ENGLISH SPEECH JOHN CENA We Made It English Subtitles

So, now it is a great pleasure to welcome

John Cena back to Cushing.

John, Cushing, and all your fellow penguins
are enormously proud of you.

We are thrilled and honored to have you back
at the academy here with us on this special


I know the class of 2015 is particularly honored.

Thank you for all your leadership and example
to us all.

John Cena:
Thank you, headmaster Torino for the kind

words, not the introduction, because that
was a bunch of crap.

Just the fact that he could make coach Dowling
smile, I think the only other time coach Dowling

ever smiled was when he was kicking my butt
on Tuesday practice down that field.

I don’t have one of these.

I’m just going to put this over here by the

My name is John Cena and as you just heard,
I’m a 15-time WWE champion and class of ‘95

graduate, which basically means what I do
for work is I get inside a 20-foot ring, and

opposite me is a man in spandex, wearing baby
oil, usually angry at me, unbeknownst for

me to the reason, but we end up fighting.

And that’s my job.

Man, that just hit me.

Anyway, a very unlikely candidate, 20 years
later to be speaking here in front of the

class of 2015.

So, I truly thank the faculty, the administration,
and wholeheartedly thank the graduating class

of 2015 for allowing me to be here today.

Now, after those lengthy words, by the headmaster,
I realized that I’m pretty much the only thing

separating you from graduation, which means
we’re going to settle this one way.

I challenge each and every one of you to steel
cage match.

The only way to get your diploma is to go
through me.

Sorry, sometimes I get confused and think
I’m still at work.

I kid, I kid.

I am to be brief though.

And I’m just going to try to put some perspective
on what’s happened, absolutely right now in

front of us.

I’m sure for the past year, especially being
seniors with college applications, SATs, ACTs,

all that junk.

You guys keep hearing about the future and
the future.

And even today, you’ll hear about the future.

And the future shows a lot of promise.

But I think we should focus on the now, on
what you guys have done to be here today.

And I’ve sat in those seats and I know what
it’s like to be here.

And it’s a wonderful gauntlet.

Just to be here, you guys sacrificed and left
behind your family, your friends, and your

social circles, and started over again from

And at your age, I know that even the smallest
ripple in a social circle can cause an emotional

tidal wave.

And to do that, just to take that one step
to walk through the door, to be here, sets

your head and shoulders above the rest.

Across the country right now, there are very
similar ceremonies going on, where families

are gathering, sending congratulations to
senior classes.

You guys are so far ahead of all of them.

It’s truly just amazing.

I can sit out here and even hear stories from
this morning’s speeches and just see the outgoing

personalities and all the student body.

You guys are just in the middle of a wonderful

And I don’t want you to ever take that for

20 years ago, I sat where you’re at.

And actually, some of the faculty who were
there then are still here today.

I don’t want them to take any offense to any
of this.

And I really tried to think about this hard
last night.

I can not remember a single thing that I learned
in text while I was here at Cushing Academy,

not one thing.

But I hope they have a great feeling of pride
and accomplishment to understand that the

life lessons that I learned at Cushing Academy,
I carry with me every single day like you’d

carry a cell phone and I use them every single
day like you use Instagram.

Integrity, creativity, respect, discipline,
hell even logistics.

You guys don’t know what it’s like to elect
one person during study hall to go down to

the food, the sub shop on the corner, give
them money for 40 orders.

Have them come back, have each of them be
all right, and actually get some change.

Like that’s just snap to logistics.

And even this morning, you know what?

In a Vincent speech, I actually, I told you
fine speech.

I shook your hand.

You can tell your whole classmates that, hey,
when I got here, I messed up and you can be

accountable for your actions.

This morning, I sat in the Dean’s office in
one of those comfortable chairs kicked myself

back on.

Yeah, this is a much better situation than
I was sitting here 20 years ago getting yelled


But once again, those were decisions that
I made to challenge authority.

And I encourage you to do the same but be
accountable for your actions.

And judging by your speech, it’s obvious that
you all are.

I shook hands with a young man named Carlos
this morning.

Carlos, Carlos, where is he?

Where’s he at?

Stand up.

Carlos, do you remember our conversation?

I shook hands, I asked you how you’re doing.

What’d you say?

And that’s exactly what you said.

I see Carlos, I turn around and say, hey man,
how you doing?

He goes, we made it.

Carlos, I applaud you for that.

Because that’s the one point that I want to
make today.

You made it.

You absolutely made it.

You hung in there.

You started from scratch.

You made new social circles.

You found yourself, you made new developments,
your failures, your successes, your triumphs,

your friendships, your experiences.

You guys made it.

Don’t throw it away today.

I know a lot of you, I remember when I was
sitting there, I just wanted to get my diploma

and get on with my future.

The future will be there.

Your friends are here today.

Your families are here today.

Some of the friends are here today that you
won’t see for a while.

Celebrate, enjoy, rejoice, party responsibly.

But damn it, celebrate.

Because as Carlos, so eloquently stated, we
made it.

And by some upside-down circumstances, I was
lucky enough to get the 2015 leadership award.

But if there was some trophy for that award,
I would leave it right here because the leaders

for 2015 are sitting in these chairs in front
of me.

So, in closing, it is with the utmost sincerity
that I truly say to each and every one of

you, I am so very proud of all of you.

And today you not only receive a diploma but
trust me from a man who sat there 20 years

ago, you received the best possible foundation
for the future of your life that you could

possibly receive.

Enjoy today, because it only happens once.

And this has been one hell of a ride.

Congratulations to the graduating class of