eduardo I I’m an IT support agent I’m an

IT support agent great ear one says I am

a geologist cool Pamela says I’m a

copywriter fantastic

I’m a mathematician I’m an automation

engineer I’m a salesperson I’m a student

I’m a graphic designer

great I’m a private English teacher cool

I’m an artist a painter cool so many on

Facebook I am an IT consultant or

engineer great I’m a health and safety

supervisor nice I’m an industrial

engineer good I’m still finding a new

job oh great one great one I’m still

finding a new job let’s add that to our

list someone on Facebook I can’t find

your name thank you for that I’m still

uh if you don’t have a job but you are

searching for a job you can say I’m

looking for a job I’m looking for a job

so I think the example in the facebook

chat someone wrote like I’m searching

for a job or something like that so

searching it’s okay but in most cases

when we’re like just chatting casually

with their friends we’ll use I’m looking

for a job I’m looking for a job can I

move the mic just a little bit it’s kind

of in the way

sorry-sorry figure annoys everybody okay

good okay so great lots of examples so

I’m looking for a job fantastic

okay I’m a math teacher someone says I

have an umbrella okay different

information great very nice examples

everybody very nice examples okay so

let’s take this now let’s think about

how we can make this a little bit more

descriptive so that means how do we give

more information about this so this is

the basic way to give your title now

what if you want to share your title and

your company at the same time you don’t

have to give your company in the chat

you can use ABC company or XYZ company

that’s okay but to give your job title

and your company in the same expression

in the same sentence this part is the

same I’m up or I’m an plus your job

title we use the preposition at at and

then your company name so for example

I’m a teacher at English class

or I’m an engineer at Apple or at Google

and so on so this is a way to give the

name of your company

I recommend this pattern this pattern is

good if your company is famous if your

company if your company is well-known so

let’s talk about that if your company is

well-known hard to see well-known this

is wel L - KN o WN well-known what’s the

difference between well-known and famous

famous is something that’s like known

everybody in the world knows about it

Beyonce is famous Barack Obama is famous

everybody knows those things maybe

though in your city or your country many

people know about it but outside your

country not a lot of people know maybe a

better word is well-known

so if your company is well known this is

a good one to use some examples are

coming in great I’m a support sales

engineer at pronto forms great I’m a

flight don’t forget your articles here

everybody yeah I’m up or I’m an I’m a

flight attendant at Garuda nice I’m a

good soccer player okay good

thanks fun is that a job title I don’t

know I’m a freelance graphic designer

I’m a salesman at TTL great so don’t

forget this preposition @ @ @ I’m a

student at madrasah

great greet ah good point there this the

person who said the student pattern if

you want to express your university the

place where you’re studying you can use

the same pattern just as the person on

Facebook did sorry I didn’t catch your

name but use university name your

university name in this pattern I’m a

student at ABC University I’m a student

at U Tokyo so you can use a university

or a company here I’m a student at

English 101 nice very nice I am a

recruiter at a home care company ah

Bianca on YouTube great segue segue it

means transition segue means transition

s e-g u e cig way the next one here is

this one this next pattern is good if

your company is not well known your

company is not well known but the

industry is well known so the industry

means like that world of work so for

example like the IT industry or the

education industry the medical industry

so it’s like the category of work that’s

the industry of work so if you work for

a company or if you study at a

university that’s not so well known you

can use this pattern so this pattern is

different from this pattern because this

part well this part is the same

you give your title but here at and or

at again

industry name plus company so for

example if I want to explain my job at

my company but it’s not such a famous is

not a well-known company I could say I’m

a teacher at an education company I’m a

teacher at an education company so

education is the industry that’s the

category for my work education then I

use company so it’s like it’s not such a

famous company I can use this pattern to

express them so try to send along an

example with your industry your industry

if you are a student you could say I’m a

student at a medical university if you

want I’m a student at an IT university

if if your university is specialized if

you go to a regular university just use

this pattern I’m a student at ABC

university that sounds much more natural

okay other examples on hell hey on hell

I’m studying a master dude I’m studying

I’m studying for a master’s degree at

ipn University great point if you are a

student and you want to explain your

goal your degree your bachelor’s degree

your master’s degree use this pattern

I’m studying for a master’s in your case

a master’s degree I’m studying for so my

key point here is this preposition I’m

studying for for shows us the purpose of

your study I’m studying for a master’s

degree or I’m studying for you might

also hear my master’s degree so please

use I’m studying for to explain that

some good examples coming in on Facebook

I’m a manager at Lamborghini at a

Lamborghini company

so in that case Lamborghini

is the name it like that’s the brand

that’s the brand so it’s not an industry

Lamborghini is part of an autumn as part

of the automobile industry so I’m an

engineer at an automobile company or I’m

an engineer at Lamborghini so those are

both okay

but Lamborghini is very famous so you

can probably use this pattern okay

others I am a salesman at an alcohol and

tobacco company perfect very nice I

musta tician at a political company

interesting okay I’m a teacher at Tabuk

University great I am a student at Hong

Duke University in Vietnam I’m a student

at U Nam great excellent very nice

examples everybody okay

I have to continue on to the next part

though so this is how to give your title

your title and to explain a little bit

here about your responsibilities so

maybe we can guess from your company or

from your industry maybe what it is you

do great nice beginning so in part 2 I’m

going to give lots of examples for like

detailed ways to talk about your duties

your responsibilities at work or at

school let’s take a break though for now

this week as always free stuff for

everybody watching live or not live are

we using this camera today cool so I

wanted to introduce this PDF we have

free PDFs for you this week you can find

them from the link below the video on

youtube or above the video on facebook

there are many there are lots and lots

and lots of these I can’t pick them all

up there are lots but I want to show you

this one this one is the business

English PDF so I I’ve got here this is

like a vocabulary words in the office

but my favorite part is this on the back

phrases for a business meeting so here

these this is a situation where you

might need to explain your job title

to explain your company like who

introduce your company rather so if you

are studying English to improve your

English for work for your career you

might check out this PF this is the

business English PDF that you can find

from the link below the video on youtube

or above the video on Facebook also on

this I didn’t show it I’ll show it later

there’s a list of job titles here and

these are really like kind of corporate

job titles so corporate means like those

big big companies where there are many

levels of workers so I’ll show this a

little bit later the job title section

but if you are interested in this or in

any of our other topics please make sure

to check the link below the video on

youtube or above the video on Facebook

okay let’s continue on if you’re just

joining today’s live lesson we are

talking about how to talk about your job

how to talk about your job in part 1 we

talked about giving your title and

explaining a little bit about your

company and a bit about your

responsibilities now let’s talk about

how to give details about your work so I

have two very very simple very very

basic patterns here so I want to I want

to write lots of examples from your

examples today so let’s look at the

first pattern the first pattern here is

I plus verb I plus verb plus some other

information so for example in my job

here I my verb I can use is teach I

teach English on the internet so this is

my responsibility this is my

responsibility today I teach English on

the Internet so here my verb is teach I

teach English I teach English fine I

teach English is fun here I’ve used a

prepositional phrase on the Internet to

give a little bit more information so in

my case there’s a verb that matches my


teach I’m a teacher I teach English

great let’s look at one more example

I think many people said they were like

engineer or IT so let’s use that for

example i program my program what apps I

program systems I programmed something

so if you are doing if you are a

programmer you can use the verb program

I program apps I program maybe is I

think program app so I program systems I

program whatever it is you program so if

you have a verb that matches your job

title use that verb so I teach my

program or I cook or I clean houses so

in the chat send along what if you have

a verb that matches your job title try

to make a sentence explaining your

responsibilities someone said I teach

English at university perfect exactly

same as me so same verb I teach English

prepositional phrase at University very

nice ok others others others I program

web applications very nice ok there’s an

actual example I’m program web

applications very nice

ok I’m in charge of a production line a

nice one on hell I’m in charge of

something if you want to explain that

you’re like the top of a project or the

top of something you can say I’m in

charge of up with that up here I’m in

charge of noun phrase noun phrase I’m in

charge of a production line I’m in

charge of a weekly live stream he’s in

charge of the control desk and so on

he’s waving because you can’t see him

okay so other other examples I explore

Natural Resources very cool ah psycho

Hey I sell beer and spirits very nice ok

I stay at home only says someone I work

as a teacher

cool ok

I work in a rent-a-car office ah so when

you give your job I’m sorry when you

explain your verb simple present tense

verbs so know ing form here know ing

form here I just saw your coming I’m not

gonna read then I promote products to my

customers fantastic I manage people in

public work interesting ok many

interesting job things going on here I

listen to you carefully is that your job

ok I program microcontrollers in C++

very cool we have lots of IT people in

our chat today very cool ok so if you do

not have a verb that matches your work

so you have something very specific or

you’re just not sure you can use this

pattern I do plus a noun phrase I do

plus a noun phrase for example in my job

I do marketing I do marketing so I do

online marketing for example or I do

email marketing for example or I do

customer service maybe so if you don’t

know a verb that matches with your job

title you can use I do plus a noun

phrase a noun phrase that explains

simply your job so what do you do I do

video editing or I do sales so these are

just a few examples

video editing a few examples of noun

phrases we can use with do to explain

our responsibilities okay someone says

I’m Christiano Ronaldo

I don’t believe you ok ok I print 3d

objects on a printer very nice very

specific ok I do maintenance at my job

great ok I do say hello says someone

very nice I sleep on the bed ok

is it your job that sounds like a very

nice job okay

others others I do sales service very


I do English classes okay I do

presentations to potential customers

nice nice potential customers I do uh I

do programming apps Ushio so that one if

program is vert if you have a verb it

sounds good to use the verb form I

program apps or swap it I do

app programming you swap it if you want

to use this version this version okay uh

yes Nelson in the YouTube chat says

can’t you make things instead of do yes

you can you can if your job requires you

to create something so like maybe

websites for example you could say like

I make noun phrase yes so if your job is

a very very creative one your

responsibilities are to actually create

things you can use make so for example I

make websites or I make videos on the

internet and so on if your job requires

you to actually create something you can

use make do is used for activities so

these are all kind of activities we’re

not really creating something here these

are things we they’re activities only

there’s nothing like new being made so

yes you can use make here that’s the

difference between do and to make

someone says I do empanadas okay maybe I

make empanadas that’s a great example

that sounds so good empanadas I’m on

board with that okay I teach physics


so again if you have a verb like up here

a verb that matches your job you don’t

need to use do just use do if you have

if you’re not sure which verb to use or

if you have kind of a specific activity

I do meditation guides oh that’s

interesting that’s cool

others I make websites as Camila nice

okay I do work in a warehouse okay nice

ones nice ones excellent examples

everybody fantastic okay so with that

I’m going to take one more break and

then we’re going to talk about some

expressions you can use to share your

opinions and to share your goals about

your job so let’s take a quick break

earlier I said I would show you where

did it go

I said I would show you this so before

during the first break I showed you this

business English PDF but on the back of

it I showed you like these business

these meeting related phrases I did not

show you the first time though this part

right in the middle this part is the job

titles section so here this is kind of a

good a good introduction to some very

common job titles in English from like

the top level over here so president for

example and like executive level down to

like manager and assistant manager and

so on so these are kind of some good I

think job titles that you can remember

when you’re introducing yourself as in

I’m an assistant manager at Google I

don’t know whatever that is and when

you’re introducing your colleagues so

this is my colleague Risa she’s an

assistant manager at Apple or something

like that so this is good to to know for

for meetings as well when you meet other

people too so introducing yourself

introducing other people and meeting

other people so if you want a quick list

of drop titles please check out the

business English PDF you can find this

from the link below the video on youtube

or above the video on Facebook Bianca

yes you do need an active account to

download the PDF if you do not have an

account you can make a free account and

download this stuff for free so please

check it out if you are interested okay

with that

let’s finish up today’s lesson the last

part of today’s lesson if you’re just

joining us today’s topic is how to talk

about your jobs and if you have not

already please make sure to like and

share the video so other learners can

find today’s lesson ok can I please

repeat the pronunciation colleagues

colleagues lots of people asked like

what’s the difference between colleague

and co-worker in American English we use

co-worker a lot more often co-worker or

more casually work buddy

maybe work buddy or work friend my

friend at work but colleague tends to

sound a little more formal than

co-worker colleague and co-worker ok

so let’s continue to the last part of

today’s lesson sharing your opinions

sharing your goals so if you have met

someone in a casual setting a casual

setting so you’re getting a drink or

having a cup of coffee it’s kind of

laid-back it’s casual you want to talk

about your job what do you think about

your job if you are happy with your job

like you want to express these positive

things you can use something like this

the pay is good and our team is great

the pay is good and our team is great so

pay Hey means how much money you get so

you can say the money is good that

sounds ok I would say I prefer to say

pay when talking about money like how’s

the pay oh it’s pretty good paying or

not much pay that refers to how much

money you receive for your job so the

pay is good the pay is good and our team

is great so in this case the speaker

thinks the money at the job is good and

the other people are good so the pay is

good and our team is great if your job

is a very busy job but you want to say

something positive you might try I’m

busy but I’m learning a lot I’m busy but

I’m learning a lot here you’ll notice

we’re using the progressive tense I’m

busy but I’m learning a lot so this

shows this is happening now continuing

to learn I’m busy but I’m learning and a

lot can’t you say the payment is good

nothing no we would not say the payment

is good payment would be used payment is

used more in like contracts a little bit

so like please make your payment at the

bank for example we don’t use payment to

talk about our opinions for money we

receive at jobs okay another example uh

is I like the work I like the work but

the pay isn’t great I like the work but

the pay isn’t great so again we’re using

pay the pay isn’t great the pay is not

good in this case here also a question

why is this the here I like the work

like why isn’t it like I like work mmm

this the means I like the work at that

specific job I like this jobs work so

the responsibilities at this jobs work I

like the work so we have to use this

article the here I like the work but the

pay isn’t great okay a couple other

examples then a couple other examples uh

actually we talked about one of them

similar similar to this one I’m looking

for a job you could say I’m looking I’m

looking for a new job I’m looking for a

new job so maybe you’re not happy in

your job now I’m looking for a new jobs

key point here is new a new job I’m

looking for a different job okay

another point another one you can use is

it’s not

what I want to do it’s not what I want

to do it’s not what I want to do so this

means it it here it is this means my job

now it is not what I want to do this

means my job now is not my long-term

goal that’s not the job I want to do in

the future it’s not what I wanted to do


except my cue to stop what the chats

covered okay so I think I have to finish

up there for today’s lesson so these are

a couple of expressions you can use to

share your opinion about your job okay

we have to finish up there for this week

so thank you very much for sending lots

of excellent example sentences about

your job titles and your job

responsibilities fantastic job okay if

you have any questions please send them

in the chat or in the comments after

this I will take a look at the comments

and try to answer somehow so we have to

finish for today for this week’s lesson

next week we will be back again next

week will be Wednesday May 8th sorry

that should be th May 8th how to use

English at school English at school so I

want to make this lesson this lesson

will be yes good for students I think

but also to express your education a

little bit so we touched um this one I’m

studying for a degree we’ll use some of

these vocabulary words in next week’s

lesson so please join us 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time that is New York City time

please join us to talk about using

English at school for education I will

wrap up there so thank you to everyone

who joined us live this week thank you

so so much for liking and for sharing

the video we really appreciate it

also please do not forget to go and get

your free stuff from the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

Facebook check it out and good luck with

your studies

all right we’ll finish there for today

enjoy the rest of your week and we’ll

see you again next time bye bye
