How to Talk About Your Hobbies Basic English Grammar

questionable hair we’re streaming hello

hello Internet welcome back to our

weekly live stream my name is Alisha and

this week we are talking about your

hobbies how to talk about your hobbies

is our topic for this week so as you

join don’t forget to send a message in

the chat and like the video share the

video we really appreciate it

we’ll be starting in about two to three

minutes if you’re watching live if

you’re not watching live you can

fast-forward a little bit unless you

want to stay for announcements hi

YouTube I see the YouTube chat is up

Facebook is up already - that was fast

awesome okay hi everybody I send your

messages hey everybody in YouTube chat

one hello again favio guides on kudo

debate even ocean don’t hi Daniel

Gustavo victor hi Trang and Slevin good

aya Raisa and Ronald and Bashir hi

everybody welcome thanks for joining us

again this week as I said we’re talking

about hobbies hobbies today so we’re

going to begin in about two minutes now

while we wait for others to join us

announcements let’s see what did I send

you to talk about today oh yes there’s a

new if you have not checked the YouTube

channel recently or the website for that

matter there’s a new version or a new

look for the weekly Q&A series so now

we’re shooting it here in the studio

with some really nice equipment with the

help of the crew so the first episode of

that new series of that new look is on

the channel now yay so please check this

out I can’t point in the right direction

today so please check this out I’m

really excited about this and I’m trying

lots of kind of new and different things

with presentation and editing so of

course as always thanks for sending your

questions keep them coming but watch on

the channel for this new thing

this new sort of presentation of our

weekly Q&A because that’s exciting I

think it’s really super exciting so

check that out all right good okay

everybody Wow there are lots of people

watching fantastic hi guys okay then I

guess we’ll get to oh I guess we’ll get

to our main topic as I said today’s

topic is talking about your hobbies so I

did choose kind of a key grammar point

for today today’s key grammar points I

want to talk about the present perfect

tense and the present simple tense like

simple present tense so we change

between these two tenses a lot when

we’re sharing our life experiences so I

do want to talk a little bit about doing

that naturally so for today’s sort of

flow our lesson flow for today we’ll

look at an introduction so how to ask

about your hobbies is one so I’ll give

you a few patterns you can use there

then we’ll talk about responses for that

how to share and then kind of some level

level of up ways to do that as well

so some review to start then second part

will be giving details there’s not a lot

here we’ll fill this in later and then

third I’m gonna talk about frequency

related expressions so frequency means

how often you do that thing so like

every day every week once twice those

kinds of expressions so let us begin let


did you see my dumb joke on the internet

about the word lettuce okay let’s get

started let’s get started first when

you’re asking a question about someone’s

hobbies I’ll slow down sorry when you

ask questions about someone’s hobbies I

do not recommend the question what is

your hobby so many of my students and

I’ve heard learners use what is your

hobby like there’s no communication

problem but that’s not a natural

question so instead of what is your

hobby try this one

what do you like to do in your free time

what do you like to do in your free time

okay see that what do you like to do in

your free time so the word hobby thank

you the word hobby is not here actually

there’s no hobby here but this question

is much more commonly used in in

everyday conversations especially in

like introductory conversations what do

you like to do in your free time a

couple points here first this you’ll see

this in a few patterns today I think

this do you we reduce the do and you


what do you it’s not what do you but

what do you do what do you or what do

you like to do or we can remove this

what do you do in your free time so we

can remove this like - what do you do in

your free time is another good question

to ask what are you doing your free time

or what do you like to do in your free

time both are nice okay I’ll come back

to these points in just a moment these

are a couple key grammar points I

mentioned but first let’s review to

answer this question what do you like to

do in your free time there are a couple

patterns two basic patterns I want to

begin with

today what do you like to do in your

free time I like followed by some verb

in the ing form I like something

something meaning I like hiking I like


I like scuba diving I like cooking I

like taking pictures for example so

these are all patterns that use this I

and G form here so you can send in your

your examples and I’ll try to check the

chat as well so what do you like to do

in your free time I like something

something in is one pattern you can use

to reply then you can use the infinitive

form of the verb I like to plus your

verb I like to ski I like to take photos

I like to cook so both are correct you

can use them I would say for like for

sports especially will often use the ing

form like I like playing basketball

I like playing a golf but generally you

can choose which of these two patterns

you prefer so I like yeah listening to

music I like studying languages maybe

for example so send a few examples

someone says I like wasting time is that

a hobby interesting grammatically

correct I like reading good okay

I like watching videos on YouTube

perfect I like listening to music

good I like to work is working your

hobby very interesting Alireza on

Facebook I like to work every day good I

like playing football I like sleeping me

too I am a professional sleeper

I like ah someone has written I like to

watching TV

careful I like to watch TV okay or I

like watching TV we can’t combine two

plus the ing form of the verb so be

careful there I like going to rock

concerts cool I love to surf the

Internet surf the Internet surf the


good ones guys okay so this is the basic

way to introduce your hobby now let’s

talk about something a little more like

I said level it up so let’s go to these

two questions I have these two points

here these are two the two grammar

points I want to focus on today they are

do you ever and have you ever do you

ever and have you ever what’s the

difference between these two I will

answer so do you ever is a simple

present tense question so that means do

you ever is a question about your

activities now do you ever cook do you

ever study do you ever listen to music

do you ever go to concerts for example

do you ever this is now your activities

in your life right now like recently

your recent activities miss one however

have you ever I think many of you have

studied this pattern have you ever is a

life experience question a life

experience question have you ever Plus

will use the past participle of the verb

here like have you ever I don’t know

cooked Italian food sorry my writing is


past part is simple past participial

past participle form have you ever been

to France for example that’s a classic

one I use but this is a current

activities question

do you ever this is a life experience

question so you can use both of these to

ask about your conversation partners

hobbies so for example do you ever cook

Italian food you find out here ah this

person likes cooking you can follow up

with do you like or sorry do you ever

cook Italian food do you ever cook Thai

food so follow up with this question

you can ask them about a life experience

point with this one have you ever cooked

Japanese food meaning at any point in

your life do you have this experience

have you ever good have you ever been to

the USA good have you ever seen the rain

okay I like to read yet okay so do you

ever is a current a current activities

question let’s keep keep this point in

your mind we’re going to come back to

this a little bit later okay so this is

our introduction for today I’ll come

back to a couple of these a bit later so

if you have questions send them along

all right but for now let us take a


today’s topic is about hobbies so I

chose a few things that you guys might

be interested in uh shopping let’s talk

about this so free stuff as always this

week you’re free stuff I chose this one

I know many people like shopping as kind

of a hot love it’s a hobby or something

you like to do anyway we’ll go over here

um as always the free stuff in the link

below the video on YouTube and above the

video on Facebook has free PDFs

this is one example I’ll get closer this

one is about shopping so I know many

people like shopping but this is a great

chance to find some vocabulary words

about topics you enjoy so this is some

verbs for shopping

not only for shopping but these could be

very useful as well as some other

helpful vocabulary points questions too

great so if you like shopping if

shopping is one of your hobbies you can

check out this PDF it is

the link below the video on YouTube and

above the video on Facebook don’t check

the chat box please check the

description the description below the

video and not the chat box so find that

and I’ll show you some other free stuff

a bit later but definitely check that

out go download that it’s free from

English class

alright good so with that let’s get back

to our topic for today talking about

your hobbies if you’re just joining

don’t forget to hit the like button and

share the video if you haven’t already

I’m going to go to the second part of

today’s lesson now part 2 for today is

about sharing details so this is very

open here we’re going to fill in some

information in this section so let’s

begin first question I want to introduce

this is asking for details so the idea

here is you started your conversation

you asked about the person’s hobbies you

learned like for example they like

cooking so how do you ask for more

information about that so let’s imagine

it’s about cooking in this case so what

kind of something

do you like what kind of something do

you like this is a follow up detailed

question about someone’s hobbies so what

kind of food do you like for example is

a good oh sorry a good detailed question

to ask if the person likes watching

movies what kind of movies do you like

so these are Chandra genre related

questions so right here

this is a good keyword maybe for this

section introduce a genre so genre the

spelling is GE n re genre the

pronunciation is genre not John knew but

genre so choose some like or some topic

or genre sorry maybe genre was the wrong

word here some kind of topic a larger

topic question so what kind of food what

kind of movies

what kind of like photos do you like

taking asking like a bigger question so

that they can give you some more

detailed information what kind of


do you like what kind of music do you

like is another good one another point

here is this kind of kind of so when

we’re speaking in like everyday

conversations we reduce this kind of to

kinda kinda what kind of what kind of so

that’s how it sounds not what kind of

movies do you like

but what kind of movies do you like what

kind of food do you like what kind of

movies do you like what kind of music do

you like good what kind of sports do you

like what kind of cuisine that’s kind of

a high level question what kind of food

is maybe more general what kind of songs

do you like nice music good good good

you guys get it nice so it’s kind of

like a category question categories may

be a better word

okay so let’s compare this now to this

question what something do you like

what’s something so this is a really

open question because there are so many

different hobbies really but what

something do you like

you’ll notice here there’s no kind of

there’s no kind of in this part so that

means this is not a like a category

question it could be you could say what

food do you like but this is better if

you’re gonna ask a big category question

here instead ask something specific to

the hobby ask something specific to the

hobby so for example if you are talking

with someone who likes music you could

ask what artists do you like with

artists plural artists do you like if

you’re talking with someone who likes

movies you can say what directors do you

like so you’re asking kind of a more

specific question sorry that’s about

that person’s hobby in particular so you

could ask about movies you could ask

about restaurants if the person likes

food so a point here is that we’re

looking at the plural forms of these

words what artists what directors what

restaurants do you like so when you’re

doing like when you’re having a

conversation like this and you’re

looking for these details these specific

points it’s kind of a good idea to start

with something really famous so for

example what artists do you like if it’s

about music it’s like oh I like Michael

Jackson I like David Bowie

and then if the other person says yeah

me too you

and kind of get more and more specific

as the conversation continues so what

kind of something is a bigger topic and

then what specific hobby related

question do you like can get a little

bit more detailed nice ones guys what

drinks do you like good okay what actors

do you like nice one okay other things

what lessons do you like that’s a good

question for you guys what lessons do

you like I’m a channel you can send you

can answer that so how do you respond

how do you respond just use I like you

could use that for an artist I like

someone apostrophe s is work or music or

food for example or just a simple

I like statement it’s good so these are

a couple of ways that you can answer

this question I like it’s good I like

Alicia’s teaching thanks okay all right

good so a couple of basic I think

patterns a little bit of review I think

okay uh what time is it

20 minutes past I shall take another

break I shall check the chat though -

what season do you like that’s an

interesting question I like autumn

bottom is clearly the best I will fight


all right ah other things I don’t see

any other ones what teachers do you like

yeah good good there are lots of

teachers on YouTube I think everybody

there are lots of good like kind of

different channels as well it’s really

interesting okay but let’s take a quick

break again here let’s go to a popular

hobby so let’s go to a popular hobby

food eating this is my one of my hobbies

actually I love food I love eating so

this is another one of the free things

you can find from the link in the

description this one’s about food so

there’s some vocabulary points about

food here a couple of sorry key

questions you can use at a restaurant

can I have for example and back here

some food related vocabulary words again

but down that’s hard to see sorry down

here there we go you have some comments

that you can use when you are at the

restaurant sorry it’s hard to show you

guys this it looks tasty for example or

in lieu it lacks salt that’s a problem

so these are some expressions that you

can use at restaurants if you are into

food into something means you like that

thing you’re interested in that thing

you can check this out as well as all of

this other stuff I showed you a little

earlier this is all free stuff you can

find from the link below the video if

you’re watching on YouTube above the

video if you’re watching on Facebook

check the description not the chat box

please so find that stuff and get it

download it it’s all for free but I’ll

finish up today if you’re just joining

today’s lesson is about hobbies we’re

talking about hobbies and kind of

reviewing some expressions

asking and answering hobby related


let’s finish today with frequency points

frequency frequency means how often how

often do you do something frequency so I

want to go back to this point I

introduced at the beginning of today’s

lesson do you versus have you this

present tense and present perfect tense

question over here will see a present

perfect in this case present perfect

progressive question so the question the

pattern really is how long have you been

what’s your hobby and then the ing form

sorry it’s hard to see how long have you

been hobby ink for example how long have

you been cooking how long have you been

playing music how long have you been

hiking how long have you been making

videos on the Internet

Oh mommy have you been directing this

show so how long have you been plus some

kind of ing form you can use this for

topics other than hobbies you could use

this for work as well so how do you

respond to this question again hard to

see because my handwriting is bad but to

respond you can use an expression like a

few and then using the plural form you

can use a few weeks a few months a few

years so some of you have asked about

pronunciation of this word months

months a few months I’ve been cooking

for a few months or I’ve been cooking

for a few years for example you could

use many you could say many years we do

not use many with weeks or months really

we do use many with years so I would use

many here it sounds a little strange if

you say many weeks so don’t use that use

many years I’ve been cooking for many

years that’s a good one how long have

you been teaching good one other ones

okay how often uh someone has a

different style question how often do

you study English yeah I’ll come to that

in just a second so this is one way

another answer how long have you been

doing that thing we can use a number

like two days or two weeks or three

months for example so this is a number

pattern okay so here you can this is a

number just a number sign so two days

three weeks and so on you’ll notice also

this is not a complete sentence I’m not

using it like a complete sentence

I’m not saying I’ve been cooking for

three years you can answer that way if

you want to I’ve been cooking for three

years but just this part just the time

period is fine that’s totally fine it’s

very natural to use just the time period

okay finally one more example if it’s

something very recent so like yesterday

or last week you started you can use

this like how long have you been

studying French like you can say I just

started I just started so this point

here just gives like it emphasizes a

recent active

a very recently started activity I just

started studying so this is a great one

to use for a recent thing Carl oh nice

one I just started reading a book good

one good one other ones how long have I

been in face book

we’ve been on face book for 26 minutes

now that means I have to finish okay so

let’s go on to the last points for this

lesson someone in the chat already

mentioned this pattern how often do you

so I mentioned yeah I mentioned at this

point I mentioned this do you verses

have you point at the beginning of the

lesson I mentioned this point at the

beginning of the lesson how often do you

so this do you this is a present tense

question present the present sense our

previous question was how long have you

how long is this creepy how long have

you that’s creepy how long have you done

something this how often do you means

like everyday now in your life now how

often do you do that thing so for

example how often do you watch movies at

the movie theater for example once a

week once a month twice a week twice a

month for example or the same thing we

can use a number pattern like three

times a week or so your number of times

as an X

rushon three times a week or like four

times a year for example depending on

your hobby so this is a present tense

what do you do now how often do you do

that thing now there is let’s see

send your examples in the chat if you

like how often do you teach English in a

day depends on the day

so that’s another way to answer so

depends depends my answer just now it

depends on the day that means my answer

changes depending on the day so if it’s

like today it’s like oh well I teach

English once on this day because it’s a

live stream for example okay nice I play

football twice a day Wow nice how often

do you go to the movies is the question

how long have you been reading okay

sounds good how often do you cook okay a

couple points I see a couple of you in

the chat be careful if you’re using this

this pattern how long have you been the

present perfect pattern how long have

you been something something yes use

this ing form if you’re using the

present tense how long do you are sorry

how often do you this pattern uses the

simple present tense

so no ing form here simple present tense

how often do you cook how often do you

watch movies how often do you hike how

often do you scuba dive how often do you

present tense so know ing form they’re

simple present tense how often do you

play it football good good how often do

you teach English on YouTube like five

days a week live once a week live once a

week okay how often do you shower in a

day that is a very interesting question

I think the answer is once for each

person I think I think that’s the

standard reply I’m gonna go with that

all right let’s finish with a couple

more frequency expressions that native

speakers love to use and then we’ll be

done for today

so frequency again these are how often

these are answers to how often questions

so first one down here is this one every

now and then every now and then every

now and then at native speed so in this

situation how often do you cook every

now and then every now and then this

means sometimes sometimes same thing

here every once in a while is the second

one how often do you cook every once in

a while every once in a while the next

one is whenever I feel like it whenever

I feel like it how often do you cook

yeah whenever I feel like it so this

means whenever I feel like it where it

is the hobby whenever I feel like doing

the hobby is what this means so this

means according to my feelings if I want

to do that I’ll do it if I don’t want to

do that I won’t do it so whenever I feel

like it how often do you cook whenever I

feel like it finally four kind of rare

things maybe like travel if someone

likes traveling how often do you travel

this is a couple a couple so probably to

a couple times a year a couple times a

year so how often do you travel a couple

times a year this is another common

example couple or maybe a few times a

year so these are a couple of like

phrases that native speakers use to talk

about frequency so you can try these

yeah whenever sounds like when never

interesting yeah whenever good how often

do you visit your parents nice questions

guys how often do you watch TV

good how often do you give English

grammar lessons usually once a week you

can check on the YouTube channel it’s

usually once a week or so or if you’re

watching on Facebook there’s like a loop

of whiteboard videos whiteboard lectures

lots of grammar there so check it out

okay I’m gonna finish up there nice

questions guys if you have other

questions send them in the chat I will

check the chat after this lesson so if

you have other questions please do send

them if you’re watching on Instagram

please send questions via YouTube or

Facebook that would be awesome thank you

but I’ve got to finish there for today

so thanks as always for joining us live

again this week next week we’ll be back

Wow October 3rd amazing this year is

going so quickly next week our topic

will be talking about your education

talking about your education so what did

you study what was your major where did

you graduate from we’re going to use

some of these patterns we talked about

this week actually so it’ll be a little

grammar review next week so please join

us next week October 3rd for how to talk

about your education your studies this

will be useful for of course meeting

people but also job interviews I know

many of you have asked about job

interview questions and answers so

please join us next week that will be

next week

Wednesday 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

this is New York City time if you don’t

know that time in your city please

google it hello

so I’ll finish up there for today thank

you guys as always for sending your

questions and your comments in the chat

keep them coming

check out the new stuff that’s on the

YouTube channel for sure and grab your

free stuff for this week there’s all

kinds of things if you have not

downloaded them already you can find the

link below the video on youtube or above

the video on Facebook thanks very much

for joining thanks for liking and

sharing have a good night - have a good

day have a good weekend and I will see

you again next week

