ENGLISH SPEECH JORDAN PETERSON Freedom to Be Yourself English Subtitles

Okay, so here is the problem.

There is a big problem here.

The problem is: It’s true!

You’re oppressed.

You’re oppressed.

You’re oppressed.

You’re oppressed.

God only knows why…

Maybe you’re too short or you’re not as beautiful
as you could be, or… you know, your parent…

your grandparent was a serf…


Because almost everybody’s grand great grandparent
was… it’s like,

you know, and you’re not as smart as you could
be, and you have a sick relative, and you

have your own physical problems
And it’s like: frankly, you’re a mess and

you’re oppressed in every possible way…

Including your ancestry, and your biology,
and the entire sum of human history has conspired

to produce
victimized “you”, with all your individual

pathological problems.

It’s like: YES!


Okay, but the problem is… is that, it is

And so, if you take the oppressed, you have
to fractionate them, and fractionate them…

It’s like: you’re a woman.

Yeah, okay
well, I’m a black woman.

Well, I’m a black woman who has two children.

Well, I’m a black woman who has two children
and one of them isn’t very healthy.

And then well, I’m uh…

I’m a Hispanic woman and I have a genius son
who doesn’t have any money, so that he can’t

go to university…

And you know, I had a hell of a time getting
across the border

It was really hard on me to get my citizenship;
my husband is an alcoholic brute.

It’s like:
well, yeah, that sucks too, and so… well,

so let’s fix all your oppressive…
oppression, and we’ll take every single thing

into account.

And then we’ll fix yours too.

We’ll, take every single thing into account…

It’s like ‘No, you won’t’, because you can’t,
you can’t, it is technically impossible.

First of all, you can’t even list all the
ways that you’re oppressed.

Second, how are you going to weight them?

Third, who’s going to decide?

And that’s the bloody thing: who’s going to

That’s the thing!

What’s the answer in the West?

It’s like in free markets.

Oh yeah Christ, we’ll never be able to solve
this problem

No one can solve it.

What are we going to do about that?

We’re going to outsource it to the marketplace
You’re going to take your sorry

pathetic being, and you’re going to try to
offer me something that maybe I want, and

I’m going to take my sorry
pathetic being and I’m going to say ‘Well,

all things considered,
as well as I can understand them…

Maybe I could give you this much money.’

(which is actually a promise for that thing)
And you’ve packed all of your damn oppression

into the price; and
I’ve packed all my oppression into the willingness

to pay it.

And that solution sucks!

It’s a bad solution!

But compared to every other solution, man.

It’s why 10% of us have freedom.

And so…

There’s a tremendous illogic at the bottom
of this, it’s like

You have to fractionate the oppressed all
the way down to the level of the individual!

“Oh, that’s what the West figured out!”

You know, there’s a couple of figures, who
at the mythological

roots of our culture, and you know people
get upset with me, because I bring in religious

But I understand some things about mythology

and religion, and it’s not an accident, that
the axiomatic Western individual is someone

who is unfairly nailed to a cross and tortured

  • It’s like YES!



So what do you do about that?


I thought about that for a long time too.

It’s like… well, you don’t get together
in a damn mob!

Because all that does is allow you to be as
horrible as you could possibly imagine, and

suffer from none of the consequences.

And that’s a bad idea!

So how about we don’t do that?

Well, there’s a deep idea in the West too.

It’s like ‘Pick up your damned suffering…
and bear it!’

And try to be a good person, so you don’t
make it worse!

Well, that’s a truth.

You know?

I read a lot about…
the terrible things that people have done

to each other.

You just cannot even imagine it.

It’s so awful…

So, you don’t want to be someone like that.

Now, do you have a reason to be?


You have LOTS OF reasons to be!

God, there’s reasons to be resentful about
your existence.

Everyone you know is gonna die…

You know, you TOO!

And there’s going to be a fair bit of pain
along the way, and lot of it’s going to be

It’s like: yeah, no wonder you’re resentful!

It’s like: Act it out, and see what happens;
You make everything you’re complaining about

infinitely worse!

There’s this idea that hell is a bottomless
pit, and that’s because no matter

how bad it is, some stupid son-of-a-bitch
like you could figure out a way to make it

a lot worse!

So you think: well, what do you do about that?

Well, you accept it!

That’s what life is like!

It’s suffering!

That’s what the religious people have ALWAYS
said, ‘Life is suffering’.


Well, who wants to admit that?

Well, just think about it!

Well, so what do you do in the face of that

Try to reduce it!

Start with yourself!

What good are you?

Get yourself together, for Christ’s sake!

So that when your father dies, you’re not
whining away in a corner

and you can help plan the funeral.

And you can stand up solidly, so that people
can rely on you!

That’s better!

Don’t be a damn victim!

Of course you’re a victim!



Put yourself together!

And then maybe if you put yourself together…you
know how to do that!

You know what’s wrong with you (if you’ll
admit it), you know

there’s a few things you could like, polish
up a little bit, that you might even be able

to manage in your
insufficient present condition.

and so you might shine yourself up a little
bit, and then your eyes will be a little more

open, then you can shine
yourself up a little bit more, and then maybe

you could bring your family together,
instead of having them be the hateful, spiteful,

neurotic, infighting-batch that you’re like,
“doomed to spend Christmas with!”

So then you fix yourself up a little bit…
kind of humbly… because you know, God!

You’re a fixer-upper if there ever was one…
and then you got to figure out, well.

Can you figure out how to make peace with
your idiot brother? (and probably not because

he’s just as dumb as you)
So, how the hell are you going to manage that?

And so then you maybe you get somewhere that
way, and your family’s sort of functioning

And you find out “well, that kind of relieved
a little bit of suffering”.

Although it reduce the opportunities for spiteful

and that’s kind of a pain in the neck.

And so…

Then you get your family together, a little

and you’re a little clued in then.

At least a bit, because you’ve done something
difficult, that’s

actually difficult.

You are wiser, and so then maybe you could
put a

tentative finger out beyond the family, and
try to change some little thing without wrecking

It’s like, our society is complex, and we

teach our students that they could just fix

It’s like: go fix a military helicopter, and
see how far you get with that.

It’s like you’re going to get to do… you’re
like a chimp with a wrench:


“Oh look!

It’s better!”

It’s like: NO!
it’s not better…

Things are complicated and to fix things is
really hard!

And you have to be like a…
a golden tool to fix things.

And you’re not!

So, and that’s the other message of the West,
It’s like, how do you overcome the suffering

of life?

And I’m not saying it’s only the message of
the West,

How do you overcome the suffering of life

That’s how you do it!

Well, that’s hard!

It takes responsibility!

And I think, you know, if you said to someone:
Do you want to have a meaningful life?

Everything you do matters!
(that’s the definition of a meaningful life)

But everything you do matters!

You’re gonna have to carry that with you
or, do you want to just forget about the whole

meaning thing, and…
then you don’t have any responsibility…

Because, who the hell cares?

And you can wander through life, doing whatever
you want

gratifying impulsive desires, for how useful
that’s going to be?


You’re stuck in meaninglessness, but you don’t
have any responsibility!

Which one do you want?


Ask yourself: ‘Which one are you pursuing?’

And you’ll find very rapidly, that it isn’t
the majority of your soul

that’s pursuing the whole “meaning” thing.

Because, well look what you have to do, to
do that!

You have to take on the fact that life is

You have to put yourself together, in the
face of that!

Well, that’s hard!

Christ, it’s amazing people can even do it!

I’m stunned every day when I go outside…
and it isn’t a riot, with everything burning!

It can…


God, you talk to people…

It’s like…

I knew this guy…

He’d been in a motorcycle accident,
and it really ruined him.


He was like a linesman, you know, working
on the power.


He was working with someone who had Parkinson’s
disease, and…

They had complementary…

And so…

Two of them could do the job of one person,
and so they’re out there fixing power lines

in the freezing cold,
despite the fact that one was 3/4 wrecked

with a
motorcycle accident and the other one had


It’s like…

That’s how our civilization works.

It’s like…

There’s all these ruined people out there.

They’ve got problems like you can’t believe…

Off they go to work, and do things they don’t
even like!

And look, the lights are on!

My God!

It’s unbelievable!

It’s a miracle, It’s a miracle!

And we’re so ungrateful!

College students, the postmodern types…

They’re so ungrateful.

You know, they don’t know that they’re surrounded
by just a bloody miracle!

It’s a miracle, that all this stuff works…

But all you crazy chimpanzees who don’t know
each other, can sit in the same room for two

hours sweltering away
without tearing each other apart.

Because that’s what chimps do!

Anyways, so

What happened?

Well, I made some videos and…

I got to the bottom of some things (at least,
as far as I can tell).

So I told you what the bottom is, and then
I got this idea about what you might do about


Which isn’t my idea… it’s like, it’s not
my idea…

It’s an old, old, old, old idea.

It’s far older than Christianity.

It’s old, it’s the oldest story of mankind!

Get yourself together.

Transcend your suffering, see if you can be
some kind of hero,

make the suffering in the world less!

Well, that’s the way forward, as far as I
can tell - if there is any way forward.

And that’s what’s under assault by the postmodernists
So look out, because they know exactly what

they’re doing, and they know exactly why they’re
doing it.

And that’s what it looks like to me.

That’s it.