LIVE LESSON Job Interview Questions

testing this in my studio I look kind of

jerky my movements are not smooth I

assume that’s what you see as well

unfortunately if you see that please let

me know in the chat but what I’m really

hoping for is that my voice is not

choppy the audio is normal whoa that is

my alarm you know what it’s telling me

to do is telling me to put in my


I’ll have to remember to do that later

how is everybody today so great to see

you guys here I’m seeing Taiwan Brazil

Russia Egypt Costa Rica I saw Germany

earlier so awesome to have you guys here

so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do

what we’ve been doing for the past two

weeks we’re gonna watch a video together

and I’m gonna look at the chat answer

your questions we’ll stop the video

we’ll talk about things that are

happening and we’re just gonna have fun

it’s a watch party live lesson what

could be better and today I chose the

topic of interviewing for a job in the

u.s. it’s such a strange and difficult

time right now in the US and all over

the world so many people are losing

their jobs and going to start looking

for work and it’s a crazy time some

places are hiring but a lot of places

aren’t and so I thought well talking

about interviewing for a job could be an

interesting way to talk about what’s

happening in the world right now with

jobs with employment but then it’s also

a great way to talk about American

culture because maybe the way an

interview is handled is way different

here than the way it’s handled in your

own country so before we get started

here watching the video my first

question for you is is anyone out there

currently looking for a job out of work

did anyone out there lose their job

because of the corona virus and the

shutdown in their region if so I’m I

feel for you sending you love and

support right now and you know let me

know also in the comments if you’re

looking for a job if maybe your

taking this time as a break you need to

be with your family just let me know

what’s going on with you and we’re gonna

get started with this video watching

this lesson together and I’ll keep an

eye on your comments and chat I’ll pause

the video and we’ll talk about things so

ask me anything anything about a job

interview but also anything about

American English or pronunciation or

American culture

I’m gonna do my best to keep my eye on

the chat and to try to pick up as many

questions as I can okay let’s get

started with the video mock interviews

so we’re going to be watching people

answering questions and we’re going to

talk about what makes a strong answer

and what makes an answer a little bit

weak a little bit less interesting

so something you’ll want to keep in mind

if you’re ever interviewing for a job

anytime soon okay let’s get started oh I

have to shrink myself don’t I I always


I don’t want to get in the way of the

actual video okay here we go to help you

ace your next job interview we’re going

to study for mock interviews to see what

works well and what doesn’t work well in

an answer we’ll see four people a

teacher a doctor a social worker and a

marketing expert interview for a job

we’ll take some standard interview

questions and study how they answer them

to figure out how you can form your own

compelling answers today we’ll study

three prompts first tell me a little bit

about yourself then tell me about a

conflict you had at work and how you

resolved it and finally describe a

meaningful experience you’ve had at work

for my non-native English speaking

students I’m going to go over some tips

to keep in mind while practising your

interview answers that lesson will be at

the end of the video for the first

prompt tell me a little bit about

yourself keep your answer brief let’s

listen to an answer my name is Dan I’m a

father of two little girls I’m a social

worker I love playing guitar I love

music in my spare time if I’m not

playing guitar I’m jogging I’m out in

the yard with my girls I love camping


all you need it’s about 13 seconds okay

guys let’s pause that let’s talk

together about it let me so the first

question is often tell me a little bit

about yourself and you can choose to

make that about work

oh I graduated from whatever University

and I’ve been working in whatever job

for a few years or you can choose to

make it personal - that is often what it

means because they will get more into

your job history later in the interview

it might feel strange culturally from

where you are to talk about personal

things in a job interview but in America

it’s okay to give some general things

about yourself like Dan jested I have

two girls I like to play the guitar

anything like that that can that the

interviewer can use to relate to you is

good because the interviewer is probably

not just looking at your skills because

the interviewer can know a lot about

that by not meeting with you in person

meeting with you in person they want to

know more about you they want to read

you and understand you and feel you and

so they might ask you a question and

just see what you do with it answering a

few things about your personal life it

doesn’t even really matter what you say

don’t get too personal but they’re

really just looking for your personality

and how comfortable you are with

yourself so someone says the movement is

this consistent inconsistent with the

sound I do apologize I know that the my

video isn’t syncing very well and I

don’t actually know how to fix it but I

will fix it before I go live again

that’s why I haven’t really been

announcing these things I’m still

learning a lot about how it all works

Haiti hey love it so many different

countries here Senegal wonderful to see

you guys all here someone in the u.s. a

awesome I’m in Philly where are you so

good to see you guys so someone said I’m

married and I have one child that could

be a great way to answer the question

tell me a little bit about yourself

now I don’t think it’s I think it’s

probably against the law

ask if you’re married or to ask if you

have children but if someone says tell

me a little bit about yourself when you

choose to share that that’s great

there’s no problem with that does any of

this feel different from what it is what

a job interview would be like in your

country would you never mention anything

personal would it feel strange to share

something a little bit personal let’s

keep going if you have children and you

want to mention them great but you

certainly don’t have to he says a couple

of things he loves I love guitar I love

playing music he also uses the phrase in

my spare time to list a couple other

activities jogging playing in the yard

with his daughters come up with one or

two sentences that begin with I love I

enjoy or in my spare time I you can

elaborate a bit for example I love going

to the ballet I studied dance for 12

years when I was a kid think of your

answer and practice it in a mock

interview time your answer aim for

something between 10 and 20 seconds if

you say something that your interviewer

can relate to he or she might pick that

up for conversation many okay so I’ve

seen one person in the chat say

something about maybe an answer they

would give tell me a little bit about

yourself so now I went everybody who can

think of something to put something in

the chat in English it’s a good time to

practice that tell me something about


now I’m gonna answer the question I live

in Philadelphia I have two small boys

and one of the things that we love to do

is travel we recently went on a trip to

Italy and had a fantastic time something

like that short not too long put your

answer in the comments I’m gonna read

them I’m gonna learn about you guys okay

let’s keep going further on with the

rest of the video other questions you

might get asked and watch some pretend

answers mock interview that means it’s

not a real interview but a practice

interview these days will ask you about

what you have done not what you will do

or would do asking a question about a

conflict at work

would be a common interview question

conflict is inevitable employers want to

know how you handle it you might get

asked about a time where you had to

resolve a conflict with a co-worker

think of a very specific time and tell

the story of it what the conflict was

how you worked it out let’s listen to an

example answer in my last job I remember

when I was working on trying to change

some ticket pricing for our events I had

a colleague who was very comfortable

with the old way of doing the pricing so

we had a huge conversation about the

benefits of rethinking things and trying

to improve the system and he had agreed

but then later on he sent me an email

that he was really uncomfortable and

really didn’t want to do it and and

really frustrated there was there was a

tone coming through to the email that it

was something that he just really didn’t

want to do and was very unhappy Adrienne

told us her story she set us up with the

details and now she’s explicitly using

the phrase to resolve the conflict I

okay so this is an important one to be

able to talk about things and work that

have not gone well like conflict with

the person it’s definitely something

that people are going to ask you in an

interview and you want to be prepared

with specific stories know them ahead of

time and know how you’re going to talk

about them so you can use the

opportunity to talk about a problem or a

conflict as a way to showcase one of

your strengths and if you’ve planned

ahead for that you would definitely be

able to do it now I’m gonna ask you

everybody put in the chat for me now

tell me about a conflict you’ve had at

work it can just be one sentence for

example let me think of when I had okay

one time my boss asked me why I wasn’t

doing more of a job running the

restaurant where I was working and I

said because I didn’t know that’s why I

was hired as that I was hired after the

other guy so I thought he was more

senior and I said I’d be happy to do

that can you give me a little training

on it so this person assumed I was going

to take more of a leadership role I

didn’t understand that and I owned that

I said I’m sorry I didn’t understand

that this is why and then

I threw out an invitation I would love

to learn more could you give me some

training on that showing willingness I

think is something that people really

really like to see they like to see

you’re willing to try something new they

like to see that you can say I did that

wrong or I’m sorry I didn’t realize what

can I do to make it better there is a a

show called Daniel tiger and it’s a

spin-off of Mister Rogers neighborhood

and my son watches it and one of the

lessons they taught there is it’s not

enough to just say I’m sorry the next

thing you say is how can I help and so I

love that we don’t just stop there I’m

sorry but we say I’m sorry what can I do

and in that situation I said I didn’t

understand that was the expectation what

can I do is there training I can get in

management in the way you want me to run

things I would love to know that so tell

me in the chat about a time you’ve had

conflict so so far I’ve been doing as

much comment reading as I can and I have

only seen one person say an answer to

one of these interview questions so take

a minute see if you can think of one and

put it in I have seen lots of other

countries here India England

I saw Slovakia Iraq so wonderful

Japanese living in Singapore China via

VPN so wonderful to see you guys all

here it’s so fun to be doing this with

you okay let’s keep going and as I said

this is use this as an opportunity to

think of something that you would say

either one or two sentences about

yourself or one or two sentences about a

conflict you had at work that you

resolved let’s keep going with the video

so to resolve that conflict I made an

appointment with him the very next

morning and went down to meet with him

in his office and had a really clear and

direct conversation I love the details

she’s giving here she spoke with him the

very next morning that says to me she

didn’t let this conflict sit there and

get worse right away she went to him in

person to have a conversation about it

she took the time to do this face to


she talks about having clear and direct

conversation that’s great disagreeing

with someone can be hard and trying to

talk about it even harder communicating

clearly in these situations is important

and had a really clear and direct

conversation about what his concerns

were and what he was thinking and and

how we could move forward and okay

Algeria Vietnam so wonderful to see you

guys here so basically what she said

there and she’s she’s awesome this woman

Adrienne I love her she has a YouTube

channel I’m not sure she updates that

much anymore she works in the arts but

she just talks about when there is a

conflict conflict being very direct with

the person you’re having a conflict with

that can be hard some of us don’t have

that kind of personality where we want

to be very direct and talk about a

problem we’re having with somebody but

often especially in a work situation

that’s going to bring about the best

resolution the quickest way isn’t it so

if you’ve ever had a conflict with

somebody and you felt like you handled

it in a very direct and reasonable way

that would be a great thing that you’d

want to highlight also someone in the

chat was talking about a conflict they

had and they said I’m still salty about

it and I loved that word do any of you

guys know that word the use of that word

so salty means a lot of salt on food for

example this this pasta is too salty

but it can also be used to mean a little

bit bitter I’m still salty about it oh

he got that job when I wanted it and

it’s been a year but I’m still kind of

salty about it so great use of that word

I just wanted to point that out because

I think it’s a great one and a lot of

people probably don’t know it they’ve

probably only ever heard salty used to

describe food but you can also use it to

describe how you feel about something

all right let’s keep going

and I’m just going to keep an eye on

you guys in chat Morocco Sudan wonderful

to have you guys here compromise that we

could address his feelings but also I

brought him on board with the ideas that

we had come to and made him feel

comfortable with how we were going to

resolve the situation the way she

describes it it sounds like she really

listens to her co-worker and cared about

his thoughts and feelings why he

disagreed with her that’s a really

positive trait sometimes when we

disagree with someone it’s hard to see

their side but she listened to his

concerns addressed them and ultimately

they were able to come up with a

compromise here’s another person

answering the question she talks about

working on a project with a supervisor

he okay hold on I have to stop here

someone in chat said I actually really

liked to disagree and I like to disagree

because that means that we’re gonna

maybe find new ideas or I like it when

someone disagrees with me so I love that

perspective that would be a great thing

to bring up in a job interview if

someone just agreed with you you had a

disagreement with somebody at work but

you felt like it led to a new idea or a

new path or something that would be a

wonderful thing to highlight of course

everyone likes to think that something

positive can come out of conflict and it

can so if you have an example of it I

think that would be a great thing to

highlight in a job interview

Poland hey Greece we got a couple new

countries here Brazil yep Oh someone

asks what time does this class start

every day well I’m not going live every

day right now I’m still I’m going live

about once a week let’s see I think

twice it’s been on Saturday and once

it’s been on Friday I’m still figuring

out technically how to do everything as

you can tell I’m having some issues with

my camera so once I get things smooth it

out and I’m feeling really confident in

live streaming I’ll be announcing it and

I’ll be doing it at a more regular time

but for now I’m I’m still just I feel a

little bit shy about it I feel I don’t

feel very confident in it yeah

so I’m just doing some of these to get

more comfortable with it and to figure

out what issues I still have like

whatever is going on with my camera

right now

but definitely I think it’s an important

way to be in touch with you guys

especially during this time of the

corona virus and shutdown and all of

that so I’m definitely going to try to

do it more we have Guatemala we have

Syria Colombia Mexico Algeria Argentina

Spain Kurdistan you know I was just


Poland Spain Ukraine I was just in

Mexico in January and that feels so far

away now but I had a lovely time and I’m

actually planning on going back again in

January depending on the travel

situation I had a lot of fun I had a lot

of fun exposing stoney and Sawyer to

another culture another language stone

II really had fun working on his few

Spanish phrases that we were teaching

him okay let’s keep going with the mock

interview video me one morning I think

we’re going to have to possibly go in a

different direction and use something

completely different

okay I was angry I felt upset I wanted

to react I was sad but I made myself go

very slowly and I was calm and then what

I decided to do was ask him questions

and one question I okay so this person

talked about being angry at her

supervisor and that might feel like

something you wouldn’t want to mention

in a job interview being angry your

supervisor but I actually think it’s

okay because you know she took a deep

breath she didn’t show anger towards him

it’s a very human thing to feel anger

when something isn’t going your way when

you’ve been working on a project and

someone shuts it down so by showing that

by saying she felt angry and then she’s

about to describe how she handled it

it kind of makes me trust her and think

she’s interesting so don’t be shy about

saying things that on the surface could

seem negative in a job interview if

you’ve practiced ahead of time you can

always spin things positively asked him

was can you help me to understand why

Lisa talked about the reaction she had

but how she stopped herself and began to

ask questions this is just like what

Adrienne said she did asking questions

is a great way to resolve conflict when

you better understand what the other

side is thinking and feeling it can help

you figure out exactly how to come to an

agreement and as he spoke I realized

that he really didn’t have enough

information I wasn’t quite sure how to

point that out to him but I did say you

know before we leave this idea and just

change I would like a chance to present

to you why I think we should keep what

we have and it turned out that he was

willing to look at it

he admitted he hadn’t read some of it

and yes okay so this is great she’s

talking about she resolved the conflict

she was having by asking questions and I

think that can always be a benefit if

you’re just joining me I do apologize I

know that there are some issues right

now with my camera believe it or not

it’s not this stream the stream is okay

it’s actually the software that I’m

using on my computer because it’s

happening right here on my own computer

screen and I I’m gonna very much so try

to fix that before our next live stream

and I apologize for these technical

difficulties and these technical issues

it’s frustrating I feel frustrated but

you know what I’m going to learn from it

I’m going to do some research and I’m

gonna make sure that my camera is

functioning better before I attempt

another live stream I just I had this

idea that I wanted to go over this video

with you guys just because of the times

and because I think job interviews can

really reflect the culture of a country

and so I thought it would be an

interesting thing to livestream with you

so I admit I got ahead of myself

I went live knowing that my camera was

maybe not working I was like hoping when

I went live all of a sudden it would be

totally normal

I don’t know why I thought that it’s

never how that is but keep it coming and

chat guys I’m enjoying reading what

you’re saying and let’s continue on with

this lesson so we’re studying a video

where we’re studying some mock interview

questions this is a mock interview is

when you practice an interview this is

actually part of a very big series I

think it’s like 10 or 12 videos 10 may

be about interviewing for a job in the

u.s. from the beginning about networking

and resume and cover letter and all of

that through a lot about interviewing

and negotiating your salary it’s an

awesome playlist I’ve linked to it in

the video description so check it out if

you haven’t already you can settle in

just let it play video after video and

if you don’t have time to finish come

back okay let’s keep going coming back

to me and saying you’re right I think we

should keep what we have she asked to

present her side in the end her

supervisor understood and agreed with

her think of a work conflict you can

talk about did you ask questions

did you really listen to the other party

make sure you highlight this as you talk

through the resolution both Adrienne and

Lisa told stories about a specific

conflict interviewers want you to do

this they don’t want to hear how you

handle conflict in general listen to

Jeff’s answer here first of all I would

say that working within teams invariably

there’s going to be conflict that that

arises one of the ways that I’ve found

very helpful to deal with with conflict

within teams especially in the

leadership position is to sit down with

both parties provide them a forum to

talk to each other have them listen to

each other and then try to find common


and ways to move on essentially in a

team what you’re trying to do is allow

team members to function at the level

that they should be functioning and the

other team members have to allow those

team members to do that if not then

conflict will arise but if you kind of

help okay so he’s done a great job

talking about not necessarily conflict

he had with somebody but talking about

how he mediated do you know that word

mediated conflict he wasn’t one of the

people in the conflict but he stepped in

to help both sides communicate with one

another listen to one another and that

can be a really important skill in a

leader because it might really be that

people on your team have a big

disagreement about how something should

work well it’s going to be your

responsibility to figure out how to do

that how to mediate conflict resolve

conflict and make things happen okay a

couple people are saying okay someone

says on your wall is that a door or a

window that’s a window but it’s actually

not my wall this is a green screen that

I’m in front of so that when I switched

to the video you can’t see the

background and so this is just an image

that I chose is my background this isn’t

actually where I am this is a nice

looking empty co-working space maybe but

I believe that’s a window over there

okay someone else asked the question

what do you call it this problem you’re

having with your camera it’s a good

question I would say there’s a delay I

would say my camera is jerky it’s not

smooth we’re having all sorts of

problems if you’re just joining us now I

am having problems with my camera it is

not smooth it is jerky there’s a bit of

a delay I apologize I’m definitely going

to figure it out the next time before I

go live but right now we’re watching a

video mock interviews talking about

things you might want to mention and say

about yourself in a job interview you

know there’s a lot of preparation you

can do ahead of time you can make that

interview be anything you want depending

on how you prepare for it alright let’s

head back to the video the doctor

talking about mediating conflict people

understand what their role is within the

team and what they should be doing that

goes very far to helping reduce conflict

he talks about why conflict arises and

how to handle it it’s an articulate

answer and it makes sense but he doesn’t

tell a specific story about a conflict

now he’s going to basically say the same

thing but use a specific example so one

particular conflict that I helped to

mediate among our team was among a

provider and a RN care manager or

registered nurse care manager both felt

responsibility for taking care of a

patient both had an understanding about

what they thought needed to happen in

order to move forward and both thought

that the other person was standing in

the way of their ability to do that so I

think one of the biggest issues with

working within teams is sometimes even

though you’re working together day to

day you’re not actually talking to each


so when they were able to actually talk

to each other and explain how they

wanted to move forward with the care of

the patient then conflict was able to be

resolved that’s something I can more

easily remember there were two parties

involved in caring for a patient they

both had their own ideas about how to do

that when Jeff brought them together to

talk it through a resolution was found

and the conflict was resolved employers

okay so he did something really

important he gave a specific example you

never want to talk about things

generally in a job interview you always

want to have a specific example and if

you’re interviewing in English and it’s

not your native language that could be

harder it can be harder to think in the

moment and formulate your thoughts and

express them in English so especially

for non-native speakers especially if

you are interviewing for a job in a

language that isn’t your native language

you will want to prepare you can always

find mock interview questions online but

watch this whole series I have we go

over some of the most important ones we

go over how to answer those questions

and if you take the time to practice I

guarantee it will go better it will go

more smoothly for you I was reading in

the chat and someone said he quit his

job in December he was between jobs and

Kove in nineteen Cameroon dand he

started looking for jobs and he got he

got one at IBM so that is amazing

congratulations at the beginning of the

stream I asked people what is your

employment status right now I know a lot

of people have lost their jobs some of

my friends own companies and they have

had to lay people off some of my friends

work for companies and they’ve been laid

off luckily so far Rachel’s English

our team hasn’t had to change and I hope

it remains that way if you are somebody

who’s lost your job especially because

of Co vid 19 and the corona virus and

the shutdown I’m thinking of you I’m

wishing the best for you and you know

just let me know in the comments if you

if you’re struggling and I will send you

a little extra love today okay so

someone says lag in the video stream yes

that’s another good word I said delay

lag is another great word for that okay

let’s keep going we’re studying about

we’re studying mock interviews to learn

how you might express yourself and

answer certain questions in a job

interview in America keep your questions

and comments coming in chat I am keeping

an eye on them the details in your

answers as we work on your own answer to

a question involving a conflict at work

and how you resolved it don’t leave out

the details what was the disagreement

about when it was resolved what was the

resolution you might get the chance in

an interview to talk about a meaningful

professional experience that you’ve had

this gives you the chance to show that

you’re invested in the work you do that

it’s not just a job but something you

spend time doing because you care about

it depending on the position this could

be really important to your employer

employers want to know you’re invested

listen to how Lisa responds to the

prompt tell me about a meaningful

professional experience you’ve had one

time I went with a family I’m a teacher

and they did not speak English they had

been to the doctor okay I’m just popping

in here

not at a very good spot but because I

just wanted to say I read your comments

Dennis I’m probably not pronouncing your

name right grace a couple people have

lost their jobs and they say it’s not

easy Vaishnava India lost job probably

due the corona virus but who knows thank

you guys for sharing this huge

devastating information someone’s asking

about a schedule so if you’re just

joining me here I did say I’ve I’m going

to start live-streaming my goals to live

stream once a week in May I did last

Friday but I’m I’m not announcing I’m

not getting a solid schedule yet because

I’m still trying to feel more

comfortable with the software clearly

I’m not because I’m having these huge

lag problems I’m figuring it out once I

feel like I’ve really got it dialed in

that’s an idiom that means perfected I

really understand it and I’ve perfected

it once I feel like I have it dialed in

then all announced it more and I’ll be

on more of a schedule I’m doing them now

sort of without announcing them not very

planned so that I can learn on the job

basically without too many people being

there to see all my problems so that’s

what’s happening I’m still learning how

to livestream I’m learning how to

control everything at once and once I do

that I’m gonna be more regular about

letting you know when it’s gonna happen

I will likely do it on a schedule as far

as my regular videos they’re out every

Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in Philadelphia

time and actually the next three coming

up are so exciting I love them and then

this summer I might as well announce it

to you now I’m doing another learn

English with movies all summer they’re

gonna be 13 movies in a row we’re taking

scenes from different movies and we’re

doing those full Ben Franklin analysis

and then I’m also adding something extra

special at the end of those videos

there’s a lot to look forward to you’re

gonna love training with me this summer

I’m really looking forward to it

so thank you to you guys who

shared about losing your job in the time

of coronavirus and how devastating that

must be let’s keep going now with this

series on how you might talk about

yourself in American English in a mock

interview and I just felt like the

doctor was not seeing an important issue

with the student I volunteered to go

along and interestingly we were at a

hearing specialist and the student took

some tests and the results I was not

pleased with when the doctor presented

the results I said have you even

listened to him speak could you please

listen to how he speaks as soon as the

doctor listened to the student speaking

he realized the tone of the students

voice did sound like someone that had

hearing problems and it changed the

whole trajectory of the whole thing what

ended up happening was that student got

placed in a school for that was

specifically for people that had hard

there were hard of hearing and it

changed that child’s life so I was so

happy that I was able to give that gift

of time to that student and that family

Lisa’s story is about a time outside of

work but work-related this is not a


okay so what’s wonderful there is she

gave a very specific story and the more

specific you can get with the story the

better people don’t want to hear

generalizations they want to hear actual

things that’s what they’re gonna

remember also you guys might have

noticed me writing something down so I’m

writing down your ideas about how to fix

my issue with my camera so again I

apologize for that and I will make sure

I get it fixed

before the next time we go live someone

else is saying colleague is saying if I

understand what you’re speaking is that

enough to go to America and understand

Americans not necessarily because I do

tend to speak just a little bit more

slowly when I’m doing something like

this speaking into a microphone

creating a video it’s just a hair slower

I would say than conversational English

and that’s where the Ben Franklin

exercises come in more handy because

we’re studying English that’s usually

just a little bit faster and I know a

lot of people who think they’re doing

okay with their comprehension and then

they come to America and they’re like

whoa I’m not understanding nearly enough

here I’ve actually had a couple people

join my Academy recently you know the

idea of my Academy was that it would be

mostly for people who wanted to work on

their accent and their comfort in

speaking English but I’ve since realized

that there’s a lot to get about

listening comprehension they’re the two

are related and so a lot of people are

coming and their primary goal is

listening comprehension and so I have

special courses that I’ve designed just

for that someone says can you speak

normal okay so I’m going to for just a

couple of seconds I’m going to give an

example of talking as quickly as I would

normally talk starting out okay so I’m

gonna picture that I’m talking my friend

Laura she and I went to college and we

get together every fall for a fall

baking weekend you might have seen it we

do videos pretty regularly on the

YouTube channel anyway she’s just a

great friend and she has two daughters

and it’s fun for us to get all of our

families together and we always have a

dinner party and we have some friends

who live elsewhere in New England over

and it’s just always a total blast that

got kind of fast and kind of sloppy in

some places right for any of you was

that harder to understand I imagine it

was someone says which tools would you

recommend to understand a native speaker

better um I would recommend my Ben

Franklin exercises here on my youtube

channel if you have interests and you’re

able to join my Academy I have several

courses that really focus on it I have

one that focuses on the reductions we do

and how we simplify words and say them

very quickly when you know those and

you’re more comfortable with them that’s

really gonna help with listening

comprehension also when you understand

the way Americans

link words and I do have a course on

linking specifically other than that a

lot of exposure watching as many movies

TV YouTube channels as you can I would

say you know maybe even YouTube channels

would be better than movies in TV if

you’re watching younger people people in

their teens and 20s I think they tend to

speak more quickly so if you use that

and you really understand those people I

think you’re gonna be just fine when you

come to the US okay let’s keep going see

what else we can learn and keep your

questions coming in chat I love them and

I’m happy to read them her job but

something she did for the students

because she saw the need that shows a

huge commitment to the children

she teaches let’s hear Jeff’s answer so

I would say one of the one of the most

meaningful professional experiences that

I’ve ever had is establishing a care

model within our health system for folks

with complex health and social needs

these are patients that have a lot of

chronic disease they have a lot of

psychosocial burdens and typically they

were just not being cared well in our

system and they were caught in a

revolving door of inpatient admissions

and being discharged and then coming

right back in sometimes before they even

got to see their family doctor again so

building on some work of others around

the country I was able to establish a

new health care delivery model that took

into account the fact that psychosocial

barriers actually play a big role in the

reasons why these folks are admitted

frequently and if we dealt with those

barriers then often we could prevent

them from being hospitalized as

frequently I like justanswer because in

it he talks about and I got big there

okay jung-hwa said she is a member of

the Academy and she’s been there for two

months and she loves it great I’m so

glad to have you there someone else

actually said I’m a member of your

Academy muslim muslim below and i sent

you an email but you didn’t answer it i

guess try sending it again because I

really do answer most of the emails me

or maybe Tom will answer them I will

answer them more Tom yeah so

this guy is a doctor that we’re

listening to now and he’s giving a

specific story about some big-picture

thinking he did he put a new system in

place for how to deal with their most

sick patients their patients that use

the ER the most and that’s that’s pretty

great that’s going above and beyond just

the normal care that he might do he saw

a bigger problem and he tried to think

how can we solve this bigger problem

it’s not just providing care to the

individual and so he pulled together

this group of people to brainstorm this

and come up with systems that would

serve these people better definitely you

know look back at your work life and

think of the thing you’re most proud of

and make sure you find a way to mention

that in your in your interview know how

you’re gonna talk about it and then find

the right question that you can use to

guide yourself towards that answer

someone says they can only understand

about 50% and I know that this is extra

hard because there is no captioning here

in the live videos of course on my

regular Tuesday videos there is here

there’s not but you know what

that’s just your starting spot that’s

not your end spot wherever you are now

just embrace it and think okay this is

where I am this is my goal what are the

tools I need to get there and then just

use those tools and try to be happy

about it the people who are the most

down on themselves I think are the

people who slow themselves down the most

my students who fret and worry about

everything they do wrong improve more

slowly so attitude matters a lot so just

think about that try to keep that in

mind as you talk about yourself assess

where you’re at and just say that’s my

starting spot and then just go from

there all right let’s keep going change

that he brought about a huge undertaking

he established a new care model within

his health system and he’s found an

opportunity to talk about that not in a

bragging way I’m great because I

established a new care model but rather

it was meaningful for me to be able to

establish a new care model even if

you’re not directly asked a question

about meaningful experience see if you

can connect a sense of meaning or

satisfaction to your achievements as you

talk about them let’s hear how Adrienne

answers this question and my last job I

had the opportunity to manage a truly

superstar employee and most colleagues

are wonderful to work with but you have

these experiences where there are one or

two who truly shine and you really click

with and it was just a really wonderful

chance to collaborate with her and make

some real change within the organization

with the two of us working together we

are able to have a lot of great ideas

and both of us were able to then shine

more being able to provide her input on

her projects and help her along and

guide her a little bit and then see her

really shine presenting to her

colleagues and grow in her position was

really meaningful for me to be a part of

this is great ok wonderful so she had a

story to tell about being a leader to

someone a mentor to someone in her

workplace and how letting that person

shine and helping that person do their

job well was meaningful for her

everybody wants to hire people on their

team who help the overall feeling of the

group and help people find their

strengths so if you’re a natural leader

like this and you have a specific story

about that definitely find a way to work

it into your interview as I said if you

know ahead of time what you want to say

you’ll be able to take any questions

that are asked and bring those things in

interviews are long enough there are

enough questions you’ll be able to say

what you want to say just make sure that

you’ve prepared it all ahead of time a

couple people are saying oh I I need a

pronunciation course definitely check

out Rachel’s English Academy comm that’s

mine I think it’s amazing of course

other people are saying how can I be in

touch with you so on my website Rachel’s

English comm there’s a contact form

there and we’re able to read almost all

of them really and reply to very

any of the emails that come through

someone from Panama excellent wonderful

to have you here okay let’s keep going

make myself smaller here so I’m not

blocking the shot and here we go she’s

talking about a strong working

relationship with a co-worker and in

almost any position you want someone who

works well with others and values

working well with others this also

happened to be someone that Adrienne

managed so she was able to talk about

that skill to how with her input this

person was able to really shine in her

role that’s a good manager as you think

of your answers to various common

interview questions think about

different kinds of things you can

highlight in any given answer leadership

a great idea ability to work well with

others ability to respond quickly to a

situation make sure that your different

answers show different strengths rather

than all speaking to the same strengths

in the next two videos we’ll pull

different comments okay so I was then

gonna go on and sort of wrap that video

up talk about what’s coming next

sorry a little audio issue and so you

can go on and check out the rest of that

video and also the videos that come

after that but I wanted to there was a

question that came through in chat what

was it I wanted to talk about it oh yeah

Farhad says what does it mean to click

with someone and I think that’s what

Adrian said in her interview or maybe

you heard that somewhere else but to

click with someone means to get along

with them to work the same way to have

the same interests it’s a great feeling

to find someone you click with hopefully

you really click with your spouse it

just it’s easy to be around that person

it’s easy to live with that person or to

work with that person or whatever the

context is you know what’s funny

sometimes you can even have a really

good friend that you don’t necessarily

click with you have some conflicts it’s

not always easy but you know clicking

with somebody is not the same thing as


it’s more like works well together

common interests personality matches you

don’t rub each other the wrong way you

click and it’s a great thing it’s really

wonderful when people on your team click

together that kind of means that

everything is just gonna work well

communication will be good and you can

assume that what you’re working on will

go smoothly ok guys so that’s the end of

that video for this week thank you for

joining me here as I said next week I’m

really hoping I’m not gonna do another

livestream unless I get this camera

issue fixed ok that will be my promise

to you so thank you guys so much for

being here for joining me in the chat

I really enjoyed connecting with you

whoa seeing all of the places you’re

from and reading your questions and

comments thank you for sharing with me

and for being here and yeah keep an eye

out I will announce my next live stream

a little bit ahead of time and as I get

more and more comfortable with this

method I will make sure that I’m

announcing it very regular