English Listening Comprehension Talking About Your Family in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking who lives
with the man I’d like to introduce you

to my family is there some time soon you
could come over wow this is a big step

could you tell me a bit more about your
family before I meet them sure my father

works in computers and his hobby is
fishing my mother runs a restaurant and

she’s good at cooking they live nearby
do you have any brothers and sisters yes

I have an older sister and a younger
brother my sister is married and is

living abroad my brother is in law
school over on the East Coast it sounds

like you have a nice family I’d love to
meet them

who lives with the man

a man and a woman are talking who lives
with the man I’d like to introduce you

to my family is there some time soon you
could come over wow this is a big step

could you tell me a bit more about your
family before I meet them sure my father

works in computers and his hobby is
fishing my mother runs a restaurant and

she’s good at cooking they live nearby
do you have any brothers and sisters yes

I have an older sister and a younger
brother my sister is married and is

living abroad my brother is in law
school over on the East Coast it sounds

like you have a nice family I’d love to
meet them did you get it right I hope

you learned something from this quiz let
us know if you have any questions see

you next time