English Listening Comprehension Talking About Medicines in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a woman is talking to her doctor which
and how many medicines will she have to

take every day well I’m giving you three
kinds of medicine please take them after

dinner every day okay take two of the
round pills one capsule and one ear drop

each time sure I’m giving you a three
day course of medicine if you’re not

better after that come and see me again
thank you very much get well soon

which and how many medicines will she
have to take every day

a woman is talking to her doctor which
and how many medicines will she have to

take every day well I’m giving you three
kinds of medicine please take them after

dinner every day okay take two of the
round pills one capsule and one ear drop

each time sure I’m giving you a three
day course of medicine if you’re not

better after that come and see me again
thank you very much

get well soon did you get it right I
hope you learned something from this

quiz let us know if you have any
questions see you next time