English Listening Comprehension Talking About Breakfast in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking what did
the woman eat this morning oh I’m hungry

did you eat anything for breakfast yes I
did but only a little what did you eat

I had yogurt and coffee that’s not
enough you’ll need some bread and fruit


what did the woman eat this morning

a man and a woman are talking what did
the woman eat this morning oh I’m hungry

did you eat anything for breakfast yes I
did but only a little what did you eat

I had yogurt and coffee that’s not
enough you’ll need some bread and fruit

too did you get it right I hope you
learned something from this quiz let us

know if you have any questions see you
next time