English Listening Comprehension Choosing a Place to Wait in USA

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a woman is waiting for a man where is
the woman now hey really sorry but it

looks like I’ll be 30 minutes late okay
I’ll wait for you at the cafe cafe where

is it it’s next to the bookstore there’s
a bakery across from the cafe okay

where is the woman now

a woman is waiting for a man where is
the woman now hey really sorry but it

looks like I’ll be 30 minutes late okay
I’ll wait for you at the cafe cafe where

is it it’s next to the bookstore there’s
a bakery across from the cafe okay did

you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time