Top 10 Job Interview Questions in English

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gifts of the month hi everybody my name

is Alisha welcome back to top words

today we’re going to talk about 10 job

interview questions and a few responses

to those job interview questions so

let’s go tell me a little about yourself

statement number one is tell me a little

about yourself or tell me a little bit

about yourself this is a very common

interview introduction question or the

first question in an interview tell me

about yourself is just an open question

please share or basically introduce

yourself this usually means you should

share what you studied in college your

work experience any like personal

projects you’ve tried to do or have

successfully done other experience you

think is relevant so this is an

invitation for you to give like a

general introduction about yourself in

an example sentence well I got my

bachelor’s degree in biochemistry how

did you hear about the position how did

you hear about the position how did you

hear about the position this question

means how did you learn about this job

that you are interviewing for how did

you find this job opening so how did you

hear about the position this is where

you can explain maybe where you found

the information about the job so you

found it on the internet in the

newspaper you heard from a friend you

were contacted by a recruiter so there

are a few different ways that you can

share with your interviewer how you

found the position how you heard about

the job in a sentence I found an

advertisement about the job on the

internet why are you interested in this

position next is why are you interested

in the position why are you interested

in the position this is your chance to

explain why you want this job why are

you interested in this position so

usually you should not say for the money


because this is a really I don’t know

there are a lot of attractive people at

this company I don’t know you should say

something in response to this question

about your career goals or maybe

something specific about the company

that you like or something very specific

about the job that is available there

and how you feel your skills are a match

for that job

so explain why you’re interested in that

position the reason you decided to apply

for that job in a sentence I think I’m a

good fit for the company and its goals

why should we hire you the next

interview question is why should we hire

you why should we hire you so this is

your opportunity to explain why you feel

you are the best candidate for the job

so if you have any special

qualifications you have certifications

you have specific experience you have a

specific goal in mind this is the kind

of question you can share that

information in response to why should we

hire you because I can speak six

different languages and I know how to

create a website in 10 minutes I don’t

know so if you have some kind of special

qualifications you can share those

qualifications in response to this

question in another example sentence I’m

a goal-oriented person who likes to work

at a fast pace what do you consider your

strengths and weaknesses the next

question is a common question what do

you consider your strengths and

weaknesses what do you consider your

strengths and weaknesses or what are

your strengths and weaknesses so

strengths means strong points things you

are good at weaknesses is your weak

points things you are not very good at

so you can you should be honest to a

degree but be careful so this should be

in a professional setting keep that in

mind it’s a professional setting if you

want to talk about your weaknesses don’t

say like I eat too much chocolate or

don’t say like I love sleeping or

whatever talk about your professional

strengths and your professional

weaknesses and also with your weaknesses

it would be a good idea to talk

about how you improve those weaknesses

or how you work with your team members

or work in a company to try to reduce

the effect of those weaknesses so for

example I’m very detail-oriented but I

often take on too much at one time so

like in my case that’s the case like I’m

very detail-oriented but I often take on

too much so do too many things at one

time so I could explain okay so I’m very

detail-oriented but if I’m trying to

take on too much I truck maybe I say I

communicate with my co-workers about

what should be prioritized and that

helps me organize my time better so when

you introduce your weakness talk about

the ways you kind of you try to reduce

the effect of that weakness that can be

one technique so your good points and

your bad points in this question tell me

about a time when you overcame a

challenge at work some interviewers may

ask this question tell me about a time

when you overcame a challenge at work so

it’s not really a question they’re

asking you to tell a story so tell me

about a time when you overcame a

challenge at work so they want to hear

an example from your professional

experience about how you solved a

problem what did you do to solve a

problem at work they want to know what

kind of problem it was and how you

approach the problem and the results of

that problem so you could say for

example our company party was scheduled

for the day before Christmas but the

restaurant exploded and I had to find a

new place to have the party I don’t know

that’s not a course a crazy example but

giving your employer an idea of how you

solve problems and maybe the kind of

mental state you have when you solve the

problems can be helpful in making a

hiring decision so in an example when I

was having trouble communicating with a

client I reached out to a co-worker for

support what are your career goals the

next question is what are your career

goals your career goals so not

necessarily in this company but in your

career overall in the interview it’s

probably a

to include the company and where you are

currently interviewing in your career

goals but keep in mind like you should

be explaining a goal or you should be

sharing a goal that is in line with the

company’s work so if your goal is to

open a cupcake shop but you’re

interviewing for like an IT job where

you’re going to be like I don’t know

installing Windows 10 on people’s

computers maybe this doesn’t really

match so make sure that your career goal

and the job you’re interviewing for a

line those two should be kind of aligned

it’ll help your interviewer and it will

help you I think so in an example

sentence I want to create a global

advertising campaign strategy so maybe

you’re interviewing for a marketing job

for example you could say that’s your

career goal I would love to design a

global marketing campaign strategy for

example where do you see yourself in

five years

the next question a very common one

where do you see yourself in five years

where do you see yourself in five years

this question means after five years

five years from this point in time what

is your vision for you what is your

vision of yourself professionally so

what do you want to have achieved after

five years so a good tip for this

question is to explain where you will be

having made contributions to the company

where you are interviewing so if I’m

interviewing an apple and Apple says

where do you see yourself in five years

Alisha and I say I see myself at

Microsoft like that sounds really bad so

try to share your your goals for

yourself in a five-year period but again

try to align them with the company where

you’re interviewing and explain like how

you plan to contribute to the company

and develop yourself professionally that

can be a really good way to answer this

question for example I see myself in a

managerial position in this company

working on multiple projects for

multiple markets why do you want to work

here the next question is why do you

want to work here why do you want to

work here so similar to

you why are you interested in this

position that one’s like that question

is very much about this job in

particular but the question why do you

want to work here means why do you want

to work in this company like in this

place specifically so share something

about the company that you like or share

something some reason the company is

attractive to you as a candidate so

maybe it’s the location or maybe it’s

the ability to work overseas or maybe

it’s an international environment or

maybe you can use your English skills

some reason why you’re interested in

working at this company specifically

share that after this question so

example I think there’s a lot to learn

and I think there are opportunities for

promotion do you have any questions for

me last one the last question is very

common do you have any questions for me

do you have any questions for me

interviewers will often ask this

question at the end of an interview

inviting the candidate to ask questions

about the company it is usually a very

good idea to prepare some questions for

the interviewer so it’s it’s also a good

idea to research your company or

research the University or interviewing

for before the interview so if you have

questions about the company company

policy that sort of thing it’s a great

chance to ask your interviewer generally

however it’s not a good idea to ask

specific questions about pay or vacation

in the interview as you can be seen as

maybe to being to money or to vacation

focused that might come a little later

if you say what’s the salary for this

job like unless it’s a situation unless

it’s a kind of a closed situation that

might be to direct a question but

instead ask some things about the

company ask your interviewer what it’s

like to work there what your interviewer

thinks is good about working for the

company or maybe what your interviewer

thinks the company’s planning to do over

the next few years

ask something of your interviewer so it

shows that you are interested in that

company and that you want to learn more

and participate more with that company

so make sure to have some questions


when your interviewer asks do you have

any questions for me so example question

what do you think is the most rewarding

part about working here so those are 10

job interview questions and a few

different ways you can respond to them

so I think those are useful for job

interviews yes but maybe if you

interview for like a university or

interview for a scholarship or something

you can use similar responses to similar

questions so if you have any questions

or comments please let us know in the

comment section below this video if you

liked the video please make sure to give

it a thumbs up and subscribe to our

channel as well check us out at English

class for more good stuff and

thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words I’ll see you again

soon hi great work don’t forget your

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